FSD1032 Finnish Voter Barometer August-September 1996
Select variable
[v2] Respondent identification number
[v5] Number of children under 20 years
[v6_2] Number of children aged under 1 year
[v6_3] Number of 1-year-old children
[v6_4] Number of 2-3 years old children
[v6_5] Number of 4-6 years old children
[v6_6] Number of 7-9 years old children
[v6_7] Number of 10-11 years old children
[v6_8] Number of 12-13 years old children
[v6_9] Number of 14-15 years old children
[v6_10] Number of 16-18 years old children
[v6_11] Number of 19-20 years old children
[v8] Respondent's place of residence
[v9] Respondent's province of residence (according to the previous provincial division)
[v12] Occupational group of the head of the household
[v13_1] Freezer in the household
[v13_2] Microwave in the household
[v13_3] Baking machine in the household
[v13_4] None of these (freezer, microwave, baking machine)
[v15] Respondent's year of birth
[v16] Are you the person with the highest income in the household?
[v17] Are you responsible for what food and other everyday products are bought to the household?
[v18] Who does the cooking in the household?
[v19] Respondent's marital status
[v20] Age when respondent finished studying full-time
[v21] Respondent's basic education
[v22] Respondent's vocational education
[v23] Respondent's occupational group
[v24] How many hours per week you normally work
[v25] Respondent's employment sector
[v27] Respondent's membership in a trade union
[v28] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?
[v30] Respondent's phase of life
[v31] Respondent's native language
[v32] Which party or group did you vote for in the 1995 parliamentary elections?
[v33] Respondent's political orientation (left-right axis)
[v34] Respondent's social group
[v36] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Social Democratic Party of Finland?
[v37] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Centre Party of Finland?
[v38] How positive or negative is your attitude towards National Coalition Party?
[v39] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Left Alliance?
[v40] How positive or negative is your attitude towards the Green League?
[v41_1] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v41_2] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Centre Party of Finland
[v41_3] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: National Coalition Party
[v41_4] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Left Alliance
[v41_5] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: Green League
[v41_6] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: none of these parties
[v41_7] Responds to the needs of ordinary citizens: can't say
[v42_1] Reforms the society: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v42_2] Reforms the society: Centre Party of Finland
[v42_3] Reforms the society: National Coalition Party
[v42_4] Reforms the society: Left Alliance
[v42_5] Reforms the society: Green League
[v42_6] Reforms the society: none of these parties
[v42_7] Reforms the society: can't say
[v43_1] Incompetent leaders: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v43_2] Incompetent leaders: Centre Party of Finland
[v43_3] Incompetent leaders: National Coalition Party
[v43_4] Incompetent leaders: Left Alliance
[v43_5] Incompetent leaders: Green League
[v43_6] Incompetent leaders: none of these parties
[v43_7] Incompetent leaders: can't say
[v44_1] Acts contrary to my own interests: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v44_2] Acts contrary to my own interests: Centre Party of Finland
[v44_3] Acts contrary to my own interests: National Coalition Party
[v44_4] Acts contrary to my own interests: Left Alliance
[v44_5] Acts contrary to my own interests: Green League
[v44_6] Acts contrary to my own interests: none of these parties
[v44_7] Acts contrary to my own interests: can't say
[v45_4] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Left Alliance
[v45_5] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: Green League
[v45_7] Active and successful in looking after the interests of its supporters: can't say
[v46_1] Suppresses (conceals) information: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v46_2] Suppresses (conceals) information: Centre Party of Finland
[v46_3] Suppresses (conceals) information: National Coalition Party
[v46_4] Suppresses (conceals) information: Left Alliance
[v46_5] Suppresses (conceals) information: Green League
[v46_6] Suppresses (conceals) information: none of these parties
[v46_7] Suppresses (conceals) information: can't say
[v47_1] Acts arrogantly: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v47_2] Acts arrogantly: Centre Party of Finland
[v47_3] Acts arrogantly: National Coalition Party
[v47_4] Acts arrogantly: Left Alliance
[v47_5] Acts arrogantly: Green League
[v47_6] Acts arrogantly: none of these parties
[v47_7] Acts arrogantly: can't say
[v48_1] My trust in this party has increased: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v48_2] My trust in this party has increased: Centre Party of Finland
[v48_3] My trust in this party has increased: National Coalition Party
[v48_4] My trust in this party has increased: Left Alliance
[v48_5] My trust in this party has increased: Green League
[v48_6] My trust in this party has increased: none of these parties
[v48_7] My trust in this party has increased: can't say
[v49_1] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v49_2] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: Centre Party of Finland
[v49_3] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: National Coalition Party
[v49_4] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: Left Alliance
[v49_5] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: Green League
[v49_6] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: none of these parties
[v49_7] Has promoted issues important to Finland and all Finns: can't say
[v50_1] My trust in this party has decreased: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v50_2] My trust in this party has decreased: Centre Party of Finland
[v50_3] My trust in this party has decreased: National Coalition Party
[v50_4] My trust in this party has decreased: Left Alliance
[v50_5] My trust in this party has decreased: Green League
[v50_6] My trust in this party has decreased: none of these parties
[v50_7] My trust in this party has decreased: can't say
[v51_1] Able and competent in EU matters: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v51_2] Able and competent in EU matters: Centre Party of Finland
[v51_3] Able and competent in EU matters: National Coalition Party
[v51_4] Able and competent in EU matters: Left Alliance
[v51_5] Able and competent in EU matters: Green League
[v51_6] Able and competent in EU matters: none of these parties
[v51_7] Able and competent in EU matters: can't say
[v53] Chairman Esko Aho's importance to the Centre Party of Finland
[v54] Chairman Paavo Lipponen's importance to the Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v55] Chairman Sauli Niinistö's importance to the National Coalition Party
[v56] Chairman Claes Andersson's importance to the Left Alliance
[v66] If municipal elections were held now, which party would you vote for?
[v67] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Party's ideology
[v68] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Family tradition
[v69] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Has voted/supported this party before
[v70] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Party has the best candidate(s)
[v71] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Party has a good chairman
[v73] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Party leaders are competent
[v74] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to support the current government
[v75] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to oppose the current government
[v76] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Party policy in EU membership issues
[v77] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to improve Finland's economy
[v78] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to cut down public expenditure
[v80] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to protect nature and environment
[v81] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to reduce unemployment
[v82] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to reduce income tax
[v83] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to see some changes in politics
[v85] Respondent's choice of party would be influenced by: Desire to make the society more equal
[v95] Which party / group did you vote for in the 1995 parliamentary elections?
[v96] Attitude towards political advertising on television
[v98_4] Has seen advertisements of the following political groups / candidates: Left Alliance
[v98_6] Has seen advertisements of the following political groups / candidates: Green League
[v98_9] Has seen advertisements of the following political groups / candidates: True Finns
[v98_11] Has seen advertisements of the following political groups / candidates: Other
[v98_12] Has seen advertisements of the following political groups / candidates: Can't say
[v99] Has political advertising concentrated more on issues or on image
[v100] To what extent have you followed election campaign openings of parties / groups in the media?
[v101_1] Has followed election campaign openings: Mostly from TV
[v101_2] Has followed election campaign openings: Mostly from newspapers
[v101_3] Has followed election campaign openings: Mostly from radio
[v101_4] Has followed election campaign openings: From somewhere else
[v101_5] Has followed election campaign openings: Can't say
[v102_1] Has followed the campaign opening of: Social Democratic Party of Finland
[v102_2] Has followed the campaign opening of: Centre Party of Finland
[v102_3] Has followed the campaign opening of: National Coalition Party
[v102_4] Has followed the campaign opening of: Left Alliance
[v102_5] Has followed the campaign opening of: Swedish People's Party in Finland
[v102_6] Has followed the campaign opening of: Green League
[v102_7] Has followed the campaign opening of: Christian League of Finland
[v102_8] Has followed the campaign opening of: Progressive Finnish Party
[v102_9] Has followed the campaign opening of: True Finns
[v102_10] Has followed the campaign opening of: Alternative to EU -list (VEU)
[v102_11] Has followed the campaign opening of: Other
[v102_12] Has followed the campaign opening of: Can't say
[v103] Are you going to vote in the municipal elections in October?
[v104] Are you going to vote in the European parliament elections?
[v105] How are you going to choose your candidate... (party / candidate)
[v107] In the European parliament elections, my party preference will govern my choice of candidate
[v109] I will merely choose a good candidate, regardless of which party he/she represents
[v112_1] would vote for: Aalto Hilkka
[v112_2] would vote for: Aaltonen Sami
[v112_3] would vote for: Almgren Esko
[v112_4] would vote for: Anttila Sirkka-Liisa
[v112_5] would vote for: Donner Jörn
[v112_6] would vote for: Haaramäki Ossi
[v112_7] would vote for: Hakalehto Ilkka
[v112_8] would vote for: Hautala Heidi
[v112_9] would vote for: Homen Carl-Olof
[v112_10] would vote for: Hurskainen Sinikka
[v112_11] would vote for: Ilaskivi Raimo
[v112_12] would vote for: Ilivitzky Anna
[v112_13] would vote for: Iloniemi Jaakko
[v112_14] would vote for: Julkunen Petri
[v112_15] would vote for: Järvenpää Heikki
[v112_16] would vote for: Kaakkuriniemi Tapani
[v112_17] would vote for: Kankaanniemi Toimi
[v112_18] would vote for: Katajamäki Hannu
[v112_19] would vote for: Keskitalo Petri
[v112_20] would vote for: Kunnas Tarmo
[v112_21] would vote for: Lahesmaa Petri
[v112_22] would vote for: Laitalainen Tuulia
[v112_23] would vote for: Laurila Ritva
[v112_24] would vote for: Leppänen Urpo
[v112_25] would vote for: Luukkainen Hannele
[v112_26] would vote for: Mannermaa Mika
[v112_27] would vote for: Melin Ingvar
[v112_28] would vote for: Myller Riitta
[v112_29] would vote for: Norrman Ralf
[v112_30] would vote for: Ojala Outi
[v112_31] would vote for: Paasilinna Reino
[v112_32] would vote for: Paasio Pertti
[v112_33] would vote for: Piikivi Leena
[v112_34] would vote for: Piha Kirsi
[v112_35] would vote for: Pohjamo Samuli
[v112_36] would vote for: Puska Pekka
[v112_37] would vote for: Pykäläinen Tuija-Maaret
[v112_38] would vote for: Matikainen-Kallström Marjo
[v112_39] would vote for: Rehn Olli
[v112_40] would vote for: Rusanen Pirjo
[v112_41] would vote for: Ryynänen Mirja
[v112_42] would vote for: Rönkä-Nieminen Maija
[v112_43] would vote for: Saijonmaa Arja
[v112_44] would vote for: Santavuori Ritva
[v112_45] would vote for: Sauri Pekka
[v112_46] would vote for: Seppänen Esko
[v112_47] would vote for: Sirkiä Paavo
[v112_48] would vote for: Siuvatti Asser
[v112_49] would vote for: Sänkiaho Risto
[v112_50] would vote for: Tarkka Jukka
[v112_51] would vote for: Toivonen Kyösti
[v112_52] would vote for: Turunen Pekka
[v112_53] would vote for: Wahlgren Thomas
[v112_54] would vote for: Vistbacka Raimo
[v112_55] would vote for: Virrankoski Kyösti
[v112_56] would vote for: Wuori Matti
[v112_57] would vote for: Väyrynen Paavo
[v112_58] would vote for: Someone else
[v112_59] would vote for: Can't say/haven't decided
[v113] Did you vote for or against Finland's EU membership in the 1994 referendum?
[v115] When will you decide who to vote for in the municipal elections?
[v116] When will you decide who to vote for in the European parliamentary elections?
[v118] You think that Finland's EU membership is...
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