FSD2258 Gallup Ecclesiastica 2003

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Respondent's gender

[bv2] Respondent's age

[bv3] Is the respondent the household head (the person with the highest income)?

[bv4] Respondent's economic activity and occupational status

[bv5] (IF RETIRED) Respondent's former economic activity and occupational status

[bv7] Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives

[bv9] Respondent's education

[bv10] Within which of the following income brackets does your gross household income fall (total income of all household members before taxes)?

[bv11_1] Number of persons aged over 16 in the household (including the respondent)

[bv11_2] Number of persons aged 7-16 in the household

[bv11_3] Number of persons aged under 7 in the household

[bv11_4] Total number of persons in the household

[bv12] Respondent's household composition

[bv13] Economic activity and occupational status of the household head (the person with the highest income)

[bv14] (IF RETIRED) Former economic activity and occupational status of the household head

[bv15] Respondent's employment status

[bv16] Who decides over your household's grocery shopping?

[bv17] Respondent's province of residence (according to the pre-1997 classification)

[bv18] Major region (NUTS2)

[bv19] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv20_1] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for?

[bv20_2] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or group would you vote for AS YOUR SECOND CHOICE?

[bv20_3] Which party or group did you vote in the 2003 parliamentary elections?

[q1] Do you belong to a church or other religious community? If yes, to which one?

[q2_1] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to attend worship services

[q2_2] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to have a Christian baptism for my children

[q2_3] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to act as godparent

[q2_4] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to be married in a church ceremony

[q2_5] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility to have a funeral ceremony in church

[q2_6] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Possibility for myself, my children or other family members to attend parish clubs and other parish events

[q2_7] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church strengthens my faith in God

[q2_8] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church is part of the Finnish way of life

[q2_9] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains the hope of life after death

[q2_10] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church teaches Christian love for one's neighbour

[q2_11] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church teaches the right values to children and young people

[q2_12] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church helps the elderly and the disabled

[q2_13] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains cemeteries

[q2_14] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church helps the poor in the Third World

[q2_15] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Belonging to the church gives security in life

[q2_16] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains churches and churchyards which are part of our cultural history

[q2_17] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church offers spiritual guidance to those who want it

[q2_18] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church publicly defends the poor and the marginalised

[q2_19] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: The church maintains the Christian tradition of church holidays (Christmas, Easter etc.)

[q2_20] How important do you consider the following reasons to be for belonging to the church: Churches are open for those who want to pray or meditate

[q3] Have you considered leaving the Evangelical Lutheran Church?

[q4] Have you considered joining the Evangelical Lutheran Church?

[q5_1] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland: knowledgeable - not knowledgeable

[q5_2] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Honest - dishonest

[q5_3] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Spiritual - secularised

[q5_4] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Necessary - unnecessary

[q5_5] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Right-wing - left-wing

[q5_6] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Poor - rich

[q5_7] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Modern - old-fashioned

[q5_8] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Willing to serve - unwilling to serve

[q5_9] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Easily approachable - distant

[q5_10] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Reliable - unreliable

[q5_11] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Open - closed/self-contained

[q5_12] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Merciful - judgemental

[q5_13] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Efficient - inefficient

[q5_14] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Dynamic - declining

[q5_15] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Flexible - inflexible

[q5_16] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Tolerant - intolerant

[q5_17] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Unselfish - selfish

[q5_18] How well do the following contrasting images correspond with your views of the Evangelical Lutheran Church: Defends the weak - supports the strong

[q6_1] How often do you take part in or attend: Worship services

[q6_2] How often do you take part in or attend: Holy Communion

[q6_3] How often do you take part in or attend: Groups activities organised by the local parish

[q6_4] How often do you take part in or attend: Church concerts or other religious music events

[q6_5] How often do you take part in or attend: Confession

[q6_6] How often do you take part in or attend: Revival or devotional meetings

[q6_7] How often do you take part in or attend: Camps or trips organised by the local parish

[q7_1] How often do you pray?

[q7_2] How often do you read the Bible or the New Testament?

[q7_3] How often do you read the parish magazine or other Christian magazines?

[q7_4] How often do you listen to spiritual or religious radio programs?

[q7_5] How often do you watch spiritual or religious television programs?

[q8] Some people believe that people will be judged after death on the way they have lived their lives while other people do not believe so. What do you think?

[q9] Which of the following comes closest to describing your beliefs about what happens after death?

[q10] Do you believe in God?

[q11_1] Do you believe that: God created the world?

[q11_2] Do you believe that: Jesus is the Son of God?

[q11_3] Do you believe that: Jesus was born of a virgin?

[q11_4] Do you believe that: Jesus rose from the dead?

[q11_5] Do you believe that: Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead?

[q11_6] Do you believe that: The miracles referred to in the Bible really happened?

[q11_7] Do you believe that: The teachings of Jesus can be used as guidelines for modern life?

[q11_8] Do you believe that: Satan exists?

[q12_1] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Funerals

[q12_2] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Wedding ceremonies

[q12_3] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Baptism

[q12_4] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Activities and support for the elderly

[q12_5] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Confirmation classes

[q12_6] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Activities and support for the disabled

[q12_7] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Youth work

[q12_8] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Sunday schools for children

[q12_9] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Daytime playgroups for children

[q12_10] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: After-school clubs for children

[q12_11] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Cemetry maintenance

[q12_12] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Hospital chaplains

[q12_13] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Help for the unemployed

[q12_14] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Family counseling centers

[q12_15] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Guides and Scouts

[q12_16] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Worship services

[q12_17] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Clubs for girls or boys

[q12_18] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Telephone helpline

[q12_19] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Mummon kammari (day centers for the elderly and coordination of volunteer work to help the elderly)

[q12_20] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Missionary work

[q12_21] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Music events

[q12_22] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Finnish Seamen's Mission

[q12_23] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Food banks

[q12_24] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Parish magazines

[q12_25] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Worship services on the radio

[q12_26] How well do you think the Evangelical Lutheran Church and its parishes have succeeded in carrying out the following: Participating in public debate on ethical issues

[q13] On a scale from 4 (poor) to 10 (excellent), how would you rate the general performance of the Evangelical Lutheran parishes in carrying out their activities and tasks?

[q14_1] What is your persoal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Orthodox Church

[q14_2] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Roman Catholic Church

[q14_3] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Evangelical Lutheran Church

[q14_4] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Salvation Army

[q14_5] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Seventh-Day Adventist Church

[q14_6] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Evangelical Free Church

[q14_7] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Pentecostalism

[q14_8] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Jehova's Witnesses

[q14_9] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Mormons

[q14_10] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Islamism

[q14_11] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Hinduism

[q14_12] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Buddhism

[q14_13] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Judaism

[q14_14] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Hare Krishna movement

[q14_15] What is your personal attitude towards the gollowing religious denominations, communities or groups: Scientology

[q15_1] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is important to provide children with religious education

[q15_2] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is important to teach children the evening prayer

[q15_3] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Jesus was both a man and a God

[q15_4] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Jesus was a prophet

[q15_5] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Jesus was a religious leader

[q15_6] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Jesus is my personal Saviour

[q15_7] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Jesus never existed

[q16] Which of these statements comes closest to describing your views of the Bible?

[q17] The Evangelical Lutheran Church has ordinated women as priests since 1988. What is your attitude towards the ordination of women?

[q18] If you accept the ordination of women, what is your attitude towards those who oppose female ministers?

[q19] If you do not accept the ordination of women, what is your attitude towards events where there is a female minister present?

[q20] Did you know that the Evangelical Lutheran Church has carried out a reform of divine worship?

[q21] Do you think the reform was necessary?

[q22] Do you think the worship service have changed for better or for worse?

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