FSD2575 Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Field Notes 2007-2010
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
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Study title
Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Field Notes 2007-2010
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- Lappalainen, Sirpa (University of Helsinki. Department of Education)
The data consist of field notes in which the everyday life of practical nurse students was observed in an educational institution for social and health care in the capital area of Finland.
The field notes include 120 days of observations throughout the three-year education programme. In addition to classes, the researcher also observed social situations outside them. In addition to field notes, interviews of students and teachers were collected (see FSD2735 and FSD2736).
The dataset is only available in Finnish.
anthropology; ethnography; nursing care; nursing education; nursing profession; students; vocational education
Topic Classification
- Social sciences (Fields of Science Classification)
- Higher and further education (CESSDA Topic Classification)
- Vocational education and training (CESSDA Topic Classification)
- Health care services and policies (CESSDA Topic Classification)
- Youth (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Individual datasetsDistributor
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.
Data Collector
- Lappalainen, Sirpa (University of Helsinki. Department of Education)
Time Period Covered
2007-01-30 – 2010-06-04
Collection Dates
2007-01-30 – 2010-06-04
Geographical Coverage
Analysis/Observation Unit Type
Media unit: Text
Practical nurse education
Time Method
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability: Purposive
Collection Mode
Face-to-face interview
Research Instrument
Data collection guidelines: Observation guide
Interview scheme and/or themes
Data Files
Field notes from 120 days in RTF and HTML file format.
Data File Language
The data files of this dataset are available in the following languages: Finnish.
Qualitative data are available in their original language only and are not translated.
Data Version
Related Datasets
FSD2735 Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Teacher Interviews 2007-2010
FSD2736 Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Student Interviews 2007-2010
Completeness of Data and Restrictions
Person names mentioned in the data were anonymised by the researcher or people appointed by the researcher. Because more than one person anonymised the data, pseudonyms used are not consistent throughout.
Citation Requirement
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
Bibliographical Citation
Lappalainen, Sirpa (University of Helsinki): Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Field Notes 2007-2010 [dataset]. Data version 2.0 (2012-08-08). Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.60686/t-fsd2575; URN: https://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2575
Deposit Requirement
Notify FSD of all publications where you have used the data by sending the citation information to user-services.fsd@tuni.fi.
The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data.
Related Publications
Lappalainen, Sirpa, Isopahkala-Bouret, Ulpukka & Lahelma, Elina (2010) Kohti työmarkkinakansalaisuutta hoiva-alan ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Teoksessa Yrittäjyyskasvatus hallintana. Komulainen, K., Keskitalo-Foley, S., Korhonen, M. & Lappalainen, S. (toim.). Tampere : Vastapaino s. 187-206.
Lappalainen, Sirpa (2011) "Tää on oikeesti outoo": Työssäoppimisen käytännöt ja nuorten toimijuus lähihoitajakoulutuksessa. Teoksessa Terveysalan ammatit ja koulutus. Laiho, A. & Ruoholinna, T. (toim.). Helsinki : Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press s. 158-179.
Lappalainen, Sirpa & Mietola, Reetta & Lahelma, Elina (2010): Hakemisen pakkoa, tiedonmuruja ja itseymmärrystä: nuorten koulutusvalinnat ja oppilaanohjaus. Nuorisotutkimus 28(1), 39-55.
Hjelmér, Carina & Lappalainen, Sirpa & Rosvall, Per-Åke (2010): Time, Space and Young People's Agency in Vocational Upper Secondary Education: a cross-cultural perspective. Teoksessa European Educational Research Journal 9(2), 245-256.
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