FSD1229 Finnish Lifestyles Survey 1995

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Study title

Finnish Lifestyles Survey 1995

Dataset ID Number


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Data Type



  • Alasuutari, Pertti (University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology)

Other Identification/Acknowledgements

  • Social Research Institute of Alcohol Studies
  • University of Helsinki. Department of Social Policy
  • University of Helsinki. Department of Sociology
  • University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences of Sport
  • University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences
  • National Health Public Institute
  • National Consumer Research Centre
  • Rehabilitation Foundation
  • University of Oulu. Department of Sociology
  • National Police School of Finland
  • National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)
  • Office of the Ombudsman for Equality
  • Statistics Finland
  • Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. Corporate Development


The survey studied Finnish lifestyles, habits and leisure time activities. A number of questions pertained to cultural and leisure activities: television viewing, radio listening, outdoor hobbies like gardening or fishing, sports viewing, exercise, music and literature preferences and vacation habits. Respondents' dietary habits and use of some services (e.g. hairdressers, gyms) were surveyed. Respondents also rated the importance of various things in their life (family, work, health, standard of living, religion, travelling, literature, IT-related hobbies, cooking etc). Moral values were studied by asking what respondents disapprove or respect in other people.

One theme covered respondents' health: illnesses, injuries and physical condition. Another theme pertained to the nature, independence and security of the respondent's job and his/her attitude to work. Participation in moonlighting was charted. Sexual behaviour was investigated by asking about the use of sex videos, sex magazines, striptease or prostitutes. Opinions on police powers were probed. The survey contained several questions about alcohol consumption, smoking and drug use.

One topic pertained to consumer habits: buying through shopping channels, mail-order catalogues or Internet. Ownership of audio and video equipment, mobile phone or PC was charted. Respondents answered detailed questions of their media use. Views on the level of Finnish social security were probed. Respondents were also asked which social services should be paid from tax revenue.

The survey asked which party the respondent had voted for in the EU membership referendum and which party he/she would vote for in the next parliamentary elections. Finally, some questions covered respondents' car (model, safety, motor etc). Background variables included respondents' sex, age, province, marital status, household composition, tenure, occupation, status in employment, basic and vocational education and the occupation and status in employment of the spouse and parents.


alcohol use; communication networks; consumer goods; consumption; dietary habits; exercise (physical activity); food and nutrition; health status; hobbies; holidays; leisure time activities; life styles; listening to music; occupational life; outdoor pursuits; policing; quality of life; reading (activity); sexual behaviour; smoking; social security; sport spectatorship; sports participation; standard of living; taxation; television viewing; values

Topic Classification


Individual datasets


Finnish Social Science Data Archive


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Data Collector

  • University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology

Data Producers

  • University of Tampere. Department of Sociology and Social Psychology
  • University of Helsinki. Department of Social Policy
  • University of Helsinki. Department of Sociology
  • University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences of Sport
  • University of Jyväskylä. Department of Social Sciences
  • Social Research Institute of Alcohol Studies
  • National Health Public Institute
  • Rehabilitation Foundation
  • University of Oulu. Department of Sociology
  • National Police School of Finland
  • National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES)
  • Office of the Ombudsman for Equality
  • Statistics Finland
  • Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. Corporate Development
  • National Consumer Research Centre

Time Period Covered


Collection Dates




Geographical Coverage


Analysis/Observation Unit Type



Finland's population aged 18-75

Time Method


Sampling Procedure

Probability: Simple random

The sample of 5,000 persons was randomly selected from Finland's population register. There was one follow-up mailing.

Collection Mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper

Research Instrument

Structured questionnaire

Response Rate


Data File Language

Downloaded data package may contain different language versions of the same files.

The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: English and Finnish.

FSD translates quantitative data into English on request, free of charge. More information on ordering data translation.

Number of Cases and Variables

554 variables and 2611 cases.

Data Version


Completeness of Data and Restrictions

Responses to open-ended questions are not included in the data.


There are no weight variables in the data.

Citation Requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical Citation

Alasuutari, Pertti (University of Tampere): Finnish Lifestyles Survey 1995 [dataset]. Version 2.0 (2018-08-20). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD1229

Deposit Requirement

Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.


The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.

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