FSD1006 Finnish Voter Barometer 1979

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1a_1] What are you most worried about at present: Nothing in particular

[q1a_2] What are you most worried about at present: Own employment or general employment situation in Finland

[q1a_3] What are you most worried about at present: Own or family livelihood

[q1a_4] What are you most worried about at present: Threat of war, world peace

[q1a_5] What are you most worried about at present: Own health, health of family members

[q1a_6] What are you most worried about at present: Children's education or future

[q1a_7] What are you most worried about at present: Environmental pollution

[q1a_8] What are you most worried about at present: Famine in the world

[q1a_9] What are you most worried about at present: Strikes or labour disputes in Finland

[q1a_10] What are you most worried about at present: Personal safety in the area of residence

[q1a_11] What are you most worried about at present: Finland's political future

[q1a_12] What are you most worried about at present: Inequality in Finland

[q1a_13] What are you most worried about at present: Housing situation

[q1a_14] What are you most worried about at present: Something else

[q1b_1] What other things worry you: Nothing in particular

[q1b_2] What other things worry you: Own employment or general employment situation in Finland

[q1b_3] What other things worry you: Own or family livelihood

[q1b_4] What other things worry you: Threat of war, world peace

[q1b_5] What other things worry you: Own health, health of family members

[q1b_6] What other things worry you: Children's education or future

[q1b_7] What other things worry you: Environmental pollution

[q1b_8] What other things worry you: Famine in the world

[q1b_9] What other things worry you: Strikes or labour disputes in Finland

[q1b_10] What other things worry you: Personal safety in the area of residence

[q1b_11] What other things worry you: Finland's political future

[q1b_12] What other things worry you: Inequality in Finland

[q1b_13] What other things worry you: Housing situation

[q1b_14] What other things worry you: Something else

[q2] How satisfied are you with the performance of the current government (Prime Minister Mauno Koivisto)?

[q3] Do you think Finland's economic situation has improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q4] Do you think Finland's economic situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q5] Do you think Finland's economic situation will change over the next 2-3 years?

[q6] Since the summer 1978 prices in Finland have risen by 7,5 per cent. Do you expect the rate of price growth to slow down or accelerate over the next 12 months?

[q7] Has your own or your family's financial situation improved or got worse over the past 12 months?

[q8] Do you think your own or your family's financial situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q9] Do you think Finland's employment situation will improve or get worse over the next 12 months?

[q10] How likely is it that you or any of your family members will become unemployed within the next 12 months?

[q11] In your opinion, which factor has greater impact on the number of unemployed in Finland: Finland's economic situation or world economic situation?

[q12] How much chance does the Finnish government have of improving employment?

[q13_1] What would be the best way to satisfy a (potential) need for additional energy: Construct new nuclear power plants

[q13_2] What would be the best way to satisfy a (potential) need for additional energy: Construct new coal-fired or oil power plants

[q13_3] What would be the best way to satisfy a (potential) need for additional energy: Increase the use of domestic energy sources (peat and wood)

[q14] Do you think we can suppress increasing demand for energy through energy saving measures?

[q15] If a conservation and environmental group were established in your area of residence, you ...

[q16_1] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Working class

[q16_2] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Lower middle class

[q16_3] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Upper middle class

[q16_4] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Upper class

[q16_5] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Employers

[q16_6] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Employees

[q16_7] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: Entrepreneurs, self-employed

[q16_8] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: People with low income

[q16_9] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: People with average income

[q16_10] Which one of the following groups you feel you primarily belong to: People with high income

[q16a] Is there some other social group in this country you feel you belong to?

[q16b_1] Other group you feel you belong to: Working class

[q16b_2] Other group you feel you belong to: Lower middle class

[q16b_3] Other group you feel you belong to: Upper middle class

[q16b_4] Other group you feel you belong to: Employees

[q16b_5] Other group you feel you belong to: Farmers and their families

[q16b_6] Other group you feel you belong to: Pensioners

[q16b_7] Other group you feel you belong to: Students

[q16b_8] Other group you feel you belong to: Entrepreneurs, self-employed

[q16b_9] Other group you feel you belong to: People with average income

[q16b_10] Other group you feel you belong to: People with low income

[q16b_11] Other group you feel you belong to: Religious community

[q16b_12] Other group you feel you belong to: Swedish-speaking Finns

[q17_1] Impact of the comprehensive incomes policy settlement on Finland's economy

[q17_2] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from employees' viewpoint

[q17_3] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from farmers' viewpoint

[q17_4] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from big companies' viewpoint

[q17_5] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from small enterprises' viewpoint

[q17_6] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from the viewpoint of people with high income

[q17_7] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from the viewpoint of people with low income

[q17_8] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from pensioners' viewpoint

[q17_9] Comprehensive incomes policy settlement from your own or your family's viewpoint

[q18] On what terms should public services financed with tax revenue be improved or cut down?

[q19_1] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Foreign policy

[q19_2] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Taxation

[q19_3] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Employment

[q19_4] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Preventing price increases

[q19_5] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Agricultural policy

[q19_6] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Social security policy

[q19_7] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the current government's performance in: Development of education system

[q19a_1] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the previous government's performance in: Foreign policy

[q19a_2] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the previous government's performance in: Taxation

[q19a_3] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the previous government's performance in: Employment

[q19a_4] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the previous government's performance in: Preventing price increases

[q19a_5] On a scale of 4-10, where 4 is the lowest grade and 10 the best, how would you grade the previous government's performance in: Agricultural policy

[q20_1] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests

[q20_2] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters

[q20_3] By voting people can really have a say about how things are run in this country

[q20_4] One can never trust the promises of any party

[q20_5] Those who do not vote also bear responsibility for how things are run in this country

[q20_6] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions

[q20_7] Authorities do not care what people like me think

[q20_8] One vote does not make a difference in an election

[q21] Do you remember which party you voted for in the previous parliamentary elections?

[q22] (If remembers) If Finnish parliamentary elections were held now, would you vote again for the same party?

[q23_1] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: Party has accomplished nothing

[q23_2] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: Does not promote my interests

[q23_3] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: Have changed my opinion

[q23_4] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: I'm not interested in politics

[q23_5] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: Party not good enough to be included in the government

[q23_6] Why would you not vote for the same party/group again: It is the person that matters

[q24] Do you remember which candidate you voted for in the parliamentary elections last spring?

[q25] Did you vote for a man or for a woman?

[q26] Would you vote again for the same candidate if an election were held now?

[q27_1] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Does not keep his/her promises

[q27_2] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Was not elected

[q27_3] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Technical problems

[q27_4] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Have changed my opinion

[q27_5] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Personal characteristics

[q27_6] Why would you not vote again for the same candidate: Other reason

[q28] In previous elections, did you find it difficult to find a party to vote for?

[q29] Did you find it difficult to find a candidate representing the party you support?

[q30_1a] How important is the age of a candidate for your voting decision?

[q30_1b] What age do you prefer the candidate to be?

[q30_2a] How important is the gender of a candidate for your voting decision?

[q30_2b] Should the candidate be a woman or a man?

[q30_3a] How important is a candidate's education level and study field for your voting decision?

[q30_3b1] What kind of education should the candidate have: Upper secondary education

[q30_3b2] What kind of education should the candidate have: Academic degree

[q30_3b3] What kind of education should the candidate have: Economic

[q30_3b4] What kind of education should the candidate have: Social sciences

[q30_3b5] What kind of education should the candidate have: On the whole, good education level

[q30_3b6] What kind of education should the candidate have: Ability to understand life

[q30_4a] How important is the occupation of a candidate for your voting decision?

[q30_4b1] What kind of occupation should the candidate have: Government or municipal official, civil servant

[q30_4b2] What kind of occupation should the candidate have: Working class occupation

[q30_4b3] What kind of occupation should the candidate have: Farmer

[q30_4b4] What kind of occupation should the candidate have: Experience, occupation of the sector

[q30_5a] How important is it for your voting decision whether a candidate has experience in political life?

[q30_5b1] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Member of the party

[q30_5b2] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Expert

[q30_5b3] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Experience in Parliament

[q30_5b4] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Experience in municipal politics

[q30_5b5] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Honest

[q30_5b6] What kind of political experience should the candidate have: Good public performer

[q30_6a] For your voting decision, how important is the way a candidate acts in the party organisation?

[q30_6b1] How should the candidate act: Active

[q30_6b2] How should the candidate act: Other

[q30_6b3] How should the candidate act: Reliable, assured

[q30_6b4] How should the candidate act: Capable, knowledgeable

[q30_7a] How important are the political principles and policies of a candidate for your voting decision?

[q30_7b1] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Same principles as the respondent

[q30_7b2] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Stable, unwavering

[q30_7b3] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Reliable, honest

[q30_7b4] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Concentrates on factual issues

[q30_7b5] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Experience

[q30_7b6] What kind of political principles should the candidate have: Complies with the party line

[q30_8a] For your voting decision, how important is it that the candidate has participated in social or community activities (other than political activities)?

[q30_8b1] What kind of experience should the candidate have: General experience on the whole

[q30_8b2] What kind of experience should the candidate have: Experience of municipalities

[q30_8b3] What kind of experience should the candidate have: Experience in Finland

[q30_8b4] What kind of experience should the candidate have: Experience in some special issue

[q30_9a] How important is it for your voting decision that the candidate has acted in a labour organisation (employers' or employees' organisations)?

[q30_9b1] How should the candidate act in a labour organisation: Be active

[q30_9b2] How should the candidate act in a labour organisation: Knowledgeable of labour organisations

[q30_9b3] How should the candidate act in a labour organisation: Other

[q31a1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KOK

[q31a2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: KESK

[q31a3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: LKP

[q31a4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: PKP

[q31a5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: RKP

[q31a6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKDL

[q31a7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKYP

[q31a8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SKL

[q31a9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SMP

[q31a10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes sensible agricultural policy: SDP

[q31b1] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KOK

[q31b2] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: KESK

[q31b3] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: LKP

[q31b4] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: PKP

[q31b5] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: RKP

[q31b6] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKDL

[q31b7] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKYP

[q31b8] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SKL

[q31b9] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SMP

[q31b10] Perceptions of political parties. Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: SDP

[q31c1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: KOK

[q31c2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: KESK

[q31c3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: LKP

[q31c4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: PKP

[q31c5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: RKP

[q31c6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: SKDL

[q31c7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: SKYP

[q31c8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: SKL

[q31c9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: SMP

[q31c10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes reforms in the society: SDP

[q31d1] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: KOK

[q31d2] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: KESK

[q31d3] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: LKP

[q31d4] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: PKP

[q31d5] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: RKP

[q31d6] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKDL

[q31d7] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKYP

[q31d8] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SKL

[q31d9] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SMP

[q31d10] Perceptions of political parties. Reliable: SDP

[q31e1] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: Its policies make inflation higher: KOK

[q31e2] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: KESK

[q31e3] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: LKP

[q31e4] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: PKP

[q31e5] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: RKP

[q31e6] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKDL

[q31e7] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKYP

[q31e8] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SKL

[q31e9] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SMP

[q31e10] Perceptions of political parties. Its policies make inflation higher: SDP

[q31f1] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: KOK

[q31f2] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: KESK

[q31f3] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: LKP

[q31f4] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: PKP

[q31f5] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: RKP

[q31f6] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKDL

[q31f7] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKYP

[q31f8] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SKL

[q31f9] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SMP

[q31f10] Perceptions of political parties. Promotes fair taxation policy: SDP

[q31g1] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KOK

[q31g2] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: KESK

[q31g3] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: LKP

[q31g4] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: PKP

[q31g5] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: RKP

[q31g6] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKDL

[q31g7] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKYP

[q31g8] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SKL

[q31g9] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SMP

[q31g10] Perceptions of political parties. Effective employment policy: SDP

[q31h1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KOK

[q31h2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: KESK

[q31h3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: LKP

[q31h4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: PKP

[q31h5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: RKP

[q31h6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKDL

[q31h7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKYP

[q31h8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SKL

[q31h9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SMP

[q31h10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote equality and democracy: SDP

[q31i1] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: KOK

[q31i2] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: KESK

[q31i3] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: LKP

[q31i4] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: PKP

[q31i5] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: RKP

[q31i6] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKDL

[q31i7] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKYP

[q31i8] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SKL

[q31i9] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SMP

[q31i10] Perceptions of political parties. Does not promote impartially the interests of different regions in Finland: SDP

[q31j1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KOK

[q31j2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: KESK

[q31j3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: LKP

[q31j4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: PKP

[q31j5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: RKP

[q31j6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKDL

[q31j7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKYP

[q31j8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SKL

[q31j9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SMP

[q31j10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too left-wing: SDP

[q31k1] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capableleaders: KOK

[q31k2] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: KESK

[q31k3] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: LKP

[q31k4] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: PKP

[q31k5] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: RKP

[q31k6] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: SKDL

[q31k7] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: SKYP

[q31k8] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: SKL

[q31k9] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: SMP

[q31k10] Perceptions of political parties. The party lacks capable leaders: SDP

[q31l1] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KOK

[q31l2] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: KESK

[q31l3] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: LKP

[q31l4] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: PKP

[q31l5] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: RKP

[q31l6] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKDL

[q31l7] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKYP

[q31l8] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SKL

[q31l9] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SMP

[q31l10] Perceptions of political parties. Competent leaders: SDP

[q31m1] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KOK

[q31m2] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: KESK

[q31m3] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: LKP

[q31m4] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: PKP

[q31m5] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: RKP

[q31m6] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKDL

[q31m7] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKYP

[q31m8] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SKL

[q31m9] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SMP

[q31m10] Perceptions of political parties. Improves citizens' safety and security: SDP

[q31n1] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KOK

[q31n2] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: KESK

[q31n3] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: LKP

[q31n4] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: PKP

[q31n5] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: RKP

[q31n6] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKDL

[q31n7] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKYP

[q31n8] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SKL

[q31n9] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SMP

[q31n10] Perceptions of political parties. Forgets its promises after elections: SDP

[q31o1] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KOK

[q31o2] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: KESK

[q31o3] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: LKP

[q31o4] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: PKP

[q31o5] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: RKP

[q31o6] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKDL

[q31o7] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKYP

[q31o8] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SKL

[q31o9] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SMP

[q31o10] Perceptions of political parties. Party policies are too right-wing: SDP

[q31p1] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KOK

[q31p2] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: KESK

[q31p3] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: LKP

[q31p4] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: PKP

[q31p5] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: RKP

[q31p6] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKDL

[q31p7] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKYP

[q31p8] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SKL

[q31p9] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SMP

[q31p10] Perceptions of political parties. Supports impartially the interests of all Finnish regions: SDP

[q31r1] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: KOK

[q31r2] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: KESK

[q31r3] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: LKP

[q31r4] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: PKP

[q31r5] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: RKP

[q31r6] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: SKDL

[q31r7] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: SKYP

[q31r8] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: SKL

[q31r9] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: SMP

[q31r10] Perceptions of political parties. Has no clear party line: SDP

[q32a1] Perceptions of party leaders. An efficient party leader: Suominen

[q32a2] Perceptions of party leaders. A consistent representative of his party: Suominen

[q32a3] Perceptions of party leaders. Honest: Suominen

[q32a4] Perceptions of party leaders. Prudent: Suominen

[q32a5] Perceptions of party leaders. Suitable to be the Prime Minister: Suominen

[q32a6] Perceptions of party leaders. Inefficient: Suominen

[q32a7] Perceptions of party leaders. Unreliable: Suominen

[q32a8] Perceptions of party leaders. Understands the problems of ordinary citizens: Suominen

[q32a9] Perceptions of party leaders. Promotes the interests of all Finns: Suominen

[q32a10] Perceptions of party leaders. Sensible and matter-of-fact behaviour in public: Suominen

[q32a11] Perceptions of party leaders. A patriot: Suominen

[q32b1] Perceptions of party leaders. An efficient party leader: Saarinen

[q32b2] Perceptions of party leaders. A consistent representative of his party: Saarinen

[q32b3] Perceptions of party leaders. Honest: Saarinen

[q32b4] Perceptions of party leaders. Prudent: Saarinen

[q32b5] Perceptions of party leaders. Suitable to be the Prime Minister: Saarinen

[q32b6] Perceptions of party leaders. Inefficient: Saarinen

[q32b7] Perceptions of party leaders. Unreliable: Saarinen

[q32b8] Perceptions of party leaders. Understands the problems of ordinary citizens: Saarinen

[q32b9] Perceptions of party leaders. Promotes the interests of all Finns: Saarinen

[q32b10] Perceptions of party leaders. Sensible and matter-of-fact behaviour in public: Saarinen

[q32b11] Perceptions of party leaders. A patriot: Saarinen

[q32c1] Perceptions of party leaders. An efficient party leader: Sorsa

[q32c2] Perceptions of party leaders. A consistent representative of his party: Sorsa

[q32c3] Perceptions of party leaders. Honest: Sorsa

[q32c4] Perceptions of party leaders. Prudent: Sorsa

[q32c5] Perceptions of party leaders. Suitable to be the Prime Minister: Sorsa

[q32c6] Perceptions of party leaders. Inefficient: Sorsa

[q32c7] Perceptions of party leaders. Unreliable: Sorsa

[q32c8] Perceptions of party leaders. Understands the problems of ordinary citizens: Sorsa

[q32c9] Perceptions of party leaders. Promotes the interests of all Finns: Sorsa

[q32c10] Perceptions of party leaders. Sensible and matter-of-fact behaviour in public: Sorsa

[q32c11] Perceptions of party leaders. A Patriot: Sorsa

[q32d1] Perceptions of party leaders. An efficient party leader: Virolainen

[q32d2] Perceptions of party leaders. A consistent representative of his party: Virolainen

[q32d3] Perceptions of party leaders. Honest: Virolainen

[q32d4] Perceptions of party leaders. Prudent: Virolainen

[q32d5] Perceptions of party leaders. Suitable to be the Prime Minister: Virolainen

[q32d6] Perceptions of party leaders. Inefficient: Virolainen

[q32d7] Perceptions of party leaders. Unreliable: Virolainen

[q32d8] Perceptions of party leaders. Understands the problems of ordinary citizens: Virolainen

[q32d9] Perceptions of party leaders. Promotes the interests of all Finns: Virolainen

[q32d10] Perceptions of party leaders. Sensible and matter-of-fact behaviour in public: Virolainen

[q32d11] Perceptions of party leaders. A patriot: Virolainen

[q33_1] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: KOK

[q33_2] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: KESK

[q33_3] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: LKP

[q33_4] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: PKP

[q33_5] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: RKP

[q33_6] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SKDL

[q33_7] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SKL

[q33_8] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SMP

[q33_9] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: SDP

[q34] On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is extreme political left and 9 extreme political right, where would you place: Yourself

[q35] Respondent's own interest in politics and political events

[q36_1] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: Presidential election

[q36_2] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: Parliamentary election

[q36_3] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: Municipal elections

[q36_4] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: All are equally important

[q36_5] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: Not important to vote in any election

[q36_6] General elections in Finland include presidential, parliamentary and municipal elections. In which election is it most important to vote: Depends on the situation

[q37] In municipal elections, is your voting decision based on the general party line or on the party's/candidate's views on local matters?

[q38_1] In your opinion, what are the areas most in need of development in your municipality of residence (first choice)?

[q38_2] In your opinion, what are the areas most in need of development in your municipality of residence (second choice)?

[q38_3] In your opinion, what are the areas most in need of development in your municipality of residence (third choice)?

[q39_1] Which areas will be most affected by the outcome of the municipal elections (first choice)?

[q39_2] Which areas will be most affected by the outcome of the municipal elections (second choice)?

[q39_3] Which areas will be most affected by the outcome of the municipal elections (third choice)?

[q40] What is your opinion on proposed municipal district councils? The councils would handle matters concerning a particular part of the municipality

[q41_1] Which party did you vote for in the 1979 parliamentary elections?

[q41_2] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?

[q41_3a] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for as your second choice?

[q41_3b] Which party would you not vote for under any circumstances?

[q42a1] Respondent's membership in a trade union or professional association: Not a member

[q42a2] Respondent's membership in a trade union or professional association: Is a member

[q42a3] Respondent's membership in a trade union or professional association: Has been an official or representative

[q42b1] Respondent's membership in an agricultural association or union: Not a member

[q42b2] Respondent's membership in an agricultural association or union: Is a member

[q42b3] Respondent's membership in an agricultural association or union: Has been an official or representative

[q42c1] Respondent's membership in any political party or in women's/youth organisation of any party: Not a member

[q42c2] Respondent's membership in any political party or in women's/youth organisation of any party: Is a member

[q42c3] Respondent's membership in any political party or in women's/youth organisation of any party: Has been an official or representative

[q42d1] Respondent's membership in any other voluntary organisation or association: Not a member

[q42d2] Respondent's membership in any other voluntary organisation or association: Is a member

[q42d3] Respondent's membership in any other voluntary organisation or association: Has been an official or representative

[q43] Respondent's economic activity

[q44] Respondent's occupational status (if in paid work)

[q45] Economic activity of the household head

[q46] Occupational status of the head of household

[q47] Employment sector of the head of household

[q48] Do you feel you belong to any of the following groups?

[q49] Do you or your family have arable land?

[q50] Respondent's basic education

[q51] Respondent's education (longer than three months)

[q52] Respondent's mother tongue

[q53] Respondent's gender

[q54_1] Annual gross income of the household in Finnish marks

[q54_2] Income response choice

[q55_1] Respondent's age (years)

[q55_2] Respondent's year of birth

[q56] Respondent's place of residence

[q57] Respondent's electoral district/constituency

[vuosi] Year of the interview

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