FSD1274 Fixed-Term and Subsidised Employees in Finnish Municipalities 2002

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[q1] Respondent's vocational education

[q2_1a] How many contracts did you have in 1999?

[q2_1b] How many jobs did you have in 1999?

[q2_2a] How many contracts did you have in 2000?

[q2_2b] How many jobs did you have in 2000?

[q2_3a] How many contracts did you have in 2001?

[q2_3b] How many jobs did you have in 2001?

[q3_1] Alternative that best describes your situation in January 1999

[q3_2] Alternative that best describes your situation in January 2000

[q3_3] Alternative that best describes your situation in January 2001

[q3_4] Alternative that best describes your situation at the moment

[q4_1] Did you have periods of unemployment in 1999?

[q4_2] Did you have periods of unemployment in 2000?

[q4_3] Did you have periods of unemployment in 2001?

[q5] Do you work in the same occupation as three years ago?

[q6_1] Respondent's working hours per week

[q6_2] Respondent's working hours per day

[q7] If you have a fixed-term contract, do you think that after it ends

[q8_1] Insecurities in the present job: Threat of some work tasks(s) being ended

[q8_2] Insecurities in the present job: Involuntary transfer to other tasks

[q8_3] Insecurities in the present job: Threat of lay-off

[q8_4] Insecurities in the present job: Threat of being fired

[q8_5] Insecurities in the present job: Threat of long-term unemployment

[q8_6] Insecurities in the present job: Workload increasing beyond endurance

[q8_7] Insecurities in the present job: Unpredictable changes

[q9] Respondent's present state of health

[q10] How would you grade your present work ability?

[q11_1] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Allergic rhinitis?

[q11_2] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Asthma?

[q11_3] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Chronic bronchitis?

[q11_4] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): High blood pressure (hypertension)?

[q11_5] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had):Myocardial infarction (heart attack)?

[q11_6] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Angina pectoris (chest pain or chest tightness)?

[q11_7] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Cerebral insult?

[q11_8] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Arthrosis?

[q11_9] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): (Rheumatoid) arthritis?

[q11_10] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Fibromyalgia?

[q11_11] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Sciatica?

[q11_12] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Some other chronic back pain?

[q11_13] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Gastric or duodenal ulcer?

[q11_14] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Migraine?

[q11_15] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Depression?

[q11_16] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Other mental health problems?

[q11_17] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): High cholesterol level?

[q11_18] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Diabetes?

[q11_19] Has a doctor ever told you that you have (or have had): Some other chronic or serious illness or disability?

[q12_1] On a scale of 1-7, so far your life has...

[q12_2] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you feel indifferent to what is going on around you?

[q12_3] On a scale of 1-7, how often does the behaviour of people you thought you knew well surprise you?

[q12_4] On a scale of 1-7, how often have you been disappointed with people you trusted?

[q12_5] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you feel you are treated unfairly?

[q12_6] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you feel that you are in a strange situation and do not know what to do?

[q12_7] On a scale of 1-7, do you feel that carrying out your everyday tasks is...

[q12_8] On a scale of 1-7, how often are your feelings and thoughts really confused?

[q12_9] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you have feelings you would not like to allow yourself to have?

[q12_10] Many people - even those with strong character - feel in certain situations that they are in the way of other people. On a scale of 1-7, how often have you felt like this?

[q12_11] On a scale of 1-7, when something has happened, do you generally find afterwards that you had...

[q12_12] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you feel that your daily doings are of no consequence?

[q12_13] On a scale of 1-7, how often do you have feelings you are not sure of being able to control?

[q13_1] Have you recently been able to concentrate on whatever you're doing?

[q13_2] Have you recently lost much sleep over worry?

[q13_3] Have you recently felt that you were playing a useful part in things?

[q13_4] Have you recently felt capable of making decisions about things?

[q13_5] Have you recently felt constantly under strain?

[q13_6] Have you recently felt you couldn't overcome your difficulties?

[q13_7] Have you recently been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities?

[q13_8] Have you recently been able to face up to problems?

[q13_9] Have you recently been feeling unhappy or distressed?

[q13_10] Have you recently been losing confidence in yourself?

[q13_11] Have you recently been thinking yourself as a worthless person?

[q13_12] Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered?

[q14_1] How many times did you visit a doctor during the past year: Municipal health care doctor?

[q14_2] How many times did you visit a doctor during the past year: Occupational health care doctor?

[q14_3] How many times did you visit a doctor during the past year: Private doctor?

[q14_4] How many times did you visit a doctor during the past year: Hospital doctor working at an outpatient clinic?

[q14_5] How many times did you visit a doctor during the past year: Other doctor?

[q15] Do you have the right to use occupational health care offered by the municipality?

[q16_1] Were you able to use occupational health care services in 1999?

[q16_2] Were you able to use occupational health care services in 2000?

[q16_3] Were you able to use occupational health care services in 2001?

[q17_1] Were you able to participate in Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) in 1999?

[q17_2] Were you able to participate in Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) in 2000?

[q17_3] Were you able to participate in Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) in 2001?

[q18] Have you had a health assessment/physical examination in an occupational health care unit of the municipality?

[q19] Respondent's marital status

[q20_1_1] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Spouse, partner?

[q20_1_2] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Other relative?

[q20_1_3] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Close friend?

[q20_1_4] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Close colleague?

[q20_1_5] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: Someone else?

[q20_1_6] Whom can you really count on to distract you from your worries when you feel under stress: No-one?

[q20_2_1] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Spouse, partner?

[q20_2_2] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Other relative?

[q20_2_3] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Close friend?

[q20_2_4] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Close colleague?

[q20_2_5] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: Someone else?

[q20_2_6] Whom can you really count on to help you feel more relaxed when you are under pressure or tension: No-one?

[q20_3_1] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: Spouse, partner?

[q20_3_2] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: Other relative?

[q20_3_3] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: Close friend?

[q20_3_4] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: Close colleague?

[q20_3_5] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: Someone else?

[q20_3_6] Who accepts you totally including both your worst and best points: No-one?

[q20_4_1] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: Spouse, partner?

[q20_4_2] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: Other relative?

[q20_4_3] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: Close friend?

[q20_4_4] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: Close colleague?

[q20_4_5] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: Someone else?

[q20_4_6] Whom can you really count on to care about you regardless of what is happening to you: No-one?

[q20_5_1] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: Spouse, partner?

[q20_5_2] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: Other relative?

[q20_5_3] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: Close friend?

[q20_5_4] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: Close colleague?

[q20_5_5] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: Someone else?

[q20_5_6] Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling generally down-in-the-dumps: No-one?

[q20_6_1] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: Spouse, partner?

[q20_6_2] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: Other relative?

[q20_6_3] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: Close friend?

[q20_6_4] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: Close colleague?

[q20_6_5] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: Someone else?

[q20_6_6] Whom can you count on to console you when you are very upset: No-one?

[q21_1] I have to be quick in my job

[q21_2] My job requires that I work very hard

[q21_3] I'm expected to manage an unreasonably heavy workload

[q21_4] I have enough time to carry out my work

[q21_5] Other people make conflicting demands on me

[q21_6] My job is very fast-paced

[q21_7] My tasks require prolonged, intense concentration

[q21_8] I am frequently interrupted at work, and I have to complete the task I was doing later

[q21_9] My job is often slowed down because I have to wait for assignments from other people or other departments

[q21_10] Multiple, simultaneous or conflicting demands are often made on me at work

[q22_1] I can frequently make independent decisions in my job

[q22_2] My job requires creativity

[q22_3] My job requires that I keep learning new skills

[q22_4] My job entails a lot of routine, repetitive tasks

[q22_5] I have a lot of control over my work

[q22_6] My job requires special skills

[q22_7] My tasks require prolonged, intense concentration

[q22_8] There is a lot of variety in my job

[q22_9] I have the opportunity to develop my particular skills

[q22_10] I have very little control over how to do my work

[q23_1] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: When to start and finish your workday?

[q23_2] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: When to take a break?

[q23_3] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: Taking an hour or two off during working hours to take care of personal or family matters?

[q23_4] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: Shift allocation?

[q23_5] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: When to take leave or time off?

[q23_6] To what extent can you decide on your working hours: Taking unpaid leave?

[q24_1] Others esteem my work in my workplace

[q24_2] Our workplace environment is encouraging

[q24_3] One can really trust people in my workplace

[q24_4] There is a sense of comradeship in my workplace, displayed by general willingness to help others

[q24_5] Information is readily and openly shared in my workplace

[q24_6] The social atmosphere of my workplace is prejudiced

[q24_7] There is a lot of gossiping and envy in my workplace

[q24_8] I am discriminated against in my workplace

[q24_9] The social atmosphere of my workplace is tense

[q24_10] There is bullying or harassment in my workplace

[q24_11] People who take sick leave are readily judged to be truants/idlers

[q25_1] My supervisor/line manager supports and encourages me

[q25_2] My supervisor rewards me for good performance

[q25_3] My supervisor is stimulating

[q25_4] My supervisor often discusses with his/her subordinates

[q25_5] My supervisor shares information openly about all aspects of the workplace

[q25_6] My supervisor trusts the employees

[q25_7] My supervisor encourages employees to study and develop in their work

[q25_8] There are many conflicts between myself and my supervisor

[q25_9] The primary goal of my supervisor is to ensure that employees work very hard

[q25_10] My supervisor is indifferent to personal feelings of the staff

[q25_11] In our workplace, management style consists of giving orders, and there is no room for other opinions

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