FSD1004 Finnish Voter Barometer 1977
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[q1a] What are you most worried about at present?
[q1b1] What other things worry you: Nothing in particular
[q1b2] What other things worry you: Own employment or general employment situation in Finland
[q1b3] What other things worry you: Own or family livelyhood
[q1b4] What other things worry you: Threat of war, world peace
[q1b5] What other things worry you: Own health, health of family members
[q1b6] What other things worry you: Children's education or future
[q1b7] What other things worry you: Environmental pollution
[q1b8] What other things worry you: Famine in the world
[q1b9] What other things worry you: Strikes or labour disputes in Finland
[q1b10] What other things worry you: Personal safety in the area of residence
[q1b11] What other things worry you: Finland's political future
[q1b12] What other things worry you: Inequality in Finland
[q1b13] What other things worry you: Housing situation
[q1b14] What other things worry you: Inflation, prices
[q1b15] What other things worry you: Economic depression
[q1b16] What other things worry you: Taxation
[q1b17] What other things worry you: Young people
[q1b18] What other things worry you: Pensions
[q1b19] What other things worry you: Violence
[q1b20] What other things worry you: Agriculture
[q1b21] What other things worry you: Issues related to studies
[q1b22] What other things worry you: Corrupt government and municipal officials
[q1b23] What other things worry you: Attitudes towards employees
[q1b24] What other things worry you: Something else
[q2] How satisfied are you with the performance of the current government?
[q3] Do you think Finland's economic situation has improved or got worse over the past 12 months?
[q4] Do you think Finland's economic situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?
[q8] Do you think Finland's employment situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?
[q10_1] Impact of the collective agreements agreed upon last spring on the economy of Finland
[q10_2] Collective agreements of last spring from employees' viewpoint
[q10_3] Collective agreements of last spring from farmers' viewpoint
[q10_4] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of enterprises
[q10_5] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of people with high incomes
[q10_6] Collective agreements of last spring from the viewpoint of people with low incomes
[q10_7] Collective agreements of last spring from your own or family's viewpoint
[q11_2] Should the state increase or decrease its ownership of enterprises
[q13a1] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Pensions
[q13a2] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Education
[q13a3] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Health care
[q13a5] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Enterprises
[q13a6] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Families with children
[q13a7] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Agriculture
[q13a9] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Housing production
[q13a10] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Job creation programmes
[q13a11] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: General safety and security
[q13a12] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: None
[q13a13] In most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Can't say
[q13b1] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Pensions
[q13b2] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Education
[q13b3] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Health care
[q13b5] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Enterprises
[q13b6] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Families with children
[q13b7] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Agriculture
[q13b9] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Housing production
[q13b10] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Job creation programmes
[q13b12] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: None
[q13b13] In second most urgent need of additional funding from tax revenue: Can't say
[q13c1] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Pensions
[q13c2] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Education
[q13c3] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Health care
[q13c5] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Enterprises
[q13c7] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Agriculture
[q13c12] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: None
[q13c13] Areas where expenditure should be cut, with less funding from tax revenue: Can't say
[q14_2] Employee participation: Do you think employees should have more say in workplace conditions?
[q14_4] Employee participation: Do you think employees should be able to influence wage level more?
[q15_1] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests
[q15_2] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters
[q15_3] By voting people can really have a say about how things are run in this country
[q15_4] One can never trust the promises of any party
[q15_5] Those who do not vote also bear responsibility for how things are run in this country
[q15_6] Voting is a civic duty
[q15_7] One vote does not make a difference in an election
[q16_1] Did you vote in the municipal (local) elections in October 1976?
[q16_2] Did you vote in the parliamentary elections in September 1975?
[q17a1] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Own illness
[q17a2] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Family member's illness
[q17a3] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Was away/travelling
[q17a10] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Political conflicts
[q17a11] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1976 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Other reason
[q17b1] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Own illness
[q17b3] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Was away/travelling
[q17b10] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Political conflicts
[q17b11] (IF DID NOT VOTE IN THE 1975 PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS) Why did not vote: Other reason
[q19c5] Which information source provided the most relevant information for your party choice: Radio
[q19d1] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Family members
[q19d4] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Party advertisements
[q19d5] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Radio
[q19d6] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Television
[q19d7] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Election campaigning
[q19d11] Which other source provided relevant information for your party choice: Other source
[q23_1] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Age
[q23_2] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Education
[q23_3] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Gender
[q23_4] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Profession
[q23_5] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Previous political experience
[q23_6] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Participation in other social activities
[q23_7] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Political line
[q23_8] Importance of candidate's characteristics: Effectiveness
[q25b1] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Election outcome known beforehand
[q25b2] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Voting makes no difference
[q25b3] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: State of health
[q25b4] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Difficult to choose a candidate
[q25b5] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Difficult to choose a party
[q25b7] (IF NOT CERTAIN TO VOTE) Other reasons for not voting: Other reasons
[q26_1] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a civic duty
[q26_2] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a civil right
[q26_3] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: Desire to participate
[q26_4] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: It's a habit
[q26_7] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: For the sake of the party
[q26_9] (IF CERTAIN TO VOTE) What is the most important reason for voting: For the sake of politics
[q27_1] Voting is equally important in all elections
[q27_2] Voting in parliamentary elections is the most important
[q27_3] Voting in municipal (local) elections is the most important
[q27_4] Voting in presidential elections is the most important
[q27_5] Voting is not important in any election
[q27_6] Importance of voting depends on the situation
[q27_7] Importance of voting in different elections: Can't say
[q28a1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SDP
[q28a2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKDL
[q28a3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KESK
[q28a4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SMP
[q28a5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: LKP
[q28a6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKL
[q28a7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: RKP
[q28a8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KOK
[q28a9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SYP
[q28a10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKYP
[q28a11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: PKP
[q28a12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: Can't say
[q28b1] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SDP
[q28b2] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKDL
[q28b3] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KESK
[q28b4] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SMP
[q28b5] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: LKP
[q28b6] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKL
[q28b7] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: RKP
[q28b8] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KOK
[q28b9] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SYP
[q28b10] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKYP
[q28b11] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: PKP
[q28b12] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Can't say
[q28c1] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SDP
[q28c2] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKDL
[q28c3] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: KESK
[q28c4] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SMP
[q28c5] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: LKP
[q28c6] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKL
[q28c7] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: RKP
[q28c8] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: KOK
[q28c9] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SYP
[q28c10] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: SKYP
[q28c11] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: PKP
[q28c12] Perceptions of political parties. Reforms the society: Can't say
[q28d1] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SDP
[q28d2] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKDL
[q28d3] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: KESK
[q28d4] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SMP
[q28d5] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: LKP
[q28d6] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKL
[q28d7] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: RKP
[q28d8] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: KOK
[q28d9] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SYP
[q28d10] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: SKYP
[q28d11] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: PKP
[q28d12] Perceptions of political parties. Trustworthy: Can't say
[q28e1] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SDP
[q28e2] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKDL
[q28e3] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KESK
[q28e4] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SMP
[q28e5] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: LKP
[q28e6] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKL
[q28e7] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: RKP
[q28e8] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KOK
[q28e9] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SYP
[q28e10] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKYP
[q28e11] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: PKP
[q28e12] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: Can't say
[q28f1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SDP
[q28f2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKDL
[q28f3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: KESK
[q28f4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SMP
[q28f5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: LKP
[q28f6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKL
[q28f7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: RKP
[q28f8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: KOK
[q28f9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SYP
[q28f10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: SKYP
[q28f11] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: PKP
[q28f12] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair and impartial taxation policy: Can't say
[q28g1] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SDP
[q28g2] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKDL
[q28g3] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KESK
[q28g4] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SMP
[q28g5] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: LKP
[q28g6] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKL
[q28g7] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: RKP
[q28g8] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KOK
[q28g9] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SYP
[q28g10] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKYP
[q28g11] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: PKP
[q28g12] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: Can't say
[q28h1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SDP
[q28h2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKDL
[q28h3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KESK
[q28h4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SMP
[q28h5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: LKP
[q28h6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKL
[q28h7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: RKP
[q28h8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KOK
[q28h9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SYP
[q28h10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKYP
[q28h11] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: PKP
[q28h12] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: Can't say
[q28j1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SDP
[q28j2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKDL
[q28j3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KESK
[q28j4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SMP
[q28j5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: LKP
[q28j6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKL
[q28j7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: RKP
[q28j8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KOK
[q28j9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SYP
[q28j10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKYP
[q28j11] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: PKP
[q28j12] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: Can't say
[q28k1] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SDP
[q28k2] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKDL
[q28k3] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KESK
[q28k4] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SMP
[q28k5] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: LKP
[q28k6] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKL
[q28k7] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: RKP
[q28k8] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: KOK
[q28k9] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SYP
[q28k10] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: SKYP
[q28k11] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: PKP
[q28k12] Perceptions of political parties. Lacks capable leaders: Can't say
[q28l1] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SDP
[q28l2] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKDL
[q28l3] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KESK
[q28l4] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SMP
[q28l5] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: LKP
[q28l6] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKL
[q28l7] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: RKP
[q28l8] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KOK
[q28l9] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SYP
[q28l10] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKYP
[q28l11] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: PKP
[q28l12] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: Can't say
[q28m1] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SDP
[q28m2] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKDL
[q28m3] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KESK
[q28m4] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SMP
[q28m5] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: LKP
[q28m6] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKL
[q28m7] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: RKP
[q28m8] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KOK
[q28m9] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SYP
[q28m10] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKYP
[q28m11] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: PKP
[q28m12] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: Can't say
[q28n1] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SDP
[q28n2] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKDL
[q28n3] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KESK
[q28n4] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SMP
[q28n5] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: LKP
[q28n6] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKL
[q28n7] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: RKP
[q28n8] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KOK
[q28n9] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SYP
[q28n10] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKYP
[q28n11] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: PKP
[q28n12] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: Can't say
[q28o1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SDP
[q28o2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKDL
[q28o3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KESK
[q28o4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SMP
[q28o5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: LKP
[q28o6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKL
[q28o7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: RKP
[q28o8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KOK
[q28o9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SYP
[q28o10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKYP
[q28o11] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: PKP
[q28o12] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: Can't say
[q28r1] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SDP
[q28r2] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKDL
[q28r3] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: KESK
[q28r4] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SMP
[q28r5] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: LKP
[q28r6] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKL
[q28r7] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: RKP
[q28r8] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: KOK
[q28r9] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SYP
[q28r10] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: SKYP
[q28r11] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: PKP
[q28r12] Perceptions of political parties. Party has no clear party line: Can't say
[q29] Respondent's own interest in politics
[q30] Respondent's membership in a trade union or professional association
[q32] Respondent's membership in an agricultural association or union
[q34] Respondent's membership in a political party or in a women's/youth organisation of any party
[q35] Respondent's economic activity
[q36] Economic activity of the household head
[q37] Occupational status of the head of household
[q38] Employment sector of the head of household
[q39] Respondent's occupational status
[q40] Do you or your family have arable land? If you do, what is the size (in hectares)
[q41] Respondent's basic education
[q42] Respondent's vocational education (longer than three months)
[q43] Respondent's mother tongue
[q45_1] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks
[q45_2] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks (interviewer's estimate)
[q46_2] Respondent's year of birth
[q47] Respondent's place of residence
[q48] Respondent's electoral district
[kunta1] Net migration (positive/negative) in the respondent's municipality of residence
[kunta3] Population size in the respondent's municipality of residence
[qk1] Which party did you vote for in the 1976 municipal (local) elections?
[qk2_1] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SDP
[qk2_2] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKDL
[qk2_3] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: STP
[qk2_4] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: KESK
[qk2_5] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SMP
[qk2_6] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: LKP
[qk2_7] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKL
[qk2_8] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: RKP
[qk2_9] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: KOK
[qk2_10] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SYP
[qk2_11] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: SKYP
[qk2_12] If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for: PKP
[qk3b_1] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SDP
[qk3b_2] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKDL
[qk3b_3] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: STP
[qk3b_4] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: KESK
[qk3b_5] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SMP
[qk3b_6] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: LKP
[qk3b_7] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKL
[qk3b_8] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: RKP
[qk3b_9] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: KOK
[qk3b_10] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SYP
[qk3b_11] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: SKYP
[qk3b_12] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: PKP
[qk3b_13] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: Some other party
[qk3b_14] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: There is no such party
[qk3b_15] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances: Can't/don't want to say
[qk4] Presidential candidate supported by the respondent is...
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