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[q1] People talk about climate change but is this talk it based on facts? Do you think climate change is...
[q2] If we assume that climate is changing in some way, how serious an issue/threat do you consider this to be to the human race?
[q3] Do you think that climate change is a result of human activity (e.g. air pollution) or are we talking about a normal cyclical change in the climate?
[q4] What do you estimate will be the speed of climate change over the next decades (say, over the following 20-30 years)?
[q5_1] Climate change is the most serious threat ever faced by the human race
[q5_2] All this talk about climate change has been greatly exaggerated, it is just another 'end of the world' scare as will be confirmed by history
[q5_3] The exceptionally dry and hot last summer in Finland was a consequence of climate change/a sign of its impact
[q5_4] As wealthy industrial countries produce most greenhouse gas emissions, they also bear the main responsibility for tackling climate change
[q5_5] Developed countries should (not the least because it is in their own interest) donate energy efficient, environmentally-friendly technologies and related patents to developing countries for free
[q5_6] Developing countries should bear more responsibility for climate change and environmental issues in general than they do at present
[q5_7] Compared internationally, Finland has acted responsibly in climate issues
[q5_8] Compared internationally, Finnish enterprises have acted responsibly in climate issues
[q5_9] Considering the seriousness of the issue, climate change has received far too little attention in political decision-making in Finland
[q5_10] EU countries should not reduce their emissions other countries also commit themselves to do the same (Kyoto Protocol, emissions trading etc.)
[q5_11] Even though it may be difficult to combat climate change, it can be slowed down to a degree where the damage to environment and humanity is not insuperable
[q5_12] Regardless of how well we succeed in tackling climate change, we should start adapting ourselves to its impacts even now
[q6] How interested are you in/how actively do you follow the discussion about climate change?
[q7] And how knowledgeable do you regard yourself to be on these issues? How much do you think you know about climate change?
[q8_1] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: News in newspapers
[q8_2] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Expert articles and sciene sections in newspapers
[q8_3] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: News and current affairs programmes on TV
[q8_4] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Documentaries, nature and science programmes on TV
[q8_5] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: The radio
[q8_6] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Magazines
[q8_7] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: The Internet
[q8_8] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Scientific journals, non-fiction literature
[q8_9] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Movies, entertainment, so-called popular culture
[q8_10] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Own education and/or work
[q8_11] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Voluntary organisations
[q8_12] How important to you are the following as sources of information on climate change: Friends, colleagues, relatives
[q9_1] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Ministry of the Environment
[q9_2] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Government or other public environmental authorities
[q9_3] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Finnish Meteorological Institute
[q9_4] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Research institutes in general
[q9_5] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Energy companies
[q9_6] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Forest industry, export industry
[q9_7] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Environmental or nature conservation organisations/associations
[q9_8] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: The government of Finland
[q9_9] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Political parties and politicians in general
[q9_10] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: Environmental authorities and bodies of the EU
[q9_11] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: UN and its agencies
[q9_12] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: The government of the United States/administration of President Bush
[q9_13] How reliable would you say the following are as sources of information on climate change: International oil companies/major international energy companies
[q10] On the whole, do you think that citizens have received sufficient information on climate change issues?
[q11] And how would you grade the quality of the information given (understandability, clarity etc)?
[q12a_1] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increase in global average temperature
[q12a_2] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Melting of ice sheets and glaciers
[q12a_3] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increased number and more serious floods and storms
[q12a_4] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Rise in sea level
[q12a_5] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increased droughts and desertification
[q12a_6] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increased number of forest fires and other fires
[q12a_7] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Animal and plant species will become extinct
[q12a_8] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: General increase in extreme weather events
[q12a_9] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Vast areas will become inhabitable
[q12a_10] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increase in migration/in the number of refugees
[q12a_11] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Recession or depression of the world economy
[q12a_12] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Increased number of wars and international crises
[q12a_13] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Fight over water resources/habitable areas
[q12a_14] If we assume that climate change cannot be prevented to any significant degree, how likely is it that climate change will have the following global impact over the next 20-30 years: Global environmental disaster/'end of the world'
[q12b_1] How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: No/little snow in winter
[q12b_2]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Summers will become hot and dry
[q12b_3]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Summers will become rainy and stormy
[q12b_4]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Gulf Stream will weaken and Finland will become cooler
[q12b_5]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Seasons will change/become less pronounced
[q12b_6]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: New species will replace traditional animal and plant species
[q12b_7]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Low-lying coastal areas will suffer from the rising sea level
[q12b_8]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: There will be little impact on the climate of Finland
[q12b_9]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: Finland may even benefit, for example, by getting a more favourable climate for crops
[q12b_10]How likely is it that climate change will have the following impact on Finland over the next 20-30 years: On the whole, there will be more disadvantages than advantages
[q13_1] Climate change is said to be caused by so-called greenhouse gases. How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Traffic, fuels used in vehicles and exhaust gas
[q13_2] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Energy production, use of fossil fuels for energy production
[q13_3] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Industry, its combustion processes and emissions
[q13_4] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Waste-dumps (generation of methane in landfills)
[q13_5] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Livestock raising (rumination of cows)
[q13_6] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Agriculture and food production in general
[q13_7] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Small fires, fireplaces, wood-fuelled heating
[q13_8] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Forest fires, fires in general
[q13_9] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Wars, accidents
[q13_10] How significant a source of greenhouse gases do you regard the following on a global level: Nuclear power plants
[q14] To what extent do you think climate change can be tackled?
[q15] What kind of measures do you believe will be adopted globally in the next few years (for example, international co-operation, environmental agreements, restrictions on emissions)?
[q16_1] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Actions and choices of individual citizens/consumers
[q16_2] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: National-level policies and actions in Finland
[q16_3] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Decisions and climate policy of the EU
[q16_4] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Decisions and climate policy of the United States
[q16_5] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Decisions of big developing countries such as China and India
[q16_6] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Extensive and binding international environmental agreements
[q16_7] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Measures based on political decision-making in general
[q16_8] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Actions of major international companies
[q16_9] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: Actions of enterprises/markets/business life in general
[q16_10] Climate change demands many kinds of measures and co-operation. How crucial are the following measures/bodies in the effort to solve global climate problems: New technology/new innovations (e.g. in energy production)
[q17_1] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Buy environmentally friendly products
[q17_2] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Make fewer car journeys/use public transport
[q17_3] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Walk or cycle whenever possible
[q17_4] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Use so-called green (zero-emissions) electricity
[q17_5] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Sort recyclable waste
[q17_6] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Recycle appliances and other items
[q17_7] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Use recycled paper
[q17_8] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Avoid buying disposable items
[q17_9] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Buy locally grown food
[q17_10] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Lower/monitor temperature level at home
[q17_11] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Buy energy efficient appliances
[q17_12] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: On the whole, consume less
[q17_13] Although the choices of individual citizens may not be enough to solve climate problems, how useful for preventing climate change is it for the individual to: Inform others of/educate children on climate change
[q18] How willing would you say Finns are in general to adopt these measures (at least some of them)?
[q19] And how willing would you yourself be to adopt these measures in your everyday life?
[bv1] Respondent's gender
[bv2] Respondent's age group
[bv3] Size of the municipality of residence
[bv4] Region of residence (NUTS3)
[bv5] Respondent's basic education
[bv6] Respondent's vocational education
[bv7] Respondent's ccupational group and economic activity
[bv8] Are you a member of a confederation of trade unions or staff associations?
[bv9] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party would you vote for?