FSD2630 Follow-up on Parliamentary Elections 2011

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Question text

If you had to choose one of the following political parties, which would it be?


Category labels Value n
National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 278
Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 229
True Finns (PS) 3 159
Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 4 129
Left Alliance (VAS) 5 105
Green League (VIHR) 6 129
Swedish People's Party in Finland (RKP) 7 38
Christian Democrats (KD) 8 40
Some other party or group 9 19
Can't say, no matter how hard I try 10 127
Displayed frequencies are not weighted

Summary statistics

Number of valid cases 1253
Maximum 10
Minimum 1
Mean 4.03
Standard deviation 2.858

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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