FSD1125 Gallup Ecclesiastica 1995
Select variable
[bv3] Respondent's basic education
[bv4] Respondent's vocational education
[bv6_1] Number of persons aged over 16 in the household (including the respondent)
[bv6_2] Number of persons aged 7-16 in the household
[bv6_3] Number of persons aged under 7 in the household
[bv6_4] Total number of persons in the household
[bv7] Respondent's household composition
[bv8_2] (IF RETIRED) Former conomic activity and occupational statusgroup of the household head
[bv8_3] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[bv9] Respondent's employment status
[bv10] Who decides over your household's grocery shopping?
[bv11] Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives
[bv13] Respondent's province of residence
[bv14] If the 1994 EU referendum were held now, would you vote for or against Finnish EU membership?
[bv15] Did you vote for or against EU membership in the 1994 referendum?
[bv18] Which party or group did you vote for in the 1995 parliamentary elections?
[k1] Do you belong to a church or other religious community? If yes, to which one?
[k2_1] Do you consider yourself a Christian?
[k2_2] Do you consider yourself a Lutheran?
[k2_3] Do you consider yourself a believer?
[k2_4] Do you consider yourself an atheist?
[k3] Have you considered leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church?
[k4_1] How often do you attend worship services?
[k4_2] How often do you take Holy Communion?
[k4_3] How often do you participate in group activities organised by the local parish?
[k4_4] How often do you attend church concerts or other religious musical events?
[k4_5] How often do you attend revival meetings or devotional meetings?
[k4_6] How often do you attend camps or trips organised by the local parish?
[k5_2] How often do you read the Bible or the New Testament?
[k5_3] How often do you read the parish or other Christian magazine?
[k5_4] How often do you listen to spiritual or religious radio programmes?
[k5_5] How often do you watch spiritual or religious television programmes?
[k6] Is reforming divine worship necessary in your opinion?
[k10_1] To what extent do you believe that ghosts exist?
[k10_2] To what extent do you believe that witchcraft can be used to influence a person's life?
[k10_3] To what extent do you believe that prayer can cure difficult illnesses?
[k10_4] To what extent do you believe that spiritual healing can cure difficult illnesses?
[k10_5] To what extent do you believe that mediums (psychics) can deliver messages from the dead?
[k10_6] To what extent do you believe that angels exist?
[k10_7] To what extent do you believe that ufos from outer space have visited Finland?
[k12] (IF YES) Was the 'spiritual violence' exercised by some particular religious community?
[k12_1] Was it exercised by: Jehova's Witnesses
[k12_2] Was it exercised by: Pentecostalists
[k12_3] Was it exercised by: Evangelican Lutherans
[k12_4] Was it exercised by: Mormons
[k12_5] Was it exercised by: Muslims
[k12_6] Was it exercised by: Laestadians/Conservative Laestadians
[k12_7] Was it exercised by: Siiloan congregation members
[k12_8] Was it exercised by: Zionists
[k12_9] Was it exercised by: Kansanlähetysseura (a Lutheran missionary society)
[k12_10] Was it exercised by: Seventh-day adventists
[k12_11] Was it exercised by: All religious sects
[k12_13] Was it exercised by: Can't say
[k13] Who should be responsible for maintaining cemetries, the parish or the municipality?
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