FSD1083 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes 1992

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[q1] No party promotes issues that are important to me

[q2] In future, science and technology will be able to solve most present-day problems

[q3] In the present society one cannot be confident about the future, because it is possible to lose one's job and livelihood quite suddenly

[q4] Increasing economic well-being even higher than at present will increase people's spiritual problems

[q5] Present-day unstable Russia is a greater threat to Finland than the former Soviet Union used to be

[q6] The solutions to the problems of Finnish rural areas must be based on their own initiative and know-how, not on state subsidies

[q7] It is a privilege to be a Finn

[q8] All far-reaching and important decisions should be subjected to mandatory referendum

[q9] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens

[q10] The process of internalisation is irreversible and universal and Finland has no choice but to participate in it

[q11] Mass unemployment will become a permanent feature of Finland and it will produce a large class of marginalised citizens in our society

[q12] In order to manage in the future, Finland needs a definite long-term policy which has wide public support

[q13] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to reduce pollution and environmental problems

[q14] Finland must maintain the policy of equality in income distribution also in future

[q15] If Finns had more a positive attitude to entrepreneurship, the whole society would benefit

[q16] Finnish well-being is not threatened by those who want to downsize public expenditure but rather by those who want everything to remain the same

[q17] If employees could influence and take part in corporate decision-making more, the whole society would benefit

[q18] If more foreigners worked in Finland, our country would benefit from the useful international influences they bring

[q19] No-one can tell what the real effects of European integration will be and therefore Finland should proceed very cautiously in this matter

[q20] Nowadays, decision-makers get more information about public opinion through civic organizations than through political parties

[q21] Economic growth is the only way to continuous well-being

[q22] Finland should join the European community (EC/EU)

[q23] In practice, Finland's present deep depression is a consequence of the irrational casino economy of the 1980s

[q24] In future, Finland's pension systems will collapse and the payment of even 'already earned' pensions will become impossible

[q25] Economic and industrial activities are unduly constricted on the grounds of nature conservation

[q26] Finland is far too isolated from the rest of Europe

[q27] Finnish enterprises are too small for future international markets, they must be merged into bigger units in order to survive at all

[q28] Finland suffers from a worrying trend of ownership concentration

[q29] Finns should effectively protect their unique culture from the ever increasing internationalisation

[q30] Unless trade unions radically reform the way they operate and are organised, they will be unable to promote the interests of their members in future

[q31] People used to be happier than they are now

[q32] By aiming at continuous economic growth mankind will slowly destroy the environment and eventually itself

[q33] Finnish media has too strong an influence on public opinion

[q34] Even though a referendum is democracy at its purest form, in many matters referendums are not the most suitable decision-making method

[q35] Increasing immigration would lead to disadvantageous mixing of races and weaken the vitality of our nation

[q36] Good social security system, free health care and other social services make people lazy and unenterprising

[q37] Financially troubled banks should be allowed to go bankrupt rather than be supported with taxpaid subsidies

[q38] Public administration must be downsized

[q39] Competitiviness of our export industry is vital to employment and through it to general welfare in Finland

[q40] The fact that competent and qualified Finns emigrate is a bigger problem than immigration to Finland

[q41] Even though it is true that 'Finland lives on its forests', in future we increasingly have to base our livelihood on other export products

[q42] A country as closed and stagnant as Finland does not have much chance of keeping up with international development

[q43] Nowadays, Finnish industry and commerce act responsibly in environmental matters

[q44] Finland has been able to cope with its problems before and will be able to cope now

[q45] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces and selfish profit seeking

[q46] Responsibility for the upbringing of children and young people should be transferred back to parents from schools and society

[q47] Even though good social security and public services are costly, Finnish welfare state is always good value for money

[q48] We need new kind of politicians, since the way our party leaders think is outdated and does not provide solutions to current problems

[q49] Most of our public services should be privatized to improve efficiency

[q50] Increasingly, I feel more and more European, in addition to being Finnish

[q51] Our present welfare system, which is based on public services, will not function in future and we must adopt a system based on private services and activity

[q52] Finland can perfectly well ignore the present euphoria about Europe and follow its own path

[q53] It is wrong to accuse market forces for Finland's present difficulties; if politicians made sensible decisions, market forces would function to the benefit of the whole society

[q54] Finnish people's wariness towards foreigners is wise guardedness, not ignorance or racism

[q55] The right to strike belongs to the basic rights and must not be limited even in a period of depression and mass unemployment

[q56] Finland needs strong leaders who can restore order, discipline and respect for proper values

[q57] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence

[q58] Unless mankind begins efficiently to reduce pollution, soon everything will be too late

[q59] Nowadays one does not need to affiliate oneself to any interest group or organisation

[q60] Foreigners' right to own land, forest, property and shares should be expanded in Finland

[q61_1] Should be emphasized in Finnish decision-making: Middle class values and goals

[q61_2] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Conservative values and goals

[q61_3] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Socialist values and goals

[q61_4] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Green values and goals (ecological, nature-friendly)

[q61_5] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Individual values and goals (emphasizing the importance and responsibility of individual persons)

[q61_6] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Collective values and goals (emphasizing the importance of community and joint responsibility)

[q61_7] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Economic growth

[q61_8] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Material well-being

[q61_9] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Mental and spiritual well-being

[q61_10] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Religious values

[q61_11] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Values emphasizing the importance of home and family

[q61_12] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Female values

[q61_13] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Male values

[q61_14] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: National, Finnish values

[q61_15] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: International values, emphasizing internationalisation

[q61_16] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Confidence in market forces' ability to guide the development of our society

[q61_17] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Economic equality

[q61_18] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Social justice

[q61_19] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Equality between men and women

[q61_20] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Democratic values, democracy in decision-making

[q61_21] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Decentralizing decision-making to local/regional level

[q61_22] Should be emphasized in Finnish political decision-making: Strive to attain consensus decisions

[q62a_1] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Strong, determined, strong-minded

[q62a_2] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Flexible, cautious, conciliatory

[q62a_3] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Communicative, sincere about his/her thoughts and action

[q62a_4] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Democratic, values the opinions of others

[q62a_5] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Independent in decision-making

[q62a_6] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Social, human-oriented

[q62a_7] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Broadminded, sees the society as a whole

[q62a_8] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Presentable, elegant appearance, good performer

[q62a_9] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Internationally oriented

[q62a_10] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Reformer, prepared for radical changes

[q62a_11] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: High moral values, acts morally

[q62a_12] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Always puts the interests of the organization above everything else

[q62a_13] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Can't say

[q62b_1] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Strong, determined, strong-minded

[q62b_2] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Flexible, cautious, conciliatory

[q62b_3] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Communicative, sincere about his/her thoughts and action

[q62b_4] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Democratic, values the opinions of others

[q62b_5] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Independent in decision-making

[q62b_6] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Social, human-oriented

[q62b_7] What characteristics Finnish business leaders should have: Broadminded, sees the society as a whole

[q62b_8] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Presentable, elegant appearance, good performer

[q62b_9] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Internationally oriented

[q62b_10] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Reformer, prepared for radical changes

[q62b_11] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: High moral values, acts morally

[q62b_12] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Always puts the interests of the organization above everything else

[q62b_13] What characteristics Finnish political leaders should have: Can't say

[q63_1] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland will become much more international and European

[q63_2] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Good results will be achieved in nature conservation

[q63_3] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Depression will change into a strong economic growth

[q63_4] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Unemployment will disappear and there will be labour shortage

[q63_5] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Forest damage will increase more and more

[q63_6] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland will joint the EC

[q63_7] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland will join NATO

[q63_8] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Conflicts between nations will increase in Europe

[q63_9] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Europe will become a federation and Finland will form a part of that federation

[q63_10] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Conflicts will emerge between Finland and Russia

[q63_11] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Eastern Carelia will again form a part of Finland's territory

[q63_12] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Trade with Russia will grow strongly

[q63_13] Probability of happening in the next ten years: A large amount of foreigners will immigrate to Finland

[q63_14] Probability of happening in the next ten years: A large amount of Finns will emigrate

[q63_15] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland's rural areas will decline and remote areas will become depopulated

[q63_16] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland will develop strongly along with ETA/EC Europe

[q63_17] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland's development will irrevocably fall behind the development of other Western European countries

[q63_18] Probability of happening in the next ten years: There will be cuts in social security, Finnish welfare state will erode

[q63_19] Probability of happening in the next ten years: A large amount of enterprises and capital will come to Finland from abroad

[q63_20] Probability of happening in the next ten years: A large amount of Finnish enterprises and capital will be moved abroad

[q63_21] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finland's independence/sovereignty will diminish

[q63_22] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Refugees from the former Soviet Union will flood into Finland

[q63_23] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Finnish culture will lose its uniqueness

[q63_24] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Unrest, mafia, drugs and AIDS will spread into our country

[q63_25] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Racism and xenophobia (antagonism towards foreigners) will increase in Finland

[q63_26] Probability of happening in the next ten years: Politics and the whole Finnish political culture will experience profound changes

[q64_1] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Social well-being on the whole

[q64_2] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Material well-being, standard of living

[q64_3] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Spiritual well-being

[q64_4] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Employment

[q64_5] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: People's values and lifestyle

[q64_6] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Finland's international position and competitiveness

[q64_7] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: State of the environment, pollution

[q64_8] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Utilization and sufficiency of natural resources

[q64_9] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Level of welfare services

[q64_10] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Level of social security

[q64_11] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Level of pensions and ability to pay them

[q64_12] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Chances for raising salaries

[q64_13] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Financing nature conservation investments

[q64_14] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Finland's spiritual climate

[q64_15] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Citizens' economic equality

[q64_16] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Workload and stress at work

[q64_17] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Chances for sustainable development

[q64_18] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Emergence of social conflicts

[q64_19] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Individual happiness, joy of living

[q64_20] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Trust in the future, sense of security

[q64_21] What kind of impact Finland's economic growth (providing it continues) will have on: Lives and well-being of future generations

[q65a_1] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finnish forests, nature and the peace they bring

[q65a_2] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Countryside and rural lifestyle

[q65a_3] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finnish world-class achievements in sports

[q65a_4] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finnish national culture with its special features (sauna etc.)

[q65a_5] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finland's exceptional position between the east and the west

[q65a_6] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finnish achievements in art, music and design

[q65a_7] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finland's independence and sacrifices required to attain it (wars etc.)

[q65a_8] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Distinctive features of the Finnish language

[q65a_9] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: High quality of Finnish workmanship and products

[q65a_10] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Diligent and enterprising nature of the Finns

[q65a_11] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Active role in international cooperation (activity in UN, ETYK)

[q65a_12] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Nordic democracy and equality

[q65a_13] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Level of education

[q65a_14] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Reliability, a country which 'keeps its word and pays its debts'

[q65a_15] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: National, cultural and racial unity

[q65a_16] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Scientific and technological sophistication

[q65a_17] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Finland's position as a part of Europe, Europeanism

[q65a_18] Main features on which Finnish national identity has been based: Can't say

[q65b_1] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finnish forests, nature and the peace they bring

[q65b_2] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Countryside and rural lifestyle

[q65b_3] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finnish world-class achievements in sports

[q65b_4] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finnish national culture with its special features (sauna etc.)

[q65b_5] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finland's exceptional position between the east and the west

[q65b_6] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finnish achievements in art, music and design

[q65b_7] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finland's independence and sacrificies required to attain it (wars etc.)

[q65b_8] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Distinctive features of the Finnish language

[q65b_9] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: High quality of Finnish workmanship and products

[q65b_10] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Diligent and enterprising nature of the Finns

[q65b_11] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Active role in international cooperation (activity in UN, ETYK)

[q65b_12] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Nordic democracy and equality

[q65b_13] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Level of education

[q65b_14] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Reliability, a country which 'keeps its word and pays its debts'

[q65b_15] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: National, cultural and racial unity

[q65b_16] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Scientific and technological sophistication

[q65b_17] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Finland's position as a part of Europe, Europeanism

[q65b_18] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have more significance: Can't say

[q65c_1] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finnish forests, nature and peace of nature

[q65c_2] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Countryside and rural lifestyle

[q65c_3] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finnish achievements in world-class sports

[q65c_4] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finnish national culture with its special features (sauna etc.)

[q65c_5] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finland's exceptional position between the east and the west

[q65c_6] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finnish achievements in art, music and design

[q65c_7] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finland's independence and sacrificies required to attain it (wars etc.)

[q65c_8] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Distinctive features of the Finnish language

[q65c_9] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: High quality of Finnish workmanship and products

[q65c_10] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Diligent and enterprising nature of the Finns

[q65c_11] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Active role in international cooperation (activity in UN, ETYK)

[q65c_12] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Nordic democracy and equality

[q65c_13] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Level of education

[q65c_14] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Reliability, a country which 'keeps its word and pays its debts'

[q65c_15] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: National, cultural and racial unity

[q65c_16] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Scientific and technological sophistication

[q65c_17] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Finland's position as a part of Europe, Europeanism

[q65c_18] Which features shaping Finnish national identity should have less significance: Can't say

[bv1] Respondent's sex

[bv2] Respondent's age group

[bv3] Size of the respondent's municipality of residence

[bv4] Respondent's province of residence

[bv5] Respondent's occupational group

[bv6] Respondent's basic education

[bv7] Respondent's vocational education

[bv8] Respondent's membership in a federation of trade unions

[bv9] Respondent works in...

[bv10] Respondent's employment sector

[bv11] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party would you vote for?

[bv12] Respondent's social class

[bv13] Respondent's native language

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