FSD2519 Finnish Democracy Barometer January 2010: Citizens
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[fsd_pro] FSD processing level
[q1_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree: Voting is a civic duty
[q1_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree: You are interested in politics
[q2_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree: On the whole, democracy works well in Finland
[q3_1] How good or bad a job has done in the past year: President Tarja Halonen
[q3_2] How good or bad a job has done in the past year: Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen
[q3_4] How good or bad a job has done in the past year: Parliament
[q3_5] How good or bad a job has done in the past year: Opposition political parties
[q3_6] How good or bad a job has done in the past year: The media
[q4_1] To what extent do you trust or not trust: President Tarja Halonen
[q4_2] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Parliament
[q4_3] To what extent do you trust or not trust: The government (PM and ministers)
[q4_4] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Political parties
[q4_5] To what extent do you trust or not trust: The political party you feel closest to
[q4_6] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Politicians
[q4_7] To what extent do you trust or not trust: European Union
[q4_8] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Newspapers
[q4_9] To what extent do you trust or not trust: MTV3 television news
[q4_10] To what extent do you trust or not trust: YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) news
[q4_11] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Trade unions
[q4_12] To what extent do you trust or not trust: Businesses, employers
[q5_7] Describes well your views on the election campaign funding scandal: None of the above
[q5_8] Describes well your views on the election campaign funding scandal: Can't say
[bv3] The respondent's education
[bv4] Are you the household head, that is, the person with the highest income in the household?
[bv5] Economic activity and occupational status of the household head
[bv6] Economic activity and occupational status of the respondent
[bv7] The respondent's employment status
[bv8] The respondent's living arrangements
[bv9] Number of persons in the household
[bv10] The annual gross income of the household (total income of all household members before tax)
[bv11] Who in your household makes decisions about everyday shopping?
[bv13] How sure would you be of your party choice made above?
Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format
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