FSD2592 Finnish Youth Survey 2010

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[t1] Respondent's gender

[t2] Respondent's age

[t4] Household composition

[t5_1] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Matriculation examination (i.e. general upper secondary education)

[t5_2] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Vocational qualification (i.e. upper secondary vocational education)

[t5_3] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: College-level vocational qualification (i.e. post-secondary vocational education)

[t5_4] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Polytechnic/university of applied sciences degree

[t5_5] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: University degree

[t5_6] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: None of the mentioned

[t5_7] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Can't say

[t6] Respondent's economic activity

[t7] (IF T6=1) Are you currently...?

[t8a] (IF T6=2) Are you part-time or full-time employed?

[t8b] (IF T6=2) Type of contract

[t9a] Are you a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church?

[t9b] (IF T9a=NO) Do you belong to any other religious denomination/religion?

[t9c] (IF T9b=YES) Which denomination/religion?

[t9c_2] Other, what?

[t10a] What is your first language?

[t10b_1] What other languanges do you speak: Best spoken other language?

[t10b_2] What other languanges do you speak: 2nd best other language?

[t10b_3] What other languanges do you speak: 3rd best other language?

[t10c] What country were you born in?

[t10d] What year did you move to Finland?

[t10e] Are you a citizen of Finland?

[t10f] What country was your father born in?

[t10g] What country was your mother born in?

[t10h] What is your father's native language?

[t10i] What is your mother's native language?

[t11a] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Finnish?

[t11b] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A foreigner?

[t11c] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A resident of your current town?

[t11d] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: European?

[t11e] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A citizen of the world?

[t11f] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Multicultural?

[t11g] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: An immigrant?

[t11h] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: A person with immigrant background?

[t11i] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Something else?

[t11i_2] To what extent do you feel yourself to be: Something else, what?

[k1_1] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Studies?

[k1_2] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Getting a job?

[k1_3] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: The safety and well-being of your family members?

[k1_4] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own income?

[k1_5] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: The insecurity of your neighbourhood?

[k1_6] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Physical violence against yourself?

[k1_7] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Psychological violence against yourself?

[k1_8] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Sexual violence against yourself?

[k1_9] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own loneliness

[k1_10] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own social exclusion

[k1_11] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own health

[k1_12] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Own future

[k2_1] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: The situation in world politics

[k2_2] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Increase in the number of immigrants

[k2_3] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Values and attitudes that prevail in society

[k2_4] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Global warming caused by man

[k2_5] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Epidemics

[k2_6] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: International terrorism

[k2_7] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: World economy

[k2_8] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Energy sufficiency

[k2_9] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Future of welfare services

[k2_10] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Military attack on Finland

[k2_11] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Cyber crime

[k2_12] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Natural disasters

[k2_13] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Environmental pollution

[k2_14] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Weapons of mass destruction

[k2_15] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Global population growth

[k2_16] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Globalization of the economy

[k2_17] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Expansion of the EU

[k2_18] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Russia

[k2_19] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Islam

[k2_20] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Conflicts between religions

[k2_21] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Racist violence

[k2_22] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Increasing inequality of people

[k2_23] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Loss of community spirit

[k2_24] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Aging population

[k2_25] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Social exclusion of young people

[k3a] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Political left - political right

[k3b] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Patriotic - unpatriotic

[k3c] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Religious - non-religious

[k3d] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Green - not green

[k3e] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Liberal values - conservative values

[k3f] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Market oriented - public sector oriented

[k3g] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Idealist - realist

[k4a] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Adaptable - unadaptable

[k4b] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Tolerant - intolerant

[k4c] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Aggressive - unaggressive

[k4d] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Pessimist - optimist

[k4e] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Heterosexual - homosexual

[k4f] Where would you place yourself on the following scale: Social - antisocial

[k5a] Which of the following do you think would be the best basis for the defence system of Finland

[k5b] (IF k5a=2) How should the selection for military service be done?

[k5c] (IF k5a=1 or 2) Military service should be compulsory for ...

[k5d] (IF k5a=3) Voluntary military service should be applicable to ...

[k7] (FOR WOMEN) Have you performed or considered performing voluntary military service?

[k8] (FOR MALES AGED 17 OR OVER AND FEMALES WITH k7=1) Have you performed military service?

[k9] (IF k8 = 2 or 3) Have you performed civilian service?

[k10] What was the duration of your military service?

[k11a] (FOR 15-16-YEAR-OLD MALES OR IF k8=2 OR 3)Are you going to perform...?

[k11b] (IF k11a=3) Why?

[k12a] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Patriotism?

[k12b] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Sense of duty?

[k12c] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: War history of the family?

[k12d] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Parents' opinions?

[k12e] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Grandparents' opinions?

[k12f] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Partner's or spouse's opinions?

[k12g] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Friends' opinions?

[k12h] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Desire to take the easy way out?

[k12i] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Factors related to your own financial situation?

[k12j] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Factors related to your appearance or style?

[k12k] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Accomodation conditions?

[k12l] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Use of weapons?

[k12m] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Anxiety/fear?

[k12n] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Duration of service?

[k12o] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Physical strain?

[k12p] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Improving physical fitness?

[k12q] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Employment and career in the future?

[k12r] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Ethical reasons?

[k12s] How much do/did the following aspects influence your decision between military or civilian service: Religious reasons?

[k13a] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: My physical fitness improved

[k13b] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: My psychological well-being improved

[k13c] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I gained social skills

[k13d] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I acquired leadership skills

[k13e] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Things that I learned in the service have been useful in life

[k13f] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I experienced the service as meaningful/sensible

[k13g] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Military service was a disappointment to me

[k13h] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I got friends that I am still in contact with

[k13i] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: The daily schedule was usually efficiently organized

[k13j] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Training methods were appropriate

[k13k] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Battle training was often interesting

[k13l] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I would have liked to test my resilience and push my limits further with even heavier exercises

[k13m] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Military service was physically too hard for me

[k13n] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Military service was psychologically too hard for me

[k13o] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Military service sparked in me a lasting enthusiasm for sporting activities

[k13p] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I have some very positive memories and experiences

[k13q] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: Military service increased my self-confidence

[k13r] How do the following statements reflect your own experiences of military service: I would have performed military service even if had been voluntary

[k14] How many times did you become a target of bullying during your military service?

[k15a] How has voluntary military service for women affected: Gender equality?

[k15b] How has voluntary military service for women affected: Battle abilities of the Finnish defence forces?

[k15c] How has voluntary military service for women affected: The set of values prevailing in the army?

[k15d] How has voluntary military service for women affected: The image of the army?

[k15e] How has voluntary military service for women affected: The team spirit in the army?

[k16a] What do you think about the following statements: Military service benefits young people

[k16b] What do you think about the following statements: Army makes men out of boys

[k16c] What do you think about the following statements: It's good that women have the possibility to perform voluntary military service

[k16d] What do you think about the following statements: I value it in a man that he has performed military service

[k16e] What do you think about the following statements: I value it in a woman that she has performed military service

[k16f] What do you think about the following statements: I value it in a man that he has performed civilian service

[k16g] What do you think about the following statements: I'd prefer that my spouse/future spouse has performed military service

[k16h] What do you think about the following statements: The army is the biggest fitness school in Finland

[k16i] What do you think about the following statements: Compulsory military service is important for Finland's defence

[k16j] What do you think about the following statements: The fact that people in an age group, regardless of their backgrounds, serve together in the army helps unite the nation

[k16k] What do you think about the following statements: Performing military service is an homage to the war veterans' generation

[k16l] What do you think about the following statements: Conscription should be improved so that military and civilian service would start with joint training sessions for both groups

[k16m] What do you think about the following statements: Conscription should be developed to give individuals more skills and knowledge that are useful in civilian life

[k16n] What do you think about the following statements: Conscription in Finland should be changed so that it would apply to both men and women, and could be performed as either military or civilian service

[k16o] What do you think about the following statements: Conscription applying to men only is unjust

[k16p] What do you think about the following statements: The world has changed so that conscription is unnecessary

[k16q] What do you think about the following statements: I value the conviction of conscientious objectors

[k16r] What do you think about the following statements: Conscientious objectors are treated too harshly in Finland

[k16s] What do you think about the following statements: Homosexuals should be banned from military service

[k16t] What do you think about the following statements: Gun fanatics/people who are too enthusiastic about guns should be banned from military service

[k16u] What do you think about the following statements: People with mental health problems should be banned from military service

[k16v] What do you think about the following statements: Finland requires independent and strong Defence Forces

[k16w] What do you think about the following statements: If Finland is attacked, Finns should in all circumstances take up arms in defence of their country, even though the outcome seemed uncertain

[k16x] What do you think about the following statements: If Finland is attacked, I myself am willing to participate in the military defence of the country, performing my assigned wartime duties

[k16y] What do you think about the following statements: If Finland is attacked, I am ready to give my life for my country

[k18a] What do you think about the following statements: Finland should try to seek NATO membership

[k18b] What do you think about the following statements: Finland should try to get Karelia back (Translator's note: refers to the area Finland ceded to the Soviet Union in the WWII)

[k18c] What do you think about the following statements: Finland should put more effort into foreign policy

[k18d] What do you think about the following statements: Finland should mostly focus on taking care of Finland and Finns

[k18e] What do you think about the following statements: The UN's role in international politics and crisis management should be reinforced

[k18f] What do you think about the following statements: The EU's role in foreign policy and crisis management structures should be reinforced

[k18g] What do you think about the following statements: The EU membership has proved advantageous to Finland

[k18h] What do you think about the following statements: Finnish foreign policy should be managed through the EU

[k18i] What do you think about the following statements: The EU should form a joint European army

[k18j] What do you think about the following statements: It is one of the tasks of the The Finnish Defence Forces to participate in crisis and security threat prevention around the world

[k18k] What do you think about the following statements: Finland is a superpower of peacekeeping

[k18l] What do you think about the following statements: Finland's security can be improved more through development cooperation than by the army or by participating in crisis management

[k18m] What do you think about the following statements: I myself would be be ready to go on international assignments for development cooperation or crisis management

[k18n] What do you think about the following statements: It is inevitable that every country has an army since military vacuums are always going to be filled

[k18o] What do you think about the following statements: Finland is currently a militarily non-aligned country

[k18p] What do you think about the following statements: Finland is currently a neutral country

[k18q] What do you think about the following statements: War can sometimes be justified

[k18r] What do you think about the following statements: Violence is always wrong

[k19a] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Racism has decreased among young Finns in recent years

[k19b] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Foreigners have diversified the Finnish culture

[k19c] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Many foreigners come to Finland just to take advantage of our tax revenue

[k19d] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It would be good if more foreigners came to Finland

[k19e] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: In my opinion, cultural tolerance has increased in our society in recent years

[k19f] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I'm involved in spare time activities or voluntary/civic organisation activities which also have immigrants participating

[k19g] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Young immigrants should also have the right to their own recreational and youth facilities

[k19h] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I have friends with immigrant background

[k19i] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: I could not imagine having an immigrant spouse

[k19j] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Young immigrants despise young Finns

[k19k] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Young Finns despise young immigrants

[k19l] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Young Finns should travel abroad more often

[k19m] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: If I were an employer, I would choose the native Finn of two equally qualified jobseekers

[k19n] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Finns have a duty to help and support immigrants

[k19o] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Subsidies paid by society belong primarily to Finns, not to foreigners

[k19p] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Racism among young people is a serious problem that is not addressed sufficiently

[k19q] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is important to me that my friends were born in Finland

[k19r] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The colour of a friend's skin makes no difference to me

[k19s] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: The religious views of a friend make no difference to me

[k20a] Does Finnishness include the following features: Selfishness?

[k20b] Does Finnishness include the following features: Tolerance?

[k20c] Does Finnishness include the following features: Envy?

[k20d] Does Finnishness include the following features: Justice?

[k20e] Does Finnishness include the following features: Violence?

[k20f] Does Finnishness include the following features: Diligence?

[k20g] Does Finnishness include the following features: Internationalism?

[k20h] Does Finnishness include the following features: Indifference?

[k20i] Does Finnishness include the following features: Suspicion?

[k21] How interested are you in politics?

[k22] Are you going to vote in the next parliamentary election in 2011?

[k23] If the parliamentary elections were held now, which political party or the candidate of which party would you feel closest to you?

[k24] [ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH T9A=1] Are you aware that the parish elections will be held in November 2010?

[k25] [ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH T9A=1] Are you aware that in the next parish elections the church gives people aged 16 or over the right to vote for the first time?

[k26] [ONLY FOR MEMBERS OF EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH T9A=1] Are you going to vote in the next parish elections in 2010?

[bv1] The respondent's first language

[bv2] Interview language

[bv3] The respondent's date of birth

[bv6] Major region (NUTS2)

[bv8] Time of study

[bv9] Statistical grouping of municipalities 2009

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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