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[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1a_1] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Planting of trees/Exporting wood processing know-how
[q1a_2] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Environmental protection
[q1a_3] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Well construction/clean water projects
[q1a_4] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Agriculture projects
[q1a_5] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Construction projects
[q1a_6] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Other projects
[q1a_7] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Expert help/know-how
[q1a_8] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Health care/medicine campaigns
[q1a_9] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Education
[q1a_10] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Food aid (on account of famine)
[q1a_11] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Material help
[q1a_12] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Financial aid
[q1a_13] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Funds collected through charity etc.
[q1a_14] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Humanitarian aid/helping people in need
[q1a_15] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Human rights/equality
[q1a_16] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Helping the poor/poverty
[q1a_17] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Cooperation with other countries
[q1a_18] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Developing things
[q1a_19] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Development aid/helping developing countries
[q1a_20] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Developing countries
[q1a_21] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Aid to Africa
[q1a_22] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Africa
[q1a_23] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Namibia
[q1a_24] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Tanzania
[q1a_25] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Regions just across the Finnish border
[q1a_26] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: UN organisations/Unicef/Unesco/aid organisations
[q1a_27] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Missionary work/FinnChurchAid
[q1a_28] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Finnish Red Cross
[q1a_29] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Martti Ahtisaari
[q1a_30] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Insufficient funding/aid
[q1a_31] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: State budgets/projects/politicians
[q1a_32] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Aid to foreign countries
[q1a_33] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Trade/enterprises
[q1a_34] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: National and regional development programmes in Finland
[q1a_35] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Help to children/children suffering
[q1a_36] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Refugees
[q1a_37] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: the EU
[q1a_38] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Brings benefit to Finland also
[q1a_39] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Important issue/positive image
[q1a_40] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Too much money given abroad/expenditure
[q1a_41] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Finland should put things right at home first
[q1a_42] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Aid does not reach those who need it/aid projects not carried out well/no results
[q1a_43] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Wrong targets
[q1a_44] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Negative image
[q1a_45] What does Finland's development cooperation bring to mind: Something else
[q1d_1] How well do you know what is the volume of development cooperation that Finland provides?
[q1d_2] How well do you feel you know the target countries of Finnish development cooperation?
[q1d_3] How familiar are you with the content of Finnish development cooperation (i.e. what is being done)?
[q1d_4] How familiar are you with the goals of Finnish development cooperation?
[q1d_5] How familiar are you with the means and ways of Finnish development cooperation?
[q2a_1] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Environmental protection
[q2a_2] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Development of agriculture
[q2a_3] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Well construction/water projects
[q2a_4] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Forest projects
[q2a_5] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Construction projects
[q2a_6] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Industrial deveopment
[q2a_7] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Development of trade
[q2a_8] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Other projects
[q2a_9] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Exporting technology/machinery
[q2a_10] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Building infrastructure
[q2a_11] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Health care/medicines/nurses
[q2a_12] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Hospital equipment/medicines
[q2a_13] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Expert help/know-how
[q2a_14] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Education/teaching
[q2a_15] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Research
[q2a_16] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Humanitarian/catastrophe aid
[q2a_17] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Crisis aid
[q2a_18] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Improving the situation of women
[q2a_19] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Improving the situation of children
[q2a_20] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Human rights
[q2a_21] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Peacekeeping
[q2a_22] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Loans/financial aid
[q2a_23] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Food aid
[q2a_24] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Clothes aid
[q2a_25] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Material aid
[q2a_26] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Funds collected through charity etc.
[q2a_27] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Bilateral aid
[q2a_28] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: UN/Unicef/WHO
[q2a_29] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Other non-governmental organisations
[q2a_30] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Finnish Red Cross
[q2a_31] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Missionary work/church
[q2a_32] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Volunteer work
[q2a_33] As far as you know, which of the following are included in Finnish development cooperation: Other
[q2b_1] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Environmental protection
[q2b_2] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Development of agriculture
[q2b_3] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Well construction/water projects
[q2b_4] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Forest projects
[q2b_5] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Construction projects
[q2b_6] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Industrial development
[q2b_7] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Development of trade
[q2b_8] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Other projects
[q2b_9] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Exporting technology/machinery
[q2b_10] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Health care/medicines/nurses
[q2b_11] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Hospital equipment/medicines
[q2b_12] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Know-how/expert help
[q2b_13] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Education/teaching
[q2b_14] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Education and advice given in the recipient country
[q2b_15] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Education given in Finland
[q2b_16] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Humanitarian aid/catastrophes/helping people in need
[q2b_17] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Improving the situation of women and children
[q2b_18] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Human rights, equality
[q2b_19] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Taking aid to where it is needed/no refugees to Finland
[q2b_20] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Taking local circumstances and needs into account
[q2b_21] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Population growth prevention/contraception/birth control
[q2b_22] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Financial aid
[q2b_23] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Food aid
[q2b_24] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Clothes aid
[q2b_25] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Material aid
[q2b_26] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Funds collected through charity etc.
[q2b_27] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Cooperation with other countries
[q2b_28] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Brings benefit both to the donor and the recipient
[q2b_29] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Ordinary citizens should have a possibility to participate in aid work
[q2b_30] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Through the Finnish Red Cross
[q2b_31] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Missionary work/church
[q2b_32] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: No aid to wrong targets/control over who gets the aid
[q2b_33] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Finland should put things right at home first
[q2b_34] Which of the following should be included in Finnish development cooperation: Something else
[q3a_1] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Averting famine/providing food assistance
[q3a_2] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Human rights/equality
[q3a_3] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving the situation of women
[q3a_4] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Helping children
[q3a_5] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Health care
[q3a_6] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Preventing overpopulation
[q3a_7] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Humanitarian aid/helping people in need
[q3a_8] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Democracy
[q3a_9] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Education
[q3a_10] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving employment
[q3a_11] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Peacekeeping
[q3a_12] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Teaching developing countries to help themselves/helping them towards sustainable development/helping them to become self-sufficient
[q3a_13] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Expert help/know-how
[q3a_14] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Improving the state of the environment
[q3a_15] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Clean water/wells
[q3a_16] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Taking local circumstances and needs into account
[q3a_17] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Reducing poverty/satisfying basic needs/improving standard of living
[q3a_18] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Taking help to where it is needed
[q3a_19] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Material help
[q3a_20] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Right targets/realistic goals/ensuring that aid really goes to those who need it
[q3a_21] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Raising the per cent of GDP given as aid/financial aid
[q3a_22] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Trade/marketing Finnish products/aid that brings benefit to Finland also
[q3a_23] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Finland should put things right at home first
[q3a_24] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Discontinuing development cooperation altogether
[q3a_25] If you could decide, what would be the most important goal of Finnish development cooperation: Something else
[q3b_1] Thinking of the stated goals of Finnish development cooperation, which one do you consider the most important: Enhancing equality, democracy, and human rights in developing countries
[q3b_2] Thinking of the stated goals of Finnish development cooperation, which one do you consider the most important: Reducing wide-spread poverty in developing countries
[q3b_3] Thinking of the stated goals of Finnish development cooperation, which one do you consider the most important: Preventing global environmental threats by helping developing countries to solve environmental problems
[q3b_4] Thinking of the stated goals of Finnish development cooperation, which one do you consider the most important: Something else
[q3b_5] Thinking of the stated goals of Finnish development cooperation, which one do you consider the most important: None of the above
[q4a_1] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: African countries
[q4a_2] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Asian countries
[q4a_3] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: South and Central American countries
[q4a_4] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Central and Eastern European countries
[q4a_5] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Regions just across the Finnish border
[q4a_6] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Baltic countries
[q4a_7] Which region of the the world do you think should be the main recipient of development aid: Other countries/regions
[q4b_1] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Environmental problems/desertification
[q4b_2] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of water/water problems
[q4b_3] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Lack of know-how
[q4b_4] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Wars
[q4b_5] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Insufficient health care/need for medicines
[q4b_6] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Child mortality/children
[q4b_7] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Population growth
[q4b_8] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Low standard of living/poverty
[q4b_9] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: General misery/harsh conditions of life
[q4b_10] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Primitiveness/backwardness
[q4b_11] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Famine
[q4b_12] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Need for aid
[q4b_13] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Human rights violations/unequality
[q4b_14] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Kindred nation/region located just across the Finnish border
[q4b_15] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Effect on Finland
[q4b_16] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Good chances for development/good possibilities to help
[q4b_17] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Refugee problems/so that people would stay in their own country
[q4b_18] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: I have heard most of this region/sympathy
[q4b_19] Why should the region you mentioned be the main recipient of development aid: Something else
[q4c_1] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: African countries
[q4c_2] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: Asian countries
[q4c_3] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: South and Central American countries
[q4c_4] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: Central and Eastern European countries
[q4c_5] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: Regions just across the Finnish border
[q4c_6] Which region(s) mentioned in this card do you consider the most important target: Baltic countries
[q5] Do you think development cooperation should be part of Finland's foreign policy?
[q6] Your opinion on the importance of development cooperation to Finland's foreign policy?
[q7] Are you interested in Finland's development cooperation with developing countries?
[q8_1] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Just not interested/can't be bothered
[q8_2] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: No time
[q8_3] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: No possibility to influence
[q8_4] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Does not affect me personally
[q8_5] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Useless/aid does not reach those who need it
[q8_6] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Finland should put things right at home first
[q8_7] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: I have enough difficulties myself
[q8_8] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Not familiar with the issue, no information
[q8_9] (IF NOT VERY OR NOT AT ALL INTERESTED) Why are you not interested in development cooperation: Something else
[q9a_1] Do you think Finland's development policy should include foreign, trade and environmental policy, human rights policy, and bilateral and multilateral relations worldwide?
[q9a_2] Development policy has no influence on anything else except the traditional development cooperation
[q9a_3] Development policy includes something else
[q9b_1] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Foreign policy
[q9b_2] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Trade policy
[q9b_3] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Environmental policy
[q9b_4] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Human rights policy
[q9b_5] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Bilateral relations
[q9b_6] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Multilateral relations
[q9b_7] Is some aspect mentioned in q9a1 more important than others: Something else
[q10] Do you feel you can participate to a sufficient degree in decision-making about Finland's development policy?
[q11] Would you like to participate in decision-making about Finland's development policy, e.g. in the selection of recipient countries?
[q12] Do you feel you get enough information about Finland's development policy or about development cooperation and its results and impact?
[q13_1] From where do you get most information on issues relating to developing countries: Television
[q13_2] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Radio
[q13_3] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Newspapers/periodicals/magazines
[q13_4] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Periodicals/magazines/journals concentrating on development cooperation issues
[q13_5] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Internet
[q13_6] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Public events/exhibitions
[q13_7] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Schools and other educational institutions
[q13_8] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Discussions with friends or other discussions
[q13_9] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: At work
[q13_10] Where do you get most of your information about issues relating to developing countries: Somewhere else
[q14] Do you think Finnish schools and other educational institutions address issues relating to developing countries too much or too little?
[q15_1] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Human rights issues
[q15_2] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Democracy and good governance
[q15_3] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Environmental protection
[q15_4] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Trade policy
[q15_5] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Reducing poverty
[q15_6] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Something else
[q15_7] Have you heard that the Finnish government has negotiated with governments of developing countries about cooperation in: Not heard of any negotiations on these issues
[q16_1] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Taking own citizens into account
[q16_2] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Human rights/equality
[q16_3] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Situation of children
[q16_4] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Situation of women
[q16_5] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Health care
[q16_6] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Democracy
[q16_7] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Increasing self-sufficiency/exporting know-how
[q16_8] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Education
[q16_9] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Security/safety
[q16_10] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Environmental issues
[q16_11] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Population growth
[q16_12] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Refugee issues
[q16_13] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: That aid reaches those who need/reducing corruption
[q16_14] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Social policy
[q16_15] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Local needs and circumstances
[q16_16] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Employment
[q16_17] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Economic issues/trade
[q16_18] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Reducing poverty/housing/material aid
[q16_19] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: More cooperation/interaction/negotiations
[q16_20] In addition to the issues mentioned in the previous question, what issues should the Finnish government take up in negotiations with developing countries: Something else
[q17_1_1] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: The Government
[q17_1_2] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Minister for Development Cooperation
[q17_1_3] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Foreign Minister
[q17_1_4] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: The Parliament
[q17_1_5] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Civil servants working in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
[q17_1_6] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Citizens
[q17_1_7] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Voluntary organisations/
[q17_1_8] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)/the church
[q17_1_9] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Finnish Red Cross
[q17_1_10] Who do you think decides on the amount of Finnish development aid given: Some other body
[q17_2_1] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: The Government
[q17_2_2] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Minister for Development Cooperation
[q17_2_3] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Foreign minister
[q17_2_4] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: The Parliament
[q17_2_5] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Civil servants working in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
[q17_2_6] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Citizens
[q17_2_7] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Voluntary organisations
[q17_2_8] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)/the church
[q17_2_9] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Finnish Red Cross
[q17_2_10] Who do you think decides on the content of Finnish development aid: Some other body
[q17_3_1] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: The Government
[q17_3_2] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Minister for Development Cooperation
[q17_3_3] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Foreign minister
[q17_3_4] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: The Parliament
[q17_3_5] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Civil servants working in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
[q17_3_6] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Citizens
[q17_3_7] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Voluntary organisations
[q17_3_8] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)/the church
[q17_3_9] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Finnish Red Cross
[q17_3_10] Who do you think decides on the goals of Finnish development aid: Some other body
[q17_4_1] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: The Government
[q17_4_2] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Minister for Development Cooperation
[q17_4_3] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Foreign minister
[q17_4_4] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: The Parliament
[q17_4_5] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Civil servants working in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
[q17_4_6] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Citizens
[q17_4_7] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Voluntary organisations
[q17_4_8] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM)/the church
[q17_4_9] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Finnish Red Cross
[q17_4_10] Who do you think decides on the ways and means of Finnish development aid: Some other body
[q18a] How much do you estimate Finland spends on development aid per person per year (state expenditure in Finnish marks)?
[q18b_1] Should Finland spend more than 76 dollars (=380 Finnish marks) per person per year on development aid: Finland should spend more
[q18b_2] Should Finland spend more than 76 dollars (=380 Finnish marks) per person per year on development aid: The present amount is appropriate
[q18b_3] Should Finland spend more than 76 dollars (=380 Finnish marks) per person per year on development aid: Finland should spend less
[q18b_4] Should Finland spend more than 76 dollars (=380 Finnish marks) per person per year on development aid: I would be prepared to raise the amount spent on development aid
[q18b_4a] (IF PREPARED TO RAISE THE AMOUNT) How much money would you be prepared to spend on development aid per person per year?
[q18b_5] Something else you would like to say about the level of development aid expenditure compared to other state expenditure categories?
[q19_1] How much of its GDP (in per cents) do you think Finland devotes to development aid (1)?
[q19_2] How much of its GDP (in per cents) do you think Finland devotes to development aid (2)?
[q20_1] How much has the Finnish government budgeted to spend on development aid in 1998 (1)?
[q20_2] ] How much has the Finnish government budgeted to spend on development aid in 1998 (2)?
[q21] How much money should Finland spend on development cooperation compared to the present situation?
[q22] The UN recommends that developed countries devote 0,7% of their GDP for development cooperation. Should Finland increase its development cooperation funding to the recommended 0,7% of GDP (i.e. to 2% of the state budget) or even more?
[q23_1_1] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Has an effect on living conditions/raises the standard of living/increases satisfaction
[q23_1_2] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Health care
[q23_1_3] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Enhances human rights and equality
[q23_1_4] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Enhances knowledge/education
[q23_1_5] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Curbs mass exodus of refugees
[q23_1_6] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Promotes peace
[q23_1_7] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Reduces famine
[q23_1_8] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Creates cooperation/interaction
[q23_1_9] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Maintains balance
[q23_1_10] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Big impact
[q23_1_11] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Aid does not reach those who need it/money goes to intermediaries
[q23_1_12] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: May promote war/negative impact
[q23_1_13] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: Something else
[q23_1_14] What kind of impact does development aid have on world peace and maintaining balance: No impact
[q23_2_1] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Improves living conditions/improves conditions on refugee camps
[q23_2_2] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Reduces the number of refugees
[q23_2_3] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: People will stay in their home region
[q23_2_4] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Positive impact
[q23_2_5] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Reduces prejudices/helps breaking the barriers to attitude change
[q23_2_6] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Aid must be taken to where it is needed (to target country)
[q23_2_7] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Refugees get a possibility to be granted asylum
[q23_2_8] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Promotes peace
[q23_2_9] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Increases problems/more refugees come/economic migrants
[q23_2_10] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: No impact
[q23_2_11] Impact of development aid on the refugee problem: Something else
[q24_1] The fact that a country invests in development cooperation is a sign of a civilised state
[q24_2] Development aid is needed to achieve sustainable development
[q24_3] Development cooperation increases Finnish expertise and know-how
[q24_4] Development aid policies aim to resolve conflicts
[q24_5] Development aid policies aim to prevent national emergencies
[q24_6] Development aid policies aim to create mechanisms for regulating the operations of multinational enterprises
[q24_7] Development aid policies aim at international refugee policy
[q24_8] Development aid policies aim at international environmental policy
[q24_9] Development aid policies aim at international human rights policy
[q24_10] Development aid policies aim to help the least developed countries
[q24_11] Development aid policies aim to keep peace
[q24_12] Development aid policies aim to promote food security
[q24_13] Development aid policies aim to reduce poverty and improve the economic situation in developing countries
[q24_14] Development aid policies aim to promote democracy and good governance
[q25] Do you think development cooperation should lead to growth of Finnish exports to recipient countries?
[q26] Can development cooperation affect Finland's employment situation in the sense that increased trade with developing countries increases exports?
[q27] Are you familiar with the multilateral development cooperation activities of the UN?
[q28_1] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Amesty/human rights organisations
[q28_2] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: FAO
[q28_3] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: ILO
[q28_4] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Nato
[q28_5] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Peacekeepers
[q28_6] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Finnish Red Cross
[q28_7] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Unicef/children's fund
[q28_8] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Unesco
[q28_9] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Unifem
[q28_10] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Unifil
[q28_11] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: UNCHR/refugee organisation
[q28_12] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: UNDP/development program
[q28_13] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: WWF
[q28_14] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: WFP/food programme
[q28_15] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: WHO/health organisation
[q28_16] (IF FAMILIAR) Please name some UN agencies/organisations participating in development cooperation: Some other agency/organisation
[q29] This year Finland has funded the UN and international development financing institutions with 500 million Finnish marks (a quarter of its development aid budjet). Do you think this amount is...
[q30a_1] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
[q30a_2] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
[q30a_3] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
[q30a_4] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: World Food Programme (WPF)
[q30a_5] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: World Health Organization (WHO)
[q30a_6] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: UN refugee agencies, i.e., United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA)
[q30a_7] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
[q30a_8] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
[q30a_9] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: International Labour Organization (ILO)
[q30a_10] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: World Bank Group, regional financial institutions
[q30a_11] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: Something else
[q30a_12] Which of the following do you consider especially important for development work: None of the above
[q30b_1] If you had the power to decide, would you support: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
[q30b_2] If you had the power to decide, would you support: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
[q30b_3] If you had the power to decide, would you support: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
[q30b_4] If you had the power to decide, would you support: World Food Programme (WPF)
[q30b_5] If you had the power to decide, would you support: World Health Organization (WHO)
[q30b_6] If you had the power to decide, would you support: UN refugee agencies, i.e., United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA)
[q30b_7] If you had the power to decide, would you support: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
[q30b_8] If you had the power to decide, would you support: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
[q30b_9] If you had the power to decide, would you support: International Labour Organization (ILO)
[q30b_10] If you had the power to decide, would you support: World Bank Group, regional financial institutions
[q30b_11] If you had the power to decide, would you support: Something else
[q30b_12] If you had the power to decide, would you support: None of the above
[q31a] Generally speaking, how satisfied are you with the velocity with which Finland reacts to problem situations in the world?
[q31b] The Finnish government provides humanitarian aid when catastrophes and disasters happen. Are you satisfied with the amount of aid?
[q31c] The Finnish government provides humanitarian aid when catastrophes and disasters happen. Are you satisfied with the choice of targets for humanitarian aid?
[q32_1] Opinion on channelling development aid through third sector organisations in donor countries to third sector organisations in recipient countries: I approve
[q32_2] Opinion on channelling development aid through third sector organisations in donor countries to third sector organisations in recipient countries: I have reservations
[q32_3] Opinion on channelling development aid through third sector organisations in donor countries to third sector organisations in recipient countries: I disapprove
[q32_4] Opinion on channelling development aid through third sector organisations in donor countries to third sector organisations in recipient countries: Something else
[q33_1] How important is it for Finland to participate together with other EU member states in decision-making about development policy in the UN and other international bodies: Important to act together with other EU states
[q33_2] How important is it for Finland to participate together with other EU member states in decision-making about development policy in the UN and other international bodies: It is a matter of no consequence
[q33_3] How important is it for Finland to participate together with other EU member states in decision-making about development policy in the UN and other international bodies: It is better for Finland to act alone
[q33_4] How important is it for Finland to participate together with other EU member states in decision-making about development policy in the UN and other international bodies: Something else
[q34a] Are you familiar with or have you heard of the EU's own development cooperation, or of cooperation between EU member states in development cooperation issues?
[q34b] Have you heard of the the Lomé agreement between the EU and developing African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and of the renewal of the agreement?
[q35] Do you know what is Finland's share of the EU's development cooperation budget?
[q36a] Should donors attach political conditions to development aid?
[q36b_1] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Taking into account the circumstances of the recipient country
[q36b_2] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Respect for human rights
[q36b_3] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Democracy
[q36b_4] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Development of national economy
[q36b_5] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Improving the situation of children/the elderly
[q36b_6] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Environmental protection
[q36b_7] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: Aid should bring real benefit and should reach those who need it/right targets
[q36b_8] (IF RESPONDED SHOULD ATTACH POLITICAL CONDITIONS) Which donor conditions would you consider the most important: No aid to countries at war
[q37a_1] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Aid that would take into account local needs and conditions
[q37a_2] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Water supply/wells
[q37a_3] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Health care/medicines
[q37a_4] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Know-how
[q37a_5] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Education
[q37a_6] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Development of agriculture/afforestation
[q37a_7] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Environmental protection
[q37a_8] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Developing trade
[q37a_9] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Exporting machinery/equipment/technology
[q37a_10] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Construction projects
[q37a_11] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Industrial development
[q37a_12] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Financial aid
[q37a_13] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Food aid
[q37a_14] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Clothes aid
[q37a_15] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Material aid
[q37a_16] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Crisis/catastrophe aid
[q37a_17] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Fund-raising
[q37a_18] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Government funding/tax revenue
[q37a_19] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Through voluntary organisations
[q37a_20] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Straight to the needy (area or people)
[q37a_21] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Co-operation
[q37a_22] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Aid in a similar way as is done at present
[q37a_23] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Would take the aid there in person
[q37a_24] If you personally could decide, what kind of development aid would you give: Something else
[q37b_1] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Russia
[q37b_2] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Baltic states
[q37b_3] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Regions just across the Finnish border
[q37b_4] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Eastern Europe
[q37b_5] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Africa
[q37b_6] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: South America
[q37b_7] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Burma/India
[q37b_8] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Asia
[q37b_9] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Far East
[q37b_10] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: War/catastrophe zones
[q37b_11] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Poor developing countries
[q37b_12] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Wherever help is needeed
[q37b_13] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: For improving living conditions
[q37b_14] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Refugees
[q37b_15] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Children/the elderly
[q37b_16] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Women
[q37b_17] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Agriculture/forestry
[q37b_18] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Construction projects or other projects
[q37b_19] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Lack of water
[q37b_20] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Famine
[q37b_21] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Health care
[q37b_22] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Education
[q37b_23] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Environmental protection
[q37b_24] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Finnish Red Cross
[q37b_25] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: UN organisations/agencies
[q37b_26] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Same regions/targets as at present
[q37b_27] If you personally could decide, to what region/target would you give development aid: Something else
[q38] Respondent's gender
[q39] Respondent's age group
[q40] Respondent's employment status
[q41] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[q42] Respondent's education
[q43] Total gross annual income of the household (before taxes)
[q44] Have you visited developing countries?
[q45b] Number of inhabitants in the respondent's municipality of residence
[q46] Type of neighbourhood
[q47] Province (according to the pre-1997 classification)