FSD2418 Lisääntymisterveys Pietarissa: naiset 2004

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[bv1] Date of registration

[q1] The respondent's year of birth

[q2_1] Are you currently: Married

[q2_2] Are you currently: Cohabiting

[q2_3] Are you currently: Divorced

[q2_4] Are you currently: Married but not living with spouse

[q2_5] Are you currently: Widow

[q2_6] Are you currently: Single

[q3] How many marriages or cohabiting relationships have you had?

[q4] Your citizenship?

[q5] Your mother tongue?

[q6_1] List the people with whom you live: Living alone

[q6_2] List the people with whom you live: Your husband

[q6_3] List the people with whom you live: Cohabiting partner

[q6_4_1] List the people with whom you live: Children under 18 years old

[q6_4_2] List the people with whom you live: Children under 18 years old (number of persons)

[q6_5_1] List the people with whom you live: Children over 18 years old

[q6_5_2] List the people with whom you live: Children over 18 years old (number of persons)

[q6_6_1] List the people with whom you live: Daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren

[q6_6_2] List the people with whom you live: Daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren (number of persons)

[q6_7_1] List the people with whom you live: Parents (yours or your husband's)

[q6_7_2] List the people with whom you live: Parents (yours or your husband's) (number of persons)

[q6_8_1] List the people with whom you live: Sisters/brothers (yours or your husband's)

[q6_8_2] List the people with whom you live: Sisters/brothers (yours or your husband's) (number of persons)

[q6_9_1] List the people with whom you live: Other relatives (yours or your husband's)

[q6_9_2] List the people with whom you live: Other relatives (yours or your husband's) (number of persons)

[q6_10_1] List the people with whom you live: Friends, acquaintances

[q6_10_2] List the people with whom you live: Friends, acquaintances (number of persons)

[q6_11_1] List the people with whom you live: Tenants

[q6_11_2] List the people with whom you live: Tenants (number of persons)

[q6_12_1] List the people with whom you live: Other

[q6_12_2] List the people with whom you live: Other (number of persons)

[q7] How many people are you living with (how many persons belong to the same household including yourself)?

[q8] How many years altogether have you studied including both basic education at school and any full-time studies after basic education?

[q9] The respondent's education

[q10] The respondent's economic activity

[q11] The respondent's current or latest occupation [Categorised]

[q12] The respondent's main life-time occupation [Categorised]

[q13] Do you have an additional job besides your studying, primary occupation or other activity?

[q14] What is your total monthly income after taxes and income transfers have been deducted? (Roubles)

[q15a] What is the total monthly income of your family (who share the income), after taxes and income transfers have been deducted? (Roubles)

[q15b] How many people, including children, share your family income?

[q16] Do you have difficulties with paying bills (for housing, electricity, heating etc)?

[q17_1] Which of the following do you have in your household: Microwave

[q17_2] Which of the following do you have in your household: Video recorder

[q17_3] Which of the following do you have in your household: Television (colour)

[q17_4] Which of the following do you have in your household: Washing machine

[q17_5] Which of the following do you have in your household: Dishwasher

[q17_6] Which of the following do you have in your household: Car

[q17_7] Which of the following do you have in your household: Freezer

[q17_8] Which of the following do you have in your household: Cottage (for holidays/weekends)

[q17_9] Which of the following do you have in your household: Videocamera/camcorder

[q17_10] Which of the following do you have in your household: Satellite/cable TV

[q17_11] Which of the following do you have in your household: Telephone

[q17_12] Which of the following do you have in your household: Mobile phone

[q18a] How many rooms does your family have, excluding kitchen?

[q18b] How many people are living in these rooms?

[q19] How old were you when you started regularly dating a person of the opposite sex (with or without sexual relationship)?

[q20] How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time (including only vaginal and/or anal sex)?

[q21] How old was your partner?

[q22_1] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Nothing

[q22_2] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Coitus interruptus (withdrawal)

[q22_3] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Condom

[q22_4] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Contraceptive pill

[q22_5] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Morning-after pill

[q22_6] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Rhythm method

[q22_7] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Contraceptive ointments, gels, candles, sprays

[q22_8] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Some other method (for example douching)

[q22_9] What contraceptive methods did you use in the first sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy (you can choose several alternatives): Do not remember

[q23] Altogether, how many sexual partners have you had in YOUR LIFE SO FAR?

[q24] How many sexual partners have you had WITHIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, even if you had sexual intercourse only once?

[q25_1] Do you live together with your spouse in marriage, or are you cohabiting, or do you have any other type of regular sexual relationship with someone (of the opposite sex): In marriage

[q25_2] Do you live together with your spouse in marriage, or are you cohabiting, or do you have any other type of regular sexual relationship with someone (of the opposite sex): Cohabiting

[q25_3] Do you live together with your spouse in marriage, or are you cohabiting, or do you have any other type of regular sexual relationship with someone (of the opposite sex): Another type of regular sexual relationship

[q25_4] Do you live together with your spouse in marriage, or are you cohabiting, or do you have any other type of regular sexual relationship with someone (of the opposite sex): No regular sexual relationship

[q26] How long have you been in the current marriage/cohabiting relationship, including the period of regular relationship before marriage? (in years)

[q27] How do you feel about your present sexual relationship? Are you...

[q28] Is it difficult to engage in talking about sex (about sexual matters and contraception) with your current partner?

[q29] Have you had parallel sexual relationships during your marriage (cohabitation)?

[q30] When was the last time that you had sexual intercourse?

[q31] Did you drink alcohol (for example beer, wine, vodka) before the last sexual intercourse?

[q32] People are sometimes sexually interested in persons of the same sex. Are you at the moment sexually interested in...

[q33] Have you had sexual experiences with a person of the same sex (arousing fondling or intercourse)?

[q34] Have you ever been propositioned to have intercourse by offering money or other rewards of similar types?

[q35] Have you received sex education in your childhood at home?

[q36] Have you received sex education at school?

[q37] Are you pregnant at the moment?

[q38] Are you breastfeeding at the moment?

[q39] How old is the child (months)?

[q40] How many pregnancies have you had altogether?

[q41_1_1] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Miscarriage/spontaneous abortions

[q41_1_2] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Miscarriage/spontaneous abortions: in years

[q41_2_1] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Ectopic pregnancies

[q41_2_2] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Ectopic pregnancies: in years

[q41_3_1] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Induced abortions

[q41_3_2] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Induced abortions: in years

[q41_4_1] How many of these pregnancies ended in: Childbirth

[q42_1] In which year was the child born: 1st child

[q42_2] In which year was the child born: 2nd child

[q42_3] In which year was the child born: 3rd child

[q42_4] In which year was the child born: 4th child

[q42_5] In which year was the child born: 5th child

[q42_6] In which year was the child born: 6th child

[q43_1] Was the child born alive or not: 1st child

[q43_2] Was the child born alive or not: 2nd child

[q43_3] Was the child born alive or not: 3rd child

[q43_4] Was the child born alive or not: 4th child

[q43_5] Was the child born alive or not: 5th child

[q43_6] Was the child born alive or not: 6th child

[q44_1] Was the child a boy or a girl: 1st child

[q44_2] Was the child a boy or a girl: 2nd child

[q44_3] Was the child a boy or a girl: 3rd child

[q44_4] Was the child a boy or a girl: 4th child

[q44_5] Was the child a boy or a girl: 5th child

[q44_6] Was the child a boy or a girl: 6th child

[q45_1] Is the child still living with you: 1st child

[q45_2] Is the child still living with you: 2nd child

[q45_3] Is the child still living with you: 3rd child

[q45_4] Is the child still living with you: 4th child

[q45_5] Is the child still living with you: 5th child

[q45_6] Is the child still living with you: 6th child

[q46_1] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 1st child

[q46_2] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 2nd child

[q46_3] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 3rd child

[q46_4] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 4th child

[q46_5] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 5th child

[q46_6] If the child is not living with you, in which year did he/she leave home: 6th child

[q47_1] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 1st child

[q47_2] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 2nd child

[q47_3] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 3rd child

[q47_4] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 4th child

[q47_5] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 5th child

[q47_6] Did you live together with the father of the child in marriage or were you cohabiting at the time when the child was born: 6th child

[q48_1] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 1st child

[q48_2] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 2nd child

[q48_3] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 3rd child

[q48_4] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 4th child

[q48_5] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 5th child

[q48_6] Did you live with some other adult person (friend/acquaintance/relative) at the time when the child was born: 6th child

[q49_1] How many months did you breast-feed your last child, including also partial breast-feeding?

[q49_2] How many months did you breast-feed your last child, including also partial breast-feeding? Months

[q50_1] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: I am not working/did not work but take/took care of the child by myself at home.

[q50_2] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: Father takes/took care of the child at home.

[q50_3] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: Grandmother/grandfather takes/took care of the child.

[q50_4] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: Other relatives take/took care of the child.

[q50_5] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: My child is/was in public kindergarten

[q50_6] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: My child is/was in private kindergarten

[q50_7] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: Other way

[q50_8] Who takes/took care of your child before school age, when you are/were at work: I do not have children

[q51_1] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: Via acquintances (friends)

[q51_2] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: Via neighbors

[q51_3] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: Via relatives

[q51_4] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: Via a special agency

[q51_5] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: Via an announcement

[q51_6] If you have used baby-sitter services, where did you find them: I have not used baby-sitter services

[q52_1] Who took care of you when you were a child under school age: Mother or father took care of me at home.

[q52_2] Who took care of you when you were a child under school age: Grandmother/grandfather took care of me.

[q52_3] Who took care of you when you were a child under school age: Other relatives took care of me.

[q52_4] Who took care of you when you were a child under school age: I was in public kindergarten

[q52_5] Who took care of you when you were a child under school age: Other alternative

[q53_1] Which health care provider did you visit/have you visited during your last/current pregnancy: Women's clinic

[q53_2] Which health care provider did you visit/have you visited during your last/current pregnancy: Public health centre/aid station

[q53_3] Which health care provider did you visit/have you visited during your last/current pregnancy: Private health centre

[q53_4] Which health care provider did you visit/have you visited during your last/current pregnancy: Some other place

[q53_5] Which health care provider did you visit/have you visited during your last/current pregnancy: I do not remember

[q54] How many times did the midwife from the women's clinic visit you at home after your last delivery?

[q55] What do you think, how useful have these visits been?

[q56a_1] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Toxemia

[q56a_2] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Toxemia: Yes, year

[q56a_3] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Toxemia: Yes, when else?

[q56b_1] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: High blood pressure

[q56b_2] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: High blood pressure: Yes, year

[q56b_3] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: High blood pressure: Yes, when else?

[q56c_1] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Protein in urine

[q56c_2] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Protein in urine: Yes, year

[q56c_3] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: Protein in urine: Yes, when else?

[q56d_1] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: High blood sugar values

[q56d_2] During any of your pregnancies, have you had: High blood sugar values: Yes, year

[q57] Have you ever become pregnant while using contraception and decided to terminate the pregnancy?

[q58] Where was the abortion induced?

[q59] Did you pay for the abortion or have other expenses related to it?

[q60] When you had your abortion, did you receive contraceptive counselling from the health care staff that performed the abortion?

[q61] Were you satisfied with the treatment you received in the hospital or clinic that performed the abortion?

[q62_1] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I was not ready to take the responsibility of raising a small child.

[q62_2] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I did not want to take responsibility of a child alone.

[q62_3] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I already have children and I did not want to risk the relationship with my husband or the unity of our family.

[q62_4] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: Unstable and problematic relationship with the husband.

[q62_5] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I did not want to have a child from that partner.

[q62_6] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: My partner or parents pressured me.

[q62_7] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: Financial difficulties.

[q62_8] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: My apartment was too small/not suitable for a big family, and I was not able to get another one.

[q62_9] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: It was necessary for me to finish my studies.

[q62_10] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: The situation at work did not permit me to have a child.

[q62_11] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I was not mature enough to become a mother.

[q62_12] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I was too young.

[q62_13] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: There was nobody who could have helped us to take care of a child.

[q62_14] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: I did not have time to take care of a child.

[q62_15] Reasons influencing your decision to have an abortion: Other reason

[q63] Did you discuss the abortion with your partner beforehand?

[q64] Have you had time periods when you have tried to become pregnant, but have not succeeded or it has taken over 12 months to become pregnant?

[q65_1] Have you had medical examinations or treatment because of childlessness/infertility?

[q65_2] Have you had medical examinations or treatment because of childlessness/infertility: Yes, which year (last time)?

[q66_1] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: I still want to wait and try to become pregnant naturally

[q66_2] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: I don't want outside interference

[q66_3] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: I haven't been aware of the availability of infertility treatment

[q66_4] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: I'm too old to get treatment

[q66_5] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: Treatments are too expensive

[q66_6] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: Hospital and infertility clinics are too far away

[q66_7] If you haven't sought medical help for infertility, why not: Other reason

[q67] How old were you when your period started?

[q68_1] Have you had any of the following infections: Genital herpes infection

[q68_2] Have you had any of the following infections: Condyloma

[q68_3] Have you had any of the following infections: Chlamydia infection

[q68_4] Have you had any of the following infections: Genital candidosis

[q68_5] Have you had any of the following infections: Gonorrhea

[q68_6] Have you had any of the following infections: Syphilis

[q68_7] Have you had any of the following infections: HIV/AIDS

[q68_8] Have you had any of the following infections: Trichomonosis

[q68_9] Have you had any of the following infections: Ureaplasma, mycoplasma

[q68_10] Have you had any of the following infections: Other genital infection

[q69_1_1] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would wait and hope that it goes away by itself

[q69_1_2] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would start treatment by myself

[q69_1_3] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would consult my friends

[q69_1_4] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would consult my parents

[q69_1_5] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would visit a private doctor or private clinic

[q69_1_6] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would visit a women's clinic

[q69_1_7] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would visit a dermatology/venerology clinic

[q69_1_8] If you got an HIV infection, what would you do: I would visit other public medical institution

[q69_2_1] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would wait and hope that it goes away by itself

[q69_2_2] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would start treatment by myself

[q69_2_3] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would consult my friends

[q69_2_4] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would consult my parents

[q69_2_5] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would visit a private doctor or private clinic

[q69_2_6] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would visit a women's clinic

[q69_2_7] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would visit a dermatology/venerology clinic

[q69_2_8] If you got some other STD, what would you do: I would visit other public medical institution

[q70_1] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: I/we don't use any contraceptive method, I/we don't need any contraceptive method

[q70_2] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: The pill

[q70_3] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Coil, intrauterine device

[q70_4] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Condom

[q70_5] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Spermicides: cream, foam, suppositories

[q70_6] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Diaphragm

[q70_7] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Hypodermic contraceptive capsules

[q70_8] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Sterilization (own or partner's)

[q70_9] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Rhythm method

[q70_10] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Withdrawal, coitus interruptus

[q70_11] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Douching

[q70_12] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: 'Morning-after pill'

[q70_13] What contraceptive method did you use when you last had intercourse: Other

[q71] Who decided on using contraception when you last had intercourse?

[q72_1] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: I don't have information about contraceptive methods

[q72_2] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: I don't want to

[q72_3] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: My partner doesn't want to

[q72_4] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: We wouldn't mind if I got pregnant

[q72_5] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: We don't use contraception due to religious beliefs

[q72_6] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: I'm pregnant or breastfeeding

[q72_7] If you didn't use any contraceptive method when you last had intercourse, why not: I don't need to, because I or my partner cannot have children

[q73] If you are using/have lately used condom, it is because:

[q74] Have you ever used contraceptive pills?

[q75] Are you familiar with the contraceptive method called the morning after pill (hormonal tablets after sexual intercourse, e.g. Postinor)?

[q76] Are you satisfied with the method which you are using at the moment?

[q77_1] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: No

[q77_2] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: I have not used the method I would have liked to because of the cost

[q77_3] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: I have not visited a doctor as often as I consider necessary

[q77_4] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: I have not had the laboratory tests I have needed

[q77_5] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: I don't know

[q77_6] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: Other

[q77_7] Has the cost affected your decisions on using contraception during the last year: I don't need contraception at the moment

[q78] When was the last time you visited a doctor, public health nurse or midwife due to contraception?

[q79_1] During your last visit in a medical institution, how satisfied were you with the services related to contraception: Friendliness

[q79_2] During your last visit in a medical institution, how satisfied were you with the services related to contraception: Competence

[q79_3] During your last visit in a medical institution, how satisfied were you with the services related to contraception: Confidentiality

[q79_4] During your last visit in a medical institution, how satisfied were you with the services related to contraception: Adequacy of time

[q80_1] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: She has given birth recently

[q80_2] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: She thinks or knows, that her spouse/partner has a sexually transmitted disease or AIDS

[q80_3] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: The spouse/partner beats her

[q80_4] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: The spouse/partner is drunk

[q80_5] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: The spouse/partner has a sexual relationship with another person

[q80_6] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: She is tired and doesn't want to have intercourse

[q80_7] In your opinion, can a woman refuse to have sexual intercourse with her partner in the following situations: She is unwilling to have intercourse

[q81_1] In your opinion, should men's role/involvement be changed in regard to: Responsibility for contraception

[q81_2] In your opinion, should men's role/involvement be changed in regard to: Responsibility for costs of contraception

[q81_3] In your opinion, should men's role/involvement be changed in regard to: Concern with woman's health during the pregnancy

[q81_4] In your opinion, should men's role/involvement be changed in regard to: Participation in childbirth

[q81_5] In your opinion, should men's role/involvement be changed in regard to: Responsibility in induced abortion

[q82_1] If you don't think about your own situation but the situation in general: What is the ideal number of children in a family?

[q82_2] If you don't think about your own situation but the situation in general: What is a suitable interval between pregnancies?

[q82_3a] If you don't think about your own situation but the situation in general: What is the ideal age for a woman to have her first child?

[q82_3b] If you don't think about your own situation but the situation in general: What is the ideal age for a man to have his first child?

[q83] In your opinion, what is the most suitable number of children for your family?

[q84_1] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I have not found a man with whom I would like to/could have a child

[q84_2] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: Despite trying, I haven't succeeded in having a child

[q84_3] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I wanted to finish my studies first

[q84_4] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: My husband wanted to finish his studies first

[q84_5] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I wanted to get a permanent job first

[q84_6] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: My husband wanted to get a permanent job first

[q84_7] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I wanted to make a career

[q84_8] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I didn't feel mature enough to take responsibility for a child

[q84_9] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I didn't think that my husband was mature enough to take responsibility for a child

[q84_10] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: Insufficient income

[q84_11] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I want to solve the problems with accommodation/housing first

[q84_12] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: Because of problems in my marriage/cohabiting relationship

[q84_13] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: Other reason

[q84_14] If you haven't had a child so far, would you please tell, for what reason: I don't know

[q85] If you chose several alternatives, which of them is the most important one?

[q86_1] Do you have plans to have a child in the future?

[q86_3] Do you have plans to have a child in the future: How many children do you plan to have in the future?

[q86_4] Do you have plans to have a child in the future: If you're currently pregnant, how many more children do you plan to have in the future?

[q87] When do you wish to have your own (first/next) child? (years)

[q88_1] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: My child/children need(s) a brother or a sister

[q88_2] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to have a daughter

[q88_3] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to have a son

[q88_4] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I enjoy watching a child grow and develop

[q88_5] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: Life continues only through children

[q88_6] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: My husband wants a child/children

[q88_7] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to have a child with the man with whom I now live

[q88_8] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: Child is an important expression of love between a husband and wife

[q88_9] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I miss a child in my life

[q88_10] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: For the benefit of the Russian nation, more children are needed

[q88_11] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to have a child so that I would not be alone at old age

[q88_12] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: Children help in domestic work

[q88_13] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to take care of a child and love him/her

[q88_14] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to have a family with many children

[q88_15] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to experience giving birth (once more)

[q88_16] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I want to experience being a mother

[q88_17] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: A person should have as many children as God wants

[q88_18] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: A child/children give(s) meaning to life; someone for whom to live and work

[q88_19] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: Children provide diversity in life

[q88_20] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: Other reason

[q88_21] For what reason(s) would you like to have a child/children: I don't know

[q89] If you chose several alternatives, which of them is the most important?

[q90_1] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm not married/cohabiting and I don't know a man who would be a suitable father for a child

[q90_2] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: My husband doesn't want to have (more) children

[q90_3] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: My husband doesn't participate in taking care of the children and in domestic work as much as I would like him to

[q90_4] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: Because of problems in my marriage/cohabiting relationship

[q90_5] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I want to have time to spend together with my husband

[q90_6] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I probably cannot have children of my own

[q90_7] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I could not work or study (as much as now)

[q90_8] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm worried that I wouldn't have enough time and attention for the children I already have

[q90_9] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm worried that my life would become too difficult

[q90_10] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I don't want to be tied to small children (any more)

[q90_11] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I don't want to experience pregnancy and/or delivery (any more)

[q90_12] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm not young enough to have a child

[q90_13] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I would like to dedicate myself to other things

[q90_14] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I/we cannot afford to have children

[q90_15] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: My apartment is too small/not suitable for a bigger family, and I cannot get another one

[q90_16] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I/my husband is not certain of a permanent job

[q90_17] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: Uncertainty of the childcare at daytime

[q90_18] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: The society doesn't support families with children sufficiently

[q90_19] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm worried about the overpopulation in the world

[q90_20] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I'm sick, or there is a familial disease in the family

[q90_21] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: Other reason

[q90_22] If you have decided not to have (more) children or you're in doubt, what is the reason for that: I don't know

[q91] If you chose several alternatives, which of them is the most important?

[q92_1] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: My/our own financial situation would be better or more secure

[q92_2] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: It would be possible to have a larger apartment

[q92_3] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Sufficient financial benefits that would allow me to look after my child/children at home

[q92_4] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Sufficient financial benefits that would allow to organize childcare the way I/we wish

[q92_5] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Families with children would receive more benefits than now

[q92_6] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Children would have secure and safe childcare near home

[q92_7] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: More equal share of domestic tasks between men and women

[q92_8] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: I would be able to maintain my job after my delivery

[q92_9] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Working hours would be shorter and more flexible

[q92_10] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Russia would become a safer place to live

[q92_11] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Alarming population decrease in Russia

[q92_12] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: People would have a more positive and kind attitude towards children

[q92_13] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Problems threatening the future of the world (ecological problems, wars etc.) would be diminished

[q92_14] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: I cannot have children

[q92_15] What changes in the society or your own life could change your decision not to have children: Other reason

[q93] If you chose several alternatives, which of them is the most important?

[q94] How satisfied are you with your health?

[q95] How would you rate your quality of life?

[q96] Do you have any permanent or chronic illness or any defect, trouble or injury, which reduces your working capacity or functional ability?

[q97] How tall are you? (cm)

[q98] How much do you weigh? (kg)

[q99_1] Have you, because of your own illness (or pregnancy or delivery), seen a doctor during the past 12 months?

[q99_2_1] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: A health centre doctor?

[q99_2_2] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: A doctor in a hospital outpatient department?

[q99_2_3] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: A doctor in occupational care?

[q99_2_4] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: A doctor in a private medical centre?

[q99_2_5] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: A doctor at your home?

[q99_2_6] How many times have you seen a doctor during the past 12 months: Seen a doctor somewhere else?

[q100_1] Have you, during the past 12 months, been an inpatient in a hospital ward because of your own illness (or pregnancy or delivery)?

[q100_2] Have you, during the past 12 months, been an inpatient in a hospital ward because of your own illness (or pregnancy or delivery): Yes, how many times altogether?

[q101] At what age did you visit gynaecologist for the first time?

[q102_1] Have you had the following health examinations: Mammography (X-ray of the breasts)

[q102_2] Have you had the following health examinations: Palpation of the breasts

[q102_3] Have you had the following health examinations: Ultrasonic examination of the breasts

[q102_4] Have you had the following health examinations: PAPA-test (exfoliative cytology of the cervix)?

[q102_5] Have you had the following health examinations: A gynaecological examination

[q103_1] Who would you prefer to visit with questions related to contraception? A

[q103_2] Who would you prefer to visit with questions related to contraception? B

[q103_3] Who would you prefer to visit with questions related to contraception? C

[q103_4] Who would you prefer to visit with questions related to contraception? D

[q104] Have you ever smoked regularly, i.e. smoked at least one cigarette, cigar or pipeful a day for at least one year?

[q105] How often do you consume alcohol to become drunk (to the point when you start losing control)?

[q106] Have you ever in your life used any drugs?

[q107_1] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Threatened to beat you or harm you in some other way

[q107_2] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Pushed you, shook you, or thrown something at you

[q107_3] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Beat you with something, which harmed/could have harmed you

[q107_4] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Threatened you with a knife, a gun or another instrument

[q107_5] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Physically forced you to sexual intercourse against your will

[q107_6] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Threatened or frightened you to make you agree to have sexual intercourse

[q107_7] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Forced you to any sexual activity against you will

[q107_8] During the past 12 months, has somebody: Nobody has applied any force to you

[q108_1] In the past 12 months, how many times after fighting with your partner/husband have you had: Bruises or pain

[q108_2] In the past 12 months, how many times after fighting with your partner/husband have you had: Wounds or fractures

[q108_3] In the past 12 months, how many times after fighting with your partner/husband have you: Visited a doctor or a clinic because of being beaten

[q109] Have you ever told anybody about what happened?

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