FSD2249 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2006

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv3] Are you the person with the highest income in your household?

[bv4] Respondent's occupational group

[bv6] Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives

[bv8] Respondent's education

[bv9] Within which of the following income brackets does your gross household income fall (total income of all household members before taxes)?

[bv10] Respondent's household type

[bv11] Number of persons in the household (including the respondent)

[bv12_1] Does your household include: No children

[bv12_2] Does your household include: An under 2-year-old

[bv12_3] Does your household include: A 2-3-year-old

[bv12_4] Does your household include: A 4-6-year-old

[bv12_5] Does your household include: A 7-11-year-old

[bv12_6] Does your household include: A 12-16-year-old

[bv12_7] Does your household include: A 17-20-year-old

[bv12_8] Does your household include: An over 20-year-old

[bv12_9] Does your household include: Can't say

[bv13_1] How many of the children are 0-6-year-olds?

[bv13_2] How many of the children are 7-16-year-olds?

[bv14] Occupational group of the head of household (= the person with the highest income)

[bv15] Respondent's employment status

[bv16] Who in the household is mainly responsible for taking care of everyday household duties such as shopping, etc.?

[bv17] Province of residence (old division)

[bv18] Major region of residence (NUTS2) (old division)

[bv19] Region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv20_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would you vote for?

[bv20_2] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which party or group would be your second choice?

[bv20_3] Which party or group did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections?

[q1] In your opinion, how well has Finland managed its foreign policy over the past few years?

[q2] If Finland were attacked, should Finns in all circumstances take up arms in defence of their country, even though the outcome seemed uncertain?

[q3] What is your opinion on the Defence Forces funding?

[q4] Considering the present state of the world, do you think that over the next five years Finns and Finland will live in a more secure or insecure world?

[q5_1] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Finland's membership in the EU

[q5_2] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Finland's potential NATO membership

[q5_3] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: NATO enlargement to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

[q5_4] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Potential NATO enlargement to the Ukraine

[q5_5] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Increase in Finland's international economic co-operation

[q5_6] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Finland's participation in the EU's common defence

[q5_7] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Finland's participation in the European rapid reaction force

[q5_8] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Military non-alignment of Sweden

[q5_9] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Sweden's potential membership in NATO

[q5_10] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: EU's fight against terrorism

[q5_11] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Turkey's potential membership in the EU

[q5_12] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Finnish troops participating in crisis management operations in war zones

[q5_13] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: US war against terrorism

[q5_14] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Russia's war against terrorism

[q5_15] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Military non-alignment of Finland

[q5_16] Impact on the security of Finns and Finland: Increase in foreign ownership in Finnish economic life

[q6] In your opinion, how well has Finland managed its defence policy over the past few years?

[q7_1] Do you think the EU has the right to intervene militarily in a non-EU country to: Prevent a violent conflict or a threat of such a conflict

[q7_2] Do you think the EU has the right to intervene militarily in a non-EU country to: Ensure humanitarian aid

[q7_3] Do you think the EU has the right to intervene militarily in a non-EU country to: Overthrow a dictatorship

[q7_4] Do you think the EU has the right to intervene militarily in a non-EU country to: Prevent a genocide

[q8] Finland has decided to participate in the EU's rapid reaction force, which will be deployed at short notice. Do you approve of this decision?

[q9] What is your opinion on Finland's defence system: Should Finland keep the present universal conscription, adopt a selective conscription, or give up the conscription army altogether and adopt to a professional army?

[q10_1] Do you think military duties of the Finnish Defence Forces should include: Defending Finland's territorial integrity

[q10_2] Do you think military duties of the Finnish Defence Forces should include: Taking part in the defence of the European Union

[q10_3] Do you think military duties of the Finnish Defence Forces should include: Taking part in preventing crises and threatening situations in different parts of the world

[q11_1] What is your opinion on Finland participating in NATO-led crisis management operations?

[q11_2] What is your opinion on Finland making its armoury and command structure compatible with NATO standards?

[q12] In your opinion, should Finland continue its policy of military non-alignment or enter a military alliance? (half of the respondents)

[q13] In your opinion, should Finland seek to become a member of NATO? (half of the respondents)

[q14] How concerned are you about the general political situation in the world?

[q15_1] How concerned are you about the future because of: Conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

[q15_2] How concerned are you about the future because of: Situation in Iraq

[q15_3] How concerned are you about the future because of: Use of natural resources of the world

[q15_4] How concerned are you about the future because of: State of the environment in the world

[q15_5] How concerned are you about the future because of: Use of nuclear energy in Russia

[q15_6] How concerned are you about the future because of: Use of nuclear energy in Finland

[q15_7] How concerned are you about the future because of: Climate change

[q15_8] How concerned are you about the future because of: Nuclear weapons

[q15_9] How concerned are you about the future because of: International terrorism

[q15_10] How concerned are you about the future because of: Possibility that Finland may become a target of a terrorist act

[q15_11] How concerned are you about the future because of: International organised crime

[q15_12] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases

[q15_13] How concerned are you about the future because of: Globalisation of the economy

[q15_14] How concerned are you about the future because of: Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

[q15_15] How concerned are you about the future because of: Recent developments in Russia

[q15_16] How concerned are you about the future because of: Situation in the Middle East

[q15_17] How concerned are you about the future because of: Effects of the war against terrorism on human rights and civil liberties

[q15_18] How concerned are you about the future because of: Increase in the number of immigrants in Finland

[q15_19] How concerned are you about the future because of: Relations between the Christian and Muslim worlds

[q15_20] How concerned are you about the future because of: Employment situation in Finland

[q15_21] How concerned are you about the future because of: Future prospects for the Finnish economy

[q15_22] How concerned are you about the future because of: Future prospects for Finnish welfare services

[q16] Would you be willing to participate in voluntary defence training and courses?

[q17] What is your attitude towards the fact that armed military training is provided outside of the Finnish Defence Forces and the Finnish Border Guard?

[q18] If Finland decided to enter a military alliance, what would you see as the best option?

[q19] Which of the following options best represents your views on a common defence policy for the European Union?

[q20] If Finland gets involved in a war fought with conventional weapons, what kind of chances would Finland have to defend itself?

[q21_1] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces should participate more in countering non-military threats

[q21_2] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces should participate less in countering non-military threats

[q21_3] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces should participate in maintaining order in public events

[q21_4] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The military equipment and personnel of the Defence Forces should be utilised in accidents and disasters

[q21_5] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces should participate more in combating terrorism

[q21_6] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces should help the police in maintaining law and order and in combating crime

[q21_7] What is your attitude towards the following statements related to the Defence Forces' tasks: The Defence Forces could also provide executive assistance to foreign authorities

[q22] Finland has decided to send peacekeepers in southern Lebanon to bolster the UN force. What is your attitude towards this decision?

[q23_1] What do you think about Finland's decision to send peacekeepers in southern Lebanon to bolster the UN force: From the viewpoint of the region's safety

[q23_2] What do you think about Finland's decision to send peacekeepers in southern Lebanon to bolster the UN force: From the viewpoint of Finnish foreign policy

[q24_1] Which of the following tasks do you think should be included in the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon: Bringing the region totally under the control of the Lebanese government

[q24_2] Which of the following tasks do you think should be included in the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon: Prevention of Hezbollah's armed struggle against Israel across the border

[q24_3] Which of the following tasks do you think should be included in the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon: Prevention of Israel's armed struggle against Lebanon across the border

[q24_4] Which of the following tasks do you think should be included in the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon: Disarmament of Hezbollah

[q24_5] Which of the following tasks do you think should be included in the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon: Use of armed force to protect civilians

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