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[fsd_id] FSD case id
[k1_1] How would you say the following issues have changed in Finland compared to ten years ago: Street violence
[k1_2] How would you say the following issues have changed in Finland compared to ten years ago: Corruption
[k1_3] How would you say the following issues have changed in Finland compared to ten years ago: Infidelity
[k1_4] How would you say the following issues have changed in Finland compared to ten years ago: Tax evasion
[k2_1] The more people evade taxes, the more justifiable it is
[k2_2] The higher the taxes, the more justifiable tax evasion is
[k2_3] The more the government wastes our money, the more justifiable tax evasion is
[k2_4] The more unjust the taxation laws, the more justifiable tax evasion is
[k3_1] The death penalty is justified for very serious crimes (like brutal murder) to deter others from committing such crimes
[k3_2] The death penalty is justified for very serious crimes as a way to punish the criminal
[k3_3] The death penalty is justified for very serious crimes to make absolutely sure that the particular criminal does not reoffend
[k4_1] Same-sex couples should have the same right to adopt children as other couples
[k4_2] Adults in full possession of their faculties should have the moral right to commit suicide
[k4_3] When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women
[k5_1] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: There is a strong chance of serious defect in the baby?
[k5_2] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: She does not wish to have any more children?
[k5_3] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: Her health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy?
[k5_4] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: She does not wish to have a child at that moment?
[k5_5] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: The family feels they cannot afford any more children at that moment?
[k5_6] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: She became pregnant as a result of rape?
[k5_7] Do you personally think that a woman should have the possibility or not to have an abortion if: She is not married and does not wish to marry the father?
[k6_1] Attitude to who should be responsible for pension provision
[k6_2] Attitude to unemployment benefits
[k6_3] Attitude to smoking in enclosed public places
[k7] Do you smoke?
[k8_1] How important do you think it is that children are encouraged to learn the following at home: Independence
[k8_2] How important do you think it is that children are encouraged to learn the following at home: Obedience
[k8_3] How important do you think it is that children are encouraged to learn the following at home: Imagination, creativity
[k9] Income differences should be larger to encourage people to work harder
[k10] Would you oppose strongly, if local authorities tried to buy an uninhabited house next door to you and build a hostel for the homeless there?
[k11] In your opinion, is an employer right or wrong if he hires his/her nephew for a job over a more qualified applicant?
[k12_1] How good or bad are the following reasons which may have influenced the employer's decision: The nephew was NOT hired because it was fair to hire the best applicant
[k12_2] How good or bad are the following reasons which may have influenced the employer's decision: The nephew was NOT hired because it was in the interests of the company to hire the best applicant
[k12_3] How good or bad are the following reasons which may have influenced the employer's decision: The nephew was hired because the employer owed a favour to the boy's father
[k12_4] How good or bad are the following reasons which may have influenced the employer's decision: The nephew was hired because the employer thought relatives are more reliable than other people
[k13_1] Suppose 3 people need the same heart operation and have equal chances of surviving the operation. Only one operation can be done. How fair is it to choose who gets the operation by: Drawing lots
[k13_2] Suppose 3 people need the same heart operation and have equal chances of surviving the operation. Only one operation can be done. How fair is it to choose who gets the operation by: Choosing the youngest
[k13_3] Suppose 3 people need the same heart operation and have equal chances of surviving the operation. Only one operation can be done. How fair is it to choose who gets the operation by: Choosing the person who arrived at hospital first
[k13_4] Suppose 3 people need the same heart operation and have equal chances of surviving the operation. Only one operation can be done. How fair is it to choose who gets the operation by: Choosing the person with largest family to support
[k14] A woman is in the last stages of a terminal, painful illness. She is still in full possession of her faculties and asks the doctor to give an injection that would end her life. Do you think the doctor should act according to her wish?
[k15] Some people think that what is right and wrong depends on the situation while others think the same rules always apply whatever the situation. Which comes closer to your own views?
[k16_1] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: Your conscience
[k16_2] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: What other people think
[k16_3] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: Your education
[k16_4] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: The law
[k16_5] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: Your religion
[k16_6] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: What makes other people happy or unhappy
[k16_7] If you have to decide what is right and what is wrong, how much do the following affect your decision: What makes you yourself happy or unhappy
[k17] On the whole, how much control do you feel you have over the way your life turns out?
[k18] Which do you think would be more important for solving the most urgent current problems: to change individuals or change society?
[k19] If you think about yourself, are you doing things you yourself would like to do or what other people would like you to do?
[k20] Do you regularly do unpaid voluntary work for a religious organisation benefiting society and other people?
[k21] Do you regularly do unpaid voluntary work for a non-religious organisation?
[k22] We are interested in the extent to which you have moved from one kind of place to another. Which of the following best describes your experiences?
[k23_1] Where do your best friends live: Within walking distance in the same neighbourhood
[k23_2] Where do your best friends live: In the same town, population centre or neighbourhood as you yourself
[k23_3] Where do your best friends live: In the same part of the country as you
[k23_4] Where do your best friends live: In other part of the country
[k23_5] Where do your best friends live: Both in Finland and abroad
[k23_6] Where do your best friends live: No close friends
[k23_7] Where do your best friends live: Can't say
[k24] What is your nationality?
[k25] What was your mother's nationality when you were born?
[k26] What was your father's nationality when you were born?
[k27_1] Immigrants are just as intelligent as the Finns
[k27_2] I'm proud to be a Finn
[k27_3] On the whole, the Finns are hard-working and industrious
[k27_4] Immigrants are just as reliable as the Finns
[k27_5] Immigration to Finland is a threat to our culture and way of life
[k27_6] All Finns should respect national symbols such as the Finnish flag and the national anthem
[k27_7] Immigrants take away jobs from the Finns
[k27_8] Immigrants are just as hard-working and industrious as the Finns
[k27_9] On the whole, things in Finland have become worse because of immigration
[k28] How interested are you in politics?
[k29] Which of the following political parties is closest to you? (IF THE RESPONDENT HESITATES, ASK: Is there a party that you like, at least to some extent, more than the others?)
[k30] Which party is the most distant to you?
[k31] How often do you follow political news from the radio, television or newspapers?
[k32] Which of these statements comes closes to your beliefs?
[k33] What do you believe will happen to people after death?
[k34] Some people believe that going to heaven or hell depends on how the person has behaved during his/her life. Which of the following comes closest to your own views?
[k35] Do you believe that everybody or only certain people will attain salvation?
[k36_1] The cause of most human suffering in the world are people behaving badly towards each other
[k36_2] The cause of most human suffering in the world is unfair society
[k36_3] The cause of most human suffering in the world is lack of food and other natural resources
[k36_4] The cause of most human suffering in the world is God punishing people for their sins
[k36_5] The cause of most human suffering in the world is chance/coincidence
[k36_6] The cause of most human suffering in the world is fate, everything is predestined
[k37] Whether you attend religious services or not, to what extent would you describe yourself as a religious person?
[k38_1] (IF CHOSE RESPONSE ALTERNATIVE 2-7 IN PREVIOUS QUESTION) To what extent does the following apply to you: Your religious beliefs affect your everyday life a lot
[k38_2] (IF CHOSE RESPONSE ALTERNATIVE 2-7 IN PREVIOUS QUESTION) To what extent does the following apply to you: Your religious beliefs affect a lot what you decide about important matters
[k39] Whether or not you think of yourself as a religious person, do you think you have spiritual life, something over the mere intellectual and imaginable life?
[k40] Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often do you attend religious services these days?
[k41] How often do you pray?
[k42_1] How important do you think religious services are when one wishes to celebrate or remember: A birth
[k42_2] How important do you think religious services are when one wishes to celebrate or remember: A wedding
[k42_3] How important do you think religious services are when one wishes to celebrate or remember: The deceased
[k43_1] Do you think the following statement is true or false: Jesus was both a God and a human being
[k43_2] Do you think the following statement is true or false: Jesus was a prophet
[k43_3] Do you think the following statement is true or false: Jesus was a religious leader
[k43_4] Do you think the following statement is true or false: Jesus never existed
[k44] Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible?
[k45] Some people believe in religious prophecies which say there will be a dramatic or fundamental change in the world at the turn of the century. Which of the following comes closest to your own views?
[k46] Are you a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland?
[k47_1] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Catholic church
[k47_2] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Orthodox Church
[k47_3] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Other Protestant Christian church (Seventh-day Adventist Church, Baptist Church, the Pentecostal Movement, Methodist Church, Evangelical Free Church)
[k47_4] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Other Christian church or community (e.g. Anglican Church, New Apostolic Church, Jehova's Witnesses, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
[k47_5] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Islam
[k47_6] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Other religion (e.g. Jewish, Buddhist)
[k47_7] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: Other
[k47_8] Do you belong to any other church or religious community: I do not belong to any church or religious community
[k48a] How close do you feel to the Evangelical Lutheran Church?
[k48b] How close do you feel to the Evangelical Lutheran parish you are a member of?
[k49] (IF A MEMBER OF A CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION) What would be your attitude to ordination of women in your church or religious community?
[k50a] (IF A MEMBER OF A CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION) Have you always belonged to the church or religious community you are a mamber of now?
[k50b] (IF A MEMBER OF A CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION) Have you ever been a member of another church or religious community?
[k50c] (IF NOT A MEMBER OF ANY CHURCH OR RELIGIOUS DENOMINATION) Have you ever been a member of any church or religious community?
[k51_1] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Evangelical Lutheran Church?
[k51_2] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Catholic Church?
[k51_3] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Orthodox Church
[k51_4] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Other Protestant Christian church (Seventh-day Adventist or Baptist Church, the Pentecostal Movement, Methodist Church, Evangelical Free Church)?
[k51_5] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Other Christian church or community (e.g. Anglican Church, New Apostolic Church, Jehova's Witnesses, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)?
[k51_6] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Islam?
[k51_7] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Other religion (e.g. Jewish, Buddhist)?
[k51_8] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Other?
[k51_9] (IF YES IN K50C) Which church or religious community were you a member of previously: Can't say
[k52] Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often did you attend religious services when you were 12 years old?
[k53] Have you ever felt that there is something beyond real life which you could call or not call God?
[k54] Do you own a cross, crucifix, icon or other religious object?
[k55] Do you believe that such objects can help or protect people?
[k56] Do you have a mascot, amulet or other object intended to bring good luck?
[k57] Do you believe that such objects can help or protect people?
[k58] How often do you read a horoscope to know what the future will bring?
[k59] Do you take the instructions given in the horoscope into account in your daily life?
[k60] How many of your close friends have different religious beliefs from yours?
[k61] Do you think the proportion of religious people has increased, decreased or stayed the same over the past 20 years?
[k62] Do you think religion has a less or a more significant role in the world than it had 20 years ago?
[k63_1] Schoolgirls in Finland should have a right to wear a veil at school if it is part of their religious tradition
[k63_2] People in Finland should have the right to use mild drugs, such as marihuana, if it is part of their religious ceremonies
[k63_3] Parents in Finland should have the right to deny their children a blood transfusion for religious reasons
[k63_4] People in Finland should have a right to commit suicide for religious reasons
[k64_1] The increasing diversity of religious communities in Finland enriches the national culture
[k64_2] The increasing diversity of religious communities in Finland causes conflicts
[k64_3] Even though a person belongs to a particular religion, he/she should still have the right to freely adopt the teachings of other religions
[k65_1] Jehova's Witnesses should have the right to practice their religion in Finland
[k65_2] Scientologists should have the right to practice in Finland
[k66] Which of the following statements come closest to your own views?
[k67] Should religious symbols such as Christian crosses be banned in Finnish schools?
[k68] If a private school run by a religious community follows the national syllabus, should it receive the same public funding as other schools?
[k69_1] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: All churches/religions
[k69_2] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: All Christian churches
[k69_3] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: Lutheran and Orthodox churches
[k69_4] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: Only the Lutheran church
[k69_5] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: No church/religion
[k69_6] Which churches or religions, if any, do you think should receive regular funding from the state or the municipality: Can't say
[k70_1] If we want people to tell the truth in court, they should make an oath in the name of God, for instance, from the Bible
[k70_2] When laws are drafted on moral issues, such as abortion and euthanasia, major churches and religious communities should be consulted
[k70_3] If a nurse were asked to assist in an abortion, she/he should have a right to refuse for religious reasons
[k71_1] Science in itself provides sufficient answers to the question of the meaning of life
[k71_2] The more science progresses, the harder it is for me to believe in God
[k72a] Do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church should influence political decisions in Finland?
[k72_b] And how do you see the situation in Finland these days?
[k73] Which of the following policies should the Evangelical Lutheran Church adopt?
[k74] Which of the following comes closest to your own views on Baptism of an infant by the Lutheran Church?
[k75] Which of the following comes closest to your own views on a church wedding?
[k76] Which of the following comes closest to your own views on a church funeral?
[k77_1] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Holy Communion
[k77_2] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Well-known hymns
[k77_3] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Blessing the deceased in a burial service
[k77_4] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Old church buildings
[k77_5] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Sunday Services
[k77_6] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Ringing church bells in the morning of holy days
[k77_7] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Advent and Christmas services
[k77_8] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Easter services
[k77_9] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Music events in churches
[k77_10] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Baptism
[k77_11] How important are the following aspects and services connected with churches and religious communities to you personally: Church weddings
[k78_1] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Holding Sunday Services every Sunday in all parishes
[k78_2] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Providing help to people affected by natural disasters or crop failures
[k78_3] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Providing worship services in Finnish in foreign places where many Finns live
[k78_4] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Taking good care of church land and churchyards
[k78_5] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Striving to bring Christian faith to people worldwide
[k78_6] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Helping Christians in countries where they face difficult circumstances
[k78_7] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Taking care and maintaining churches in the whole country
[k78_8] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Keeping churches open for people who wish to pray or sit quietly
[k78_9] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Providing varied educational activites for young people and children
[k78_10] The Lutheran Church has limited financial resources. How important do you think it is that the church uses financial resources for: Providing all kinds of help for the elderly and the disabled through diaconal work
[k79_1] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Independence Day events
[k79_2] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Opening ceremonies of international sports competitions
[k79_3] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: End of term events in schools
[k79_4] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: An opening ceremony of a new police station
[k79_5] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: National meetings of political parties
[k79_6] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Festivities celebrating the hundred year anniversary of a major company
[k79_7] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: National holidays
[k79_8] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Local/regional association events
[k79_9] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Anniversary events of army units
[k79_10] How important do you consider the church's presence to be at: Inauguration of a new hospital
[k80_1] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: The Finns usually belong to the Church
[k80_2] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: You acknowledge your Christian faith by belonging to the Church
[k80_3] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: You wish to participate in upholding the cultural traditions and church buildings of the Lutheran Church
[k80_4] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: The membership gives you the right to church ceremonies such as baptism, church weddings and funerals
[k80_5] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: The Lutheran Church satisfies people's religious needs
[k80_6] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: You wish to uphold the family traditions by being a member
[k80_7] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: You wish to support the church's youth and child work
[k80_8] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: Membership in the Lutheran Church distinguishes the native Finns from immigrants
[k80_9] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: This way you can participate in worship services and visit churches with good conscience
[k80_10] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: The historical traditions of the Lutheran Church unite Finland and the Finns
[k80_11] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: The Lutheran Church is open and also accepts those whose faith is not very strong
[k80_12] There are different reasons for being a member of the Lutheran Church. How important are the following to you: You wish to support the social work activities of the Church
[k81] What is your attitude to the Roman Catholic Church?
[k82] Some people think there are still very significant differences between Catholics and Protestants, while other disagree. How big a difference do you yourself think there is between Catholics and Protestants?
[k83] The respondent's gender
[k84] The respondent's year of birth
[k85a] The respondent's basic education
[k85b] The respondent's vocational education
[k86] Are you an entrepreneur, self-employed, employee or not in employment?
[k87] (IF CHOSE RESPONSE ALTERNATIVE 1-3 IN PREVIOUS QUESTION) How many hours a week do you work
[k88] (IF NOT IN EMPLOYMENT) Are you at the moment....
[k89] The respondent's marital status
[k90] Are you living together as a steady couple?
[k91] Are you married to him/her?
[k92a] The partner's basic education
[k92b] The partner's vocational education
[k93] The partner's church or religious community
[k94] Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, how often does your partner attend religious services?
[k95] How many children have you had, if you include step children?
[k96_1] How many people live in your household, including yourself: Aged over 18
[k96_2] How many people live in your household: Aged 13 - 17
[k96_3] How many people live in your household: Aged 5 - 12
[k96_4] How many people live in your household: Aged under 5
[k97] Number of inhabitants in the respondent's municipality of residence
[bv1] The respondent's mother tongue
[bv3] Province of residence (according to the previous province division)
[bv4] Degree of urbanisation of the respondent's municipality of residence
[bv5] Major region (NUTS2)
[bv7] Region (NUTS3)