FSD1222 Development Cooperation Survey 2002

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[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

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[q1] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid provided by Finland?

[q2_1] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Low standard of living/poverty

[q2_2] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Need for aid

[q2_3] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: General misery/harsh conditions of life

[q2_4] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Kindred nation/region located just across the Finnish border

[q2_5] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Famine

[q2_6] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of water/water problems

[q2_7] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Insufficient health care/need for medicines

[q2_8] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: I have heard most of/have most information on this region/sympathy

[q2_9] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Wars/conflicts/turmoil

[q2_10] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of know-how

[q2_11] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Primitiveness/backwardness

[q2_12] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Population growth

[q2_13] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Has problems/things not right there

[q2_14] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Effect on Finland

[q2_15] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Child mortality/children

[q2_16] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Harsh natural conditions

[q2_17] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Human rights violations/unequality

[q2_18] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Environmental problems/desertification

[q2_19] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Natural disasters/floods/earthquakes

[q2_20] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Possibile to make a difference

[q2_21] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: To pay a debt/these countries have been exploited

[q2_22] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Good chances for development/good possibilities to help

[q2_23] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Refugee problems/so that people would stay in their own country

[q2_24] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Tradition/been done before/learned to help

[q2_25] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: For women

[q2_26] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Something else

[q2_27] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Can't say

[q3_1] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Education

[q3_2] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Health care and population issues

[q3_3] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Water supply and sewerage

[q3_4] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Human rights, democracy, equality and good governance

[q3_5] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Telecommunications and information technology

[q3_6] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Energy supply and transport

[q3_7] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Businesses and banks

[q3_8] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Industrial development

[q3_9] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Agriculture and fishing

[q3_10] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Forestry

[q3_11] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Environmental protection

[q3_12] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Improving the situation of women

[q3_13] From the card, choose three objectives/areas you consider the most important for Finnish development aid: Can't say

[q4_1] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Increasing global security

[q4_2] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Ensuring peace in developing countries

[q4_3] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Reducing wide-spread poverty in developing countries

[q4_4] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Changing unsustainable production methods and consumer habits

[q4_5] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Increasing economic interaction

[q4_6] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Helping Finnish enterprises to enter the markets of developing countries

[q4_7] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Curbing population growth

[q4_8] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Helping developing countries to become self-sufficient

[q4_9] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Enhancing equality, democracy and human rights

[q4_10] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Making Finland and Finns more international

[q4_11] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Preventing enviromental problems and enhancing environmental protection

[q4_12] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Fighting infectious diseases like HIV and AIDS

[q4_13] From the goals of development cooperation presented in this card, choose three goals you consider most important: Can't say

[q5_1] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Natural disasters

[q5_2] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Wars and conflicts

[q5_3] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Diseases

[q5_4] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Climate

[q5_5] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Unfairness of the world economy and world trade

[q5_6] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Africans do not work hard enough

[q5_7] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Lack of education

[q5_8] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Lack of capital

[q5_9] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Corruption

[q5_10] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Problems inherited from the colonial era

[q5_11] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Development co-operation has failed

[q5_12] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Large debts of African countries

[q5_13] What are the most likely causes for problems that African countries have (choose two): Can't say

[q6] Which of the following statements relating to the future of Africa is closest to your own views?

[q7_1] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By increasing development co-operation

[q7_2] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By liberalising world trade

[q7_3] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By encouraging investment in African countries

[q7_4] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By cancelling debts owed by African countries

[q7_5] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By supporting conflict resolution and preventing new conflicts

[q7_6] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): By improving the availability of cheap medicines for AIDS

[q7_7] How could the situation of Africa be improved (choose two from the card): Can't say

[q8] Which of the following statements is closest to your own views on the relationship between Finnish trade policy and development cooperation policy?

[q9] Is there enough information available in Finland on development cooperation and developing countries?

[q10_1] How reliable do you find information on development cooperation and developing countries given by: Finnish authorities

[q10_2] How reliable do you find information on development cooperation and developing countries given by: Voluntary organizations

[q10_3] How reliable do you find information on development cooperation and developing countries given by: The media

[q11_1] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Television

[q11_2] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Radio

[q11_3] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Newspapers/periodicals/magazines

[q11_4] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: General magazines/periodicals

[q11_5] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Kehitys-Utveckling, Kehitysuutiset, Kumppani (periodicals concentrating on development cooperation issues)

[q11_6] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Internet

[q11_7] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Internet sites specializing on these issues

[q11_8] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Voluntary organizations

[q11_9] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Public events/exhibitions

[q11_10] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Schools and other educational institutions/study

[q11_11] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Books

[q11_12] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Discussions with friends or family members

[q11_13] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: At work

[q11_14] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Hobbies, travel

[q11_15] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Somewhere else

[q11_16] From where have you got information on development cooperation and developing countries: Can't say

[q12] The UN recommends that developed countries devote 0,7% of their GNI for development cooperation. How much of its GNI does Finland devote to this purpose at present?

[q13] At present Finland devotes 0,3% of its GNI for development cooperation. The UN recommends 0,7%. What amount do you think Finland should allocate to development cooperation?

[q14] Which of the following statements relating to the UN recommendation comes closer to your own views?

[q15] What kind of role do you think Finland plays in international forums (such as the UN or the EU) on development policy issues?

[q16] Does this statement correspond with your own views: Finnish development co-operation is efficient, effective and successful

[q17_1] Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the velocity with which Finland reacts to problem situations in the world?

[q17_2] The Finnish government provides humanitarian aid when catastrophes and disasters happen. Are you satisfied with the amount of aid provided?

[q17_3] The Finnish government provides humanitarian aid when catastrophes and disasters happen. Are you satisfied with the choice of targets for humanitarian aid?

[q18_1] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations is more effective than co-operation between governments

[q18_2] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations has a higher risk of failure than co-operation between governments

[q18_3] Development co-operation between voluntary organizations enhances the internationalisation of Finland and Finns better than co-operation between governments

[q18_4] Developing countries and their citizens have better opportunities to participate in project planning in development co-operation between voluntary organizations than in co-operation between governments

[q18_5] Use of funds is less strictly supervised in development co-operation between voluntary organizations than in co-operation between governments

[q19] Which do you think is more effective: bilateral aid provided by the Finnish government or multilateral aid chanelled through the UN or other international bodies

[q20] How do you think Finnish enterprises operating in developing countries should act?

[q21] Should a tax be levied on short-term international financial transactions and currency trades, to be used for poverty reduction in developing countries?

[q22a] Have you noticed any articles, reports or programs on Africa in the Finnish media (excluding news stories) this spring, or any events concentrating on Africa?

[q22b_1] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: 5 Africas exhibition in the Museum of Cultures

[q22b_2] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: African movies theme weeks in the Finnish Film Archive

[q22b_3] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: 'Man and Development' event in Helsinki concentrating on Africa

[q22b_4] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: Television documentaries on African people and their lives (excluding news and nature programmes)

[q22b_5] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: Some other event concentrating on Africa

[q22b_6] Do you remember having heard of the following events or programs: Not heard of any of these

[q22c_1] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: 5 Africas exhibition in the Museum of Cultures

[q22c_2] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: African movies theme weeks in the Finnish Film Archive

[q22c_3] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: 'Man and Development' event in Helsinki concentrating on Africa

[q22c_4] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Television documentaries on African people and their lives

[q22c_5] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Event concentrating on African arts

[q22c_6] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Event concentrating on African culture

[q22c_7] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Event concentrating on African cooking

[q22c_8] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Event concentrating on African handicrafts

[q22c_9] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Has read about Africa in newspapers/magazines

[q22c_10] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Some other event

[q22c_11] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Cannot remember/has not visited or seen any event/program

[q22c_12] What event(s) do you remember having heard of: Can't say

[q23a_1] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: 5 Africas exhibition in the Museum of Cultures

[q23a_2] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: African movies theme weeks in the Finnish Film Archive

[q23a_3] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: 'Man and Development' event in Helsinki concentrating on Africa

[q23a_4] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: Television documentaries on African people and their lives

[q23a_5] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: Some other event concentrating on Africa

[q23a_6] Have you personally visited or seen any the following: None of the above

[q23b_1] What event(s) have you visited: 5 Africas exhibition in the Museum of Cultures

[q23b_2] What event(s) have you visited: African movies theme weeks in the Finnish Film Archive

[q23b_3] What event(s) have you visited: 'Man and Development' event in Helsinki concentrating on Africa

[q23b_4] What program(s) have you seen: Television documentaries on African people and their lives

[q23b_5] What event(s) have you visited: Event concentrating on African art

[q23b_6] What event(s) have you visited: Event concentrating on African culture

[q23b_7] What event(s) have you visited: Event concentrating on African cooking

[q23b_8] What event(s) have you visited: Event concentrating on African handicrafts

[q23b_9] What have you read: Has read about Africa from newspapers/magazines

[q23b_10] What event(s) have you visited: Something else

[q23b_11] What event(s) have you visited: Cannot remember/has not visited or seen

[q23b_12] What event(s) have you visited: Can't say

[q24_1] Opinion on events visited or documentaries seen: I got new insight into African life and culture

[q24_2] Opinion on events visited or documentaries seen: I received new information about Finland's relations with African countries

[q24_3] Opinion on events visited or documentaries seen: I received new information about Finnish development co-operation and its operators

[q24_4] Opinion on events visited or documentaries seen: I received new information about how I myself could participate in development cooperation

[q24_5] Opinion on events visited or documentaries seen: My interest in African countries and life in Africa increased

[q25] Have you noticed the symbol of the information campaign on Africa somewhere this spring? (SHOW THE CARD CONTAINING THE SYMBOL)

[q26_1] Have you visited any developing country or have you had contacts with developing countries or people living in them: Yes, I have visited a developing country

[q26_2] Have you visited any developing country or have you had contacts with developing countries or people living in them: Yes, I have had contacts with people living in developing countries

[q26_3] Have you visited any developing country or have you had contacts with developing countries or people living in them: No, I have not visited nor had any contacts

[q26_4] Have you visited any developing country or have you had contacts with developing countries or people living in them: Can't say

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv3] Respondent's employment status

[bv4] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[bv5] Respondent's marital status

[bv6] Economic activity and occupational status of the person with the highest income

[bv7] Is the respondent the person with the highest income in the household?

[bv8] Who in the household is mainly responsible for everyday chores like shopping?

[bv9] Household type

[bv10_1] Age of children living in the household: 0 years

[bv10_2] Age of children living in the household: 1 year

[bv10_3] Age of children living in the household: 2 years

[bv10_4] Age of children living in the household: 3 years

[bv10_5] Age of children living in the household: 4 years

[bv10_6] Age of children living in the household: 5 years

[bv10_7] Age of children living in the household: 6 years

[bv10_8] Age of children living in the household: 7 years

[bv10_9] Age of children living in the household: 8 years

[bv10_10] Age of children living in the household: 9 years

[bv10_11] Age of children living in the household: 10 years

[bv10_12] Age of children living in the household: 11 years

[bv10_13] Age of children living in the household: 12 years

[bv10_14] Age of children living in the household: 13 years

[bv10_15] Age of children living in the household: 14 years

[bv10_16] Age of children living in the household: 15 years

[bv10_17] Age of children living in the household: 16 years

[bv10_18] Age of children living in the household: 17 years

[bv10b] Total number of children aged under 18 living in the household

[bv11] Total gross annual income of the household (before taxes)

[bv12] Total number of persons living in the household (including the respondent)

[bv13] Respondent's education

[bv14] Type of accommodation

[bv15] Number of inhabitants in the respondent's municipality of residence

[bv16] Type of neighbourhood

[bv17] Degree of urbanity

[bv18] Province

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