FSD1004 Finnish Voter Barometer 1977

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[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1a] What are you most worried about at present?

[q1b1] What other things worry you: Nothing in particular

[q1b2] What other things worry you: Own employment or general employment situation in Finland

[q1b3] What other things worry you: Own or family livelyhood

[q1b4] What other things worry you: Threat of war, world peace

[q1b5] What other things worry you: Own health, health of family members

[q1b6] What other things worry you: Children's education or future

[q1b7] What other things worry you: Environmental pollution

[q1b8] What other things worry you: Famine in the world

[q1b9] What other things worry you: Strikes or labour disputes in Finland

[q1b10] What other things worry you: Personal safety in the area of residence

[q1b11] What other things worry you: Finland's political future

[q1b12] What other things worry you: Inequality in Finland

[q1b13] What other things worry you: Housing situation

[q1b14] What other things worry you: Inflation, prices

[q1b15] What other things worry you: Economic depression

[q1b16] What other things worry you: Taxation

[q1b17] What other things worry you: Young people

[q1b18] What other things worry you: Pensions

[q1b19] What other things worry you: Violence

[q1b20] What other things worry you: Agriculture

[q1b21] What other things worry you: Issues related to studies

[q1b22] What other things worry you: Corrupt government and municipal officials

[q1b23] What other things worry you: Attitudes towards employees

[q1b24] What other things worry you: Something else

[q2] How satisfied are you with the performance of the current government?

[q3] Do you think Finland's economic situation has improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q4] Do you think Finland's economic situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q5] Do you expect the rate of price growth to slow down or accelerate in Finland over the next 12 months?

[q6] Has your own or your family's financial situation improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q7] Do you think your own or your family's financial situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q8] Do you think Finland's employment situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q9] How likely is it that you or any of your family members will become unemployed within the next 12 months?

[q10_1] Impact of the collective agreements agreed upon last spring on the economy of Finland

[q10_2] Collective agreements of last spring from employees' viewpoint

[q10_3] Collective agreements of last spring from farmers' viewpoint

[q10_4] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of enterprises

[q10_5] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of people with high incomes

[q10_6] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of people with low incomes

[q10_7] Collective agreements of last spring from your own or family's viewpoint

[q11_1] Should state control of Finnish economy be increased, decreased or kept at the present level?

[q11_2] Should the state increase or decrease its ownership of enterprises

[q11_3] Should state control of commercial banks be increased, decreased or kept at the present level?

[q11_4] Should state control of large manufacturing companies be increased, decreased or kept at the present level?

[q11_5] Should state control of small manufacturing companies be be increased, decreased or kept at the present level?

[q12] It has been suggested that taxation of private persons could be changed by lowering direct taxes and increasing indirect taxes. Do you think this change would be good or bad for yourself or your family?

[q13a1] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Pensions

[q13a2] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Education

[q13a3] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Health care

[q13a4] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: National defence and armed forces

[q13a5] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Enterprises

[q13a6] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Families with children

[q13a7] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Agriculture

[q13a8] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Transport and road infrastructure

[q13a9] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Housing production

[q13a10] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Job creation programmes

[q13a11] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: General safety and security

[q13a12] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: None

[q13a13] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Can't say

[q13b1] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Pensions

[q13b2] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Education

[q13b3] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Health care

[q13b4] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: National defence and armed forces

[q13b5] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Enterprises

[q13b6] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Families with children

[q13b7] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Agriculture

[q13b8] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Transport and road infrastructure

[q13b9] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Housing production

[q13b10] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Job creation programmes

[q13b11] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: General safety and security

[q13b12] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: None

[q13b13] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Can't say

[q13c1] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Pensions

[q13c2] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Education

[q13c3] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Health care

[q13c4] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: National defence and armed forces

[q13c5] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Enterprises

[q13c6] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Families with children

[q13c7] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Agriculture

[q13c8] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Transport and road infrastructure

[q13c9] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Housing production

[q13c10] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Job creation programmes

[q13c11] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: General safety and security

[q13c12] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: None

[q13c13] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Can't say

[q14_1] Employee participation: Do you think that participation of the workforce in decision-making should be increased?

[q14_2] Employee participation: Do you think employees should have more say in workplace conditions?

[q14_3] Employee participation: Do you think employees should have more say in how enterprises use their net earnings

[q14_4] Employee participation: Do you think employees should be able to influence wage level more?

[q14_5] Employee participation: Do you think employees should have more say in recruitment of new staff

[q14_6] Employee participation: Do you think employees should have more say in recruitment of managers

[q15_1] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests

[q15_2] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters

[q15_3] By voting people can really have a say about how things are run in this country

[q15_4] One can never trust the promises of any party

[q15_5] Those who do not vote also bear responsibility for how things are run in this country

[q15_6] Voting is a civic duty

[q15_7] One vote does not make a difference in an election

[q16_1] Did you vote in the municipal (local) elections in October 1976?

[q16_2] Did you vote in the parliamentary elections in September 1975?

[q17a1] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Own illness

[q17a2] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Family member's illness

[q17a3] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Was away/travelling

[q17a4] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to choose a party

[q17a5] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to choose a candidate

[q17a6] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Voting does not make any difference

[q17a7] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Voting day was inconvenient

[q17a8] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to get to the polling station

[q17a9] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Not sure where his/her polling station is

[q17a10] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Political conflicts

[q17a11] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Other reason

[q17b1] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Own illness

[q17b2] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Family member's illness

[q17b3] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Was away/travelling

[q17b4] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to choose a party

[q17b5] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to choose a candidat

[q17b6] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Voting does not make any difference

[q17b7] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Voting day was inconvenient

[q17b8] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Difficult to get to the polling station

[q17b9] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Not sure where my polling station is

[q17b10] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Political conflicts

[q17b11] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Other reason

[q18] (IF HAS VOTED MORE THAN ONCE) Did you vote for the same party in both above-mentioned elections? (IF THE SAME PARTY) Have you previously voted for any other party?

[q19a] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED A: ONLY ONCE OR B: ALWAYS THE SAME PARTY) If you think about the next parliamentary elections, will you vote for the same party again?

[q19b1] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Dissatisfied with the party

[q19b2] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Vote for a person, not the party

[q19b3] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: A new party has been established

[q19b4] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Opinion has changed

[q19b5] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Other party promotes my interests better

[q19b6] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Increased strength of the political left has forced me to support a right-wing party

[q19b7] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: An exception

[q19b8] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: Size of the party

[q19b9] (IF RESPONDENT HAS VOTED FOR DIFFERENT PARTIES) Why has not always voted for the same party: The present state of affairs in Finland forced me to take a stand, maybe things will get better

[q19c1] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your choice of party: Family members

[q19c2] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, fellow employees

[q19c3] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Articles in newspapers

[q19c4] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Party advertisements

[q19c5] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Radio

[q19c6] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Television

[q19c7] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Election campaigning

[q19c8] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Trade unions and other interest groups

[q19c9] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Candidate an acquaintance/friend

[q19c10] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Voluntary reading of the party programme

[q19c11] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Other source

[q19c12] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Can't say

[q19d1] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Family members

[q19d2] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, fellow employees

[q19d3] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Articles in newspapers

[q19d4] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Party advertisements

[q19d5] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Radio

[q19d6] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Television

[q19d7] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Election campaigning

[q19d8] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Trade unions and other interest groups

[q19d9] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Candidate an acquaintance/friend

[q19d10] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Voluntary reading of the party programme

[q19d11] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Other source


[q21_1] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Family members

[q21_2] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Friends, acquaintances, colleagues, fellow employees

[q21_3] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Articles in the newspapers

[q21_4] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Party advertisements

[q21_5] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Radio

[q21_6] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Television

[q21_7] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Election campaigning

[q21_8] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Trade unions or other interest groups

[q21_9] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Candidate an acquaintance/friend

[q21_10] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Voluntary reading of the party programme

[q21_11] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: None

[q21_12] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Other source

[q21_13] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your candidate choice: Can't say

[q22] How important are the candidate's chances to get elected for your candidate choice in the parliamentary elections?

[q23_1] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Age

[q23_2] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Education

[q23_3] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Gender

[q23_4] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Profession

[q23_5] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Previous political experience

[q23_6] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Participation in other social activities

[q23_7] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Political line

[q23_8] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Effectiveness

[q24] How likely is it that you will vote in the presidential election next January, when the electoral college is chosen?

[q25a] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE IN THE FUTURE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) The most important reason for not voting

[q25b1] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Election outcome known beforehand

[q25b2] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Voting makes no difference

[q25b3] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: State of health

[q25b4] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Difficult to choose a candidate

[q25b5] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Difficult to choose a party

[q25b6] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Difficult or long journey to the polling station

[q25b7] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Other reasons

[q26_1] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a civic duty

[q26_2] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a civil right

[q26_3] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: Desire to participate

[q26_4] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a habit

[q26_5] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: Candidate which respondent supports will have more chance of being elected

[q26_6] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: President Kekkonen re-elected

[q26_7] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: For the sake of the party

[q26_8] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's in the interest of the nation

[q26_9] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: For the sake of politics

[q26_10] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for your decision to vote: Other reason

[q27_1] Voting is equally important in all elections

[q27_2] Voting in parliamentary elections is the most important

[q27_3] Voting in municipal (local) elections is the most important

[q27_4] Voting in presidential elections is the most important

[q27_5] Voting is not important in any election

[q27_6] Importance of voting depends on the situation

[q27_7] Importance of voting in different elections: Can't say

[q28a1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SDP

[q28a2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKDL

[q28a3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KESK

[q28a4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SMP

[q28a5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: LKP

[q28a6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKL

[q28a7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: RKP

[q28a8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KOK

[q28a9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SYP

[q28a10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKYP

[q28a11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: PKP

[q28a12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: Can't say

[q28b1] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SDP

[q28b2] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKDL

[q28b3] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KESK

[q28b4] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SMP

[q28b5] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: LKP

[q28b6] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKL

[q28b7] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: RKP

[q28b8] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KOK

[q28b9] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SYP

[q28b10] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKYP

[q28b11] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: PKP

[q28b12] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Can't say

[q28c1] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SDP

[q28c2] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKDL

[q28c3] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: KESK

[q28c4] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SMP

[q28c5] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: LKP

[q28c6] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKL

[q28c7] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: RKP

[q28c8] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: KOK

[q28c9] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SYP

[q28c10] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKYP

[q28c11] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: PKP

[q28c12] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: Can't say

[q28d1] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SDP

[q28d2] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKDL

[q28d3] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: KESK

[q28d4] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SMP

[q28d5] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: LKP

[q28d6] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKL

[q28d7] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: RKP

[q28d8] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: KOK

[q28d9] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SYP

[q28d10] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKYP

[q28d11] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: PKP

[q28d12] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: Can't say

[q28e1] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SDP

[q28e2] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKDL

[q28e3] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KESK

[q28e4] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SMP

[q28e5] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: LKP

[q28e6] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKL

[q28e7] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: RKP

[q28e8] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KOK

[q28e9] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SYP

[q28e10] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKYP

[q28e11] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: PKP

[q28e12] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: Can't say

[q28f1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SDP

[q28f2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKDL

[q28f3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: KESK

[q28f4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SMP

[q28f5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: LKP

[q28f6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKL

[q28f7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: RKP

[q28f8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: KOK

[q28f9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SYP

[q28f10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKYP

[q28f11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: PKP

[q28f12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: Can't say

[q28g1] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SDP

[q28g2] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKDL

[q28g3] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KESK

[q28g4] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SMP

[q28g5] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: LKP

[q28g6] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKL

[q28g7] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: RKP

[q28g8] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KOK

[q28g9] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SYP

[q28g10] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKYP

[q28g11] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: PKP

[q28g12] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: Can't say

[q28h1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SDP

[q28h2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKDL

[q28h3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KESK

[q28h4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SMP

[q28h5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: LKP

[q28h6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKL

[q28h7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: RKP

[q28h8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KOK

[q28h9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SYP

[q28h10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKYP

[q28h11] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: PKP

[q28h12] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: Can't say

[q28i1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SDP

[q28i2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKDL

[q28i3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: KESK

[q28i4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SMP

[q28i5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: LKP

[q28i6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKL

[q28i7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: RKP

[q28i8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: KOK

[q28i9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SYP

[q28i10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKYP

[q28i11] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: PKP

[q28i12] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: Can't say

[q28j1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SDP

[q28j2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKDL

[q28j3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KESK

[q28j4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SMP

[q28j5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: LKP

[q28j6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKL

[q28j7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: RKP

[q28j8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KOK

[q28j9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SYP

[q28j10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKYP

[q28j11] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: PKP

[q28j12] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: Can't say

[q28k1] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SDP

[q28k2] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKDL

[q28k3] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KESK

[q28k4] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SMP

[q28k5] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: LKP

[q28k6] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKL

[q28k7] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: RKP

[q28k8] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KOK

[q28k9] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SYP

[q28k10] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKYP

[q28k11] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: PKP

[q28k12] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: Can't say

[q28l1] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SDP

[q28l2] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKDL

[q28l3] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KESK

[q28l4] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SMP

[q28l5] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: LKP

[q28l6] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKL

[q28l7] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: RKP

[q28l8] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KOK

[q28l9] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SYP

[q28l10] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKYP

[q28l11] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: PKP

[q28l12] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: Can't say

[q28m1] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SDP

[q28m2] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKDL

[q28m3] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KESK

[q28m4] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SMP

[q28m5] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: LKP

[q28m6] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKL

[q28m7] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: RKP

[q28m8] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KOK

[q28m9] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SYP

[q28m10] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKYP

[q28m11] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: PKP

[q28m12] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: Can't say

[q28n1] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SDP

[q28n2] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKDL

[q28n3] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KESK

[q28n4] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SMP

[q28n5] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: LKP

[q28n6] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKL

[q28n7] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: RKP

[q28n8] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KOK

[q28n9] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SYP

[q28n10] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKYP

[q28n11] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: PKP

[q28n12] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: Can't say

[q28o1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SDP

[q28o2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKDL

[q28o3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KESK

[q28o4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SMP

[q28o5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: LKP

[q28o6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKL

[q28o7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: RKP

[q28o8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KOK

[q28o9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SYP

[q28o10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKYP

[q28o11] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: PKP

[q28o12] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: Can't say

[q28p1] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SDP

[q28p2] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKDL

[q28p3] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KESK

[q28p4] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SMP

[q28p5] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: LKP

[q28p6] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKL

[q28p7] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: RKP

[q28p8] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KOK

[q28p9] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SYP

[q28p10] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKYP

[q28p11] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: PKP

[q28p12] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: Can't say

[q28r1] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SDP

[q28r2] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKDL

[q28r3] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: KESK

[q28r4] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SMP

[q28r5] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: LKP

[q28r6] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKL

[q28r7] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: RKP

[q28r8] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: KOK

[q28r9] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SYP

[q28r10] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKYP

[q28r11] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: PKP

[q28r12] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: Can't say

[q29] Respondent's own interest in politics

[q30] Respondent's membership in a trade union or professional association

[q31] (IF NOT A MEMBER) Has the respondent ever held an official position or an elective office in a trade union or professional association?

[q32] Respondent's membership in an agricultural association or union

[q33] (IF NOT A MEMBER) Has the respondent ever held an official position or an elective office in an agricultural association or union

[q34] Respondent's membership in a political party or in a women's/youth organisation of any party

[q35] Respondent's economic activity

[q36] Economic activity of the household head

[q37] Occupational status of the head of household

[q38] Employment sector of the head of household

[q39] Respondent's occupational status

[q40] Do you or your family have arable land? If you do, what is the size (in hectares)

[q41] Respondent's basic education

[q42] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months)

[q43] Respondent's mother tongue

[q44] Respondent's gender

[q45_1] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks

[q45_2] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks (interviewer's estimate)

[q46_1] Respondent's age

[q46_2] Respondent's year of birth

[q47] Respondent's place of residence

[q48] Respondent's electoral district

[kunta1] Net migration (positive/negative) in the respondent's municipality of residence

[kunta2_1] Economic structure of the respondent's municipality of residence: People working in agriculture or forestry (10s of percent of the working population)

[kunta2_2] Economic structure of the respondent's municipality of residence: People working in manufacturing or construction (10s of percent of the working population)

[kunta2_3] Economic structure of the respondent's municipality of residence: People working in the service sector (10s of percent of the working population)

[kunta3] Population size in the respondent's municipality of residence

[qk1] Which party did you vote for in the 1976 municipal (local) elections?

[qk2_1] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SDP

[qk2_2] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKDL

[qk2_3] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: STP

[qk2_4] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: KESK

[qk2_5] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SMP

[qk2_6] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: LKP

[qk2_7] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKL

[qk2_8] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: RKP

[qk2_9] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: KOK

[qk2_10] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SYP

[qk2_11] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKYP

[qk2_12] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: PKP

[qk2_13] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: Would not vote

[qk2_14] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: Can't say/don't want to say

[qk3a_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SDP

[qk3a_2] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SKDL

[qk3a_3] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: STP

[qk3a_4] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: KESK

[qk3a_5] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SMP

[qk3a_6] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: LKP

[qk3a_7] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SKL

[qk3a_8] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: RKP

[qk3a_9] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: KOK

[qk3a_10] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SYP

[qk3a_11] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: SKYP

[qk3a_12] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: PKP

[qk3a_13] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: Some other party

[qk3a_14] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: There is no such party

[qk3a_15] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second preference: Can't say/don't want to say

[qk3b_1] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SDP

[qk3b_2] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKDL

[qk3b_3] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: STP

[qk3b_4] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: KESK

[qk3b_5] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SMP

[qk3b_6] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: LKP

[qk3b_7] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKL

[qk3b_8] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: RKP

[qk3b_9] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: KOK

[qk3b_10] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SYP

[qk3b_11] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKYP

[qk3b_12] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: PKP

[qk3b_13] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: Some other party

[qk3b_14] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: There is no such party

[qk3b_15] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: Can't/don't want to say

[qk4] Presidential candidate supported by the respondent is...

[vuosi] Year of the interview

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