Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_pro] FSD processing level
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[k1] Respondent's gender
[k2] Respondent's marital status
[k3] How many times have you been married or cohabiting, including your present marriage/cohabitation?
[k4] How old were you when you got married or started cohabiting for the first time?
[k5] Respondent's occupation
[k6_a] Do you work in any other occupation in addition to your main job?
[k6_b] If yes, in which occupation?
[k7] What kind of duties do you have in your main job?
[k8] Type of employer and economic activity
[k9] Would you prefer to work for a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise?
[k10] Do you have any children? If yes, how many?
[k11_a] IF RESPONDENT HAS CHILDREN: Age of the child (first mention)
[k11_b] IF RESPONDENT HAS CHILDREN: Age of the child (second mention)
[k11_c] IF RESPONDENT HAS CHILDREN: Age of the child (third mention)
[k11_d] IF RESPONDENT HAS CHILDREN: Age of the child (fourth mention)
[k11_e] IF RESPONDENT HAS CHILDREN: Age of the child (fifth mention)
[k12] If you have children under school age, who takes care of them during working hours?
[k13_a] What kind of school does your child attend: Normal state-owned school
[k13_b] What kind of school does your child attend: State-owned special school
[k13_c] What kind of school does your child attend: Private fee-based school
[k14_a] Respondent's age
[k14_b] IF MARRIED OR COHABITING: Age of the respondent's spouse (husband/wife or cohabitation partner)
[k15_a] Respondent's nationality
[k15_b] IF MARRIED OR COHABITING: Nationality of the spouse
[k16] IF MARRIED OR COHABITING: Does your spouse work?
[k17] IF MARRIED OR COHABITING: What is the occupation of your spouse?
[k18] IF MARRIED OR COHABITING: What kind of duties does your spouse have in his/her main job?
[k19] In what kind of dwelling do you live?
[k21_a] Do you live alone or with other people: I live alone
[k21_b] Do you live alone or with other people: I live with my husband/wife
[k21_c] Do you live alone or with other people: I live with my cohabitation partner
[k21_d] Are any of the following living with you: Children aged under 18 (number of persons)
[k21_e] Are any of the following living with you: Children aged over 18 (number of persons)
[k21_f] Are any of the following living with you: Daughter-in-law/son-in-law, grandchildren (number of persons)
[k21_g] Are any of the following living with you: Yours or spouse's parents (number of persons)
[k21_h] Are any of the following living with you: Yours or spouse's sibling(s) (number of persons)
[k21_i] Are any of the following living with you: Other relative of yours or spouse's (number of persons)
[k21_j] Are any of the following living with you: Roommate, flatmate (number of persons)
[k21_k] Are any of the following living with you: Lodger (number of persons)
[k21_l] Are any of the following living with you: Other persons (number of persons)
[k21_m] Total number of persons living in the household (including respondent)
[k22a] How many square meters is the floor space of your dwelling?
[k22b] How many rooms are there in your dwelling?
[k23] How long have you lived in St. Petersburg (in years)?
[k24] Who mainly provided for you (paid for your necessities) when you were 16 years of age?
[k25_a] What was your father's occupation when you were 16 years of age: No father
[k25_b] What was your father's occupation when you were 16 years of age?
[k26] What kind of duties did your father have in his main job when you were 16 years of age?
[k27] Was your mother a housewife or employed when you were 16 years of age?
[k28] What was your mother's occupation when you were 16 years of age?
[k29] What kind of duties did your mother have in her main job when you were 16 years of age?
[k30] For how many years have you gone to school for general education (non-vocational education)?
[k31] What is your vocational education?
[k32] Is your education commesurate with the requirements of your present job?
[k33a] In which employment sector do you mainly work at present?
[k33b] In which employment sector did you mainly work 5 years ago (1990)?
[k34] Are you an entrepreneur or self-employed at present?
[k35] IF SELF-EMPLOYED OR ENTREPRENEUR: How many employees are there altogether in your enterprise at present (including temporary employees)?
[k36] IF SELF-EMPLOYED OR ENTREPRENEUR: What was the main reason for you to start your own business?
[k37] IF NOT SELF-EMPLOYED OR ENTREPRENEUR: Thinking about the near future, would you like to start your own business, become an entrepreneur or self-employed?
[k38] IF NOT SELF-EMPLOYED OR ENTREPRENEUR: How likely do you think it is that you will sometime in the future become an entrepreneur or self-employed?
[k39] Which of these two jobs would you choose?
[k40] Thinking of the tasks/activities you do at work, are your co-workers doing similar tasks men or women or both?
[k41a] What kind of things do you talk about with your male co-workers?
[k41b] What kind of things do you talk about with your female co-workers?
[k42] How would you feel if you were transferred to do similar tasks elsewhere in your place of work, away from you present colleagues?
[k43a] How often do you spend time with your male co-workers outside work (even with one)?
[k43b] How often do you spend time with your female co-workers outside work (even with one)?
[k44a] How well do you know the families of your male co-workers (even one)?
[k44b] How well do you know the families of your female co-workers (even one)?
[k45] How many of your close friends are also your co-workers?
[k46] Is your immediate supervisor/manager a man or a woman?
[k47] How well do you get on with your immediate supervisor/manager?
[k48] Thinking of your job, is it the kind of work where you can plan yourself how to do your work and apply your own ideas to it?
[k49] IF YES: To what extent can you influence/plan the final outcome/product of your work?
[k50] IF YES: To what extent can you plan how to do your own work?
[k51] IF YES: To what extent do you encounter challenges in your job which cannot be solved with routine, requiring use of your own problem-solving skills?
[k52_a] IF WORKED IN THE SAME ORGANISATION FIVE YEARS AGO: How has your work changed: Possibility to use own knowledge and skills
[k52_b] IF WORKED IN THE SAME ORGANISATION FIVE YEARS AGO: How has your work changed: Wage level
[k52_c] IF WORKED IN THE SAME ORGANISATION FIVE YEARS AGO: How has your work changed: Conflicts at workplace
[k52_d] IF WORKED IN THE SAME ORGANISATION FIVE YEARS AGO: How has your work changed: Benefits received as part of your job (e.g. workplace kindergarten, transportation etc.)
[k53] How would you describe the financial situation of your workplace?
[k54] How often does one of your supervisors/managers check your work?
[k55] How often is your work physically demanding?
[k56] How often is your work stressful/mentally demanding?
[k57] Are you very busy at work?
[k58] How many people in the same position as you get promoted after working for a certain number of years at your workplace?
[k59] Do your main tasks/acitivities include supervising others or delegating tasks to others?
[k60_a] In your work, are you directly responsible for: Delegating tasks to your subordinates
[k60_b] In your work, are you directly responsible for: Deciding how your subordinates do their work, or deciding about their work equipment or tools
[k60_c] In your work, are you directly responsible for: Work pace, working time or workload of your subordinates?
[k61_a] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding the number of permanent staff members
[k61_b] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding substantial changes to the products/services provided by the organisation/enterprise
[k61_c] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding how to allocate funds within the budget framework
[k61_d] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding acquisition of new machinery or equipment
[k61_e] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding decisions which will have a big impact on the daily work pace or workload at the workplace
[k61_f] Do you participate in making decisions at your workplace: Regarding decisions which others think are important and affect the whole workplace
[k62_a] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Earnings from main job as a whole
[k62_b] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Earnings from self-employment or own business
[k62_c] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Income from other jobs
[k62_d] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Return on investment
[k62_e] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Growing food on cultivation land
[k62_f] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Rental revenue
[k62_g] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Scholarschip/grant
[k62_h] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Alimony payments
[k62_i] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Help from friends and relatives
[k62_j] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Help from charitable/humanitarian organisations
[k62_k] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Occasional sales proceeds
[k62_l] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Pensions
[k62_m] How important were the following income sources to your household in the past month: Other income sources
[k63] How did your family spend their budget last month?
[k64] In your opinion, is the food you eat:
[k65a_a] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Housing
[k65a_b] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Kindergarten
[k65a_c] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Holidays
[k65a_d] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Staff meals at workplace
[k65a_e] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Working clothes
[k65a_f] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Tranportation to workplace
[k65a_g] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Acquisition of food supplies
[k65a_h] Which of the following are benefits you get as part of your job, are organised through your job or you get them cheaper or for free: Acquisition of other consumer goods
[k65b_a] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Housing
[k65b_b] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Kindergarten
[k65b_c] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Holidays
[k65b_d] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Staff meals at workplace
[k65b_e] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Working clothes
[k65b_f] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Transportation to workplace
[k65b_g] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Acquisition of food supplies
[k65b_h] Which of the following were benefits you got as part of your job, were organised through your job, or you got them cheaper or for free 10-15 years ago: Acquisition of other consumer goods
[k66] Have you received any privatisation coupons or vouchers (to buy shares) or national bonds?
[k68] How would you describe the economic value/significance of privatisation?
[k69_a] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Land
[k69_a_1] IF INTENDS TO ACQUIRE LAND: How much land (in ares)?
[k69_b] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Farm
[k69_c] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Factory or workshop
[k69_d] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Owner-occupied housing/dwelling
[k69_e] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Business enterprise
[k69_f] Have you or do you intend to acquire: Shares of your enterprise
[k70_a_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: You yourself
[k70_a_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: Your spouse
[k70_a_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_a_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_a_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: Someone else
[k70_a_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: Cooking: No such housework done in your household
[k70_b_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: You yourself
[k70_b_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: Your spouse
[k70_b_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_b_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_b_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: Someone else
[k70_b_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: Shopping for food: No such housework done in your household
[k70_c_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: You yourself
[k70_c_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: Your spouse
[k70_c_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_c_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_c_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: Someone else
[k70_c_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: Laundry: No such housework done in your household
[k70_d_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: You yourself
[k70_d_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: Your spouse
[k70_d_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_d_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_d_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: Someone else
[k70_d_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: Household cleaning: No such housework done in your household
[k70_e_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: You yourself
[k70_e_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: Your spouse
[k70_e_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_e_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_e_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: Someone else
[k70_e_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: DIY repair work: No such housework done in your household
[k70_f_1] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: You yourself
[k70_f_2] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: Your spouse
[k70_f_3] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: Your/spouse's children, grandchildren
[k70_f_4] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: Your/spouse's parents, grandparents
[k70_f_5] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: Someone else
[k70_f_6] In your household, who normally takes care of: Looking after children: No such housework done in your household
[k71_a] Is your relationship with the following person(s) close: Spouse
[k71_b] Is your relationship with the following person(s) close: Father
[k71_c] Is your relationship with the following person(s) close: Mother
[k71_d] Is your relationship with the following person(s) close: Daughters
[k71_e] Is your relationship with the following person(s) close: Sons
[k72_a] Is your relationship with the following person(s) strained: Spouse
[k72_b] Is your relationship with the following person(s) strained: Father
[k72_c] Is your relationship with the following person(s) strained: Mother
[k72_d] Is your relationship with the following person(s) strained: Daughters
[k72_e] Is your relationship with the following person(s) strained: Sons
[k73] If you think of the situation five years ago, do you nowadays meet with your closest friends...
[k74_a] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: Lack of time
[k74_b] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: It has become more expensive to provide food and drink for guests
[k74_c] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: You are not as close to them as before
[k74_d] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: Your finances are more strained
[k74_e] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: You and they think differently of political issues
[k74_f] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: You and they have different values
[k74_g] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: You have got new friends
[k74_h] IF LESS: Is the reason for meeting with them less: You or your friends have moved to live somewhere else
[k75_a_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Relatives
[k75_a_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Friends
[k75_a_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Co-workers
[k75_a_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Neighbours
[k75_a_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Other people
[k75_a_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to get a job: Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k75_b_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Relatives
[k75_b_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Friends
[k75_b_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Co-workers
[k75_b_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Neighbours
[k75_b_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Other people
[k75_b_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to find bargain food: Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k75_c_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Relatives
[k75_c_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Friends
[k75_c_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Co-workers
[k75_c_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Neighbours
[k75_c_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Other people
[k75_c_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to organise their children's education: Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k75_d_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Relatives
[k75_d_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Friends
[k75_d_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Co-workers
[k75_d_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Neighbours
[k75_d_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Other people
[k75_d_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to acquire consumer durables (TV, video, car etc): Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k75_e_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Relatives
[k75_e_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Friends
[k75_e_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Co-workers
[k75_e_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Neighbours
[k75_e_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Other people
[k75_e_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to get medicine or an appointment with a doctor: Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k75_f_1] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Relatives
[k75_f_2] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Friends
[k75_f_3] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Co-workers
[k75_f_4] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Neighbours
[k75_f_5] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Other people
[k75_f_6] Have you ever helped the following persons to find housing or repair home/dacha (holiday home): Have not helped anybody in this matter
[k76a_a] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Sports organisation or association
[k76a_b] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Youth organisation
[k76a_c] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Charity
[k76a_d] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Orthodox church organisation
[k76a_e] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Organisation of some other religion
[k76a_f] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Student organisation
[k76a_g] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Art/culture organisation
[k76a_h] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Environmental organisation
[k76a_i] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Political party
[k76a_j] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Trade union
[k76a_k] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Ethnic/national organisation
[k76a_l] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Women's organisation
[k76a_m] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Professional association (e.g. scientific organisation)
[k76a_n] Are you at present a member of any of the following: Some other group, organisation or association
[k76b_a] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Sports organisation or association
[k76b_b] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Youth organisation
[k76b_c] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Charity
[k76b_d] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Orthodox church organisation
[k76b_e] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Organisation of some other religion
[k76b_f] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Student organisation
[k76b_g] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Art/culture organisation
[k76b_h] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Environmental organisation
[k76b_i] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Political party
[k76b_j] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Trade union
[k76b_k] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Ethnic/national organisation
[k76b_l] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Women's organisation
[k76b_m] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Professional association (e.g. scientific organisation)
[k76b_n] Were you a member of any of the following 10-15 years ago: Some other group, organisation or association
[k77] Are you a symphatizer of any religion?
[k78] How important is religion in your life?
[k79] How important are political matters in your life?
[k80] Do you think it important to society that women are politically active (acting in political parties/movements or being candidates in elections)?
[k82_a] Have you ever got into conflict with authorities, before or after perestroika for: Political reasons
[k82_b] Have you ever got into conflict with authorities, before or after perestroika for: Ethnic reasons
[k82_c] Have you ever got into conflict with authorities, before or after perestroika for: Religious reasons
[k83a_a] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Coming from a wealthy family
[k83a_b] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Good education
[k83a_c] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Ambition
[k83a_d] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Hard work
[k83a_e] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Knowing the right people (who have power and influence)
[k83a_g] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Willingness to take risks
[k83a_h] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Being born locally
[k83a_i] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Youth
[k83a_j] How important do you think the following are for getting ahead in our society: Being a man
[k83b_a] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Coming from a wealthy family
[k83b_b] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Good education
[k83b_c] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Ambition
[k83b_d] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Hard work
[k83b_e] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Knowing the right people (who have power and influence)
[k83b_f] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Having political connection
[k83b_g] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Willingness to take risks
[k83b_h] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Being born locally
[k83b_i] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Youth
[k83b_j] How important do you think the following were for getting ahead in our society 10-15 years ago, before perestroika: Being a man
[k84_a] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: How you dress
[k84_b] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: How you bring up your children
[k84_c] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: Your values, political opinions
[k84_d] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: Importance of work in your life
[k84_e] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: Attitude to the opposite sex
[k84_f] Do you follow your father, mother or both in: How you express your emotions
[k85_a] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Theatre, opera
[k85_b] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Classical music concert
[k85_c] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Popular music concert
[k85_d] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Folk music concert
[k85_e] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Cinema
[k85_f] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Restaurant
[k85_g] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Sporting event as a spectator
[k85_h] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Arts exhibition or museum
[k85_i] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Disco or nightclub
[k85_j] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Poetry event
[k85_k] During the past 6 months, how often have you visited: Cafe
[k86] How many books have you read during the past 6 months?
[k87] Who is your favourite fictional character?
[k88_a] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Pravda
[k88_b] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Snamja
[k88_c] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Delovoi Peterburg
[k88_d] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Ogonok
[k88_e] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Izvestija
[k88_f] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Nevskoje vremja
[k88_g] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Argumentyi i facty
[k88_h] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Literaturnaja gazeta
[k88_i] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Moskovskie novosti
[k88_j] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Sankt-Peterburskie vedomosti
[k88_k] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Nezavisimaja gazeta
[k88_l] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Smena
[k88_m] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Segodnja
[k88_n] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Kriminalnye novosti
[k88_o] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Rossiiskaja gazeta
[k88_p] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Trud
[k88_q] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Zavtra
[k88_r] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Moskovski komsomolets
[k88_s] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: To da so
[k88_t] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Pulse
[k88_u] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Dvoe
[k88_v] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Kommersant
[k88_x] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Tsentr +
[k88_y] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Rabotnitsa
[k88_z] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Novoe vremja
[k88_aa] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Televidenie i radio
[k88_bb] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Novyi mir
[k88_cc] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Sport Express
[k88_dd] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Vetshernii Peterburg
[k88_ee] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Soroka
[k88_ff] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Tsas Pik
[k88_gg] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: Some other newspaper
[k88_hh] What daily newspapers does your family read, at least occasionally: You do not read newspapers
[k89_a] How often do you use: Deodorant
[k89_b] How often do you use: Perfume/aftershave
[k89_c] How often do you use: Toothpaste
[k89_d] How often do you use: Soap
[k89_e] How often do you use: Shampoo
[k89_f] How often do you use: Hair conditioner
[k89_g] How often do you use: Lipstick
[k89_h] How often do you use: Mascara, eye shadow or other make-up for the eyes
[k90_a] WOMEN ONLY: Do you use make-up (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder etc): On festive occasions
[k90_b] WOMEN ONLY: Do you use make-up (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder etc): When shopping
[k90_c] WOMEN ONLY: Do you use make-up (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder etc): At home alone or with family
[k90_d] WOMEN ONLY: Do you use make-up (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder etc): On holiday/when travelling
[k90_e] WOMEN ONLY: Do you use make-up (lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, powder etc): At work
[k91_a] In your opinion, why do women use make-up: To gain advantage at work
[k91_b] In your opinion, why do women use make-up: To be sexually attractive
[k91_c] In your opinion, why do women use make-up: Because also other women use make-up
[k91_d] In your opinion, why do women use make-up: Women have to take care of their appearance/looks
[k91_e] In your opinion, why do women use make-up: Make-up gives confidence
[k92] Do you smoke? If you do, how many cigaretes a day?
[k93_a] How often do you use: Vodka
[k93_b] How often do you use: Cognac/brandy
[k93_c] How often do you use: Beer
[k93_d] How often do you use: Wine
[k93_e] How often do you use: Liqueur
[k93_f] How often do you use: Champagne
[k94] How often do you drink so much alcohol that you can really feel it (till you are drunk)?
[k95] How tall are you?
[k96] How much do you weigh?
[k97] How often do take physical exercise to keep fit for at least half an hour at a time? (Walking with children/family and other such light exercise are not included)
[k98] How would you describe your health in general at present?
[k99_a] What was your childhood home like? Wealthy - poor
[k99_b] What was your childhood home like? Politically active - politically passive
[k99_c] What was your childhood home like? Quarrelsome - not quarrelsome
[k99_d] What was your childhood home like? Secretive - Open in sexual matters
[k99_e] What was your childhood home like? Religious - not religious
[k99_f] What was your childhood home like? Attitude towards communism
[k100] In your childhood home, did you receive sufficient information about sexual matters?
[k101] Did you receive sufficient sex education at school?
[k102_a] Who do you think should be responsible for sex education of teenagers: Parents
[k102_b] Who do you think should be responsible for sex education of teenagers: Schools
[k102_c] Who do you think should be responsible for sex education of teenagers: Friends
[k102_d] Who do you think should be responsible for sex education of teenagers: The media (tv, radio, newspapers, magazines etc.)
[k102_e] Who do you think should be responsible for sex education of teenagers: Experts
[k103] If you think about your life as a whole these days, are you:
[k104] And thinking of the time five years ago and comparing it to the present, are you now:
[l1] Do you at present have a steady sexual relationship with someone?
[l2] How would you characterize your present steady sexual relationship?
[l3] Is it easy or difficult to talk about sex with your partner?
[l4] Has it become easier or more difficult to talk about sex with your partner during the past five years?
[l5] If you have another sexual partner in addition to your steady relationship, how would you characterize this sexual relationship?
[l6_a] Do you talk about sex with your male friends?
[l6_b] Do you talk about sex with your female friends?
[l7] At present, is there a man or a woman you really love?
[l8] Is there a man or a whoman who you think really loves you?
[l9] Women have every right to take initiative when they want to have sexual contact with men
[l10] Homosexual behaviour between adults is a private matter in which the authorities or legislators should not interfere in any way
[l11] Casual sex can be happy and satisfying to both partners
[l12] Temporal infidelity of a husband should be accepted
[l13] I do not approve of free (easily attainable) abortion
[l14] I have nothing against people earning money by selling sexual services in Russia (by engaging in prostitution)
[l15] Temporal infidelity of a wife should be accepted
[l16] In your opinion, when it is appropriate for young people to have sex?
[l17] Should a man stay home from work to take care of a small or sick child?
[l18] Have you ever been attracted to or fallen in love with a co-worker/colleague or a person you met at work?
[l19_a] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Happiness
[l19_b] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Heartache/sorrow
[l19_c] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Jealousy
[l19_d] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Pleasant friendship
[l19_e] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Sexual relationship
[l19_f] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Envy and resentment at workplace
[l19_g] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: We got married/started cohabiting
[l19_h] IF YES: What are/were the consequences of your most recent attraction or falling in love with a co-orker or a person you met at work: Divorce
[l20_a_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Condom
[l20_a_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Condom
[l20_a_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Condom
[l20_b_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Contraceptive pill, minipill
[l20_b_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Contraceptive pill, minipill
[l20_b_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Contraceptive pill, minipill
[l20_c_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Coil, intrauterine device
[l20_c_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Coil, intrauterine device
[l20_c_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Coil, intrauterine device
[l20_d_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Withdrawal
[l20_d_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Withdrawal
[l20_d_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Withdrawal
[l20_e_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Rhythm method ('safe days')
[l20_e_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Rhythm method ('safe days')
[l20_e_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Rhythm method ('safe days')
[l20_f_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Contraceptive foam, capsules or patch
[l20_f_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Contraceptive foam, capsules or patch
[l20_f_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Contraceptive foam, capsules or patch
[l20_g_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill)
[l20_g_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill)
[l20_g_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill)
[l20_h_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Abortion
[l20_h_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Abortion
[l20_h_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Abortion
[l20_i_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Nothing, even though I would have needed some
[l20_i_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Nothing, even though I would need some
[l20_i_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Nothing, even though I would have needed some
[l20_j_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Did not need contraception
[l20_j_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Do not need contraception
[l20_j_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Did not need contraception
[l20_k_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Can't remember
[l20_k_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Can't remember
[l20_k_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Can't remember
[l20_l_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: Can't say
[l20_l_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: Can't say
[l20_l_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: Can't say
[l20_m_a] What form of contraceptive did you and your partner use in your most recent intercourse: No intercourse, does not apply
[l20_m_b] What form of contraceptive do you generally use these days: No intercourses, does no apply
[l20_m_c] What form of contraceptive did you generally use 5-10 years ago: No intercourses, does not apply
[l21a_a] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: High cost of contraceptives
[l21a_b] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: It is unpleasant to visit a doctor for contraceptive matters
[l21a_c] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: It is embarassing to buy contraceptives
[l21a_d] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Difficult access to contraceptives
[l21a_e] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Lack of information on contraceptive methods
[l21a_f] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Fear of health risks caused by the use of contraceptives
[l21a_g] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Disagreement with partner about contraceptive method/issues
[l21a_h] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Have not been able to find suitable contraceptive method
[l21a_i] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: These days, has any of the following caused you problems for contraception: Some other reason
[l21b_a] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: High cost of contraceptives
[l21b_b] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: It was unpleasant to visit a doctor for contraceptive matters
[l21b_c] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: It was embarassing to buy contraceptives
[l21b_d] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Difficult access to contraceptives
[l21b_e] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Lack of information on contraceptive methods
[l21b_f] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Fear of health risks caused by the use of contraceptives
[l21b_g] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Disagreement with partner about contraceptive method/issues
[l21b_h] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Had not been able to find suitable contraceptive method
[l21b_i] IF HAS USED CONTRACEPTION: Did any of the following cause you problems for contraception 5-10 years ago: Some other reason
[l22] Has any of the contraceptive methods mentioned above ever failed, causing an unwanted pregnancy?
[l23] Has fear of unwanted pregnancy caused you concern or made you reluctant to have sex?
[l24] How old were you when you had a steady relationship with someone for the first time?
[l25] Have you had sexual intercourse?
[l26] How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
[l27] With how many partners have you had sexual intercourse in your life so far:
[l28] When did you last have sexual intercourse?
[l29] In what position did your latest sexual intercourse take place?
[l30] Have your sexual intercourses been mostly pleasant or unpleasant experiences?
[l31] Are you satisfied with the frequency of sexual intercourse in your present steady relationship (these days)?
[l32] An intense, pleasurable release of sexual tension during sexual activity is called orgasm. Have you ever had an orgasm in sexual intercourse?
[l33_a] How often have you had oral sex during the past five years (partner has stimulated my genitals orally)?
[l33_b] How often have you had oral sex during the past five years (I have stimulated partner's genitals orally)?
[l34] Masturbation means stimulating your genitals with your hands to get sexually aroused which may lead to an orgasm. Many people masturbate at least at some point of their lives. When did you last masturbate?
[l35] Do you at present feel sexually attracted to men, women or both?
[l36_a] In your work during the past 24 months, have you been subjected to the following without wanting to cause it: Letters or phone calls that were sexual in nature (female respondents: question includes pornographic items )
[l36_b] ONLY FOR MEN: In your workduring the past 24 months, have you been subjected to the following without wanting to cause it: Pornographic items
[l36_c] In your work, have you been subjected during the past 24 months to: Inappropriate talk, jokes, comments or questions of a sexual nature
[l36_d] In your work during the past 24 months, have you been subjected to the following without wanting to cause it: Suggestive glances, expressions or gestures
[l36_e] In your work during the past 24 months, have you been subjected to the following without wanting to cause it: Touching of body parts or pinching
[l36_f] In your work during the past 24 months, have you been subjected to the following without wanting to cause it: Pressure to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual activity
[l37] Has someone ever tried to persuade you have intercourse by offering money or similar economic advantages
[l38] Have you yourself ever offered money or similar economic advantages to someone in exchange for an intercourse?
[l39] Have you had any outside sexual relationships during your present marriage or cohabitation?
[l40] What has been the reaction of your steady partner to your outside sexual relationships?
[l41] When you last had a child, was it your deliberate intention to make your partner pregnant/become pregnant?
[l42_a] Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: Partner made the decision alone
[l42_b] Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: I made the decision together with partner
[l42_c] Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: I pressured my partner/my partner pressured me to make this decision
[l42_d] Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: My partner's/my parents pressured him/me to make this decision
[l42_e] ONLY WOMEN: Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: Doctor/nurse recommended giving birth
[l42_f] ONLY WOMEN: Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: Giving birth suited my work situation
[l42_g] Once pregnancy was confirmed, how did the decision to have this child come about: Other reason for the decision
[l43_a] Was the decision to have this child difficult because: Work or studies would suffer
[l43_b] Was the decision to have this child difficult because: I did not want this child
[l43_c] Was the decision to have this child difficult because: I was ashamed of the pregnancy
[l43_d] Was the decision to have this child difficult because: My financial situation was not good
[l43_e] Was the decision to have this child difficult because: My partner did not want this child
[l43b_a] Was the decision to have this child easy because: I wanted this child
[l43b_b] Was the decision to have this child easy because: People around me supported me
[l43b_c] Was the decision to have this child easy because: It was morally right
[l43b_d] Was the decision to have this child easy because: It suited my life situation
[l43b_e] Was the decision to have this child easy because: My partner wanted this child
[l44] Did religion have any impact on this decision?
[l45_a] What have been the consequences of the birth of this child to you: My career or work suffered
[l45_b] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: I became happy
[l45_c] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: Made me feel like a real man/woman
[l45_d] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: My financial situation became considerably worse
[l45_e] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: I was happy that I/my partner did not have to go to work
[l45_f] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: I felt that the child took all my energy
[l45_g] What were the consequences of the birth of this child to you: Relationship to my partner suffered
[l46_a] Have any pregnancies, occurred because of your relationship, been terminated by an abortion?
[l46_b] IF YES: How many?
[l47] Have you ever wished your partner to have an abortion/Has your partner ever wished you to have an abortion?
[l48_a] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: I made the decision alone
[l48_b] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: I made the decision together with partner
[l48_c] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: My partner pressured me
[l48_d] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: My parents pressured me
[l48_e] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: Someone else pressured me
[l48_f] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: Doctor/nurse recommended abortion
[l48_g] ONLY WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION: How did you make the decision of your most recent abortion: It was advisable considering my work situation
[l49] When did you have your most recent abortion?
[l50] Did your most recent abortion cost you money?
[l51] Was anesthesia or local anesthesia used in connection with your most recent abortion?
[l52] Where was your most recent abortion performed?
[l53] Have you ever organised to have an abortion through a friend?
[l54a_a] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: I could not talk about it to anyone
[l54a_b] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: I was afraid of becoming infertile
[l54a_c] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: I wanted to give birth to the child
[l54a_d] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: I was ashamed of having become pregnant
[l54a_e] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: It is morally wrong to have an abortion
[l54a_f] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: My parter wanted me to give birth
[l54a_g] Was the decision to have an abortion ever difficult for you because: Some other reason
[l54b_a] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: It is a simple procedure
[l54b_b] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: Other women have abortions
[l54b_c] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: People close to me supported my decision
[l54b_d] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: I did not want to have a child
[l54b_e] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: I consider abortions unfortunate but totally acceptable
[l54b_f] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: Abortion was inevitable because of my studies/work
[l54b_g] Was the decision to have an abortion ever easy for you because: My partner did not want to have a child
[l55] Did religion have an impact on any of your decisions to have an abortion?
[l56_a] Has any of your abortions been: Painful
[l56_b] Has any of your abortions been: Humiliating
[l56_c] Has any of your abortions been: Cause of feelings of guilt
[l56_d] Has any of your abortions been: Easy
[l56_e] Has any of your abortions been: Self-evident in my situation
[l57] Has any of your abortions had a notably harmful effect on your mental or physical health?
[l58] How would you describe your sexual life on the whole?
[l59_a] I have good sexual skills
[l59_b] I am sexually active
[l59_c] I am sexually attractive