FSD1003 Finnish Voter Barometer 1976

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[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1_1] What are you most worried about?

[q1_2] What other things worry you: Nothing in particular

[q1_3] What other things worry you: Own employment or general employment situation in Finland

[q1_4] What other things worry you: Own or family livelihood

[q1_5] What other things worry you: Threat of war, world peace

[q1_6] What other things worry you: Own health, health of family members

[q1_7] What other things worry you: Children's education or future

[q1_8] What other things worry you: Environmental pollution

[q1_9] What other things worry you: Famine in the world

[q1_10] What other things worry you: Strikes or labour disputes in Finland

[q1_11] What other things worry you: Personal safety in the area of residence

[q1_12] What other things worry you: Finland's political future

[q1_13] What other things worry you: Inequality in Finland

[q1_14] What other things worry you: Housing situation

[q1_15] What other things worry you: Taxation

[q1_16] What other things worry you: Inflation

[q1_17] What other things worry you: Issues related to studies

[q1_18] What other things worry you: National economy

[q1_19] What other things worry you: Agricultural issues

[q1_20] What other things worry you: Trade balance

[q1_21] What other things worry you: Crime

[q1_22] What other things worry you: Social security

[q1_23] What other things worry you: Loneliness

[q1_24] What other things worry you: Deficiencies in the neighbourhood

[q1_25] What other things worry you: Something else

[q1_26] What other things worry you: empty

[q2] How satisfied are you with the performance of the current government (Prime Minister Martti Miettunen)?

[q3_1] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Maintaining the value of money

[q3_2] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Stabilising economy

[q3_3] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Improving employment

[q3_4] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Stabilising foreign trade

[q3_5] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Improving the circumstances in the less well-off regions in Finland

[q3_6] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Housing policy

[q3_7] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Taxation

[q3_8] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Educational and cultural policy

[q3_9] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Foreign policy

[q3_10] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Agricultural policy

[q3_11] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Efficiency

[q3_12] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 signifies strong dissatisfaction and 10 strong satisfaction, how would you rate the current government's performance in: Honesty

[q4_1] Thinking of areas in which the government should improve its performance, which area is the most urgent?

[q4_2] Thinking of areas in which the government should improve its performance, which area comes second in urgency?

[q5] Has Finland's economic situation improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q6] Do you think Finland's financial situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q7] Has your own or your family's financial situation improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q8] Do you think that your own or your family's financial situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q9] Do you expect the rate of price growth to slow down or accelerate in Finland over the next 12 months?

[q10_1] Recent comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Satisfactory from everyone's viewpoint in these circumstances

[q10_2] Recent comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Employees' standard of living will fall during the settlement period

[q10_3] Recent comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Will increase income disparity between people with high and low income

[q10_4] Recent comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Decisions connected to agriculture are satisfactory

[q11_1] Future comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Wages, prices, taxes and social security should be included in the future negotiations and settlement

[q11_2] Future comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Prices of agricultural products should be settled separately

[q11_3] Future comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): It is good that legislative issues can be settled in connection with the comprehensive settlement

[q11_4] Future comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): Interests of different groups would be better represented if every sector made its own separate settlement

[q11_5] Future comprehensive incomes policy settlement (TUPO): The government should not participate in future negotiations and settlements, but leave it to employees and employers

[q12] Do you think the employment situation in Finland will improve over the next 12 months?

[q13] Do you think you or a family member is at risk of unemployment over the next 12 months?

[q14_1] Powers of different government institutions: President of the Republic of Finland

[q14_2] Powers of different government institutions: Parliament

[q14_3] Powers of different government institutions: Government

[q15] How much do you think the Finnish government influences the decisions of local authorities?

[q16] Should cooperation between the government and municipal bodies be increased or reduces?

[q17a_1] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SDP

[q17a_2] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SKDL

[q17a_3] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: KES

[q17a_4] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SMP

[q17a_5] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: LKP

[q17a_6] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SKL

[q17a_7] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: RKP

[q17a_8] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: KOK

[q17a_9] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SYP

[q17a_10] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SKYP

[q17a_11] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included: SPK

[q17a_12] If a new government were formed now, which parties do you think should be included:

[q17b_1] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SDP

[q17b_2] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SKDL

[q17b_3] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: KES

[q17b_4] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SMP

[q17b_5] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: LKP

[q17b_6] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SKL

[q17b_7] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: RKP

[q17b_8] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: KOK

[q17b_9] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SYP

[q17b_10] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SKYP

[q17b_11] If a new government were formed now, it should not include: SPK

[q17b_12] If a new government were formed now, it should not include:

[q18_1] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests

[q18_2] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters

[q18_3] By voting people can really have a say about how things are run in this country

[q18_4] One can never trust the promises of any party

[q19_1] Which party system would be best able to manage things in Finland?

[q19_2] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) How many parties?

[q19_3_1] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SDP

[q19_3_2] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SKDL

[q19_3_3] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: KES

[q19_3_4] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SMP

[q19_3_5] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: LKP

[q19_3_6] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SKL

[q19_3_7] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: RKP

[q19_3_8] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: KOK

[q19_3_9] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SYP

[q19_3_10] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SKYP

[q19_3_11] (IF OTHER NUMBER OF PARTIES) Which parties: SPK

[q20a1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SDP

[q20a2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKDL

[q20a3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KES

[q20a4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SMP

[q20a5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: LKP

[q20a6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKL

[q20a7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: RKP

[q20a8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KOK

[q20a9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SYP

[q20a10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKYP

[q20a11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SPK

[q20a12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: Can't say

[q20a13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Promotes sensible agricultural policy

[q20b1] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SDP

[q20b2] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKDL

[q20b3] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KES

[q20b4] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SMP

[q20b5] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: LKP

[q20b6] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKL

[q20b7] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: RKP

[q20b8] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KOK

[q20b9] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SYP

[q20b10] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKYP

[q20b11] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SPK

[q20b12] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Can't say

[q20b13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens

[q20c1] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SDP

[q20c2] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SKDL

[q20c3] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: KES

[q20c4] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SMP

[q20c5] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: LKP

[q20c6] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SKL

[q20c7] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: RKP

[q20c8] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: KOK

[q20c9] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SYP

[q20c10] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SKYP

[q20c11] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: SPK

[q20c12] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms society: Can't say

[q20c13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Reforms society

[q20d1] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SDP

[q20d2] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKDL

[q20d3] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: KES

[q20d4] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SMP

[q20d5] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: LKP

[q20d6] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKL

[q20d7] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: RKP

[q20d8] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: KOK

[q20d9] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SYP

[q20d10] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKYP

[q20d11] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SPK

[q20d12] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: Can't say

[q20d13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Reliable

[q20e1] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SDP

[q20e2] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKDL

[q20e3] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KES

[q20e4] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SMP

[q20e5] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: LKP

[q20e6] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKL

[q20e7] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: RKP

[q20e8] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KOK

[q20e9] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SYP

[q20e10] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKYP

[q20e11] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SPK

[q20e12] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: Can't say

[q20e13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Its policies make inflation higher

[q20f1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SDP

[q20f2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKDL

[q20f3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: KES

[q20f4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SMP

[q20f5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: LKP

[q20f6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKL

[q20f7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: RKP

[q20f8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: KOK

[q20f9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SYP

[q20f10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKYP

[q20f11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SPK

[q20f12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: Can't say

[q20f13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Promotes fair taxation policy

[q20g1] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SDP

[q20g2] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKDL

[q20g3] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KES

[q20g4] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SMP

[q20g5] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: LKP

[q20g6] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKL

[q20g7] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: RKP

[q20g8] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KOK

[q20g9] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SYP

[q20g10] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKYP

[q20g11] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SPK

[q20g12] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: Can't say

[q20g13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Effective employment policy

[q20h1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SDP

[q20h2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKDL

[q20h3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KES

[q20h4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SMP

[q20h5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: LKP

[q20h6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKL

[q20h7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: RKP

[q20h8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KOK

[q20h9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SYP

[q20h10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKYP

[q20h11] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SPK

[q20h12] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: Can't say

[q20h13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Does not promote equality and democracy

[q20i1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SDP

[q20i2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKDL

[q20i3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KES

[q20i4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SMP

[q20i5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: LKP

[q20i6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SLK

[q20i7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: RKP

[q20i8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KOK

[q20i9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SYP

[q20i10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKYP

[q20i11] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SPK

[q20i12] Perceptions of political parties. Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: Can't say

[q20i13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Does not support impartially the interests of all Finnish regions

[q20j1] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SDP

[q20j2] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SKDL

[q20j3] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: KES

[q20j4] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SMP

[q20j5] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: LKP

[q20j6] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SKL

[q20j7] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: RKP

[q20j8] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: KOK

[q20j9] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SYP

[q20j10] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SKYP

[q20j11] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: SPK

[q20j12] Perceptions of political parties. Is too left-wing in its policies: Can't say

[q20j13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Is too left-wing in its policies

[q20k1] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SDP

[q20k2] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKDL

[q20k3] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KES

[q20k4] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SMP

[q20k5] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: LKP

[q20k6] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKL

[q20k7] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: RKP

[q20k8] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KOK

[q20k9] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SYP

[q20k10] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKYP

[q20k11] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SPK

[q20k12] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: Can't say

[q20k13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Lacks capable leaders

[q20l1] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SDP

[q20l2] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SKDL

[q20l3] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: KES

[q20l4] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SMP

[q20l5] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: LKP

[q20l6] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SKL

[q20l7] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: RKP

[q20l8] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: KOK

[q20l9] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SYP

[q20l10] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SKYP

[q20l11] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: SPK

[q20l12] Perceptions of political parties. Has competent leaders: Can't say

[q20l13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Has competent leaders

[q20m1] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SDP

[q20m2] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKDL

[q20m3] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KES

[q20m4] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SMP

[q20m5] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: LKP

[q20m6] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKL

[q20m7] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: RKP

[q20m8] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KOK

[q20m9] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SYP

[q20m10] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKYP

[q20m11] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SPK

[q20m12] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: Can't say

[q20m13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Improves citizens' safety and security

[q20n1] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SDP

[q20n2] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKDL

[q20n3] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KES

[q20n4] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SMP

[q20n5] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: LKP

[q20n6] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKL

[q20n7] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: RKP

[q20n8] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KOK

[q20n9] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SYP

[q20n10] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKYP

[q20n11] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SPK

[q20n12] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: Can't say

[q20n13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Forgets its promises after elections

[q20o1] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SDP

[q20o2] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SKDL

[q20o3] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: KES

[q20o4] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SMP

[q20o5] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: LKP

[q20o6] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SKL

[q20o7] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: RKP

[q20o8] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: KOK

[q20o9] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SYP

[q20o10] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SKYP

[q20o11] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: SPK

[q20o12] Perceptions of political parties. Is too right-wing in its policies: Can't say

[q20o13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Is too right-wing in its policies

[q20p1] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SDP

[q20p2] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKDL

[q20p3] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KES

[q20p4] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SMP

[q20p5] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: LKP

[q20p6] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKL

[q20p7] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: RKP

[q20p8] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KOK

[q20p9] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SYP

[q20p10] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKYP

[q20p11] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SPK

[q20p12] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: Can't say

[q20p13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions

[q20r1] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SDP

[q20r2] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SKDL

[q20r3] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: KES

[q20r4] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SMP

[q20r5] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: LKP

[q20r6] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SKL

[q20r7] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: RKP

[q20r8] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: KOK

[q20r9] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SYP

[q20r10] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SKYP

[q20r11] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: SPK

[q20r12] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks clear party line: Can't say

[q20r13] How many parties can be described in this manner: Lacks clear party line

[q21] Are you a member of any political party, or a member of women's/youth organisation of any party?

[q22] Are you a member of any trade union or business/professional association?

[q23] (IF NOT A MEMBER) Have you ever held an official position in a trade union or business/professional association?

[q24] Are you a member of any agricultural association or organisation?

[q25] (IF NOT A MEMBER) Have you ever held an official position in an agricultural association or organisation?

[q26] How interested are you in politics?

[q27_1] Main source of information when making a voting decision for the future municipal elections

[q27_2] Other source of information: Friends, acquaintances

[q27_3] Other source of information: Trade union or interest group activities

[q27_4] Other source of information: Newspaper articles

[q27_5]Other source of information: Party leaflets

[q27_6] Other source of information: Radio programmes

[q27_7] Other source of information: Television programmes

[q27_8] Other source of information: Election rallies and events

[q27_9] Other source of information: None

[q27_10] Other source of information: Other source of information

[q27_11] Other source of information: Own political allegiance

[q27_12] Other source of information: Can't say

[q28] Did you vote in the 1975 parliamentary elections?

[q29] If you voted, which party did you vote for?

[q30] If the parliamentary elections were held now, how certain are you that you would vote?

[q31_1] For you party choice, how many parties or political groups would you take into serious consideration?

[q31_2] Which party would you take into consideration: SDP

[q31_3] Which party would you take into consideration: SKDL

[q31_4] Which party would you take into consideration: KESK

[q31_5] Which party would you take into consideration: SMP

[q31_6] Which party would you take into consideration: LKP

[q31_7] Which party would you take into consideration: SKL

[q31_8] Which party would you take into consideration: RKP

[q31_9] Which party would you take into consideration: KOK

[q31_10] Which party would you take into consideration: SYP

[q31_11] Which party would you take into consideration: SYP

[q31_12] Which party would you take into consideration: SPK

[q31_13] Which party would you take into consideration:

[q32] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?

[q33_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference?

[q33_2] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances?

[q34_1] Household members aged: under 7 years

[q34_2] Household members aged: 8-17 years

[q34_3] Household members aged: 18-25 years

[q34_4] Household members aged: 26-35 years

[q34_5] Household members aged: 36-49 years

[q34_6] Household members aged: 50-64 years

[q34_7] Household members aged: over 65 years

[q34_8] Number of persons living in the household

[q35] Number of rooms in the respondent's home (excluding kitchen and bathroom)

[q36] Housing tenure and type of accommodation

[q37] Respondent's economic activity

[q38] Respondent's occupational status

[q39] Do you feel you belong to any of the following groups?

[q40] Economic activity of the household head

[q41] Occupational status of the household head

[q42] Employment sector of the company household head works for

[q43] Number of employees in the company household head works for

[q44] Do you or your family have arable land?

[q45] Respondent's basic education

[q46] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months)

[q47] Respondent's mother tongue

[q48] Respondent's gender

[q49_1] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks

[q49_2] Interviewer's estimate of the household's annual gross income

[q50_1] Respondent's age

[q50_2] Respondent's year of birth

[q51] Respondent's place of residence

[q53] Respondent's electoral district

[vuosi] Year of the interview

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