FSD1229 Finnish Lifestyles Survey 1995

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[k1] Respondent's gender

[k2] Respondent's year of birth

[k3] Respondent's marital status

[k4] How many times have you been married/cohabiting (ordinal number of present marriage/cohabitation)?

[k5] Number of children

[k6_1] Respondent's location of residence: Main location in childhood and youth

[k6_2] Respondent's location of residence: At present

[k7] Housing tenure

[k8] Type of accommodation

[k9] Province of residence

[k10_1] Basic education: Respondent

[k10_2] Basic education: Spouse/partner

[k10_3] Basic education: Mother

[k10_4] Basic education: Father

[k11_1] Vocational education: Respondent

[k11_2] Vocational education: Spouse/partner

[k11_3] Vocational education: Mother

[k11_4] Vocational education: Father

[k12] Respondent's training programme in vocational school/college (open question)

[k13] Respondent's main subject/degree programme in university (open question)

[k14] Spouse's/partner's training programme in vocational school/college (open question)

[k15] Spouse's/partner's main subject/degree programme in university (open question)

[k16] Respondent's economic activity

[k17] Type of employment contract

[k18_1] Have you been unemployed or laid off in the past three years?

[k18_2] Have been unemployed or laid off once (months)

[k18_3] Have been unemployed or laid off several times (months)

[k19] Length of employment in present job (years)

[k20] Occupation: Respondent (open question)

[k21] Occupation: Spouse/partner (open question)

[k22_1] Occupation: Father (open question)

[k22_2] Occupation: Mother (open question)

[k23_1] Employment status: Respondent

[k23_2] Employment status three years ago: Respondent

[k23_3] Employment status: Spouse/partner

[k23_4] Employment status three years ago: Spouse/partner

[k23_5] Employment status: Father

[k23_6] Employment status: Mother

[k24_1] Occupational group: Respondent

[k24_2] Occupational group: Spouse/partner

[k24_3] Occupational group: Mother

[k24_4] Occupational group: Father

[k25_1] Employer type: Respondent

[k25_2] Employer type: Spouse/partner

[k26] Last year's gross income (Finnish Marks): Respondent

[k27] Last year's gross income (Finnish Marks): Spouse/partner

[k28_1] To what extent do you watch on television: News and current affairs programmes

[k28_2] To what extent do you watch on television: Documentaries

[k28_3] To what extent do you watch on television: Talk shows

[k28_4] To what extent do you watch on television: Movies

[k28_5] To what extent do you watch on television: Nature programmes

[k28_6] To what extent do you watch on television: Sports programmes

[k28_7] To what extent do you watch on television: Situation comedies

[k28_8] To what extent do you watch on television: Detective series

[k28_9] To what extent do you watch on television: Family shows

[k28_10] To what extent do you watch on television: Action series

[k28_11] To what extent do you watch on television: Game shows

[k28_12] To what extent do you watch on television: TV shop

[k29_1] During the season, to what extent do you do: Berry picking

[k29_2] During the season, to what extent do you do: Gardening

[k29_3] During the season, to what extent do you do: Hunting

[k29_4] During the season, to what extent do you do: Fishing

[k29_5] During the season, to what extent do you do: Mushroom picking

[k30_1] Attitude to spectator sports: Ice-hockey

[k30_2] Attitude to spectator sports: Finnish baseball

[k30_3] Attitude to spectator sports: Athletics

[k30_4] Attitude to spectator sports: Cross-country skiing

[k30_5] Attitude to spectator sports: Figure skating

[k30_6] Attitude to spectator sports: Boxing

[k30_7] Attitude to spectator sports: Motor sports

[k30_8] Attitude to spectator sports: Sailing

[k30_9] Attitude to spectator sports: Golf

[k30_10] Attitude to spectator sports: Horse races

[k31_1] In what manner do you yourself exercise: In a sports club or sports organisation

[k31_2] In what manner do you yourself exercise: In an organisation where sports is not the main point

[k31_3] In what manner do you yourself exercise: With an unofficial group (friends)

[k31_4] In what manner do you yourself exercise: By visiting a private sports enterprise

[k31_5] In what manner do you yourself exercise: Independently

[k32_1] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Regular exerciser

[k32_2] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Competing athlete

[k32_3] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Official

[k32_4] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Trainer or coach

[k32_5] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Active member

[k32_6] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Manager

[k32_7] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Elected official

[k32_8] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Parent

[k32_9] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Driver (driving children to sports activities)

[k32_10] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Spectator

[k32_11] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Supporting member

[k32_12] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Doing maintenance and other miscellaneous tasks

[k32_13] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Fund-raiser

[k32_14] Participation in a sports club in the past year in the role of: Something else, what? (open question)

[k33] Are you a member of a sports club or organisation?

[k34] How important is nature to your sports activities?

[k35_1] To what extent do you like and listen to: Light concert music

[k35_2] To what extent do you like and listen to: Modern concert music

[k35_3] To what extent do you like and listen to: Classical concert music

[k35_4] To what extent do you like and listen to: Religious music

[k35_5] To what extent do you like and listen to: Pop or rock music

[k35_6] To what extent do you like and listen to: Heavy music

[k35_7] To what extent do you like and listen to: Techno

[k35_8] To what extent do you like and listen to: Jazz

[k35_9] To what extent do you like and listen to: Blues

[k35_10] To what extent do you like and listen to: Finnish folk music

[k35_11] To what extent do you like and listen to: World music

[k35_12] To what extent do you like and listen to: Working-class music

[k35_13] To what extent do you like and listen to: 'Ditty' music

[k35_14] To what extent do you like and listen to: Traditional dance music

[k35_15] To what extent do you like and listen to: Finnish light music

[k35_16] To what extent do you like and listen to: Foreign light music

[k36_1] To what extent do you read: Novels

[k36_2] To what extent do you read: Memoirs or autobiographies

[k36_3] To what extent do you read: Detective stories or mysteries

[k36_4] To what extent do you read: War books

[k36_5] To what extent do you read: Romances

[k36_6] To what extent do you read: Short story anthologies

[k36_7] To what extent do you read: Poetry anthologies

[k36_8] To what extent do you read: Aphorism anthologies

[k36_9] To what extent do you read: Plays

[k36_10] To what extent do you read: Social books

[k36_11] To what extent do you read: Religious books

[k36_12] To what extent do you read: Science fiction or horror books

[k37_1] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Canary Islands

[k37_2] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Mediterranean resorts (e.g. Rhodes, Crete)

[k37_3] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Summer cottage in Finland

[k37_4] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Holiday destination in Finland

[k37_5] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: The Far East (e.g. India, China)

[k37_6] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: City holidays (e.g. London, Paris)

[k37_7] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Luxurious beach resorts (e.g. the Bahamas, Florida)

[k37_8] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Active holidays (e.g. diving, trekking)

[k37_9] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Alternative holidays (e.g. in a voluntary work camp or kibbutz)

[k37_10] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Interrail

[k37_11] How/where do you holiday or would prefer to holiday: Tallin, Stockholm or St. Petersburg

[k38_1] To what extent do you have a taste for: Pizza

[k38_2] To what extent do you have a taste for: Chateubriand

[k38_3] To what extent do you have a taste for: Karelian hot pot (meat sauce)

[k38_4] To what extent do you have a taste for: Greek salad

[k38_5] To what extent do you have a taste for: Viennese schnitzel

[k38_6] To what extent do you have a taste for: Fried zander fish

[k38_7] To what extent do you have a taste for: Chinese food

[k39_1] Preferred drink with food: Sunday main meal

[k39_2] Preferred drink with food: Main meal on weekdays

[k40] Where do you usually eat lunch?

[k41] Do you eat a hot meal?

[k42] Do you eat breakfast?

[k43] Do you usually take health aspects into consideration in your diet?

[k44_1] How often do you use the services of: Beauticians

[k44_2] How often do you use the services of: Barbers/hairdressers

[k44_3] How often do you use the services of: Gyms

[k44_4] How often do you use the services of: Solariums

[k44_5] How often do you use the services of: Spas

[k44_6] How often do you use the services of: Masseurs

[k45_1] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Comfort

[k45_2] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Made in Finland

[k45_3] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Affordable price

[k45_4] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Style

[k45_5] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Quality

[k45_6] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Trendiness

[k45_7] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Label

[k45_8] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Originality

[k45_9] Importance of various factors when buying clothes: Sexiness

[k46_1] Importance of various things in life: Work

[k46_2] Importance of various things in life: Family

[k46_3] Importance of various things in life: Own health

[k46_4] Importance of various things in life: Enjoying life

[k46_5] Importance of various things in life: Social activities

[k46_6] Importance of various things in life: Self-improvement, studying

[k46_7] Importance of various things in life: Close friendships

[k46_8] Importance of various things in life: Standard of living, material well-being

[k46_9] Importance of various things in life: Religion, spiritual matters

[k46_10] Importance of various things in life: Sexual life

[k46_11] Importance of various things in life: Love

[k46_12] Importance of various things in life: Prestigious status in society

[k46_13] Importance of various things in life: Well-groomed appearance

[k46_14] Importance of various things in life: Mental balance

[k47_1] Importance of leisure activities: Sports or exercise

[k47_2] Importance of leisure activities: Art

[k47_3] Importance of leisure activities: Travelling

[k47_4] Importance of leisure activities: Shopping

[k47_5] Importance of leisure activities: Decorating the home or maintaining it in good condition

[k47_6] Importance of leisure activities: Time in nature, outdoor hobbies

[k47_7] Importance of leisure activities: Reading

[k47_8] Importance of leisure activities: Television, videos, radio

[k47_9] Importance of leisure activities: IT-related hobbies

[k47_10] Importance of leisure activities: Cooking

[k47_11] Importance of leisure activities: Handicrafts

[k48_1] Importance of various things in life: Church

[k48_2] Importance of various things in life: Congregational activities

[k48_3] Importance of various things in life: Friends of faith

[k48_4] Importance of various things in life: Praying

[k49_1] Attitude to various types of people: Honest

[k49_2] Attitude to various types of people: Hard-working

[k49_3] Attitude to various types of people: Principled

[k49_4] Attitude to various types of people: Wealthy

[k49_5] Attitude to various types of people: Powerful

[k49_6] Attitude to various types of people: Successful in their career

[k49_7] Attitude to various types of people: Highly educated

[k49_8] Attitude to various types of people: Intelligent

[k49_9] Attitude to various types of people: Well-behaved

[k49_10] Attitude to various types of people: Sophisticated

[k49_11] Attitude to various types of people: Dishonest

[k49_12] Attitude to various types of people: Lazy

[k49_13] Attitude to various types of people: Unprincipled

[k49_14] Attitude to various types of people: Poor

[k49_15] Attitude to various types of people: The powerless

[k49_16] Attitude to various types of people: Unsuccessful in their career

[k49_17] Attitude to various types of people: Poorly educated

[k49_18] Attitude to various types of people: Stupid

[k49_19] Attitude to various types of people: Bad-mannered

[k49_20] Attitude to various types of people: Unsophisticated

[k50] How do you find your life?

[k51] Are you happier than three years ago?

[k52] How satisfied are you with your appearance?

[k53] Respondent's height

[k54] Respondent's weight

[k55] Respondent's own estimate of his/her present state of health

[k56] Do you have any long-term illness, disability or health problem?

[k57_1] Does your illness, disability or health problem restrict: Work

[k57_2] Does your illness, disability or health problem restrict: Daily activities

[k57_3] Does your illness, disability or health problem restrict: Meeting and communicating with other people

[k57_4] Does your illness, disability or health problem restrict: Sexual life

[k58_1] Can you manage without the help of others to: Buy groceries

[k58_2] Can you manage without the help of others to: Cook

[k58_3] Can you manage without the help of others to: Do laundry and clean up

[k58_4] Can you manage without the help of others to: Dress and undress

[k58_5] Can you manage without the help of others to: Wash yourself

[k59_1] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Over-stress

[k59_2] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Forgetfulness or lack of concentration

[k59_3] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Weakness or tiredness

[k59_4] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Insomnia

[k59_5] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Nervousness or tension

[k59_6] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Irritation

[k59_7] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Melancholy or depression

[k59_8] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Lack of initiative or indecisiveness

[k59_9] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: It's all getting to be too much

[k59_10] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Lack of sexual desire

[k59_11] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Numbness or weakness of the limbs

[k59_12] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Heart palpitations

[k59_13] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Nausea or vomiting

[k59_14] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Dizziness

[k59_15] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Tremor of the hands, shaky hands

[k59_16] Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past month: Excessive sweating without any physical strain

[k60] Have you had to give up some daily activity (e.g. hobby, going to school) due to an illness, injury, etc.?

[k61] Does your job require planning and applying your own ideas?

[k62_1] To what extent can you plan: Product of your work

[k62_2] To what extent can you plan: Your own job performance

[k63] To what extent do you encounter problems in your work that can not be solved in a routine manner

[k64] Does any of the following restrict your ability to plan your work:

[k65] Are the people who do similar work in your workplace:

[k66_1] In your work, are you under threat of: Being transferred to other tasks

[k66_2] In your work, are you under threat of: Being laid off

[k66_3] In your work, are you under threat of: Being made redundant

[k66_4] In your work, are you under threat of: Becoming unemployed

[k66_5] In your work, are you under threat of: Incapacity for work

[k67_1] I would be willing to change my occupation to get a job

[k67_2] I would be willing to relocate to get a job

[k67_3] I need further education/training to manage in the job market

[k67_4] I find it important to do my work well and diligently

[k67_5] To earn more I am preapred to work overtime

[k67_6] Job content is more important than the pay

[k67_7] Work is just a means to gain a livelihood

[k67_8] I am willing to accept any job

[k67_9] I would rather live on unemployment benefit than do uninteresting work

[k67_10] I approve of 'moonlighting'

[k68] What gives your life a meaning the most?

[k69] Have you been moonlighting in the past year?

[k70] Do you know people who moonlight?

[k71_1] Have you used any of the following products or services: Adult sex videos

[k71_2] Have you used any of the following products or services: Child sex videos

[k71_3] Have you used any of the following products or services: Erotic magazines (e.g. Playboy)

[k71_4] Have you used any of the following products or services: Sex magazines

[k71_5] Have you used any of the following products or services: Erotic phone tapes

[k71_6] Have you used any of the following products or services: Erotic phone chatlines

[k71_7] Have you used any of the following products or services: Erotic Internet services

[k71_8] Have you used any of the following products or services: Topless bars

[k71_9] Have you used any of the following products or services: Striptease to a restaurant audience

[k71_10] Have you used any of the following products or services: Private striptease

[k71_11] Have you used any of the following products or services: Paid sex in Finland

[k71_12] Have you used any of the following products or services: Paid sex abroad

[k72_1] Do you find yourself sexually active?

[k72_2] Do you find yourself sexually adept?

[k72_3] Do you find yourself sexually attractive?

[k73_1] The police should have the right to enter domestic premises normally protected by privacy regulations: If the principle of minimum damage and general police guidelines are obeyed

[k73_2] The police should have the right to enter domestic premises normally protected by privacy regulations: If the decision is made by a commanding officer

[k73_3] The police should have the right to enter domestic premises normally protected by privacy regulations: If it is necessary to find or seize dangerous substances/objects

[k73_4] The police should have the right to enter domestic premises normally protected by privacy regulations: In case of incident that threatens life, health, freedom or environment

[k74_1] The police should have the right to electronic surveillance: If information concerning any third party is disposed of

[k74_2] The police should have the right to electronic surveillance: If they are obliged to treat all information as strictly confidential

[k74_3] The police should have the right to electronic surveillance: If surveillance provides information on a crime of which the severest punishment is two years of imprisonment or more

[k74_4] The police should have the right to electronic surveillance: If surveillance does not constitute an offence on privacy

[k75_1] The police should have the right to access patient health records: If they are obliged to treat all information as strictly confidential

[k75_2] The police should have the right to access patient health records: If the police use them to evaluate the reliability, suitability or other license conditions of a person

[k75_3] The police should have the right to access patient health records: If information is used for granting a potentially 'dangerous' license (e.g. driving or firearms license)

[k75_4] The police should have the right to access patient health records: If there is reason to believe that license holder does not fulfil the licence conditions anymore

[k76] What kind of beer do you usually drink?

[k77] Which beer brand do you prefer (open question)?

[k78] What kind of spirits do you usually drink (open question)?

[k79_1] How often do you usually drink: Alcohol

[k79_2] How often do you usually drink: Alcohol in a way that you really feel its effect

[k79_3] How often do you usually drink: Beer

[k79_4] How often do you usually drink: Wine

[k79_5] How often do you usually drink: Spirits

[k80_1] How often do you: Eat in a restaurant except at lunch

[k80_2] How often do you: Visit a pub or beerhouse

[k80_3] How often do you: Visit a disco or dance hall

[k81_1] Have you used: Sleeping pills or tranquillisers

[k81_2] Have you used: Medication together with alcohol

[k81_3] Have you used: Drugs

[k82_1] Has alcohol helped you to: Stimulate your sexual mood

[k82_2] Has alcohol helped you to: Enjoy sexual intercourse more than when sober

[k83] Do you smoke or have you smoked before?

[k84_1] How much do you smoke daily: Normal cigarettes

[k84_2] How much do you smoke daily: Light cigarettes

[k84_3] How much do you smoke daily: Ultra-light cigarettes

[k84_4] How much do you smoke daily: Hand-rolled cigarettes

[k84_5] How much do you smoke daily: Pipe

[k84_6] How much do you smoke daily: Cigars or small cigars

[k85_1] Have you purchased goods: Via TV shop

[k85_2] Have you purchased goods: By mail order

[k86_1] What have you purchased via TV shop (open question)?

[k86_2] What have you purchased by mail order (open question)?

[k87_1_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Information and expert services - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_1_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Information and expert services - Internet

[k87_1_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Information and expert services - Other network

[k87_1_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Information and expert services - Haven't used

[k87_2_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Banking services - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_2_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Banking services - Internet

[k87_2_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Banking services - Other network

[k87_2_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Banking services - Haven't used

[k87_3_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Entertainment services - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_3_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Entertainment services - Internet

[k87_3_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Entertainment services - Other network

[k87_3_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Entertainment services - Haven't used

[k87_4_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Communication services - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_4_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Communication services - Internet

[k87_4_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Communication services - Other network

[k87_4_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Communication services - Haven't used

[k87_5_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering/booking tickets, hotels, etc. - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_5_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering/booking tickets, hotels, etc. - Internet

[k87_5_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering/booking tickets, hotels, etc. - Other network

[k87_5_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering/booking tickets, hotels, etc. - Havent' used

[k87_6_1] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering goods - Telesampo/Infotel

[k87_6_2] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering goods - Internet

[k87_6_3] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering goods - Other network

[k87_6_4] Respondent's usage of communication networks: Ordering goods - Havent' used

[k88] Have you had problems when purchasing via TV shop or communication networks?

[k89_1] When purchasing goods and services in the future, are you going to use: TV shop

[k89_2] When purchasing goods and services in the future, are you going to use: Mail order

[k89_3] When purchasing goods and services in the future, are you going to use: Communication networks (goods)

[k89_4] When purchasing goods and services in the future, are you going to use: Communication networks (services)

[k90_1_1] Number of televisions in the household

[k90_2_1] Number of VCRs in the household

[k90_3_1] Number of telephones in the household

[k90_4_1] Number of computers in the household

[k90_5_1] Number of mobile phones in the household

[k90_6_1] Number of regular networked radios in the household

[k90_7_1] Number of portable radios in the household

[k90_8_1] Number of personal stereos in the household

[k90_9_1] Number of cassette players in the household

[k90_10_1] Number of record players in the household

[k90_11_1] Number of CD players in the household

[k90_12_1] Number of car radios in the household

[k90_1_2] Location of television: Kitchen

[k90_1_3] Location of television: Living room

[k90_1_4] Location of television: Bedroom

[k90_1_5] Location of television: Hallway

[k90_1_6] Location of television: Children's room

[k90_1_7] Location of television: Study

[k90_1_8] Location of television: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_1_9] Location of television: Elsewhere

[k90_2_2] Location of VCR: Kitchen

[k90_2_3] Location of VCR: Living room

[k90_2_4] Location of VCR: Bedroom

[k90_2_5] Location of VCR: Hallway

[k90_2_6] Location of VCR: Children's room

[k90_2_7] Location of VCR: Study

[k90_2_8] Location of VCR: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_2_9] Location of VCR: Elsewhere

[k90_3_2] Location of telephone: Kitchen

[k90_3_3] Location of telephone: Living room

[k90_3_4] Location of telephone: Bedroom

[k90_3_5] Location of telephone: Hallway

[k90_3_6] Location of telephone: Children's room

[k90_3_7] Location of telephone: Study

[k90_3_8] Location of telephone: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_3_9] Location of telephone: Elsewhere

[k90_4_2] Location of computer: Kitchen

[k90_4_3] Location of computer: Living room

[k90_4_4] Location of computer: Bedroom

[k90_4_5] Location of computer: Hallway

[k90_4_6] Location of computer: Children's room

[k90_4_7] Location of computer: Study

[k90_4_8] Location of computer: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_4_9] Location of computer: Elsewhere

[k90_5_2] Location of mobile phone: Kitchen

[k90_5_3] Location of mobile phone: Living room

[k90_5_4] Location of mobile phone: Bedroom

[k90_5_5] Location of mobile phone: Hallway

[k90_5_6] Location of mobile phone: Children's room

[k90_5_7] Location of mobile phone: Study

[k90_5_8] Location of mobile phone: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_5_9] Location of mobile phone: Elsewhere

[k90_6_2] Location of networked radio: Kitchen

[k90_6_3] Location of networked radio: Living room

[k90_6_4] Location of networked radio: Bedroom

[k90_6_5] Location of networked radio: Hallway

[k90_6_6] Location of networked radio: Children's room

[k90_6_7] Location of networked radio: Study

[k90_6_8] Location of networked radio: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_6_9] Location of networked radio: Elsewhere

[k90_7_2] Location of portable radio: Kitchen

[k90_7_3] Location of portable radio: Living room

[k90_7_4] Location of portable radio: Bedroom

[k90_7_5] Location of portable radio: Hallway

[k90_7_6] Location of portable radio: Children's room

[k90_7_7] Location of portable radio: Study

[k90_7_8] Location of portable radio: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_7_9] Location of portable radio: Elsewhere

[k90_8_2] Location of personal stereo: Kitchen

[k90_8_3] Location of personal stereo: Living room

[k90_8_4] Location of personal stereo: Bedroom

[k90_8_5] Location of personal stereo: Hallway

[k90_8_6] Location of personal stereo: Children's room

[k90_8_7] Location of personal stereo: Study

[k90_8_8] Location of personal stereo: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_8_9] Location of personal stereo: Elsewhere

[k90_9_2] Location of cassette player: Kitchen

[k90_9_3] Location of cassette player: Living room

[k90_9_4] Location of cassette player: Bedroom

[k90_9_5] Location of cassette player: Hallway

[k90_9_6] Location of cassette player: Children's room

[k90_9_7] Location of cassette player: Study

[k90_9_8] Location of cassette player: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_9_9] Location of cassette player: Elsewhere

[k90_10_2] Location of record player: Kitchen

[k90_10_3] Location of record player: Living room

[k90_10_4] Location of record player: Bedroom

[k90_10_5] Location of record player: Hallway

[k90_10_6] Location of record player: Children's room

[k90_10_7] Location of record player: Study

[k90_10_8] Location of record player: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_10_9] Location of record player: Elsewhere

[k90_11_2] Location of CD player: Kitchen

[k90_11_3] Location of CD player: Living room

[k90_11_4] Location of CD player: Bedroom

[k90_11_5] Location of CD player: Hallway

[k90_11_6] Location of CD player: Children's room

[k90_11_7] Location of CD player: Study

[k90_11_8] Location of CD player: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_11_9] Location of CD player: Elsewhere

[k90_12_2] Location of car radio: Kitchen

[k90_12_3] Location of car radio: Living room

[k90_12_4] Location of car radio: Bedroom

[k90_12_5] Location of car radio: Hallway

[k90_12_6] Location of car radio: Children's room

[k90_12_7] Location of car radio: Study

[k90_12_8] Location of car radio: Bathroom/toilet

[k90_12_9] Location of car radio: Elsewhere

[k91_1_1] Features and accessories of television: Remote control

[k91_1_2] Features and accessories of television: CD-I

[k91_1_3] Features and accessories of television: Teletext

[k91_1_4] Features and accessories of television: CD Video Player

[k91_1_5] Features and accessories of television: Nicam stereo sound

[k91_1_6] Features and accessories of television: Other, please specify

[k91_2_1] Features and add-ons of computer: Modem

[k91_2_2] Features and add-ons of computer: Fax

[k91_2_3] Features and add-ons of computer: CD-ROM drive

[k91_2_4] Features and add-ons of computer: Network connection

[k92_1] Is your television set connected to: Cable television network

[k92_2] Is your television set connected to: Own separate dish antenna

[k92_3] Is your television set connected to: Joint dish antenna

[k92_4] Is your television set connected to: None of the above

[k93_1] How many cassettes have you bought for yourself in the past month?

[k93_2] How many records have you bought for yourself in the past month?

[k93_3] How many CDs have you bought for yourself in the past month?

[k94] Do you listen to the radio when you are driving a car?

[k95] Do you listen to the radio when you are at work?

[k96_1] Which radio channel do you listen to on weekdays?

[k96_2] Which radio channel do you listen to on weekends?

[k97_1] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Eating breakfast

[k97_2] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Working

[k97_3] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Doing household chores

[k97_4] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Driving a car

[k97_5] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: After coming from work or school

[k97_6] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Getting ready to go out

[k97_7] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Bathing

[k97_8] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Relaxing at home

[k97_9] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Feeling lonely

[k97_10] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Wanting intellectual stimulus

[k97_11] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Spending time with friends at home

[k97_12] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Spending time with children

[k97_13] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Spending time with spouse/partner

[k97_14] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Waiting at hairdresser's or doctor's

[k97_15] Choice of pastime or communication medium when: Otherwise killing time

[k98_1] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Basic pensions

[k98_2] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Child benefits

[k98_3] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Health insurance

[k98_4] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Unemployment insurance

[k98_5] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Maternity benefits

[k98_6] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Housing benefits

[k98_7] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Earnings-related pension

[k98_8] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Student grant

[k98_9] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Income support

[k98_10] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Health care

[k98_11] To what extent should the following be funded by tax revenue: Social services

[k99] How would you grade the present level of Finnish social security?

[k100_1] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Child benefits

[k100_2] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Child home care allowance

[k100_3] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Maternity or parental pay

[k100_4] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Sick pay

[k100_5] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Refunds for medical costs

[k100_6] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Unemployment benefit

[k100_7] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Housing benefit

[k100_8] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Income support

[k100_9] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Student grant

[k100_10] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Basic pension

[k100_11] On what grounds should social security benefits be distributed: Earnings-related pension

[k101] What kind of responsibility should municipalities have for social and health services?

[k102] If parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, which political party would you probably vote for?

[k103] Which political party did you vote for in the previous parliamentary elections?

[k104] How did you vote in the referendum on European Union membership?

[k105] How easy was it to make the voting decision?

[k106] Purpose of using car in work (open question)

[k107] Car model year

[k108] Car brand and model (open question)

[k109_1] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Pleasant exterior styling

[k109_2] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Stylish interior design

[k109_3] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Car security

[k109_4] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Original accessories

[k109_5] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Good handling characteristics

[k109_6] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Efficient engine

[k109_7] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Comfort of seats

[k109_8] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Manoeuvrability in town

[k109_9] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Design of dashboard

[k109_10] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Clarity of dashboard

[k109_11] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Good visibility

[k109_12] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Manageability of control instruments

[k109_13] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Sense of security when driving

[k109_14] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Ride quality

[k109_15] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Lights of dashboard and other switches

[k109_16] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Sound quality of radio/cassette/CD player

[k109_17] Using the scale of 4-10, grade your car and its accessories: Speakers of before mentioned player

[k109_18] Number of before mentioned speakers

[k110_1] Car's character: Efficient/inefficient

[k110_2] Car's character: Fast/slow

[k110_3] Car's character: Aggressive/adaptable

[k110_4] Car's character: Masculine/feminine

[k110_5] Car's character: Special/ordinary

[k110_6] Car's character: Comfortable/austere

[k110_7] Car's character: Valued/plain

[bv1] Comments

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