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[q1] No party promotes issues that are important to me
[q2] In future, science and technology will be able to solve most present-day problems
[q3] There are good grounds for constructing a fifth nuclear power plant in Finland
[q4] Increasing economic well-being even higher than at present will increase people's spiritual problems
[q5] Science and technology are changing from people's servants to their masters
[q6] Those remote rural villages that do not offer opportunities to make a decent living should not be kept populated
[q7] It is a privilege to be a Finn
[q8] If women were allowed to take more part in decision-making in working life, the whole society would benefit
[q9] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens
[q10] The process of internalisation is irreversible and universal and Finland has no choice but to participate in it
[q11] The opinions of citizens have little influence on decision-making in our society
[q12] If Finland wants to increase its population, it is better to pay Finns to have more children than to take in more refugees
[q13] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to reduce pollution and environmental problems
[q14] Finland should make good use of the changes in its neighbouring countries and employ people e.g. from Leningrad (Russia)
[q15] If Finns had more a positive attitude to entrepreneurship, the whole society would benefit
[q16] Finland's high price level is primarily due to the non-functioning of free competition in our country
[q17] If employees could influence and take more part in corporate decision-making, the whole society would benefit
[q18] If more foreigners worked in Finland, our country would benefit from the useful international influences they bring
[q19] No-one can tell what the real effects of European integration will be and therefore Finland should proceed very cautiously in this matter
[q20] The revolutions of Eastern Europe prove that a functioning society must be based on the freedom of the individual and right to private ownership
[q21] Economic growth is the only way to continuous well-being
[q22] Finland should join the European community (EC/EU)
[q23] Because Finnish food is clean and of high quality, it is naturally quite expensive
[q24] The success of an individual is determined mainly by his/her own actions and willpower, not by the society or circumstances
[q25] Finland's leaders should stop being overcautious in international matters and express their views over world events clearly and strongly
[q26] Finland's nature and forests are already dying and no measures can save them any more
[q27] Finnish enterprises are too small for future international markets, they must be merged into bigger units in order to survive at all
[q28] Finland suffers from a worrying trend of ownership concentration
[q29] Finns should effectively protect their unique culture from the ever increasing internationalisation
[q30] Strongly increasing consumption is a sign of the present-day 'value vacuum', which leaves people to seek happiness and values from goods
[q31] People used to be happier than they are now
[q32] By aiming at continuous economic growth mankind will slowly destroy the environment and eventually itself
[q33] Finnish media has too strong an influence on public opinion
[q34] Finns are so keen on early retirement as a result of bad working environment and outdated management methods
[q35] Labour shortage will soon be a bigger problem than unemployment in Finland
[q36] At present Finland is relying too much on credit and as a consequence will face great problems later on
[q37] Finland's development aid should be used to help Eastern European countries instead of directing it to traditional target countries
[q38] Public administration must be downsized
[q39] Even though the on-going structural change causes redundancies and other problems, it is still inevitable and should not be hindered
[q40] The fact that competent and qualified Finns emigrate is a bigger problem than immigration to Finland
[q41] Because Finns have achieved their well-being with hard work and wars, Finland belongs to Finns only
[q42] A country as closed and stagnant as Finland does not have much chance of keeping up with international development
[q43] One can do anything in Finland using the freedom of the individual as an excuse, regardless of what the common good might be
[q44] Finland's increasing labour shortage can be eased only with the help of foreign labour
[q45] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces and selfish profit seeking
[q46] Finnish media gives a balanced and true picture of world events
[q47] Increasing dissatisfaction and criticism among the Finns does not mean that matters are getting worse in Finland but rather that we want more than before
[q48] We need new kind of politicians, since the way our party leaders think is outdated and does not provide solutions to current problems
[q49] Most of our public services should be privatized to improve efficiency
[q50] I feel more and more European, in addition to being Finnish
[q51] We should abandon the policy of agricultural self-sufficiency and use the money on developing our country, instead of spending it on agricultural export subsidies
[q52] To prevent the huge pollutant emissions of the Kola Peninsula and other neighbouring areas from polluting our country, Finland should help to solve these problems free of charge
[q53] I am personally interested in European culture (e.g. literature, arts, music, architecture) and it gives me great intellectual satisfaction
[q54] Finnish people's wariness towards foreigners is wise guardedness, not ignorance or racism
[q55] It should be possible to forbid strikes which greatly inconvenience outsiders
[q56] Finland needs strong leaders who can restore order, discipline and respect for proper values
[q57] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence
[q58] Unless mankind takes up efficient measures to reduce pollution, everything will soon be too late
[q59] Nowadays one does not need to affiliate oneself to any interest group or organisation
[q60] Foreigners' right to own land, forest, property and shares should be expanded in Finland
[q61] Unless it manages to lower its high price level, Finland will price itself out of the international trade and economy
[q62_1] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Our standard of living will be higher
[q62_2] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Unemployment be will reduced
[q62_3] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Operational conditions of enterprises will become better
[q62_4] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Cultural life will be enriched
[q62_5] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: A significant number of new enterprises will be founded
[q62_6] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Our national culture will gradually die out
[q62_7] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Patriotism/nationalism will disappear
[q62_8] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: There will be cuts in social security
[q62_9] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Trivial entertainment will invade our homes
[q62_10] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Finland's neutrality will be endangered
[q62_11] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: There will be a lot of immigration to Finland
[q62_12] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: There will be a lot of emigration from Finland
[q62_13] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Status of the Finnish language will be endangered
[q62_14] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Many foreign enterprises will come to Finland
[q62_15] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Many enterprises will move away from Finland
[q62_16] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Finnish capital will be transferred abroad
[q62_17] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Price level will fall in Finland
[q62_18] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Our national sovereignty will weaken
[q62_19] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Traditional values will be forgotten
[q62_20] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Flow of information between countries will increase and become more free
[q62_21] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Rural and remote districts will become desolate
[q62_22] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Standard of science will improve
[q62_23] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Unrest, illegal drugs and AIDS will spread out to our country
[q62_24] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Finns will become less reserved
[q62_25] If internationalisation continues to progress in Finland: Environmental and nature protection will become more difficult
[q63_1] Amount of influence at present: Trade unions
[q63_2] Amount of influence at present: Parliament
[q63_3] Amount of influence at present: Government
[q63_4] Amount of influence at present: Church
[q63_5] Amount of influence at present: Municipal decision-makers
[q63_6] Amount of influence at present: Press
[q63_7] Amount of influence at present: Conservationists
[q63_8] Amount of influence at present: Banks
[q63_9] Amount of influence at present: Family
[q63_10] Amount of influence at present: Police
[q63_11] Amount of influence at present: Political parties
[q63_12] Amount of influence at present: Armed forces
[q63_13] Amount of influence at present: Large companies
[q63_14] Amount of influence at present: President
[q63_15] Amount of influence at present: Employers' organizations
[q63_16] Amount of influence at present: Civil servants
[q63_17] Amount of influence at present: Individual citizens
[q63_18] Amount of influence at present: Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)
[q63_19] Amount of influence at present: Universities
[q64_1] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Honesty
[q64_2] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Diligence and entreprising nature
[q64_3] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Tolerance
[q64_4] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Greediness and self-interest
[q64_5] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Finnish perseverance and guts
[q64_6] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Obedience to the law
[q64_7] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Criminality and violence
[q64_8] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Society's responsibilities towards the underprivileged
[q64_9] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Indifference and hardness
[q64_10] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Ideology and idealism
[q64_11] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Dissatisfaction and criticality
[q64_12] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Joy of living/zest for life
[q64_13] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Faith in a better future
[q64_14] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Respect for traditional values and customs
[q64_15] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Interest in other countries and cultures
[q64_16] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Willingness to co-operate
[q64_17] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Concern about destruction of nature
[q64_18] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Love for one's neighbour
[q64_19] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Respect for work
[q64_20] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Patriotism and nationalism
[q64_21] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Confidence in authorities
[q64_22] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Shallowness and superficiality
[q64_23] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Individuality and spontaneity
[q64_24] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Consensus on common national objectives
[q64_25] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Mental welfare and happiness
[q64_26] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Religiousness
[q64_27] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Willingness to defend own country
[q64_28] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Broadmindedness
[q64_29] Changes in intellectual climate over the past few years: Faith in the functioning of democracy
[q65_1_1] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (first choice): Trade and economic co-operation
[q65_1_2] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (second choice): Trade and economic co-operation
[q65_1_3] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (third choice) : Trade and economic co-operation
[q65_2_1] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (first choice): Cultural and educational co-operation
[q65_2_2] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (second choice): Cultural and educational co-operation
[q65_2_3] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (third choice): Cultural and educational co-operation
[q65_3_1] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (first choice): Personal contacts between citizens
[q65_3_2] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (second choice): Personal contacts between citizens
[q65_3_3] With what countries/regions should Finland co-operate most (third choice): Personal contacts between citizens
[q66_1] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: On the whole/generally speaking
[q66_2] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Standard of living and welfare
[q66_3] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Exports and foreign trade
[q66_4] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Entrepreneurial activities in general
[q66_5] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Price level in our country
[q66_6] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Employment
[q66_7] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Independence/sovereignty
[q66_8] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Ownership right
[q66_9] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Stability
[q66_10] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Social security
[q66_11] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Environmental protection
[q66_12] Would European integration be beneficial or harmful to Finland: Culture
[q67_1] Finland's opportunities to export: Industrial goods generally
[q67_2] Finland's opportunities to export: Paper, cardboard, cellulose
[q67_3] Finland's opportunities to export: Wood, plywood, timber slabs
[q67_4] Finland's opportunities to export: Paper machinery, industrial machines
[q67_5] Finland's opportunities to export: Know-how and design services
[q67_6] Finland's opportunities to export: Banking, financial and insurance services
[q67_7] Finland's opportunities to export: Food and agricultural products
[q67_8] Finland's opportunities to export: Televisions, computers, electronics
[q67_9] Finland's opportunities to export: Environmental protection technology
[q67_10] Finland's opportunities to export: Oil and chemical products
[q67_11] Finland's opportunities to export: Clothes, textiles, shoes
[q67_12] Finland's opportunities to export: Ships, ice-breakers
[q67_13] Finland's opportunities to export: Design products, Finnish design
[q67_14] Finland's opportunities to export: Repair and construction of buildings
[bv1] Respondent's sex
[bv2] Respondent's age group
[bv3] Marital status
[bv4] Size of the respondent's municipality of residence
[bv5] Respondent's province of residence
[bv6] Respondent's occupational group
[bv7] Respondent's basic education
[bv8] Respondent's vocational education
[bv9] Respondent's federation of trade unions membership
[bv10] Are you working in...
[bv11] Respondent's employment sector
[bv12] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for
[bv13] Respondent's social class
[bv14] Respondent's native language