FSD2502 Public Safety Survey 2009

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_pro] FSD processing level

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[k1] The respondent's gender

[k2] The respondent's year of birth

[k3] Household composition

[k4] The respondent's basic education

[k5] Type of housing

[k6] My housing is...

[k7] Type of neighbourhood of residence

[k8] The respondent's economic activity and employment status

[k9a] How much do the following phenomena occur in your municipality of residence: Disorderly behaviour by young people

[k9b] How much do the following phenomena occur in your municipality of residence: Unkempt and littered public spaces

[k9c] How much do the following phenomena occur in your municipality of residence: Alcohol consumption in public spaces

[k9d] How much do the following phenomena occur in your municipality of residence: Vandalism, damage to property

[k10] How often are you out and about on foot in the centre of your municipality of residence in the evening or at night time?

[k11a] How safe do you feel when you are walking alone in your neighbourhood during the day?

[k11b] How safe do you feel when you are walking alone in your neighbourhood late on Friday and Saturday evenings?

[k11c] How safe do you feel when you are walking alone in the centre of your municipality of residence late on Friday and Saturday evenings?

[k12] In your opinion, how has the safety of public places in your place of residence changed in the past three years?

[k13] How serious a problem do you consider crime to be in or around your neighbourhood?

[k14a_a] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Car vandalised / maliciously damaged or broken into

[k14b_a] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Car vandalised / maliciously damaged or broken into

[k14a_b] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Personal property vandalised / maliciously damaged

[k14b_b] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Personal property vandalised / maliciously damaged

[k14a_c] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Car or other motor vehicle stolen

[k14b_c] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Car or other motor vehicle stolen

[k14a_d] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Burglary or attempted burglary

[k14b_d] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Burglary or attempted burglary

[k14a_e] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Bicycle theft

[k14b_e] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Bicycle theft

[k14a_f] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Theft of personal property

[k14b_f] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Theft of personal property

[k14a_g] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Robbery or attempted robbery

[k14b_g] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Robbery or attempted robbery

[k14a_h] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Was threatened with violence at the workplace

[k14b_h] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Was threatened with violence at the workplace

[k14a_i] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Was threatened with violence elsewhere

[k14b_i] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Was threatened with violence elsewhere

[k14a_j] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Domestic violence

[k14b_j] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Domestic violence

[k14a_k] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Physical violence at the workplace

[k14b_k] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Physical violence at the workplace

[k14a_l] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Physical violence elsewhere (e.g. been hit or kicked)

[k14b_l] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Physical violence elsewhere (e.g. been hit or kicked)

[k14a_m] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? Where did this happen: Rape or attempted rape

[k14b_m] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Rape or attempted rape

[k14n] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Had a virus or malware on your computer

[k14o] Have you personally experienced any of the following crimes in the past three years? When did this happen: Crime committed using the Internet (fraud, defamation)

[k15a] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Theft or vandalism of property

[k15b] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Attempted house break-in

[k15c] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Fire in your home

[k15d] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Traffic accident

[k15e] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Violence or threat of violence

[k15f] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Sex crime (e.g. rape)

[k15g] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Sexual harassment

[k15h] How worried are you that you might become a victim of the following crimes or incidents in the next 12 months: Cybercrime (fraud, defamation)

[k16a] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Solving car theft

[k16b] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Solving burglaries

[k16c] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Solving drug crimes

[k16d] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Solving violent crimes

[k16e] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Solving situations involving domestic violence

[k16f] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Visible surveillance and patrolling

[k16g] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Handling emergencies

[k16h] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Traffic enforcement

[k16i] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Crime prevention

[k16j] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Notifying the populace of police activities

[k16k] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Licence services (passport, driving licence etc.)

[k16l] How well would you say the police in your place of residence has succeeded in performing the following tasks: Performance of the police overall

[k17a] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years as a victim of a crime?

[k17b] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years as a witness of a crime?

[k17c] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years as a suspect of a crime?

[k17d] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years in matters related to licences and permits?

[k17e] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years in matters related to traffic enforcement?

[k17f] Do you have personal experiences of police activities in the past three years in matters related to something else?

[k18] How often have you seen police officers go about their duties in your neighbourhood?

[k19a] How important do you consider the following police services: Quick arrival of an emergency unit

[k19b] How important do you consider the following police services: High visibility of police patrols

[k19c] How important do you consider the following police services: Solving crimes quickly

[k19d] How important do you consider the following police services: Short distance to a police service point

[k19e] How important do you consider the following police services: Short waiting time at a police service point

[k19f] How important do you consider the following police services: Quick processing of licence and permit applications

[k19g] How important do you consider the following police services: Possibility of reporting a crime online

[k19h] How important do you consider the following police services: Possibility of booking an appointment for licence services online

[k19i] How important do you consider the following police services: Other online services of the police

[k19j] How important do you consider the following police services: Availability of advice services by phone

[k19k] How important do you consider the following police services: Possibility of discussing with a police officer on an Internet forum

[k20a] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Unemployment or threat of unemployment facing you or a person close to you

[k20b] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Alcohol or drug abuse by yourself or a person close to you

[k20c] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Increase in financial difficulties

[k20d] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Domestic violence

[k20e] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: School bullying

[k20f] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Workplace bullying

[k20g] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Loneliness

[k20h] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Serious illness

[k20i] How much do you worry about the following in your own or your family's life in the future: Problems related to Internet security and networks

[k20j] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Availability of social services

[k20k] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Availability of health services

[k20l] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Availability of basic education

[k20m] How much do you worry about the following in your your municipality of residence in the future: Street violence

[k20n] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Availability of police services

[k20o] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Availability of fire and rescue services

[k20p] How much do you worry about the following in your municipality of residence in the future: Passenger safety in public transport

[k20q] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Drug use

[k20r] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Alcohol consumption

[k20s] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Crime

[k20t] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Social exclusion of people

[k20u] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Increase in unemployment

[k20v] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Traffic behaviour

[k20x] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Increase of police powers

[k20y] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Decrease of border control

[k20z] How much do you worry about the following in Finland overall in the future: Possibility of a terrorist attack

[k21] If a competition was organised to find out which municipalities/towns are safe to live in, how do you think your municipality of residence would fare in the competition?

[k22] How satisfied are you with your current neighbourhood of residence?

[k23a] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased street lighting

[k23b] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased lighting in parks

[k23c] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased visibility of police patrols

[k23d] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased visibility of security guards

[k23e] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased traffic surveillance

[k23f] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Camera surveillance of public places

[k23g] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Increased education and awareness on substance abuse

[k23h] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Volunteer patrols among young people on weekends

[k23i] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Closer cooperation between school and parents

[k23j] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Offering more activities for young people

[k23k] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Offering more leisure opportunities

[k23l] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Improved safety of road traffic environment

[k23m] How much would the following measures improve the safety and/or amenity of your neighbourhood: Improved safety of public transport stations

[k24a] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Fire and rescue services

[k24b] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Care and treatment of people with substance abuse problems

[k24c] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Mental health services

[k24d] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Child protection

[k24e] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Child day care

[k24f] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Basic education

[k24g] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Activities for young people

[k24h] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Road maintenance

[k24i] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Emergency patient transport services

[k24j] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Maintenance of parks and recreational areas

[k24k] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Civil protection in cases of crisis

[k24l] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Management of environmental issues

[k24m] On a scale of 4-10 (4 being the lowest and 10 the highest), please assess how well the following services are organised in your municipality of residence: Police services

[k25a] How often do you meet your friends, relatives or co-workers outside the work setting?

[k25b] How often do you participate in virtual communities online (discussion, gaming etc.)?

[k26] Would you say people can generally be trusted or that you should be careful with other people?

[k27a] Please choose the alternative that best describes your participation in the following activities in the past 12 months: Sports club or organisation

[k27b] Please choose the alternative that best describes your participation in the following activities in the past 12 months: Red Cross, volunteer fire department or volunteer rescue service

[k27c] Please choose the alternative that best describes your participation in the following activities in the past 12 months: Other hobby or leisure organisation

[k27d] Please choose the alternative that best describes your participation in the following activities in the past 12 months: Neighbourhood/residents' association

[k27e] Please choose the alternative that best describes your participation in the following activities in the past 12 months: Other associations or groups

[bv1] Province of residence

[bv2] Police departments

[bv3] Municipality code

[bv4] Mother tongue

[bv5] Questionnaire used for responding

[paino09] Weight variable

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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