FSD1172 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2000: Spring

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[q1] Do you believe that during the next five years Finns will be living in a more secure or more insecure world than now?

[q2_1] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: European integration

[q2_2] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Development in Russia

[q2_3] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Increase of economic interaction with other countries

[q2_4] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Development in the Middle East

[q2_5] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Russia's nuclear weapons

[q2_6] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Other countries' nuclear weapons

[q2_7] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: State of the environment and current exploitation of natural resources

[q2_8] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Use of nuclear power in energy production in Finland

[q2_9] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Use of nuclear power in energy production in Russia

[q2_10] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Russia's military forces near Finland

[q2_11] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Relations between Russia and the Baltic countries

[q2_12] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Finland's membership in the EU

[q2_13] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Employment situation in Finland

[q2_14] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Increased immigration to Finland

[q2_15] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Balkan war, i.e., the situation in Kosovo

[q2_16] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Economic situation in Finland

[q2_17] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: State of public order and security in Finland

[q2_18] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Nato's enlargement to Eastern Central Europe

[q2_19] Effect on the security of Finns and Finland: Nato's potential enlargement to Baltic countries

[q3] Are there any factors in Finland which could threathen the stability of our society

[q4] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development on the whole

[q5_1] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Environment

[q5_2] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Economy

[q5_3] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Employment

[q5_4] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Agriculture

[q5_5] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Social security

[q5_6] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Equality between men and women

[q5_7] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Military security

[q5_8] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: National independence

[q5_9] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Finland's international position and influence

[q5_10] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Amount of influence in foreign and security policy

[q5_11] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: Public order and security

[q5_12] Effects of EU membership on Finland's development: National culture

[q6] How well Finland's foreign policy has been taken care of during the past few years

[q7] View on military alliance / independence

[q8] Best option for military alliance

[q9] Is Finland committing itself to Nato membership

[q10] Should there be a formal agreement obliging other EU members to defend a member country under military attack

[bv1] If the parliamentary elections were held right now, which party you would vote for?

[bv2] Respondent's sex

[bv3] Respondent's age

[bv4] Respondent's education

[bv5_1] Are you at the moment: working full-time

[bv5_2] Are you at the moment: working part-time

[bv5_3] Are you at the moment: in paid employment, working at home

[bv5_4] Are you at the moment: Unemployed

[bv5_5] Are you at the moment: Not working (child care leave/student/compulsory military service etc.)

[bv5_6] Are you at the moment: Retired

[bv5_7] Are you at the moment: Don't want to answer

[bv6] Respondent's occupational group

[bv7] Household income (FIM p.a.)

[bv8] Type of municipality in which respondent lives

[bv9] Respondent's province of residence

[bv10] Number of persons in the household

[bv11_1] One person household (not pensioner)

[bv11_2] Couple, no children

[bv11_3] Children under school-age

[bv11_4] School-age children

[bv11_5] Grown-up children living at home

[bv11_6] Children have left home

[bv11_7] Pensioner / retired couple

[bv11_8] Missing value / didn't answer

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