FSD1125 Gallup Ecclesiastica 1995

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv3] Respondent's basic education

[bv4] Respondent's vocational education

[bv5] Within which of the following income brackets does your gross household income fall (total income of all household members before taxes)?

[bv6_1] Number of persons aged over 16 in the household (including the respondent)

[bv6_2] Number of persons aged 7-16 in the household

[bv6_3] Number of persons aged under 7 in the household

[bv6_4] Total number of persons in the household

[bv7] Respondent's household composition

[bv8_1] Economic activity and occupational status of the household head (the person with the highest income)

[bv8_2] (IF RETIRED) Former conomic activity and occupational statusgroup of the household head

[bv8_3] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[bv9] Respondent's employment status

[bv10] Who decides over your household's grocery shopping?

[bv11] Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives

[bv13] Respondent's province of residence

[bv14] If the 1994 EU referendum were held now, would you vote for or against Finnish EU membership?

[bv15] Did you vote for or against EU membership in the 1994 referendum?

[bv16] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?

[bv17] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for AS YOUR SECOND CHOICE? (i.e. a different party or group from the previous question bv16)

[bv18] Which party or group did you vote for in the 1995 parliamentary elections?

[k1] Do you belong to a church or other religious community? If yes, to which one?

[k2_1] Do you consider yourself a Christian?

[k2_2] Do you consider yourself a Lutheran?

[k2_3] Do you consider yourself a believer?

[k2_4] Do you consider yourself an atheist?

[k3] Have you considered leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church?

[k4_1] How often do you attend worship services?

[k4_2] How often do you take Holy Communion?

[k4_3] How often do you participate in group activities organised by the local parish?

[k4_4] How often do you attend church concerts or other religious musical events?

[k4_5] How often do you attend revival meetings or devotional meetings?

[k4_6] How often do you attend camps or trips organised by the local parish?

[k5_1] How often do you pray?

[k5_2] How often do you read the Bible or the New Testament?

[k5_3] How often do you read the parish or other Christian magazine?

[k5_4] How often do you listen to spiritual or religious radio programmes?

[k5_5] How often do you watch spiritual or religious television programmes?

[k6] Is reforming divine worship necessary in your opinion?

[k7] Did you know that there is an ongoing reform of divine worship in the Evangelical Lutheran Church?

[k8] Which of the following alternatives corresponds best with the relationship between your own view of life and the one presented in the Bible? Do you think they are...

[k9_1] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to attend worship services

[k9_2] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to have a Christian baptism for my children

[k9_3] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to act as godparent

[k9_4] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to be married in a church ceremony

[k9_5] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to have a funeral ceremony in church

[k9_6] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to attend parish clubs and other parish events

[k9_7] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church strengthens my belief in God

[k9_8] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church is part of the Finnish way of life

[k9_9] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains the hope of life after death

[k9_10] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church teaches Christian love for one's neighbour

[k9_11] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church teaches the right values to children and young people

[k9_12] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church helps the elderly and the disabled

[k9_13] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains cemeteries

[k9_14] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church helps the poor in the Third World

[k9_15] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Belonging to the church gives security in life

[k10_1] To what extent do you believe that ghosts exist?

[k10_2] To what extent do you believe that witchcraft can be used to influence a person's life?

[k10_3] To what extent do you believe that prayer can cure difficult illnesses?

[k10_4] To what extent do you believe that spiritual healing can cure difficult illnesses?

[k10_5] To what extent do you believe that mediums (psychics) can deliver messages from the dead?

[k10_6] To what extent do you believe that angels exist?

[k10_7] To what extent do you believe that ufos from outer space have visited Finland?

[k10_8] To what extent do you believe that a person's soul or spirit will be reborn in a new body after death?

[k10_9] To what extent do you believe that astrology and horoscopes can give reliable predictions of a person's future?

[k10_10] To what extent do you believe that cards (playing cards) can give reliable predictions of a person's future life?

[k10_11] To what extent do you believe that palm-reading can give reliable predictions of a person's future life?

[k11] Do you feel that you have been subjected to 'spiritual violence' with which people have tried to crush your way and view of life or opinions through religious threats, demands or sanctions? How frequently has this occurred?

[k12] (IF YES) Was the 'spiritual violence' exercised by some particular religious community?

[k12_1] Was it exercised by: Jehova's Witnesses

[k12_2] Was it exercised by: Pentecostalists

[k12_3] Was it exercised by: Evangelican Lutherans

[k12_4] Was it exercised by: Mormons

[k12_5] Was it exercised by: Muslims

[k12_6] Was it exercised by: Laestadians/Conservative Laestadians

[k12_7] Was it exercised by: Siiloan congregation members

[k12_8] Was it exercised by: Zionists

[k12_9] Was it exercised by: Kansanlähetysseura (a Lutheran missionary society)

[k12_10] Was it exercised by: Seventh-day adventists

[k12_11] Was it exercised by: All religious sects

[k12_12] Was it exercised by: Obligatory religion classes at school / confirmation classes organised by the parish

[k12_13] Was it exercised by: Can't say

[k13] Who should be responsible for maintaining cemetries, the parish or the municipality?

[k14] Who should be responsible for maintaining the population register of those who belong to the church, the church or the state?

[k15_1] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Worship services

[k15_2] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Wedding ceremonies

[k15_3] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Daytime playgroups for children

[k15_4] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Confirmation classes

[k15_5] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Participating in public debate on ethical issues

[k15_6] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Supporting the unemployed

[k15_7] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Cemetry maintenance

[k15_8] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Population register

[k15_9] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Spiritual guidance

[k15_10] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Support and activities for the elderly

[k15_11] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Funerals

[k15_12] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Common Responsibility Campaign

[k15_13] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Development co-operation

[k15_14] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Performance in general in carrying out tasks and activities

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