Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_pro] FSD processing level
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[id] Original case id
[q1] Respondent's university
[q2] Respondent's gender
[q3] Research field the respondent represents
[q4] Does your department have any guidelines or regulations on the preservation of digital research data?
[q5_1] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected remain in the hands of the original researcher(s)
[q5_2] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected are deposited in the department/institute, without further processing or documentation
[q5_3] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected are archived in the department/institution and described in a catalogue/database
[q5_4] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected are archived at the university archive
[q5_5] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected are archived at a data archive
[q5_6] How common a practice in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data collected are destroyed
[q5_7] How common a practice in your department/institute? No digital data collected for our research (e.g. theoretical studies or studies using statistical or already existing data)
[q6_1] Is the following true in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the original researchers themselves use the data for further research
[q6_2] Is the following true in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data are submitted, if requested, to other researchers studying a similar subject
[q6_3] Is the following true in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, students can use the data for their theses
[q6_4] Is the following true in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data are rarely, if ever, reused
[q6_5] Is the following true in your department/institute: After the original research is completed, the data may be used in other ways
[q7_1] After the original research is completed, how frequently are the digital data collected in the department/institute reused: For doctoral theses?
[q7_2] After the original research is completed, how frequently are the digital data collected in the department/institute reused: For other research?
[q7_3] After the original research is completed, how frequently are the digital data collected in the department/institute reused: For Bachelor's or Master's theses?
[q7_4] After the original research is completed, how frequently are the digital data collected in the department/institute reused: For teaching?
[q8] As regards digital data that have been collected in the department/institute for research which is completed, estimate the proportion of data that are reusable
[q9_1] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Subject matter not relevant for current studies
[q9_2] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Confidentiality and data protection issues (information given to participants on data use, identifiers in the data)
[q9_3] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Other legal issues (e.g. intellectual property rights)
[q9_4] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: At the time of data collection, no agreements were made on copyright
[q9_5] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: IT issues (e.g. obsolete formats, damaged data)
[q9_6] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Concerns about the usability of data (insufficient documentation of data and data files)
[q9_7] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Concerns related to research ethics
[q9_8] How much does the following explain why the digital data collected in your research field are not reused: Other reason
[q10] Is this survey the first time you receive information on the OECD guidelines on open access to research data?
[q11] In your opinion, to what extend can the OECD guidelines be implemented in your own research field?
[q12_1] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Reducing duplicate data collection efforts
[q12_2] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Financial benefits gained through more effective use of data resources
[q12_3] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Increasing communication and co-operation within the scientific community
[q12_4] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Enabling scrutinity (and repeatability) of research results
[q12_5] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Improving the quality of research
[q12_6] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Improving the quality of teaching
[q12_7] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Diversity of research designs and questions (e.g. comparison over time) which the use of archived data allow
[q12_8] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: More equal access to data for different groups
[q12_9] Your opinion on how significant a benefit enhancing open access to digital research data would be for: Other benefit
[q13_1] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Concerns about inadvertent misuse of data, and consequent mistakes
[q13_2] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Resources needed by researchers to document and process their data for reuse
[q13_3] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Resources needed by researchers to give advice on the reuse of their data
[q13_4] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Data sharing increases the risks related to data protection, confidentiality and research ethics issues
[q13_5] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Loss of competitive advantage as the researcher allows others to use the data he/she has collected
[q13_6] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Research participants/respondents were not informed that the data collected from them would be archived for the use of the scientific community
[q13_7] Your opinion on how significant a barrier the following is to enhancing open access to data: Other barrier
[q14_1] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Guidelines and principles established by each university separately
[q14_2] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Guidelines and principles established by the Finnish universities together
[q14_3] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Guidelines and principles established by research funders
[q14_4] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Research grants include funds for preparing the data for sharing and archiving
[q14_5] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Guidelines and principles established by the National Advisory Board on Research Ethics
[q14_6] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Universities incorporate open access principles in undergraduate and graduate education
[q14_7] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Increasing teaching and learning materials on research data ethics and confidentiality issues
[q14_8] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Increasing teaching and learning materials on digital data life cycle issues
[q14_9] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Archiving data for the use of the scientific community is acknowledged to be scientific merit
[q14_10] How good or bad do you regard the following means to be for implementing open access to research data in your field: Other means
[q15] How binding should the guidelines on open access to data be? An example: a dataset collected with public funding, without confidentiality or copyright problems, and not actively used by the research group 5 years from the collection.
[q16_1] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Academy of Finland
[q16_2] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation)
[q16_3] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: National Archives Service
[q16_4] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: National Advisory Board on Research Ethics
[q16_5] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Ministry of Education
[q16_6] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Other ministries
[q16_7] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Finnish Council of University Rectors
[q16_8] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Individual universities
[q16_9] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Science and Technology Policy Council of Finland
[q16_10] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Research societies and associations
[q16_11] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Statistics Finland
[q16_12] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Sector research institutes
[q16_13] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Other research institutes
[q16_14] To what extent should the following bodies take part in drawing up the guidelines on access to digital research data generated with public funding: Other bodies
[q17_1] Specify three bodies which you would consider as the most important for drawing up the guidelines: The most important
[q17_2] Specify three bodies which you would consider as the most important for drawing up the guidelines: The second most important
[q17_3] Specify three bodies which you would consider as the most important for drawing up the guidelines: The third most important
[q18_1] The archiving and dissemination of digital research data for reuse can be organised in many ways. What is your opinion on the following: National data archives for different disciplines handle the archiving and dissemination.
[q18_2] The archiving and dissemination of digital research data for reuse can be organised in many ways. What is your opinion on the following: Each university has its own data archive.
[q18_3] The archiving and dissemination of digital research data for reuse can be organised in many ways. What is your opinion on the following: University departments/institutes handle the archiving and dissemination.
[q18_4] The archiving and dissemination of digital research data for reuse can be organised in many ways. What is your opinion on the following: The researcher himself/herself handles the archiving and dissemination.
[q19] Your estimate on the general attitude of researchers in your research field towards enhancing open access to digital research data generated with public funding
[q20] What is your attitude to open access to digital research data collected in your own research?