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[q1] Did you vote in the first round of the presidential elections?
[q2_1] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You followed the newspaper articles on the elections
[q2_2] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You followed the news and current affairs programmes on the elections on television
[q2_3] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You saw candidate advertisements in the newspapers
[q2_4] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You saw candidate commercials on television
[q2_5] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You heard candidate commercials on the radio
[q2_6] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You noticed candidate advertisements delivered by post
[q2_7] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You followed election debates or candidate interviews on television
[q2_8] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You followed an entertainment programme with candidates on television
[q2_9] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You visited the web page of a candidate
[q2_10] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You visited the web page of a party that discussed the elections
[q2_11] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You used the candidate selector of a media company (e.g. YLE, MTV3, Helsingin Sanomat) or other organisation to find a suitable candidate
[q2_12] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You participated in an election campaign rally organised by a party or candidate
[q2_13] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You discussed the elections or the candidates with your acquaintances, friends or colleagues
[q2_14] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You followed a diary which a candidate kept on his/her web page (a so-called blog)
[q2_15] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: You wrote a comment or took part in a discussion in a candidate's blog
[q2_16] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: None of these
[q2_17] Which of the following statements about the first round of the elections are true for you: Can't say
[q3_1] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Tarja Halonen
[q3_2] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Heidi Hautala
[q3_3] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Bjarne Kallis
[q3_4] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Arto Lahti
[q3_5] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Henrik Lax
[q3_6] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Sauli Niinistö
[q3_7] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Timo Soini
[q3_8] Did your views on the candidates change during the first round of the election campaign: Matti Vanhanen
[q4] Have you used candidate selectors?
[q5_1] Which candidate selectors have you used: YLE
[q5_2] Which candidate selectors have you used: MTV3
[q5_3] Which candidate selectors have you used: Helsingin Sanomat
[q5_4] Which candidate selectors have you used: Other
[q5_5] Which candidate selectors have you used: Can't say
[q6] Did a candidate selector help you in choosing a candidate to vote for?
[q7] Did you experience the candidate selector you used as useful and informative or more as playful entertainment?
[q8_1] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: I compared my opinions with the candidates' opinions and voted for the candidate whose opinions corresponded with mine the most
[q8_2] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: I compared my opinions with the candidates' but decided to vote for a candidate who was not recommended for me as a first choice by any of the selectors
[q8_3] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: I took a look at the candidate selector questions and thought about voting in their light but didn't value much the recommendation offered by the selector
[q8_4] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: I read my candidate's reasoning behind his/her responses in the candidate selector, and it helped me in my voting decision
[q8_5] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: None of these
[q8_6] Which of the following statements describe your experiences on candidate selectors: Can't say
[q9] Who did you vote for in the first round of the presidential elections?
[q10] When did you finally decide who to vote for in the first round of the presidential elections?
[q11_1] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: I changed the candidate I was going to vote for within a week before the actual election day
[q11_2] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: I was in two minds about the candidate I was going to vote for and made the final decision within a week before the election day
[q11_3] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: By voting I wanted to help to determine the outcome of the elections already in the first round
[q11_4] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: By voting I wanted to influence which candidates make it to the second round of the elections
[q11_5] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: Having the right person elected as president was more important for me in the first round than the candidate's political party
[q11_6] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: None of these
[q11_7] Which of the following statements about the first round of the presidential elections were true for you: Can't say
[q12_1] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Newspapers
[q12_2] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Magazines
[q12_3] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Radio programmes
[q12_4] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Election debates on TV
[q12_5] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: News and current affairs programmes on TV
[q12_6] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Political advertising in newspapers
[q12_7] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Political advertising on TV
[q12_8] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Candidates' campaign meetings
[q12_9] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Friends, colleagues, or relatives
[q12_10] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Entertainment programmes on TV
[q12_11] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Candidate selectors of various media (e.g. HS, YLE, MTV3) on the Internet
[q12_12] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Candidates' web pages
[q12_13] How much information did you receive from the following source to help your voting decision in the first round of the elections: Candidates' diaries on their web page (so-called blogs)
[q13_1] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's TV appearances
[q13_2] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's gender
[q13_3] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's political party
[q13_4] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's capabilities and competence in managing the the country's affairs
[q13_5] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's capabilities and expertise in foreign policy
[q13_6] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's views on the European Union
[q13_7] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's views on Finland's possible NATO membership
[q13_8] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's views on securing the welfare state
[q13_9] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's chances of being elected as president
[q13_10] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's characteristics
[q13_11] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's election campaign
[q13_12] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's views on Finland's problems
[q13_13] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Candidate's views on the most important problems in the world related to globalisation
[q13_14] How much did the following factors affect your choice of candidate in the first round of the elections: Information received from a candidate selector
[q14] Are you going to vote in the second round of the elections?
[q15] The second round of the elections will be held between Tarja Halonen and Sauli Niinistö. Which one would you vote for if the elections were held now?
[q16] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?
[q17] Which party or group did you vote for in the parliamentary elections of March 2003?
[q18] Who did you vote for in the first round of the last presidential elections in 2000?
[bv1] Respondent's gender
[bv2] Respondent's native language
[bv3] Respondent's year of birth
[bv4_1] Respondent's age
[bv4_2] Respondent's age, classification 1
[bv4_3] Respondent's age, classification 2
[bv4_4] Respondent's age, classification 3
[bv5] Respondent's marital status
[bv6] Respondent's household composition
[bv7] Number of persons in the household, including yourself
[bv8_1] Respondent's basic education
[bv8_2] Respondent's vocational education
[bv9] Are you in paid employment at the moment?
[bv10_1] Respondent's occupational group
[bv10_2] Occupational group of the head of the household (i.e. person with the highest income)
[bv11] Respondent's employment sector
[bv12] Type of respondent's employer
[bv13] Respondent's membership in the unions affiliated with the mentioned trade union confederations
[bv14_1] Respondent's membership in a SAK (Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions) trade union
[bv14_2] Respondent's membership in an Akava (Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland) trade union
[bv14_3] Respondent's membership in a STTK (Finnish Confederation of Professionals) trade union
[bv15] Respondent's membership in an unemployment fund
[bv16] Which party or group did you vote for in the last municipal (local) elections held in autumn 2004?
[bv17] Respondent's political orientation on a left-right axis
[bv18] Respondent's self-perceived social class
[bv19_1] Household annual gross income
[bv19_2] Respondent's annual gross income
[bv20] How would you describe your and your household's financial circumstances and disposable income at the moment?
[bv21] Type of accommodation
[bv22] Housing tenure
[bv23] What is your attitude towards direct marketing materials delivered to homes?
[bv24] Do you consider advertising in general as a positive or a negative thing?
[bv25] Province of residence (new division, came into effect in 1997)
[bv26] Municipality size
[bv27] Municipality of residence
[bv28] Type of municipality
[bv29] Region of residence
[bv30] Major region (NUTS2)
[bv31] Type of municipality
[bv32] Province of residence (old division)
[bv33] Type of neighbourhood
[bv34] Type of neighbourhood
[bv35] Type of neighbourhood
[bv36] Region of residence
[bv37] Type of municipality
[bv38] Which party would you vote for in the parliamentary elections?
[bv39] Which party did you vote for in the parliamentary elections?
[bv40] Respondent's trade union
[bv41] How did you vote in the first round of the presidential elections?
[bv42] Have you used candidate selectors?
[bv43] Who did you vote for in the first round of the elections?
[bv44] When did you decide who to vote for in the first round of the elections?
[bv45] Did you vote for Halonen or Niinistö?
[bv46] Who did you vote for in 2000?
[bv47] How did you vote in the second round of the presidential elections?
[bv48] When did you decide who to vote for in the second round of the elections?
[bv49] Who did you vote for in the second round of the elections?
[bv50_1] Who did you vote for in the second round and when: Halonen in advance
[bv50_2] Who did you vote for in the second round and when: Halonen on the election day
[bv50_3] Who did you vote for in the second round and when: Niinistö in advance
[bv50_4] Who did you vote for in the second round and when: Niinistö on the election day