Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[k1] Which alternative on this card best describes your main activity at the moment?
[k2] The respondent's present occupation (open-ended)
[k2_1] The respondent's occupational group/status (not asked in the questionnaire)
[k3] The respondent's occupation when was employed (open-ended)
[k3_1] The respondent's occupational group/status when was employed (not asked in the questionnaire)
[k4] Which alternative best describes your employer?
[k5] In what branch of industry are/were you working?
[k6] The respondent's marital status
[k7] (IF MARRIED OR LIVING TOGETHER) What kind of work work does your spouse/partner do? (open-ended)
[k7_1] The occupational group/status of the spouse/partner (not asked in the questionnaire)
[k8] Have you or has some other family member been unemployed within the past two years for a period longer than one month?
[k9] Are you a member in a federation of trade unions?
[k10] Thinking of your trade union, are you currently:
[k11_1] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Political party organisation?
[k11_2] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Religious organisation/society
[k11_3] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Cooperative or consumer's organisation
[k11_4] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Sports club
[k11_5] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Women's organisation
[k11_6] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Veterans' or reserve soldier/officer organisation
[k11_7] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Nature or environmental group/organisation
[k11_8] Which of the following organisations are you a member of: Resident/local heritage association
[k12] Is there still some other organization in which you are very active or at least somewhat active?
[k12_1] Other organisation (1st mention)
[k12_2] Other organisation (2nd mention)
[k12_3] Other organisation (3rd mention)
[k13]Do you read a daily newspaper at least once a week?
[k14_1] (IF READS A DAILY NEWSPAPER AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK) Which paper do you read and how many times a week? (1st newspaper)
[k14_1b] Reading frequency of the 1st newspaper: How many times a week?
[k14_2] (IF READS A DAILY NEWSPAPER AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK) Which paper do you read and how many times a week? (2nd newspaper)
[k14_2b] Reading frequency of the 2nd newspaper: How many times a week?
[k14_3] (IF READS A DAILY NEWSPAPER AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK) Which paper do you read and how many times a week? (3rd newspaper)
[k14_3b] Reading frequency of the 3rd newspaper: How many times a week?
[k15_1] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: Letters to the editor
[k15_2] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: Sports news
[k15_3] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: Foreign news
[k15_4] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: News and articles on Finnish politics
[k15_5] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: TV and radio programs
[k15_6] How frequently do you read the following in newspapers: Cultural issues
[k16a] How often do you listen to YLE radio news?
[k16b] How often do you listen to the news on local radio?
[k16c] How often do you watch evening news on TV?
[k16d] How often do you watch current affairs programs on TV?
[k16e] How often do you watch news produced by cable TV?
[k17] How interested are you in politics?
[k18_1] Have you done or would you do any of the following to have influence: Sign petitions
[k18_2] Have you done or would you do any of the following to have influence: Join a boycott
[k18_3] Have you done or would you do any of the following to have influence: Participate in a public demonstration
[k18_4] Have you done or would you do any of the following to have influence: Paint slogans on walls
[k18_5] Have you done or would you do any of the following to have influence: Occupy buildings or factories
[k19a] How often do you discuss politics with other people?
[k19b_1] How often do you work with other people to solve a local problem?
[k19b_2] How often do you contact public officials or politicians in matters not related to your job?
[k19b_3] When you think about previous elections, how often do you try to convince friends to vote for the same party as you?
[k19b_4] How often do you spend time working for a political party or a candidate?
[k20_1] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests
[k20_2] Political parties are only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions
[k20_3] Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me cannot really understand what is going on
[k20_4] I have no say in what the government does
[k20_5] We all should be willing to compromise our own interests to protect our country's international competitiveness
[k20_6] People used to be happier before than they are nowadays
[k20_7] In the future, science and technology are capable of solving most of today's problems
[k20_8] Generally speaking, one can trust that the government makes right decisions
[k20_9] If someone does not think that election results are important, he should not vote
[k20_10] Those elected to parliament soon lose touch with voters
[k20_11] I think I understand importand political questions pretty well
[k21_1] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Small business owners
[k21_2] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Social Democratic Party (SDP)
[k21_3] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Women's movement
[k21_4] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): National Coalition Party (KOK)
[k21_5] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Centre Party of Finland (KESK)
[k21_6] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Public officials
[k21_7] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Big business
[k21_8] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Refugees
[k21_9] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Green League (VIHR)
[k21_10] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Finnish Rural Party (SMP)
[k21_11] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): The Church
[k21_12] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Left Alliance (VAS)
[k21_13] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Liberal Party (LKP)
[k21_14] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Gypsies/the Romani
[k21_15] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Christian League of Finland (SKL)
[k21_16] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Swedish People's Party of Finland (RKP)
[k21_17] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Parliament
[k22] Are things in our country generally run for the benefit of a few interest groups only or for the benefit of all?
[k23_1] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Trade unions, professional associations
[k23_2] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The Army
[k23_3] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Parliament
[k23_4] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The Government
[k23_5] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The Church
[k23_6] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The press
[k23_7] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Banks
[k23_8] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Family
[k23_9] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The police
[k23_10] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Political parties
[k23_11] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Big business
[k23_12] How much power do you think the following hold in society: The President
[k23_13] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Employer organisations
[k23_14] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Public officials
[k23_15] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Private citizens
[k23_16] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE
[k23_17] How much power do you think the following hold in society: Universities
[k24_1] Do you know which are the four largest parties in Parliament in size order (largest party)?
[k24_2] Do you know which are the four largest parties in Parliament in size order (second largest party)?
[k24_3]Do you know which are the four largest parties in Parliament in size order (third largest party)?
[k24_4] Do you know which are the four largest parties in Parliament in size order (fourth largest party)?
[k25_1] Do you know what parties are currently in the Government? (1st party mentioned)
[k25_2] Do you know what parties are currently in the Government? (2nd party mentioned)
[k25_3] Do you know what parties are currently in the Government? (3rd party mentioned)
[k25_4] Do you know what parties are currently in the Government? (4th party mentioned)
[k25_5] Do you know what parties are currently in the Government? (5th party mentioned)
[k26] How satisfied are you with the performance of the current Government led by Harri Holkeri?
[k27] Do you remember in what year the next presidential elections will be held?
[k28] The parliamentary elections are getting closer. Do you remember when the new Parliament will be elected?
[k29] To be exact, the parliamentary elections will take place on Sunday, March 17th. How do you feel about these elections:
[k30] (IF WILL PROBABLY NOT VOTE/WILL CERTAINLY NOT VOTE OR DON'T KNOW) Why is it that you might not vote this time?
[k31_1] (IF WILL CERTAINLY VOTE/WILL PROBABLY VOTE) Why do you intend to vote in these elections? Open-ended, first mention
[k31_2] (IF WILL CERTAINLY VOTE/WILL PROBABLY VOTE) Why do you intend to vote in these elections? Open-ended, second mention
[k32] (IF WILL CERTAINLY VOTE/WILL PROBABLY VOTE) Do you think you will vote on the election day or in advance?
[k33] If the parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, the candidate of which party would you probably vote for?
[k34] If you think about your own political opinions, how close do you feel to the party you mentioned:
[k35_1] What is best about the party you rank first? 1st mention
[k35_2] What is best about the party you rank first? 2nd mention
[k36] Do you have in mind some other party that you might consider?
[k37] Last parliamentary elections were held in March 1987. Did you vote then?
[k38] What party did you vote for then?
[k39] The President was last elected in the beginning of 1988. Did you vote in that presidential election?
[k40] (IF VOTED IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 1988) Which of these candidates did you vote for?
[k41a] The following card lists some reasons why people choose their party. Which reason do yo find the most important?
[k41b] And the second most important reason?
[k41c] And the third most important reason?
[k42] Have you already chosen the candidate you intend to vote for or do you choose him/her closer to the election, or only on election day?
[k43] In political matters, people talk of the 'left' and the 'right'. Using this scale where 1 equals 'left' and 10 equals 'right', where would you place yourself?
[k44] Would you say you are...
[k45] What is the financial situation of your own family now, if you compare it with the situation 12 months ago? Is it better, the same, or worse?
[k46] What do you suppose your family's financial situation will be like 12 months from now, compared with the situation today? Will it be better, the same or worse?
[k47_1] In your opinion, what issues should political parties cover in their election campaign ads and otherwise during the campaign? Proposal for issues in campaign, 1
[k47_2] What issues should political parties cover in their election campaign ads and otherwise during the campaign? Proposal for issues in campaign, 2
[k47_3] What issues should political parties cover in their election campaign ads and otherwise during the campaign? Proposal for issues in campaign, 3
[k48_1] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: The public sector needs to be cut down
[k48_2] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Wage earner funds, company or training funds should be established
[k48_3] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: State enterprises should be privatized
[k48_4] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Defence expenses should be cut
[k48_5] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: The power of the banks should be reduced
[k48_6] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Social assistance should be reduced
[k48_7] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Aid to developing countries should be reduced
[k48_8] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Private health services should be increased
[k48_9] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: All pornography should be prohibited
[k48_10] Do you agree or disagree, or is the issue of no significance to you: Nuclear power should be abolished
[k49] Which do you consider more important, unspoilt environment or economic growth?
[k50] Which do you consider more important: freedom or equality?
[k51_1] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)
[k51_2] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: National Coalition Party (KOK)
[k51_3] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)
[k51_4] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Left Alliance (VAS)
[k51_5] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP)
[k51_6] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: The Finnish Rural Party (SMP)
[k51_7] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Christian League of Finland (SKL)
[k51_8] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Green League (VIHR)
[k51_9] How do you suppose the parties currently in Parliament will do in the forthcoming parliamentary elections: Liberal Party (LKP)
[k52] What was your father's occupation when you were 10-18 years old (Open-ended)?
[k52_1] Father's economic activity and occupational status when the respondent was 10-18 years old (not asked in the interview)
[k53] When you were young, was your family:
[k54] Which political party did your father support when you were young?
[k55] What party did your mother support?
[k56] Do you think of yourself as belonging to a particular social class?
[k57] Which social class do you see yourself belonging to?
[k58] Which income bracket does your family belong to, when including the income of all family members before taxes?
[k59_1] How many persons are there in your family?
[k59_2] How many of them are under 18 years old?
[k59_3] How many are under 7 years old?
[k60] What is your basic education?
[k61] What is your vocational education?
[k62] This survey will contain a second interview after mid-March. May I contact you again when it is time to conduct the other interview?
[k63_1] Feedback on the interview or the study in general (1st mention)
[k63_2]Feedback on the interview or the study in general (2nd mention)
[q1] Parliamentary elections were just held in Finland. Did the election outcome surprise you in any way?
[q2] What was surprising in the election outcome?
[q3] How interested were you in the election campaign?
[q4_1] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? The elections were interesting and exciting
[q4_2] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? The campaign between parties was too bruising
[q4_3] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? The elections focused too much on party leaders
[q4_4] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? The parties provided matter-of-fact information in their campaign
[q4_5] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? Parties avoided real problems of society in their campaign
[q4_6] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? Elections were overshadowed by foreign news
[q4_7] What general picture did you get about the events prior to the election? The campaign made the differences between parties clearly visible
[q5] In your opinion, did the Gulf war, the Baltic situation and other international events influence these elections?
[q6a] (IF INTERNATIONAL EVENTS INFLUENCED THE ELECTION) In what way do you think international events influenced the elections?
[q6b_1] Government performance: In which issues did the Government of Harri Holkeri do a good job? (1st mention) (Open-ended)
[q6b_2] Government performance: In which issues did the government of Harri Holkeri do a good job? (2nd mention) (Open-ended)
[q6c_1] Government performance: And in which issues did the government do a bad job? (1st mention) (Open-ended)
[q6c_2] Government performance: And in which issues did the government do a bad job? (2nd mention) (Open-ended)
[q6c_3] Government performance: And in which issues did the government do a bad job? (3rd mention) (Open-ended)
[q7_1] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Newspapers
[q7_2] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Magazines
[q7_3] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Radio programs covering the elections
[q7_4] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: TV election debate on Channel MTV3, Saturday, 2 March and Sunday, 3 March
[q7_5] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: TV's big election debate on Thursday, 14 March
[q7_6] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: News and current affairs programs on TV
[q7_7] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Interviews of various parties on election issues on TV
[q7_8] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Election campaign advertising in newspapers
[q7_9] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Election campaign advertising on local radio
[q7_10] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Other campaign advertising
[q7_11] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Campaign rallies and other campaign events
[q7_12] To what extent did the following sources give you information for your voting choice: Friends, acquaintances, work colleagues or relatives
[q8_1] How often did you talk about the parliamentary elections: Among your family
[q8_2] How often did you talk about the parliamentary elections: At work
[q8_3] How often did you talk about the parliamentary elections: With friends or acquaintances
[q8_4] How often did you talk about the parliamentary elections: With other people
[q9] Which of the following alternatives best describes how you participated in discussions prior to the election?
[q10] And, during these discussions, did others try to influence your views?
[q11_1] Political parties addressed different issues and goals in this election. Which do you remember? (Open-ended) Campaign issue, 1st mention
[q11_1b] Campaign issue 1 - the party mentioned
[q11_2] Political parties addressed different issues and goals in this election. Which do you remember? (Open-ended) Campaign issue, 2nd mention
[q11_2b] Campaign issue 2 - the party mentioned
[q11_3] Political parties addressed different issues and goals in this election. Which do you remember? (Open-ended) Campaign issue, 3rd mention
[q11_3b] Campaign issue 3 - the party mentioned
[q11_4] Political parties addressed different issues and goals in this election. Which do you remember? Campaign issue 4
[q11_4b] Campaign issue 4 - the party mentioned
[q12] Did you watch the big election debate in Finnish on TV on Thursday 14 March
[q13_1] (IF WATCHED THE DEBATE) What especially do you remember about that election debate? (Open-ended) 1st thing mentioned
[q13_2] (IF WATCHED DEBATE) What especially do you remember about that election debate? (Open-ended) 2nd thing mentioned
[q14] Did you watch any election debates in Finnish on TV between 25 February and 7 March?
[q15_1] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Monday 25 February, Liberals and Womens' movement
[q15_2] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Tuesday 26 Feburary, Green League, Party for Pensioners and Green Mutual Responsibility
[q15_3] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Wednesday 27 Feburary, Finnish Pensioners' Party and Humanity Party
[q15_4] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Thursday 28 Feburary, National Coalition Party and Left Alliance
[q15_5] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Friday 1 March, Swedish People's Party of Finland
[q15_6] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Monday 4 March, Rural Party of Finland and Egological Party The Greens
[q15_7] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Tuesday 5 March, Centre Party of Finland and Christian League of Finland
[q15_8] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Wednesday 6 March, Social Democratic Party and Constitutional Party of Finland
[q15_9] Which of the following election debates did you watch: Thursday 7 March, Independent Pensioners of Finland and For Peace and Socialism-Communist Worker's Party
[q16_1] (IF WATCHED ELECTION DEBATES) What especially do you remember of these election debates? (Open-ended) 1st mention
[q16_2] (IF WATCHED ELECTION DEBATES) What especially do you remember of these election debates? (Open-ended) 2nd mention
[q17] Did you listen to one or more election debates of political parties, held in Finnish, on the radio before the election?
[q18] Did you listen to one or more election debates of political parties, held in Swedish, on the radio or on television before the election?
[q19a] (IF FOLLOWED ELECTION DEBATES IN SWEDISH) Did you watch the big election debate in Swedish on television on Saturday, 9 March?
[q19b] (IF FOLLOWED ELECTION DEBATES IN SWEDISH) Did you follow election debates of specific parties on television before the election?
[q19c] (IF FOLLOWED PROGRAMS IN SWEDISH) Did you follow at least one national election debate in Swedish on the radio?
[q20] (IF FOLLOWED PROGRAMS IN SWEDISH) What especially do you remember about the election programmes in Swedish? (Open-ended)
[q21] Did you vote in the parliamentary elestions held in March?
[q22] (IF VOTED) What was the main reason you voted in these elections? (Open-ended)
[q22b] (IF VOTED) What was the most important reason why you voted in these elections?
[q23_1] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: Voting is the only way that people can have a say about how the government runs things
[q23_2] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I wanted to promote issues important to me with my vote
[q23_3] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I wanted to vote for a candidate who is known to me
[q23_4] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I think voting is a civic duty
[q23_5] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I support a particular party and wanted to vote for its candidate
[q23_6] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: My friend, acquaintance or relative encouraged me to vote
[q23_7] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I thought it was sensible to vote to promote my own financial interests
[q23_8] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: With my voting I wanted to promote the interests of my own social class, together with others who belong to the same class
[q23_9] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: A particular party or candidate was recommended to me
[q23_10] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I have always voted and it has become a habit to vote
[q23_11] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your decision to vote: I thought it was appropriate to vote because I take part in this study
[q24] Would you still like to complement your earlier answer on what was the most important reason for your decision to vote? (Open-ended) (included in variable q22b)
[q25] (IF VOTED) Did you vote on election day or in advance?
[q26] (IF VOTED ON ELECTION DAY) Did you vote before noon, in the afternoon between 12 and 18, or in the evening after 18 o'clock?
[q27] (IF VOTED IN ADVANCE) Did you vote in advance in your own municipality or somewhere else?
[q28] (IF VOTED IN ADVANCE) Why did you vote in advance?
[q29] (IF VOTED) To vote, did you go to the post office or the polling station alone, together with somebody else, or in the company of at least two other persons?
[q30] (IF VOTED) Was it self-evident to you that you would vote or did you also consider not voting?
[q31] (IF VOTED) The candidate of which party or group did you vote for?
[q32] (IF VOTED) Which party would have been the second best alternative for you in these elections?
[q33] (IF VOTED) How easy or difficult was it for you to choose the party you voted for:
[q34_1] (IF VOTED) What was the main reason why you chose the party you voted for? (Open-ended) 1st reason mentioned
[q34_2] (IF VOTED) What was the main reason why you chose the party you voted for? (Open-ended) 2nd reason mentioned
[q35] (IF VOTED) When did you finally decide what party to vote for?
[q36_1] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Performance of party representatives in television election debates
[q36_2] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party promotes the interests of the occupational group I belong to
[q36_3] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party has a good leader
[q36_4] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: I'm a steady supporter of the party
[q36_5] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party has a good policy in many issues that have been discussed recently
[q36_6] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party has competent people to form policies
[q36_7] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party's ideology corresponds to my own views
[q36_8] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party performance during the past parliamentary term
[q36_9] (IF VOTED) How much did the following influence your party choice in this election: Party's policy on refugee issues
[q37] (IF VOTED) When did you finally decide which candidate to vote for?
[q38] (IF VOTED) How well did you know the candidate you voted for?
[q39] (IF VOTED) How many candidates did you consider seriously before your final choice?
[q40] (IF VOTED) Which was more important to you in your vote: the party or the candidate?
[q41] (IF VOTED) Have you previously voted for the same candidate you now voted for?
[q42] (IF VOTED) How likely did you think it was that your candidate would get elected?
[q43] (IF VOTED) Did you vote for a man or a woman?
[q44_1] (IF VOTED) What was the most important reason, beside the party, for choosing your candidate? (Open-ended) 1st reason mentioned
[q44_2] (IF VOTED) What was the most important reason, beside the party, for choosing your candidate? (Open-ended) 2nd reason mentioned
[q45_1] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on environmental issues
[q45_2] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on refugee issues
[q45_3] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's previous experience in Parliament or otherwise in politics
[q45_4] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's ability to work efficiently
[q45_5] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's reliability
[q45_6] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's agreeability and pleasantness
[q45_7] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's gender
[q45_8] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate is familiar with local issues (of my municipality of residence)
[q46] (IF VOTED) This was first parliamentary election to be carried out in one day of polling. Did this inconvenience you:
[q47] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Could you describe, in your own words, why you did not vote this time?
[q47b] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Additional information on why did not vote (Complemention of variable Q49)
[q48_1] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: It was difficult for me to find a suitable party
[q48_2] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: It was difficult for me to find a suitable candidate
[q48_3] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: My work kept me from voting
[q48_4] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Could not vote because was travelling
[q48_5] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Could not vote because of illness or old age
[q48_6] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Did not remember to vote
[q48_7] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Could not be bothered to vote
[q48_8] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Could not see how I would benefit from voting
[q48_9] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Thought one vote would make no difference to the election outcome
[q48_10] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Distrust politicians and politics in general
[q48_11] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Wanted to protest against politics and politicians
[q48_12] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the following influence your decision not to vote: Not interested in politics, makes no difference to me whether I vote or not
[q49] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Would you like to add more information on why you dd not vote? (Open-ended, categorised and included in variable Q47B)
[q50] (IF DID NOT VOTE) Would you have liked to vote, although the reasons you mentioned kept you from voting?
[q51] (IF WOULD HAVE LIKED TO VOTE) Which party might you have voted for?
[q52] (IF WOULD HAVE LIKED TO VOTE) If you had voted, would it have been easy or difficult for you to choose a party?
[q53] (IF DID NOT VOTE) If you think about the situation before the elections, when did you finally decide not to vote?
[q54] (IF DID NOT VOTE) To what extent did the loss of the second day of polling (i.e. change to one day of polling) influence your decision not to vote?
[q55a] (IF DID NOT VOTE) In what way did the one day of polling influence your decision not to vote? (Open-ended, categorised)
[q55b] (IF VOTED) In what way did the one day of polling make your voting difficult? (Open-ended, categorised)
[q56] Do you think Finland should return to two days of polling?
[q57_1] If someone does not consider the election outcome important, he should not vote
[q57_2] One vote makes no difference in an election
[q57_3] Election outcomes have little influence on the policies adopted in our country
[q57_4] It is the same to me what party to vote for as long as the party promotes issues important to me
[q57_5] Taxes should be lowered even if it meant postponing some important social reforms
[q57_6] Views of the citizens are taken into account in political decision-making through political parties
[q57_7] If people were treated more equally in our country we would have much less problems
[q57_8] People should obey the laws passed in Parliament even if they disagreed with the content of the law
[q57_9] In my own opinion, I understand important political issues pretty well
[q57_10] It doesn't really matter which political parties form the government, in the end things go on much the same
[q58] How much do you trust Finnish politicians?
[q59] Has your trust in Finnish politicians increased, stayed the same or decreased over the past few years?
[q60a] Which of the following political goals do consider the most important?
[q60b] Which of the following political goals do consider the second most important?
[q60c] Which of the following political goals do consider the third most important?
[q61] Do you have a say in how and when you do your tasks at work?
[q62a_1] In your opinion, which of the following values is the most important?
[q62a_2] In your opinion, which of the following values is the second most important?
[q62a_3] In your opinion, which of the following values is the third most important?
[q62a_4] In your opinion, which of the following values is the fourth most important?
[q62a_5]In your opinion, which of the following values is the fifth most important?
[q62b] Which of the following values do you value the least?
[q63_1] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Trade unions
[q63_2] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): The police
[q63_3] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Swedish-speaking Finns
[q63_4] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Social Democratic Party (SDP)
[q63_5] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): National Coalition Party (KOK)
[q63_6] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Centre Party of Finland (KESK)
[q63_7] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Left Alliance (VAS)
[q63_8] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Finnish Rural Party (SMP)
[q63_9] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Environmentalists
[q63_10] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Commercial banks
[q63_11] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Refugees
[q63_12] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): Estonians
[q63_13] How positive or negative you feel towards the following groups/parties on a scale from -50 (very negative) to +50 (very positive): The new Parliament
[q64a] How satisfied are you with your financial situation (on a scale from 0 to 10)?
[q64b] On the whole, how satisfied are you with your life at present (on a scale from 0 to 10)?
[q65] What would you estimate your family's financial situation will be like 12 months from now, if you compare it with the present situation?
[q66_1] Which of the following groups do you feel you primarily belong to? Choose the most important
[q66_2] Which of the following groups do you feel you primary belong to? Choose the second most important
[q67] What was your neighbourhood like when you were 10-18 years old?
[q68] How many times have you moved to another municipality during your lifetime?
[q69_1] In what year did you move to your present place of residence?
[q69_2] What was your previous place of residence?
[q69_2b] When did you move there?
[q69_3] What was your place of residence before that?
[q69_3b] When did you move there?
[q69_4] What was your place of residence before that?
[q69_4b] When did you move there?
[q69_5] What was your place of residence before that?
[q69_5b] When did you move there?
[q70_1] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of Social Democratic Party, SDP)
[q70_2] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of National Coalition Party, KOK)
[q70_3] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of Centre Party of Finland, KESK)
[q70_4] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of Finnish Rural Party, SMP)
[q70_5] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of Swedish People's Party in Finland, RKP)
[q70_6] To which party does this logo belong to? (Logo of Left Alliance, VAS)
[v1a] With what kind of interest did you follow the campaign advertising of the parties and candidates before the election: Newspaper ads of parties or candidates
[v1b] With what kind of interest did you follow the campaign advertising of the parties and candidates before the election: Outdoor posters
[v1c] With what kind of interest did you follow the campaign advertising of the parties and candidates before the election: Local radio advertisements of parties and candidates
[v1d] With what kind of interest did you follow the campaign advertising of the parties and candidates before the election: Leaflets sent out or personally distributed by parties and candidates
[v1e] With what kind of interest did you follow the campaign advertising of the parties and candidates before the election: MP candidate and political party advertisements on cable-TV
[v2a] (IF VOTED) How much real influence do you think the different forms of campaign advertising had on your party and candidate choice: Newspaper ads of parties or candidates
[v2b] (IF VOTED) How much real influence do you think the different forms of campaign advertising had on your party and candidate choice: Outdoor posters
[v2c] (IF VOTED) How much real influence do you think the different forms of campaign advertising had on your party and candidate choice: MP candidate & party advertisements on local radio
[v2d] (IF VOTED) How much real influence do you think the different forms of campaign advertising had on your party and candidate choice: Leaflets sent out or personally distributed by parties and candidates
[v2e] (IF VOTED) How much real influence do you think the different forms of campaign advertising had on your party and candidate choice: MP candidate or party advertisements on cable TV
[v3] If you compare the information you got from campaign advertising with information you obtained through the media, which one had more influence on your party and candidate choice?
[v4a] How much do you trust the following sources of information: Newspapers
[v4b] How much do you trust the following sources of information: Magazines
[v4c] How much do you trust the following sources of information: Television
[v4d] How much do you trust the following sources of information: Radio programs of YLE (Finland's national public service broadcasting company)
[v4e] How much do you trust the following sources of information: Local radio
[v4f] How much do you trust the following sources of information: YLE television news at 20.30
[v4g] How much do you trust the following sources of information: MTV television news at 22
[v5] Did you attend campaign rallies or other campaign events of any party before the elections?
[v6_1] (IF ATTENDED CAMPAIGN EVENT) The event of which party did you attend? First party mentioned
[v6_2] (IF ATTENDED CAMPAIGN EVENT) The event of which party did you attend? Second party mentioned
[v6_3] (IF ATTENDED CAMPAIGN EVENT) The event of which party did you attend? Third party mentioned
[v6_4] (IF ATTENDED CAMPAIGN EVENT) The event of which party did you attend? Fourth party mentioned
[v6_5] (IF ATTENDED CAMPAIGN EVENT) The event of which party did you attend? Fifth party mentioned
[v7] Did a campaign worker of any party do personal canvassing at your doorstep or inside your home?
[v8_1] (IF CANVASSING AT HOME) Which party did the campaign worker represent? First party mentioned
[v8_2] (IF CANVASSING AT HOME) Which party did the campaign worker represent? Second party mentioned
[v8_3] (IF CANVASSING AT HOME) Which party did the campaign worker represent? Third party mentioned
[v9a] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Employment issues
[v9b] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Environmental issues
[v9c] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Taxation issues
[v9d] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Issues related to Finnish economy
[v9e] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Social security issues
[v9f] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Child care issues
[v9g] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Energy and nuclear power issues
[v9h] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Refugee issues
[v9i] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: European integration issues
[v9j] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Issues concerning the privatization of the public sector
[v9k] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Regional policy issues
[v9l] (IF VOTED) How important were the following issues for your party choice in these elections: Government policy during the past term
[v10a] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's influence within his own party
[v10b] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Desire to get new talent to Parliament
[v10c] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Humane nature of the candidate
[v10d] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's views on nuclear power issues
[v10e] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's ability as public performer
[v10f] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate is a well-known public figure
[v10g] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's age
[v10h] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's work and occupation
[v10i] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's political convictions
[v10j] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's education and expert knowledge
[v10k] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's cooperativeness
[v10l] (IF VOTED) To what extent did the following influence your choice of candidate: Candidate's independence in decision-making
[v11a] How important are the following issues to you these days: Care for the elderly
[v11b] How important are the following issues to you these days: Equality between men and women
[v11c] How important are the following issues to you these days: Good health care
[v11d] How important are the following issues to you these days: Adequate housing conditions
[v11e] How important are the following issues to you these days: Preventing pollution
[v11f] How important are the following issues to you these days: Fighting rising prices
[v12a] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Care for the elderly
[v12b] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Equality between men and women
[v12c] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Good health care
[v12d] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Adequate housing conditions
[v12e] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Preventing pollution
[v12f] In your opinion, how well has the government handled these issues: Fighting price increases
[v13a] There is at least one party that always tries to promote my interests
[v13b] Contrary to popular belief, class conflict is decidedly still a part of our society
[v13c] It does not make sense to vote for a party which has little influence on how things are run
[v13d] Whether I vote or not has no effect on my own standard of living
[v13e] If I did not vote, it would generally be a protest against parties and politics
[v13f] I could just as well not vote because things are well enough in our country
[v13g] It is better if only those people who find it interesting vote
[v13h] I generally vote just to be able to say I did, in case anyone asks
[v13i] Although computers change our lives a great deal, they have more advantages than disadvantages
[v13j] Improving economic welfare to a yet higher level will increase psychological distress
[v13k] Advances in technology have created more problems than they have succeeded in solving
[v13l] Gender equality has clearly increased in our country over the past few years
[v13m] Differences in social position between people are acceptable because they show what people have made of their chances
[v13n] Finland should join the European Community
[v13o] Democracy functions so well in Finland that there are no grounds for talking about citizens' lack of influence
[v13p] Only economic growth can provide continuous well-being for the people
[v13q] I'm lucky and privileged to be a Finn
[v14] How established would you say your party affiliation is?
[v15a] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Farmers/Consumers
[v15b] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: The rich/The poor
[v15c] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Manual workers/people performing intellectual work (white-collar workers)
[v15d] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Employers/Employees
[v15e] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Politicians/Citizens
[v15f] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: People with permanent work contract/The unemployed
[v15g] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Men/Women
[v15h] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Socialists/The Bourgeoisie
[v15i] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Decision-makers in business life/Environmentalists
[v15j] Please estimate how strong the conflicts between the following groups are: Finnish-speaking population/Swedish-speaking population in Finland
[v16a] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: Internal development of the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
[v16b] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: Internal development of the Soviet Union
[v16c] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: Disputes about oil and borders in the Middle East
[v16d] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: Using nuclear power as a source of energy
[v16e] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: European economic integration
[v16f] How significantly do you think the following things will increase or decrease the security of Finland and the Finns in the near future: Development of the relations between the superpowers
[v17_1] Feedback on the survey, 1
[v17_2] Feedback on the survey, 2
[bv1] The respondent's year of birth
[bv2] The respondent's gender
[bv3] The respondent's mother tongue
[bv4] The respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[bv5] The respondent's electoral district