FSD3396 Family Barometer 2015

Valitse muuttuja

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[k0] Respondent's gender

[k1] Respondent's year of birth

[k2] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status (if more than one apply, choose main activity)

[k3] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK, IF K2=1,2,6) Respondent's employer

[k4] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK, IF K2=1,2,6) Respondent's work contract

[k5a] (IF NOT UNEMPLOYED, IF NOT K2=4) Have you been unemployed or laid off in the past three years?

[k5a2] (IF K5a=YES) How many months have you been unemployed in the past three years (36 months)? Indicate the total number of months unemployed during this time period.

[k5b] (IF UNEMPLOYED, IF K2=4) How many months have you been unemployed in the past three years (36 months)? Indicate the total number of months unemployed during this time period.

[k6a] (IF CURRENTLY NOT IN PAID WORK OR IF DOES NOT HAVE FIXED-TERM CONTRACT, IF K2=3-11 OR K4=2,3) Have you had a fixed-term contract in the past three years?

[k6a2] (IF K6a=YES) How many fixed-term contracts have you had in the past three months? If none, write 0.

[k6b] (IF CURRENTLY HAS A FIXED-TERM CONTRACT, IF K4=1) How many fixed-term contracts have you had in the past three months? If none, write 0.

[k7a] (IF NOT UNEMPLOYED, IF NOT K2=4) In your opinion, how likely is it that you will become unemployed in the next two years?

[k7b] (IF UNEMPLOYED, IF K2=4) In your opinion, how likely is it that your unemployment will continue in the next two years?

[k8_1] How do you see the following at present: Economical situation of Finland

[k8_2] How do you see the following at present: Employment situation in Finland

[k8_3] How do you see the following at present: Own employment situation

[k8_4] How do you see the following at present: Social support for families with children

[k9a] Respondent's marital status

[k9b] (IF NOT IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=4-7) Do you have a steady relationship at present, but you live separately?

[k10a] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) Partner's/spouse's year of birth

[k10b] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) Partner's/spouse's gender

[k10c] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) Partner's/spouse's education

[k10d] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) Partner's/spouse's economic activity and occupational status (if more than one apply, choose main activity)

[k10e] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) How long have you been in a relationship with your current partner/spouse? Estimate the total duration of your relationship (round off to the nearest full year)

[k10f] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) How satisfied are you with your current relationship?

[k10g] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) How certain are you that you will be in a relationship with your current partner/spouse in five years?

[k10h] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP AND LIVING SEPARATELY, IF K9b=1) In your opinion, how likely is it that you will move in together with your current partner/spouse in the next two years?

[k10i] How many persons have you been married to, co-habiting with or in a registered partnership with during your life (if none, write 0)? If you are currently in a relationship, include this relationship as well.

[k17] How many siblings did you have in your childhood home (if none, write 0)?

[k18_1] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? Your parents divorced before you turned 18

[k18_2] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? You had a happy childhood

[k18_3] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? Your family had long-term financial difficulties

[k18_4] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? Your parents had serious conflicts

[k18_5] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? You would describe your father as 'a good parent'

[k18_6] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? You would describe your mother as 'a good parent'

[k18_7] And do the following statements describe your childhood home? You grew up in a single parent family

[k19_1] Are your parents alive? Mother

[k19_2] Are your parents alive? Father

[k20] (IF MOTHER AND/OR FATHER ALIVE, IF K19_1=1 AND/OR K19_2=1) To what extent do you receive help or support, or can rely on receiving help or support if needed, from one or both of your parents?

[k21] How important do you consider religion to be in your life?

[k22] Do you have children (include biological, adopted and foster children)?

[k23] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) How many children do you have?

[k24] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) Do you have children who are under 18 years?

[k25_1] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) What is the year of birth for your first child?

[k25_2] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) What is the year of birth for your second child?

[k25_3] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) What is the year of birth for your third child?

[k25_4] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) What is the year of birth for your fourth child?

[k25_5] (IF HAS CHILDREN, IF K22=1) What is the year of birth for your fifth child?

[k26] (IF HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18, IF K24=1) Do your underage children mainly live in your household or somewhere else?

[k27] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP AND HAS CHILDREN, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1 AND K22=1) How many children do you have together with your current partner/spouse (if none, write 0)?

[k28a] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP, IF K9a=1-3 OR K9b=1) Does your partner/spouse have children with someone else?

[k28b] (IF IN RELATIONSHIP AND PARTNER/SPOUSE HAS CHILDREN WITH SOMEONE ELSE, IF K28a=1) How many children does your partner/spouse have with someone else?

[k28c] (IF PARTNER/SPOUSE HAS CHILDREN WITH SOMEONE ELSE, IF K28a=1) Does your partner/spouse have children who are under 18 years with someone else?

[k28d] (IF PARTNER/SPOUSE HAS CHILDREN WITH SOMEONE ELSE, IF K28a=1) What is the year of birth of your partner's/spouse's youngest child (with someone else)?

[k28e] (IF PARTNER/SPOUSE HAS UNDERAGE CHILDREN WITH SOMEONE ELSE, IF K28a=1 AND K9a=1-3) Do your partner's/spouse's children mainly live in your and your partner's/spouse's household or somewhere else?

[k34] Are you or is your partner/spouse currently pregnant?

[k29_1] (IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: Long-standing wish to have a child / more children

[k29_2] (IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: I wanted my older children to have a sibling or playmate

[k29_3] (IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: My strong longing for a child, 'baby fever'

[k29_4] (IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: My partner's/spouse's strong longing for a child, 'baby fever'

[k29_5] (IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: I or my partner/spouse wanted to take a pause with family leave

[k29_6] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: Something else

[k29_7] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) Which factors were especially important for you when your youngest child was born? The underlying reason for the birth of your youngest child was: Can't say

[k30_1] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Household's financial situation

[k30_2] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: The possibility to work or study as a parent of a young child

[k30_3] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: My or my partner's/spouse's health

[k30_4] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: How taking a break from work would affect my return to work or later employment

[k30_5] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: My or my partner's/spouse's well-being

[k30_6] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Not receiving enough help from relatives with child care

[k30_7] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: My partner/spouse not participating enough in child care

[k30_8] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: The impact the child would have on our relationship

[k30_9] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: There had been discord in the sense that one of us wanted a child more than the other

[k30_10] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Having less time for my older children

[k30_11] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: The health of the child being born

[k30_12] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Having to give up hobbies and other personal activities

[k30_13] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Something else

[k30_14] (IF HAS CHILDREN OR IS PREGNANT, IF K22=1 OR K34=1) When my youngest child was born I was worried about: Can't say

[k31a] People have different wishes and expectations regarding the size of their family. What is your ideal number of children?

[k32a] In your opinion, what is the appropriate age for a woman to become a mother?

[k32b] And in your opinion, what is the appropriate age for a man to become a father?

[k32c] In your opinion, what is the appropriate age for a woman to have her last child?

[k32d] In your opinion, what is the appropriate age for a man to have his last child?

[k32_1] In your opinion, what is the ideal age gap between children? Years

[k32_2] In your opinion, what is the ideal age gap between children? Months

[k32_3] In your opinion, what is the ideal age gap between children? Months in total (classified by researcher)

[k33] At what age do you think a woman's fertility and chance to become pregnant start to deteriorate substantially?

[k35b] The beginning of a pregnancy and having a child may raise both positive and negative expectations. How much would you like to become pregnant in the immediate future?

[k35c] And how much do you want to avoid becoming pregnant in the immediate future?

[k35] Have you planned to have (more) children at some point? If you or your partner/spouse is pregnant, respond considering your subsequent children.

[k31b] How many children have you planned to have on the whole? Include the children you have at present.

[k36] When do you expect or hope your (next) child to be born? If you or your partner/spouse is pregnant, respond considering your following children.

[k37] Partners'/spouses' views may differ when it comes to having children. What is your view on your partner's/spouse's wishes to have a child or more children?

[k38_1] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I have not found the right partner/spouse

[k38_2] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: My youngest child is still too young

[k38_3] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: My employment situation is uncertain

[k38_4] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: My partner's/spouse's employment situation is uncertain

[k38_5] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I already have the number of children I want

[k38_6] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: My or my household's financial situation prevents having a child

[k38_7] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I am or my partner/spouse is still studying

[k38_8] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: Insufficient support from society

[k38_9] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: I do not want to tie myself to young children (anymore)

[k38_10] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: My partner/spouse does not want children (yet/anymore)

[k38_11] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I want to advance in my career

[k38_12] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: It would be difficult to arrange child care

[k38_13] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I don't like children

[k38_14] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: Current dwelling is too small

[k38_15] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: My or my partner's/spouse's health prevents it

[k38_16] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I'm still too young or don't feel mature

[k38_17] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I want to do other things that interest me

[k38_18] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: Children are not currently relevant in my relationship

[k38_19] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: I don't want to take a break from work for family leave

[k38_20] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: Balancing work and taking care of a young child would be difficult

[k38_21] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I/we can't have (more) children

[k38_22] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: Problems in my relationship

[k38_23] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) How important for your decision is the following: Experiences from a previous pregnancy make me worried/I have a fear of childbirth

[k38_24] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I would have to give up my current lifestyle

[k38_25] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I don't think I'm suited to be a parent

[k38_26] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: I'm too old

[k38_27] (IF K34=2-4 OR K35=2-5) Many different factors may affect the feeling that you would not at present or any longer like to have a child. How important for your decision is the following: My partner/spouse is too old

[k39_1] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? My relationship with my partner/spouse would improve

[k39_2] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? Financial problems would increase

[k39_3] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? My possibilities to work would decrease

[k39_4] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? My possibilities to advance in my career would decrease

[k39_5] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? My possibilities to study or finish my studies would decrease

[k39_6] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? The possibility to do things that interest me would decrease

[k39_7] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? It would have a positive impact on my relationships and social life

[k39_8] Imagine that you had a child now. What kind of impact do you think having a child would have on your life? It would have a negative impact on my or my partner's/spouse's health

[k40] Do you feel you need expert advice regarding fertility or the decision whether to have a child/children or not?

[k41_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree? The most important things in my life are related to my work

[k41_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Family is a key element in my life

[k41_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree? My friends, leisure time and hobbies are the most important things in my life

[k41_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Advancing in my career is very important to me

[k41_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Most of my life goals are related to my work

[k41_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Household chores are divided equally in my family

[k41_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Only a child turns a relationship into a family

[k41_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree? A person's closest relationship is the relationship with their own child

[k41_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree? A person who does not want to have children is selfish

[k41_10] To what extent do you agree or disagree? Men should do half of the household chores

[k41_11] To what extent do you agree or disagree? A father is as good a carer for a young child as a mother

[k42_1] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I hold or cuddle someone else's baby, I find myself wanting to have my own baby

[k42_2] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? If I've been taking care of someone else's baby, I get a strong desire to have my own baby ('baby fever')

[k42_3] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? Seeing baby clothes and toys evokes a desire to have my own baby

[k42_4] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see a sleeping baby, it evokes a desire to have my own baby

[k42_5] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see my relatives or family members with their babies, I start wanting to have my own baby

[k42_6] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see a baby on TV, I get a strong desire to have my own baby ('baby fever')

[k42_7] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see children playing and laughing, I get a desire to have my own child

[k42_8] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? Meeting children's needs and wishes is annoying for me

[k42_9] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? Children don't generally evoke a desire in me to take care of or cuddle them

[k42_10] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see someone's child throwing a tantrum, I generally want to get as far away as possible from the noise

[k42_11] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I hear a baby cry, I generally want to get as far away as possible from the noise

[k42_12] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? I don't like taking care of children

[k42_13] What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see (my own) children grow up and become independent, I get a strong desire to have a baby ('baby fever')

[k42a_1] If you do not have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? Taking care of someone else's baby or child evokes a feeling of not wanting to have my own child

[k42a_2] If you do not have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? All unpleasant things about babies (dirty diapers, drooling) evoke a feeling of not wanting to have my own child

[k42a_3] If you do not have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see children throw a tantrum and cry, I know that I never want to have children

[k42b_1] If you have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? Taking care of someone else's baby or child evokes a feeling of not wanting to have more children

[k42b_2] If you have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? All unpleasant things about babies (dirty diapers, drooling) evoke a feeling of not wanting to have more children

[k42b_3] If you have children: What kinds of feelings do babies and young children evoke in you? When I see children throw a tantrum and cry, I know that I don't want to have more children

[k11] How satisfied are you with your life as a whole at present?

[k14] Do you smoke? Choose the option that best describes you.

[k15] How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?

[k16] And how often does your partner/spouse have a drink containing alcohol?

[k16b_1] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Condom

[k16b_2] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Contraceptive pill, minipill, contraceptive implant

[k16b_3] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: The intrauterine device(IUD)

[k16b_4] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Contraceptive ring

[k16b_5] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Emergency contraceptive pill ('morning-after pill')

[k16b_6] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Spermicides

[k16b_7] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Rhythm method

[k16b_8] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Withdrawal

[k16b_9] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: Sterilization

[k16b_10] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: I don't use contraception because I am/we are trying to get pregnant

[k16b_11] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: I don't use contraception, other reason

[k16b_12] What form of contraceptive do you use at present? You can choose more than one: I don't need contraception

[k12] How would you rate your general state of health at present?

[k13_1] How much of the past four weeks have you: Been very nervous

[k13_2] How much of the past four weeks have you: Felt so depressed that nothing could cheer you up

[k13_3] How much of the past four weeks have you: Felt calm and peaceful

[k13_4] How much of the past four weeks have you: Felt downhearted and low

[k13_5] How much of the past four weeks have you: Been happy

[k43a] Woman trying to become pregnant (IF K35=1 AND K0=1): For how long have you been trying to become pregnant or tried to become pregnant (for your latest pregnancy) before it occurred? (Months)

[k43b] Woman who is pregnant (IF K34=1 AND K0=1): For how long did you try to become pregnant for your current pregnancy before it occurred? Unplanned pregnancy = 0. (Months)

[k44] (IF A WOMAN, IF K0=1) How many times have you been pregnant? If none, write 0.

[k44a] (IF A WOMAN, IF K0=1) Have you had failed attempts to become pregnant or has it taken over 12 months to become pregnant?

[k44b] (IF A WOMAN, IF K0=1) Have you ever received infertility treatment (such as IVF or insemination)?

[k45a] Becoming pregnant may sometimes be unplanned or occur earlier than originally expected. At other times, trying to become pregnant may take longer. How did your first pregnancy occur?

[k46b] In which year did your first pregnancy begin?

[k46c] And how did your first pregnancy end?

[k45a_1] Becoming pregnant may sometimes be unplanned or occur earlier than originally expected. At other times, trying to become pregnant may take longer. How did your second pregnancy occur?

[k46b_1] In which year did your second pregnancy begin?

[k46c_1] And how did your second pregnancy end?

[k45a_2] Becoming pregnant may sometimes be unplanned or occur earlier than originally expected. At other times, trying to become pregnant may take longer. How did your third pregnancy occur?

[k46b_2] In which year did your third pregnancy begin?

[k46c_2] And how did your third pregnancy end?

[k45a_3] Becoming pregnant may sometimes be unplanned or occur earlier than originally expected. At other times, trying to become pregnant may take longer. How did your fourth pregnancy occur?

[k46b_3] In which year did your fourth pregnancy begin?

[k46c_3] And how did your fourth pregnancy end?

[k45a_4] Becoming pregnant may sometimes be unplanned or occur earlier than originally expected. At other times, trying to become pregnant may take longer. How did your fifth pregnancy occur?

[k46b_4] In which year did your fifth pregnancy begin?

[k46c_4] And how did your fifth pregnancy end?

[bv1] Number of biological children (from register)

[bv2] The respondent's age (categorised)

[bv3] Statistical grouping of municipalities

[bv4] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv5] Respondent's major region of residence (NUTS2)

[bv6] Respondent's mother tongue (categorised by FSD)

[bv6a] Is the mother tongue of all persons who live in your household either Finnish or Swedish, or is your household bilingual / do you speak some other language as your mother tongue?

[bv7] Respondent's marital status

[bv8] Respondent's household composition/living arrangements

[bv9] Number of persons in the household, including yourself

[bv10] Number of persons in the household (categorised)

[bv11_1] How many children live in your household? One child

[bv11_2] How many children live in your household? Two children

[bv11_3] How many children live in your household? Three children

[bv11_4] How many children live in your household? Four children

[bv11_5] How many children live in your household? Five or more children

[bv11_6] How many children live in your household? Children have already moved out

[bv11_7] How many children live in your household? No children live in my household

[bv11_8] How many children live in your household? Don't want to say

[bv12_1] When were the children living in your household born? 2015

[bv12_2] When were the children living in your household born? 2014

[bv12_3] When were the children living in your household born? 2013

[bv12_4] When were the children living in your household born? 2012

[bv12_5] When were the children living in your household born? 2011

[bv12_6] When were the children living in your household born? 2010

[bv12_7] When were the children living in your household born? 2009

[bv12_8] When were the children living in your household born? 2008

[bv12_9] When were the children living in your household born? 2007

[bv12_10] When were the children living in your household born? 2006

[bv12_11] When were the children living in your household born? 2005

[bv12_12] When were the children living in your household born? 2004

[bv12_13] When were the children living in your household born? 2003

[bv12_14] When were the children living in your household born? 2002

[bv12_15] When were the children living in your household born? 2001

[bv12_16] When were the children living in your household born? 2000

[bv12_17] When were the children living in your household born? 1999

[bv12_18] When were the children living in your household born? 1998

[bv12_19] When were the children living in your household born? 1997

[bv12_20] When were the children living in your household born? 1996

[bv12_21] When were the children living in your household born? 1995

[bv12_22] When were the children living in your household born? 1994

[bv12_23] When were the children living in your household born? Earlier

[bv12_24] When were the children living in your household born? No children in the household

[bv13_1] Ages of the children living in the household: Up to 2 years

[bv13_2] Ages of the children living in the household: 3-5 years

[bv13_3] Ages of the children living in the household: 6-10 years

[bv13_4] Ages of the children living in the household: 11-15 years

[bv13_5] Ages of the children living in the household: 16-18 years

[bv13_6] Ages of the children living in the household: 19 years or older

[bv14] Respondent's housing tenure

[bv15] Type of respondent's municipality of residence

[bv16] Respondent's self-perceived social class

[bv17] Respondent's education

[bv18] Respondent's annual gross income (before taxes)

[bv19] Total gross annual income of the household (before taxes)

[bv20] How would you describe your household's financial circumstances at the moment?

[bv21] Which of the following best describes your economic activity/occupational status?

[bv22] Time spent responding (minutes)

[weight] Weight variable

Aineiston kuvailu koneluettavassa DDI-C 2.5 -formaatissa

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