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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[k1_1] Education greatly increases my chances of getting a job
[k1_2] Staying in the labour market requires continuous education
[k1_3] Working life demands so much from employees nowadays that many people soon burn out
[k1_4] My education has given me more than sufficient knowledge of what constitutes being a good citizen
[k1_5] I would be willing to move to another municipality to get a job
[k1_6] I would prefer to take a temporary job rather than live on unemployment benefit, if the net income would be the same
[k1_7] It is likely that I will need to change jobs several times during my career
[k1_8] People tend to exaggerate the problem when talking about the exclusion of young people
[k1_9] Democracy functions well in Finland, and provides citizens with sufficient opportunity to influence decision-making
[k1_10] Social disparity has increased between different population groups
[k1_11] Things go well in Finland even if I personally do not vote in elections
[k1_12] To reduce unemployment, work should be shared and more jobs created by shortening working hours
[k1_13] We should all sacrifice some of our own interests to ensure the international competitiveness of our country
[k1_14] The current government has succeeded in reducing unemployment
[k1_15] More people would vote if Internet voting were possible
[k1_16] Finland must join the Nato after the next national elections
[k1_17] The switch to the Euro has increased my interest in the decision-making in the European Union
[k1_18] EU membership has proven to be beneficial to Finland
[k2] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is the best) and based on your own experience, how would you grade Finnish primary and lower secondary education?
[k3_1] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: Study adviser
[k3_2] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: Parents
[k3_3] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: The media
[k3_4] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: Employment center
[k3_5] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: Friends
[k3_6] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: Teachers
[k3_7] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: People connected with your hobbies (instructors etc.)
[k3_8] How much information have you received on (post-lower secondary) education options from: The Internet
[k4] Which of the following do you regard as the most important in a job?
[k5] For what type of organisation would you prefer to work?
[k6_1] Do you intend to work abroad in the next five years?
[k6_2] Do you intend to study abroad in the next five years?
[k6_3] Do you intend to establish your own business in the next five years?
[k7_1] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Health care
[k7_2] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Education
[k7_3] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Unemployment benefits
[k7_4] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Defence
[k7_5] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Housing benefits
[k7_6] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Agricultural subsidies
[k7_7] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Sport facilities
[k7_8] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Youth work
[k7_9] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Care of the elderly
[k7_10] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Benefits for families with children
[k7_11] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Cultural services
[k7_12] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Environmental protection
[k7_13] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Reducing central government debt
[k7_14] If the Finnish national economy were faring badly and public expenditure had to be cut, how much should be cut from: Law enforcement
[k8_1] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Low education level
[k8_2] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of work
[k8_3] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of friends
[k8_4] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of faith in the future
[k8_5] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Unhealthy habits
[k8_6] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of hobbies
[k8_7] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Laziness and indifference
[k8_8] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Lack of income
[k8_9] To what extent is the exclusion of young people caused by: Difficulty to get help when needed
[k9_1] It is acceptable to use illegal drugs
[k9_2] Punishments given for illegal drug use should be lighter
[k9_3] Illicit recreational drug use is a regular part of young people's leisure time
[k9_4] Getting drunk is a regular part of young people's leisure time
[k10] Has someone offered to sell you illegal drugs during the past 6 months?
[k11_1] Have you during the past 6 months: Smoked
[k11_2] Have you during the past 6 months: Got drunk
[k11_3] Have you during the past 6 months: Experimented with or used illegal drugs
[k11_4] Have you during the past 6 months: Experimented with or used medicinal drugs for intoxication purposes
[k12] Which of the following best describes your interest in politics?
[k13] Do you intend to vote in the parliamentary elections in March next year?
[k14_1] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Participate in a demonstration in Finland
[k14_2] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Take part in a strike at school or at workplace
[k14_3] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Participate in a boycott
[k14_4] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Use violence against political decision-makers
[k14_5] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper
[k14_6] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Become a candidate in elections
[k14_7] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Participate in a demonstration in connection with an international meeting
[k14_8] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Sign a petition
[k14_9] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Collect signatures for a petition
[k14_10] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Occupy a building
[k14_11] If you considered the issue important, what measures would you be willing to take: Campaign for your candidate in elections
[k15_1] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Health care
[k15_2] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Education
[k15_3] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Employment
[k15_4] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Defence
[k15_5] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Agricultural subsidies
[k15_6] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Housing allowance
[k15_7] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Sports facilities
[k15_8] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Youth work
[k15_9] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Care of the elderly
[k15_10] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Supporting families with children
[k15_11] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Cultural services
[k15_12] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Environmental protection
[k15_13] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Reducing central government debt
[k15_14] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Housing production
[k15_15] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Crime prevention
[k15_16] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Not on any of these issues
[k15_17] In your opinion, what should the next Finnish government particularly focus on: Can't say
[k16_1] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Youth worker
[k16_2] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Facilities for organising youth camps
[k16_3] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Financial assistance to youth organisations and groups
[k16_4] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Workshop for unemployed young people
[k16_5] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Facilities for band practise and other hobbies
[k16_6] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Advising and information service for young people
[k16_7] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: After-school activities for schoolchildren
[k16_8] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Leisure time facilities for young people
[k16_9] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Youth council
[k16_10] How important is it for you that your municipality provides: Opportunities to use the Internet and online media
[k17] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your own financial situation?
[k18] On a scale from 4 to 10 (where 10 is very satisfied), how satisfied are you with your life in general?
[k19_1] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own family and children
[k19_2] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Permanent job
[k19_3] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: High standard of living
[k19_4] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Ownership of dwelling
[k19_5] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: High social status
[k19_6] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own car
[k19_7] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Own business
[k19_8] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Higher than average wage
[k19_9] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Possibility to travel and see the world
[k19_10] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Possibility to make environmentally friendly consumer decisions
[k19_11] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Be involved in politics
[k19_12] Importance of achieving the following by the age of 35: Good, reliable friends
[k20] Which of the achievements mentioned above would you most like to achieve by the age of 35?
[k21_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party, or the candidate of which political party would you feel closest to?
[k21_2] If you had to choose one of the following political parties, which would it be?
[bv1] Respondent's gender
[bv2] Respondent's age
[bv3] Respondent's vocational education
[bv4] Have you taken the matriculation examination (i.e. completed upper secondary school)?
[bv5_1] Does your father have a degree or certificate from...
[bv5_2] Does your mother have a degree or certificate from...
[bv6] Are you studying at present?
[bv7] What is your present main economic activity?
[bv9] Type of municipality of residence
[bv10] Major region