FSD1217 Gender, Education and Career Choice: Data 1983-1991
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Gender, Education and Career Choice: Data 1983-1991
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Data Type
- Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (University of Joensuu. Faculty of Education)
The data are part of a research project "Education, gender and life course" funded by the Ministry of Labour of Finland. The original study was conducted in 1983 and follow-up studies in 1987, 1991 and 1994. The dataset archived at the FSD contains the responses of those students who participated at least twice in the studies of 1983, 1987 and 1991. Variables q1-q42 are from the year 1983 survey, q43-q59 from the 1987 survey and q60-q108 from the 1991 survey.
The original survey in 1983 investigated how often boys and girls deviate from gendered career choices (sex-stereotyping) and aim at non-traditional, sex-atypical occupations. Various factors influencing career choice were examined. The survey covered respondents' education, career plans, family structure and covered the educational and occupational background of respondents' parents and grandparents. Respondents were also asked what factors were important to them when planning their future occupation and career: job security, independence, good workplace relations, career that allows spending time with family, etc.
The 1987 and 1991 surveys followed the life course of the respondents after 1983. Respondents answered questions about their post-comprehensive school education, vocational education, work and family history, and specified their activities in six-month periods: had they been studying, working in a job corresponding to their education, working in a job not corresponding to their education, being unemployed, doing military service, on a maternity leave, etc. Respondents' satisfaction with their education, occupational life, family life, spare time and hobbies, relations with other people and life on the whole were charted. Background variables included the respondent's gender, basic education, marital status and number of children.
career development; education; employment; family environment; gender; interpersonal relations; labour market; life cycle; occupations; satisfaction; social change; values; women's education
Topic Classification
- Social sciences (Fields of Science Classification)
- Educational policy (CESSDA Topic Classification)
- Youth (CESSDA Topic Classification)
- Gender and gender roles (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Individual datasetsDistributor
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
Data Collector
- Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (University of Joensuu. Faculty of Education)
Data Producers
- Ministry of Labour
Time Period Covered
1983 – 1991
Collection Dates
1983-10 – 1991-12
Geographical Coverage
Tampere, Imatra, Satakunta, Kainuu, Kokemäki, Huittinen, Äetsä, Punkalaidun, Alastaro, Kuusamo, Suomussalmi, Kuhmo
Analysis/Observation Unit Type
9th grade students in lower secondary (comprehensive) schools and third grade students in upper secondary (sixth form) schools of the 35 sample municipalities in 1983. The former were approximately 15 years old and the latter approximately 18 years old.
Time Method
Longitudinal: Cohort/Event-based
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability: Purposive
The original judgment sample of 1983 consisted of 9th grade students in lower secondary schools and third grade students in upper secondary schools. Four geographical areas differing from each other in terms of economic structure, rate of change, employment situation, and educational possibilities were selected as study areas. Tampere was selected to represent an urban area of sustainable development, Imatra an urban area of unsustainable development, Satakunta (Kokemäki, Huittinen, Äetsä, Punkalaidun, Alastaro) a rural area of sustainable development, and Koillismaa-Kainuu (Kuusamo, Suomussalmi, Kuhmo) a rural area of unsustainable development. Sample size was 3,210 and the number of respondents 2,546. In the 1987 follow-up survey, 1,800 of the original 2,546 respondents responded and 1,784 of them were identified. In 1991, the number of respondents was 1,666.
The proportion of girls was higher in the follow-up studies than in the original study.
Collection Mode
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Research Instrument
Semi-structured questionnaire
Response Rate
79 in 1983, 70 in 1987 and 65 1991
Data File Language
Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.
The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.
FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.
Data Version
Related Datasets
FSD1218 Gender, Education and Career Choice: Follow-up Study 1994
Completeness of Data and Restrictions
The 1983 upper secondary school questionnaire and the 1991 questionnaire have not been archived. The 1983 questionnaires differ in their educational sections.
There seems to be a coding mistake in the variable Q2. According to Fsd_id, case numbers 2049-2064 should have the value 3 (and not the value 2) for the variable Q2. The dataset also contains five pairs of cases which get the same value in the original case number variable Q1. There is no way to determine which case has the right value, for which the values have been left as they are. This applies to the case numbers 86, 373, 2095, 2366 and 2375 in the variable Q1.
The archived data do not contain responses to all questions of the surveys because only some variables were coded for archiving. The individual data sets produced by the project are not available.
There are no weight variables in the data.
Citation Requirement
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Bibliographical Citation
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (University of Joensuu): Gender, Education and Career Choice: Data 1983-1991 [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-08-08). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1217
Deposit Requirement
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Related Publications
Puhakka, Helena (1997). Sukupuoli, pystyvyysodotukset ja ammatillinen suuntautuminen. Kasvatus 28(2), 166-179.
Puhakka, Helena (1998). Naisten elämänkulku nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen: koulutuksen merkitys elämän kulussa. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. Joensuun yliopiston kasvatustieteellisiä julkaisuja; 42.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta & Lahtinen, Marjaana (1984). Ammatti, sukupuoli ja työmarkkinat: projektin esittely ja perusselvitys tyttöjen ja poikien koulutus- ja ammattisuunnitelmista. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Tampereen yliopiston psykologian laitoksen tutkimuksia; 135.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta & Lahtinen, Marjaana (1985). Ammatti, sukupuoli ja työmarkkinat: ennakkoluulottomat ja tavanomaiset ammattisuunnitelmat. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Tampereen yliopiston psykologian laitoksen tutkimuksia; 138.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta & Lahtinen, Marjaana (1985). Ammatti, sukupuoli ja työmarkkinat: tyttöjen ja poikien ammattisuunnitelmien taustaehdoista. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Tampereen yliopiston psykologian laitoksen tutkimuksia; 140.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta (1985). Toisen sukupuolen ammattiin suuntautuminen. Helsinki: Työvoimaministeriön suunnitteluosasto. Työpoliittisia tutkimuksia; 55.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta (1987). Nuorten suunnitelmat ja mahdollisuuksien rakenne: ammattisuunnitelmien selkiintyneisyys, pysyvyys ja toteutuminen. Helsinki: Suomen psykologinen seura. Acta Psychologica Fennica. Soveltavan psykologian monografioita; 2.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Tarkiainen, Ari (1993). Koulutuksen ulkopuolella oleva nuori. Helsinki: Työministeriö. Työpoliittinen tutkimus; 44.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Tarkiainen, Ari (1993). Nuoret koulutuksen ulkopuolella. Nuorisotutkimus 11(2), 28-40.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Nummenmaa, Tapio & Vanhalakka-Ruoho, Marjatta (1987). Nuorten koulutus- ja ammattisuunnitelmien yhteydet vanhempien koulutustasoihin. Kasvatus 18(6), 446-553.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Nummenmaa, Tapio (1994). Ammattisuuntautumisen pysyvyys sukupolvesta toiseen: ylioppilastyttöjen suuntautuminen toisen sukupuolen ammattiin. Teoksessa: Näkökulmia elämänkulun ja ammattiurien tutkimukseen (toim. Hannu Perho & Pentti Sinisalo), 95-108. Helsinki: Suomen psykologinen seura. Acta Psychologica Fennica. Soveltavan psykologian monografioita; 7.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Kasurinen, Helena (1994). Perhe ja nuoren uravalinta: katsaus. Nuorisotutkimus 12(1), 38-41.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Kasurinen, Helena (1995). Ammatti, sukupuoli ja elämänkulun muotoutuminen. Kasvatus 26(2), 128-139.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1989). Toisen sukupuolen ammatti nuoren koulutusvalintana. Kasvatus, 20(6), 494-503.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1990). Miesten ammatti tytön koulutusvalintana. Naistutkimus, 3(1), 20-34.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1992). Nuorten ammattisuunnitelmien toteutuminen. AVO 37(1), 28-36.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1992). Toisen sukupuolen ammatti nuoren koulutusvalintana. Helsinki: Työministeriö. Työpoliittinen tutkimus; 31.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1996). Koulutus, sukupuoli ja elämänkulku: nuoruudesta aikuisuuteen yhteiskunnallisessa muutoksessa. Helsinki: Työministeriö. Työpoliittinen tutkimus; 149.
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija (1991). Nuorten suuntautuminen toisen sukupuolen ammatteihin. Teoksessa: Nuoret ja muutos (toim. J. Lähteenmaa & L. Siurala), 35-45. Helsinki: Tilastokeskus. Tutkimuksia; 177.
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