Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[sukup] The respondent's gender
[ika] The respondent's age
[kuntam] Type of municipality of residence
[maakunta] Region (NUTS3)
[laani97] Major region (NUTS2)
[sosek] The respondent's socio-economic group/occupational status
[ammas] The respondent's status in employment
[tol95] Industry of employment
[toimi] Employer sector
[amsta] The respondent's occupational status
[tytyy] Employer type
[saanai] Regular working hours per week
[sivutyo] Does the respondent have additional job(s) in addition to his/her main job?
[sivutunn] Working hours for the additional job (hours per week)
[sivutol] Industry of the respondent's additional job
[k1] How many years in total have you been working at your current workplace?
[k1b] Is your job...
[k2] Number of people in the workplace
[k3] Has the number of people working in the workplace increased, stayed the same or decreased over the past 12 months?
[k4_1] (IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAS INCREASED) In what way has the number increased: People have been hired on permanent contracts
[k4_2] (IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAS INCREASED) In what way has the number increased: People have been hired on fixed-term or temporary contracts
[k4_3] (IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAS INCREASED) In what way has the number increased: People have been hired on part-time contracts
[k4_4] (IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAS INCREASED) In what way has the number increased: People have been transferred from other units of the same employer
[k4_5] (IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAS INCREASED) In what way has the number increased: People hired are paid from employment subsidies
[k5_1] In your workplace over the past year: Have any employees been laid off?
[k5_2] In your workplace over the past year: Have any employees been dismissed?
[k5_3] In your workplace over the past year: Have any employees been put on short-time working?
[k5_4] In your workplace over the past year: Have any previously full-time employees been transferred to working part-time?
[k5_5] In your workplace over the past year: Have any employees retired or left their jobs, and not been replaced?
[k5_6] In your workplace over the past year: Have employee numbers reduced because fixed-term contracts have not been renewed?
[k5_7] In your workplace over the past year: Have employee numbers reduced because employees on maternity or sick leave or otherwise long-term absent have not been replaced?
[k5_8] In your workplace over the past year: Have any employees been transferred to other units of the same employer?
[k6_1] Have the following occurred in your workplace over the past 12 months: Many enterprises and departments have been reorganised into smaller units, such as profit centres (own profit-loss account) or other smaller groups
[k6_2] Have the following occurred in your workplace over the past 12 months: Different units have been combined into larger bodies
[k6_3] Have the following occurred in your workplace over the past 12 months: There has been an increase in evaluation and monitoring of efficiency and productivity
[k6_4] Have the following occurred in your workplace over the past 12 months: The employer has begun to pay more performance bonuses than previously
[k6_5] Have the following occurred in your workplace over the past 12 months: The employer has, more than previously, outsourced some work done by the employees in your workplace
[k8] Do people work in groups in your workplace (teams, cells, project groups etc)?
[k9_1] Over the past 12 months, have the following increased/stayed the same/decreased in your workplace: Conflicts between supervisors/line managers and subordinates?
[k9_2] Over the past 12 months, have the following increased/stayed the same/decreased in your workplace: Conflicts between co-workers?
[k9_3] Over the past 12 months, have the following increased/stayed the same/decreased in your workplace: Conflicts between different staff groups?
[k9_4] Over the past 12 months, have the following increased/stayed the same/decreased in your workplace: Competitiveness/rivalry?
[k9_5] Over the past 12 months, have the following increased/stayed the same/decreased in your workplace: Conflicts with clients?
[k10a] Thinking about the overall competence and skills of the staff in your workplace, have they increased, decreased or stayed the same over the past year?
[k10b] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, do you think the demands of the work have increased, decreased or stayed the same?
[k11_1] Are your opportunities to influence the following improving or declining regarding: What tasks you do in your job
[k11_2] Are your opportunities to influence the following improving or declining regarding: The pace at which you work
[k11_3] Are your opportunities to influence the following improving or declining regarding: How work is allocated between people in your workplace
[k11_4] Are your opportunities to influence the following improving or declining regarding: Acquisition of equipment/appliances
[k11_5] Are your opportunities to influence the following improving or declining regarding: How the training of employees is organised
[k12] Are trade unions'/professional organisations' opportunities to influence things in your workplace increasing or decreasing?
[k13] Are you a member of a trade union or a professional association (or an unemployment fund)?
[k14] Compared to the situation a year ago, has overtime working (either paid or unpaid) in your workplace increased, stayed the same or decreased?
[k15_1] During August and September, have you personally: Worked hours in excess of the normal working week for which you have been compensated wholly or partly in money?
[k15_2] During August and September, have you personally: Worked hours in excess of the normal working week for which you have been compensated wholly or partly in leisure time (time-off)?
[k15_3] During August and September, have you personally: Worked hours in excess of the normal working week for which you have not been compensated at all (no extra pay nor time-off)?
[k16_1] Does your workplace have a monitored flexible working time arrangement (timecard, time-tracking systems etc)?
[k16_2] In addition to flexible hours, are you able to vary at what time you start or finish your working day?
[k18_1] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Pace of work and work pressure?
[k18_2] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Occupational safety and health?
[k18_3] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Physical demands of the work?
[k18_4] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Mental demands of the work?
[k18_5] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Productivity of work?
[k18_6] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Training paid for by the employer?
[k18_7] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Encouragement and support from supervisors/line managers?
[k18_8] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Encouragement and support from co-workers?
[k18_9] Over the past 12 months in your workplace, have the following increased, stayed the same or decreased: Employees' opportunities to make use of their skills and abilities in the work?
[k20_1] Does the amount of work you do affect your pay level?
[k20_2] Does the quality of your work affect your pay level?
[k20_3] Does the performance of the group or unit affect your pay level?
[k21] Do you think your pay level will be higher, the same or lower a year from now?
[k21a] Over the past year, have you made any suggestions to your employer or supervisor/line manager for improving working conditions, methods, products or services?
[k21b] Over the past year, has there been any systematic development of productivity, quality or services in your workplace, for example, through a special program, project, team or consult?
[k21c_1] Do you agree or disagree: There are too many tasks to carry out at my workplace compared to the number of employees
[k21c_2] Do you agree or disagree: It is difficult to keep up with constantly changing skill requirements
[k21c_3] Do you agree or disagree: Work is well organised in my workplace
[k21c_4] Do you agree or disagree: In my workplace, people are well informed and kept up to date about things
[k21c_5] Do you agree or disagree: My supervisor/manager rewards good performance
[k21c_6] Do you agree or disagree: In my workplace, there is a clear division of work tasks into tasks for young people and tasks for older people
[k22_1] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be laid off for at least two weeks?
[k22_2] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be dismissed from your job/your fixed-term contract will not be renewed?
[k22_3] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be transferred to other tasks?
[k22_4] Do you think it possible that during the next year: You will be put on short-time working?
[k22_5] Do you think it possible that during the next year: Your weekly or daily working time will be altered against your will?
[k23] If you became unemployed now, do you think you would find a job corresponding to your profession and work experience?
[k23b_1] (IF HAS DOUBTS ABOUT FINDING A JOB) Why do you have doubts about finding a job? Do the following have an influence: Inadequate education
[k23b_2] (IF HAS DOUBTS ABOUT FINDING A JOB) Why do you have doubts about finding a job? Do the following have an influence: Inadequate competence and skills to meet the demands of the job market
[k23b_3] (IF HAS DOUBTS ABOUT FINDING A JOB) Why do you have doubts about finding a job? Do the following have an influence: Age (too old)
[k23b_4] (IF HAS DOUBTS ABOUT FINDING A JOB) Why do you have doubts about finding a job? Do the following have an influence: Lack of suitable jobs in your place of residence
[k24] What do you think the general employment situation will be like a year from now?
[k25_1] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Meaningfulness of work and people's willingness to work
[k25_2] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Equality between men and women
[k25_3] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Taking environmental issues into account
[k25_4] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Being kept up to date about the goals and future plans of the workplace
[k25_5] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Management style of supervisors/managers
[k25_6] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Opportunities to develop one's competence and skills
[k25_7] How do you think working life in general is changing in terms of: Opportunities to influence own status and tasks at work
[k25_8] If you think about the financial situation of your workplace, is it...
[k26_1] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: The fitness, health and living habits of employees
[k26_2] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: The safety of the working environment
[k26_3] Workplaces use different activities to maintain work capacity. Does your workplace systematically strive to influence: Development of the abilities and skills of employees
[k27] Let us assume that your work capacity at its best received ten (10) points. How would you grade your present work capacity on a scale from 0 to 10?
[k28a] Thinking about the physical demands of your job, is your work capacity...
[k28b] Thinking about the mental demands of your job, is your work capacity...
[k29a] Do you have any long-term illness, health problem or disability diagnosed by a doctor?
[k31] Do you believe that, as far as your health is concerned, you can work in your present occupation two years from now?
[k32a] In your workplace, are there people of other nationalities or ethnic groups who have moved to Finland from elsewhere? (Note: Include, for instance, immigrants, Russians, Somali and Estonians, but not the Finnish Sami or Roma)
[k32b_1] Has someone in your workplace been treated unfairly or discriminated against on account of: Their gender?
[k32b_2] Has someone in your workplace been treated unfairly or discriminated against on account of: Their age?
[k32b_3] (IF PEOPLE OF OTHER NATIONALITIES IN THE WORKPLACE) Has someone in your workplace been treated unfairly or discriminated against on account of: Their ethnic origin?
[k32c] (IF PEOPLE OF OTHER NATIONALITIES IN THE WORKPLACE) What kind of experiences do you have of immigrants in the workplace. Generally speaking, are your experiences...
[k32d] Telework is paid work that occurs away from the actual workplace. It typically has arrangements that are independent of time and space. Do you telework?
[k32e] (IF TELEWORKS) How many hours of teleworking per month do you usually do?
[k33] Are you employed by a municipality or a federation of municipalities?
[k34] (IF K33=YES) In which sector do you work?
[k38] The respondent's education
[k39] The respondent's vocational education