FSD1095 Uskonto ja uskonnollisuus Venäjällä 1999

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[bv1] Settlement ID

[bv2] Russian/ Tatar

[q116_a] Work-how important is it in your life

[q116_b] Family-how important is it in your life

[q116_c] Friends-how important is it in your life

[q116_d] Leisure time-how important is it in your life

[q116_e] Politics-how important is it in your life

[q116_f] Religion-how important is it in your life

[q130] Are you happy?

[q216_a] People with a criminal record

[q216_b] People of a different race

[q216_c] Refugees

[q216_d] Drinkers

[q216_e] Salesmen from Caucasus and Middle Asia

[q216_f] Big families

[q216_g] Emotionally unstable people

[q216_h] Muslims

[q216_i] Immigrants, foreign workers

[q216_j] AIDS diseased

[q216_k] Drug addicts

[q216_l] Homosexual people

[q216_m] Jews

[q216_nn] Chechens

[q216_n] People of different nationalities

[q216_on] Russians

[qn4_a] Attitude to Americans

[qn4_b] Attitude to Armenians

[qn4_c] Attitude to Azerbaijans

[qn4_d] Attitude to Belorussians

[qn4_e] Attitude to Georgians

[qn4_f] Attitude to Jews

[qn4_g] Attitude to Chinese

[qn4_h] Attitude to Germans

[qn4_i] Attitude to Englishmen

[qn4_j] Attitude to Russians

[qn4_k] Attitude to Tatars

[qn4_l] Attitude to Turkish

[qn4_m] Attitude to Ukrainians

[qn4_n] Attitude to Uzbeks

[qn4_o] Attitude to Finnish

[qn4_p] Attitude to French

[qn4_q] Attitude to Chechens

[qn4_r] Attitude to Estonians

[qn4_s] Attitude to Japanese

[q230_a] Do people help each other as willingly

[q241] Would you say most people can be trusted

[q242] How much freedom of choice do you have

[q244_a] How satisfied are you with your life

[q244_b] How satisfied were you 5 year ago

[q244_c] How satisfied will you be in next 5 years

[q246] Most important reason for poverty

[q247] Second most important reason for poverty

[q248_a] Good pay

[q248_b] Pleasant people

[q248_c] Not too much pressure

[q248_d] Good job security

[q248_e] Chances for promotion

[q248_f] Respected job

[q248_g] Good hours

[q248_h] Opportunity to use initiative

[q248_i] Usefulness for society

[q248_j] Generous holidays

[q248_k] Meeting people

[q248_l] Possibility to achieve something

[q248_m] Responsible job

[q248_n] Interesting job

[q248_o] Meets one's abilities

[q248_p] None of these

[qa249] What is labour for

[q264] Employment status

[q265] How proud are you of your job

[q270_1] Work is business transaction

[q270_2] I always do the best I can

[q270_3] Working is a necessity

[q270_4] I do not let work interfere with my life

[q270_5] Work is the most important thing

[q270_6] I have never had a paid job

[q270_9] Don't know

[q278] Opinion about leadership and management

[q320] How satisfied are you with your family's financial situation

[q322] Do you think about the purpose of life

[q323] Do you think about death

[q324_a] God exists

[q324_b] To get the best out of life

[q324_e] Death is a natural resting point

[q324_f] Sorrow has a meaning if you believe in God

[q324_g] Life has no meaning

[q331] Opinion about good and evil

[q340] Do you belong to a religious denomination

[q333] Which denomination

[q334] Which kind of orthodox

[q335] Were you brought up religiously

[qc366] How often do you attend religious services

[q337_a] Is it important to hold service for birth

[q337_b] Is it important to hold service for marriage

[q337_c] Is it important to hold service for death

[qn28] Have you ever read Bible

[qc341_a] Church gives answers to moral problems

[qc341_b] Church gives answers to family problems

[qc341_c] Church gives answers to spiritual needs

[qc341_d] Church gives answers to social problems

[qn30] How often do you go to church

[qn31] Have you ever received communion

[qa9] Should there be religious education at schools

[qt33] How often do you make Mohammedan prayer

[qt34] Do you have the Koran at home

[qt35] How often do you read the Koran

[qt36] Which language do you read the Koran on

[qt37] Do you make donations to poor

[qt38] Do you fast during Ramadan

[qt39] Have you ever made pilgrimage to Mecca

[qt40] Are you planning to make pilgrimage to Mecca

[qt41] Do you consume alcohol drinks

[qt42] Do you follow prohibition on pork consumption

[qt43] Attitude to Shariat/civil laws correspondence

[qt44] Acquaintance transiting Islam->Orthodox

[qt45] Acquaintance transiting Orthodox->Islam

[qt46] Attitude to relative marring Russian

[qt46_a] How do you see the future of Tatarstan

[qn47] How often do you address to priest

[qn48_a] Should church express about moral

[qn48_b] Should about family

[qn48_c] Should about support of poor

[qn48_d] Should about paying salaries/pensions in time

[qn48_e] Should about fight with unemployment

[qn48_f] Should about fight with corruption

[qn48_g] Should about fight with anti-Semitism

[qn48_h] Should about fight to equal rights of minorities

[qn48_i] Should about fight against persecution of other lities

[qn48_j] Should about fight for Russians rights in ex-USSR

[qn48_k] Should about protection of environment

[qn48_l] Should about disarmament

[qn48_m] Should about aid to developing countries

[qn48_n] Should about prevention of military conflicts

[qn48_o] Should about protection of Russia´s interests abroad

[qc346_a] Do you believe in God

[qc346_b] Do you believe in life after death

[qc346_c] Do you believe in a soul

[qc346_d] Do you believe in the Devil

[qc346_e] Do you believe in hell

[qc346_f] Do you believe in heaven

[qc346_g] Do you believe in sin

[qc346_h] Do you believe in resurrection of the dead

[qc346_i] Do you believe in re-incarnation

[qc346_j] Do you believe in astrology

[qc346_k] Do you believe in angels

[qc346_l] Do you believe in magic

[qc346_mn] Do you believe in sorcery

[q347] Opinion about nature of God

[q365] How important is God in your life

[q367] Does religion give peace to soul

[q369] How often do you pray to God

[qa1_a] Should church solve spiritual problems

[qa1_b] Should church be engaged in social security

[qa1_c] Should church be engaged in political activity

[qa1_d] Should church teach religion in schools

[qa1_e] Should church be engaged in commercial activity

[qa5_1] Religiousness of mother

[qa5_2] Religiousness of father

[qa5_3] Religiousness of grandmother

[qa5_4] Religiousness of grandfather

[qa6_a] All denominations should have equal rights

[qa6_b] Russian orthodox church should have privileges

[qa6_c] Muslim should have privileges in Russia

[qa7_a] Attitude to Russian Orthodox

[qa7_b] Attitude to Muslims

[qa7_c] Attitude to Baptists

[qa7_d] Attitude to Old Believers

[qa7_e] Attitude to Russian Foreign Orthodox

[qa7_f] Attitude to Pentecostales

[qa7_g] Attitude to Jehova's Witnesses

[qa7_h] Attitude to Mennonites

[qa7_i] Attitude to Jewish

[qa7_j] Attitude to Buddhists

[qa7_k] Attitude to Catholics

[qa7_l] Attitude to Methodists

[qa7_m] Attitude to Lutherans

[qa7_n] Attitude to Adventists

[qa7_o] Attitude to Krishnaits

[qa8] Do you fast

[qn59_a] Muslim - progressive/reactionary

[qn59_b] Muslim - tolerant/not tolerant

[qn59_c] Muslim - humane/not humane

[qn59_d] Muslim - martial/peaceful

[qn59_e] Muslim - favoring/opposing culture development

[qn59_f] Muslim - favoring/opposing democracy

[qa10_a] Russian orthodox church - necessary/unnecessary

[qa10_b] Russian orthodox church - progressive/reactionary

[qa10_c] Russian orthodox church - humane/not humane

[qa10_d] Russian orthodox church - poor/rich

[qa10_e] Russian orthodox church - obliging/independent

[qa10_f] Russian orthodox church - developing/stagnant

[qa10_g] Russian orthodox church - egoistic/altruistic

[qa10_h] Russian orthodox church - martial/peaceful

[qa10_i] Russian orthodox church - national/international

[qa10_j] Russian orthodox church - flexible/not flexible

[qa10_k] Russian orthodox church - close/far to person

[qa10_l] Russian orthodox church - open/closed

[qa10_m] Russian orthodox church - politically active/passive

[qa10_n] Russian orthodox church - favoring/opposing culture ment

[qa10_o] Russian orthodox church - favoring/opposing democracy

[qa10_p] Russian orthodox church - can/cannot be trusted

[qa10_u] Russian orthodox church - tolerant/not tolerant

[qa10_y] Russian orthodox church - commercial/not commercial

[qa10_zz] Russian orthodox church - wide/narrow views

[q370] How satisfied are you with your family life

[q372] Marital status

[q373] Have you been married before

[q416_a] Do parents share religious attitudes

[q416_b] Do parents share moral standards

[q416_c] Do parents share social attitudes

[q416_d] Do parents share political views

[q416_e] Do parents share sexual attitudes

[q423] Individuals can enjoy sexual freedom

[q424_a] Faithfulness

[q424_b] Income

[q424_c] Social background

[q424_d] Mutual respect

[q424_e] Shared religious beliefs

[q424_f] Good housing

[q424_g] Agreement on politics

[q424_h] Tolerance

[q424_i] Living apart from in-laws

[q424_j] Sexual relationship

[q424_k] Sharing household chores

[q424_l] Children

[q424_m] Similar tastes

[q437] Do you have children

[q438] How many of them are living at home

[q439] Ideal number of children

[q441] Child needs both parents

[q442] Woman has to have children to be fulfilled

[q443] Marriage is outadated

[q444] Woman wants to have a child without marriage

[q445_a] Working mother can establish warm relations

[q445_b] Child suffers when mother works

[q445_c] Most women want home and children

[q445_d] Being a housewife is fulfilling

[q445_e] Job is the best way to be independent

[q445_f] Both spouses should contribute to household income

[q451] One must always love parents

[q452] Parents' responsibilities for their children

[qn77_1] Most important characteristics to be taught in

[qn77_2] Most important characteristics to be taught in

[qn77_3] Most important characteristics to be taught in

[qn77_4] Most important characteristics to be taught in

[qn77_5] Most important characteristics to be taught in

[q465_a] Abortion when mother's health is at risk

[q465_b] Abortion when child can be handicapped

[q465_c] Abortion when woman is not married

[q465_d] Abortion when a couple doesn't want a child

[q472_a] Signing a petition

[q472_b] Attending lawful demonstrations

[q472_c] Joining unofficial strikes

[q472_d] Occupying buildings or factories

[q472_e] Stopping transport ways

[q477] Which is more important - freedom or equality

[q478] How would you place your views (left-right)

[q480] Attitude toward change in society

[q516_a] Opinion about equality of income

[q516_b] Ownership

[q516_c] Responsibility

[q516_d] Unemployed people

[q516_e] Competition

[q516_f] Hard work

[q516_g] Wealth

[q516_h] Attention to environment or economic growth

[q516_i] Attention to economic growth or social security

[q530_a] The most important purpose of the country

[q530_b] 2nd most important purpose of the country

[q532_a] The most important purpose of the country

[q532_b] 2nd most important purpose of the country

[q534_a] The most important purpose of the country

[q534_b] 2nd most important purpose of the country

[qn87] Attitude to youth in army

[q565_a] Claiming government benefits

[q565_b] Avoiding fare on public transport

[q565_c] Cheating on tax

[q565_d] Buying something that was stolen

[q565_e] Joyriding

[q565_f] Taking drugs

[q565_g] Keeping money you have found

[q565_h] Lying in your own interest

[q565_i] Married person having an affair

[q565_j] Sex under the legal age of consent

[q565_k] Accepting a bribe

[q565_l] Homosexuality

[q565_m] Prostitution

[q565_n] Abortion

[q565_o] Divorce

[q565_p] Fighting with the police

[q565_q] Euthanasia

[q565_r] Suicide

[q565_s] Failing to report damage you've done

[q565_t] Threatening workers

[q565_u] Killing in self-defense

[q565_v] Political assassinations

[q565_w] Throwing away litter in a public place

[q565_x] Driving under the influence of alcohol

[q648_a] To which group do you belong first of all

[q648_b] To which group do you belong next

[q650] How proud are you to be citizen of Russia

[qn91_a] Confidence in trade unions

[qn91_b] Confidence in State Duma

[qn91_c] Confidence in government

[qn91_d] Confidence in police

[qn91_e] Confidence in court system

[qn91_f] Confidence in mass media

[qn91_g] Confidence in Russian Orthodox Church

[qn91_h] Confidence in TV

[qn91_i] Confidence in army

[qn91_j] Confidence in CIS countries

[qn91_k] Confidence in political parties

[qn91_l] Confidence in large companies

[qn91_m] Confidence in greens

[qn91_n] Confidence in European Union

[qn91_o] Confidence in UNO

[qn92_a] Making major changes in life:

[qn92_b] New ideas:

[qn92_c] When changes occur in my life

[q667] Attitude to USSR disintegration

[q668] Russia always is superpower or USSR was

[q669] Relations of Russia with near abroad

[q671] Help of Russia to near abroad

[q716] Gender

[q717] Year of birth

[q719] Your age

[q721_a] Your education

[q723] Do you live with your parents

[q724] Profession

[q724_b] Position in organization

[q724_c] In what industry do you work

[q724_d] For what kind of organization do you work

[qc724_e] Type of ownership

[q724_f] How many people work in your organization

[q727] Are you the head of your household

[q728] Employment status of the head of the household

[q729] Professional status of the head of the household

[q730] Occupational status of the head of the household

[q731] Where did you live until you turned 16

[q732] How many people live in your household

[q733_a] Personal income

[q733_b] Family income

[q734] What is your nationality

[qa735] Economical situation comparing to average

[qa736] Economical situation comparing to year ago

[qa737] Economical situation comparing to in 5 years

[q738] What is your political views

[q739] Are you member of any party

[q740] Which party best represents your views

[qn123_a] Which party would you vote for in Duma elections

[qn123_b] If you were to make your choice - party

[q741] Have you ever answered any similar questionnaires

[q742] Agree to participate in such survey

[bv3] Region of Russia

[bv4] Size of settlement

[bv5] Type of settlement

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