FSD2022 Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour of South-Western Finns 1999

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[q1] Respondent's gender

[q2] Respondent's year of birth

[q3_2] Respondent's municipality of residence or municipality size (Open-ended question)

[q4] Respondent's type of neighbourhood

[q5] Respondent's type of accommodation

[q5muu] Other type of accommodation (Open-ended question)

[q6] Respondent's basic education

[q6muu] Other basic education (Open-ended question)

[q7] Respondent's vocational education

[q8] Respondent's occupational group

[q8muu] Other occupational group (Open-ended question)

[q9] Respondent's previous occupational group (only retired and unemployed)

[q9muu] Other previous occupational group (Open-ended question)

[q10] Respondent's household size

[q11] Number of household members aged under 15

[q12] Household income

[q13] One-way distance to work or school

[q14] Do you have access to a private car?

[q15] Preferred means of commuting in the winter

[q16] Preferred means of commuting in the summer

[q17] Main reason for commuting by private car

[q17muu] Other reason for commuting by private car (Open-ended question)

[q18] One-way distance to grocery store

[q19] Preferred means of getting to grocery store in the winter

[q20] Preferred means of getting to grocery store in the summer

[q21] If you avoid using a private car, what is the main reason for that?

[q21muu] Other reason to avoid using a private car (Open-ended question)

[q22] What does this label (the Nordic Eco-label) mean?

[q23] What does this label (the EU Eco-label) mean?

[q24] Is there a waste paper recycling bin near your home?

[q25] Does your household take waste paper to the recycling bin?

[q26] Is there a glass recycling bin near your home?

[q27] Does your household take glass to the recycling bin?

[q28] Is there an organic waste container at your home?

[q29] Does your household sort organic waste?

[q30_1] Do you sort the following waste: Batteries

[q30_2] Do you sort the following waste: Medicines

[q30_3] Do you sort the following waste: Paints

[q30_4] Do you sort the following waste: Metal

[q30_5] Do you sort the following waste: Impregnated wood

[q31] Do you buy organic food if it is possible?

[q32] How often do you choose the product you buy according to how environmentally friendly it is?

[q33] Do you buy a plastic bag at grocery store?

[q34] Do you pay attention to how environmentally friendly the packing of the product is when shopping?

[q35] Do you check the origin of the food product when shopping?

[q36] Do you choose an environmentally friendly, but more expensive product when shopping?

[q37] How often do you buy second-hand clothes?

[q38] What do you do to clothes you no longer use?

[q38muu] Other use for clothes you no longer use (Open-ended question)

[q39] Do you buy detergents based on how environmentally friendly they are?

[q40] Has the information on environmental problems made it more difficult to decide what to buy?

[q41] Have you changed your shopping habits for environmental reasons?

[q42] How is your home heated?

[q42muu] Other heating (Open-ended question)

[q43] Average room temperature in the winter

[q44] How long do you shower?

[q45] Do you use to turn off electrical items when not in use to save energy at your home?

[q46] What is the main reason to sometimes limit the energy/water consumption?

[q46muu] Other reason to limit energy/water consumption (Open-ended question)

[q47_1] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Walking in the nature

[q47_2] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Fishing, hunting

[q47_3] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Berry picking, mushroom hunting

[q47_4] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Maintaining a summer house, cultivating a patch or gardening

[q47_5] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Farming or forestry work

[q47_6] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Bird or wildlife watching, nature photography

[q47_7] Do you engage in the following outdoor activities: Other outdoor activities

[q47_7muu] Which other outdoor activities (Open-ended question)

[q48_1] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Mass unemployment

[q48_2] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Increasing inequality between the less well-off and the rich

[q48_3] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands and the consequent threat of nuclear war

[q48_4] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Environmental problems

[q48_5] How serious do you consider the following social problems: European Union

[q48_6] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Unstable political situation in Russia

[q48_7] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Next economic depression

[q48_8] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Global economy and the threats related to it

[q48_9] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Spread of criminality

[q48_10] How serious do you consider the following social problems: Mental/spiritual atmosphere in Finland, pessimism and passivism

[q49_1] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Extinction of animal and plant species

[q49_2] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Global climate change

[q49_3] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Exhaustion of drinking water, fertile land, fish stocks, and rain forests producing oxygen

[q49_4] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Uncontrolled population growth

[q49_5] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Ozone depletion

[q49_6] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Exhaustion of non-renewable energy sources, such as oil or coal, and metals

[q49_7] How concerned are you about the following global environmental problems: Genetic modification and its effects

[q50_1] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Damaging of forests

[q50_2] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Eutrophication and pollution of the Baltic Sea

[q50_3] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Pollution coming from other countries

[q50_4] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Air and odour pollution caused by industry

[q50_5] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Nuclear power plants, nuclear waste disposal, and radioactive radiation in the former Soviet Union

[q50_6] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Air and noise pollution caused by road traffic

[q50_7] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Eutrophication of rivers and lakes and decline in water quality

[q50_8] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Air and noise pollution caused by water traffic

[q50_9] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Decline in the quality of drinking water

[q50_10] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Potential occurrence of accidents during the transport of dangerous goods

[q50_11] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Building of roads and motorways

[q50_12] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Littering in public places

[q50_13] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Utilisation of soil resources

[q50_14] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Too dense building

[q50_15] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Inadequate waste management and overburdened landfills

[q50_16] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Destruction of landscapes

[q50_17] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Demolition of old houses

[q50_18] How concerned are you about the following local environmental problems: Cleanliness of food

[q51_1] It is excessively troublesome for me to recycle.

[q51_2] Environmentally friendly consumer products should be cheaper and environmentally damaging products more expensive in order for me to act more environmentally friendly.

[q51_3] I have seriously considered changing my way of life to a more environmentally friendly direction.

[q51_4] The producer, not the consumer, has the ultimate responsibility for the environmental impact of the products.

[q51_5] One has to change one's everyday routines too much to act environmentally friendly.

[q51_6] Continuous economic growth and environmental protection are possible simultaneously.

[q51_7] People who act environmentally friendly are easily labelled 'weird'.

[q51_8] The price of petrol should be substantially higher in order for people to reduce the use of private cars.

[q51_9] Recycling and composting are too dirty work.

[q51_10] Individuals should not be responsible for environmental protection; the government officials should take care of it.

[q51_11] Legislation should be utilised more in getting people to act more environmentally friendly.

[q51_12] It is difficult to perceive what is achieved through one's own environmentally friendly behaviour.

[q51_13] Global warming is caused by the hole in the ozone layer.

[q51_14] The media exaggerates and dramatises environmental issues too much.

[q51_15] Environmentally friendly behaviour should be made financially more profitable.

[q51_16] The industry is such a major cause of environmental problems that the behaviour of citizens doesn't really matter much.

[q51_17] It is necessary to use private cars because the public transport is inadequate.

[q51_18] One has to compromise one's standard of living too much to act environmentally friendly.

[q51_19] I would recycle more if recycling was organised better in my municipality of residence.

[q51_20] Foreign industry causes a great amount of pollution and the Finns can do nothing about that.

[q51_21] Environmental protection is nowadays already well organised in Finland.

[q51_22] It is very unclear how ordinary citizens should act in order to behave environmentally friendly.

[q51_23] I am willing to accept a lower standard of living to protect the nature.

[q51_24] It is too difficult to compare how environmentally friendly various products are.

[q51_25] It is unreasonable to act environmentally friendly if all the others won't do it as well.

[q51_26] Economic growth should be given priority, even if the nature suffered somewhat.

[q51_27] I am not completely sure about which attributes make a product environmentally friendly.

[q51_28] Residential communities (e.g. housing corporations, residents' associations, village committees) have paid attention to environmental issues.

[q51_29] There is no reason for individual citizens to act especially environmentally friendly, because the science and technology will solve environmental problems in the future.

[q51_30] Information on how an ordinary consumer could act environmentally friendly is not always reliable.

[q51_31] An ordinary consumer cannot do much for the environment.

[q51_32] Industry is already working environmentally friendly enough.

[q51_33] By their consumption choices, ordinary people are responsible for the state of the environment.

[q51_34] Use of private cars is not a very significant reason for air pollution.

[q51_35] I often discuss environmental issues with my friends.

[q52] Have you supported any environmental protection or interest group, organisation or association in the last five years?

[q52_1a] Which group, organisation or association have you supported? (Open-ended question)

[q52_1b] How have you supported the above-mentioned group, organisation or association? (Open-ended question)

[q53] If parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, which party would you vote for? (Open-ended question)

[q54] What do you think the term 'sustainable development' means? (Open-ended question)

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