Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[pmuutt] Weight variable
[amk_yo] Type of institution
[k1_1] Which programme are you currently enrolled in?
[k1_1b2] When did you begin the programme you are currently enrolled in? (categorisation 2009-1980)
[k1b_vv] When did you begin the programme you are currently enrolled in? (categorisation 2009-2001)
[k1b_kk] When did you begin the programme you are currently enrolled in? (month of beginning the programme)
[k1c] Was the programme in which you are currently enrolled your primary choice?
[k1d_krt] How many times did you apply for the programme you are currently enrolled in? (including when you were accepted)
[k1_2] What is your current formal status as a student?
[k1_3] Are you a student of distance education?
[k1_4a] What is your field of study: Polytechnic students
[k1_4b] What is your field of study: University students
[k1_5_1] Where do you study: Major region (NUTS 2) + capital area categorisation (2009)
[k1_5_2] Where do you study: Province + capital area categorisation (2009)
[k1_5_3] Where do you study: Region (NUTS 3)
[k1_6a] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for a BA in Finland
[k1_6b] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for a BA in a foreign country
[k1_6c] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for an MA in Finland
[k1_6d] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for an MA in a foreign country
[k1_6e] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for a PhD in Finland
[k1_6f] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, plan to study for a PhD in a foreign country
[k1_6g] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? Yes, but another programme not mentioned here
[k1_6h] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? No, I don't plan to continue my studies
[k1_6j] Do you plan to continue studying after finishing your current programme? I don't know yet
[k1_7] What is the language of your programme?
[k1_8a_1] What expectations do you have for your studies and how important is this intention to you? My study programme as a whole is a good basis for starting work
[k1_8a_2] What expectations do you have for your studies and how well is your programme achieving these? My study programme as a whole is a good basis for starting work
[k1_8b_1] What expectations do you have for your studies and how important is this intention to you? My study programme as a whole is a good basis for personal development
[k1_8b_2] What expectations do you have for your studies and how well is your programme achieving these? My study programme as a whole is a good basis for personal development
[k1_9_1] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I feel confident about my future
[k1_9_2] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I have good chances of being employed in a field related to my studies within a year of graduation
[k1_9_3] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I believe I will get a job corresponding to my level of education within three years of graduation
[k1_9_4] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I believe I will be in permanent employment within a year of graduation
[k1_9_5] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: The employment situation in my field will be good in the future
[k1_9_6] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I'm extending my studies to delay graduation
[k1_9_7] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: If I can't get a job I want in Finland, I may look for work abroad
[k1_9_8] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I believe that the current economic situation will make it difficult for me to get a job after graduation
[k1_9_9] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I intend to graduate as planned despite the current economic situation
[k1_9_10] How well do the following statements correspond to your views: I fear I will end up unemployed right after I graduate
[k2_1] Where were you living during upper secondary education?
[k2_2a] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? General upper secondary qualification/Matriculation Examination
[k2_2b] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? Vocational upper secondary qualification
[k2_2c] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? International Baccalaureate / Reifeprüfung examination / European Baccalaureate
[k2_2d] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? BA
[k2_2e] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? MA
[k2_2f] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? Polytechnic/UAS Bachelor's degree
[k2_2g] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? Polytechnic/UAS Master's degree
[k2_2h] Which qualification did you have before starting your current higher education programme? Other
[k2_3v2] When did you attain the general or vocational upper secondary qualification? (year)
[k2_3_akk] When did you attain the general or vocational upper secondary qualification? (month)
[k2_4a] Do you have/have you had a right to study for another higher education degree than the one which you are currently completing?
[k2_4b2] When did you enter higher education for the first time? (year)
[k2_4_akk] When did you enter higher education for the first time? (month)
[k2_4c_1] (IF K2_4A = YES) At what type of educational institution did you first get a place, i.e. the right to study?
[k2_4c_2a] (IF K2_4A = YES) For which field of study did you first get the right to study: Polytechnic students
[k2_4c_2b] (IF K2_4A = YES) For which field of study did you first get the right to study: University students
[k2_4c_3] (IF K2_4A = YES) At what stage are your studies in the degree for which you first got a place?
[k2_6a] Before entering higher education, did you have any experience on the labour market? Yes, I had a regular paid job (for at least one year, working at least 20 hrs per week)
[k2_6b] Before entering higher education, did you have any experience on the labour market? Yes, casual minor jobs (less than one year or less than 20 hrs per week)
[k2_6c] Before entering higher education, did you have any experience on the labour market? Yes, through vocational training (e.g. apprenticeship)
[k2_6d] Before entering higher education, did you have any experience on the labour market? No, no experience
[k2_7] Did you ever interrupt your education career after graduating from upper secondary school or during your higher education studies for at least one year?
[k2_8a1] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I did military service or civilian service
[k2_8a2] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I was on maternal, paternal or parental leave
[k2_8a3] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I was unemployed
[k2_8a4] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I studied in Finland (college, open university etc.)
[k2_8a5] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I worked in Finland
[k2_8a6] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I studied abroad
[k2_8a7] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? I worked abroad
[k2_8a_m] What did you do during the break you had from your education career? Something else
[k2_8b1] When did you have the break of at least one year from your education career? After graduating from upper secondary education and before entering higher education
[k2_8b2] When did you have the break of at least one year from your education career? After entering higher education and before graduating from higher education
[k2_8b3] When did you have the break of at least one year from your education career? After graduating from higher education and before entering another higher education programme
[k2_8b_m] When did you have the break of at least one year from your education career? At another time
[k3_1] Who do you live with during the study term/semester?
[k3_2] What is your housing tenure?
[k3_hall] Respondents living in student hall/student housing and those living elsewhere (according to the international categorisation)
[k3_3] How satisfied are you with your accommodation?
[k3_4a_1] On a typical day, how long does it take you to reach your higher education institution from your home ? (minutes one way)
[k3_4a_2] On a typical day, what is the distance you cover from your home to your higher education institution? (kilometers one way)
[k3_5a] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Study grant
[k3_5b] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Housing supplement (for students)
[k3_5c] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? General housing allowance
[k3_5d] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Study loan
[k3_5e] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Wages from a paid job
[k3_5f] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Provision from family/relatives
[k3_5g] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Provision from partner/spouse
[k3_5h] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Savings (amount at your disposal per month regardless of when they were acquired)
[k3_5j] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Social assistance (a social security benefit)
[k3_5k] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Other social security benefits (for example child benefit)
[k3_5_m] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Other sources
[k3_5_k] What is the average monthly income at your disposal from the following sources (in euros)? Total income at your disposal per month
[k3_6a] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Accommodation (rent, mortgage, utilities, water, electricity etc.)
[k3_6b] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Food
[k3_6c] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Clothing
[k3_6d] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Child care expenses
[k3_6e] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Transportation (in Finland)
[k3_6f] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Medication, health services, accident and health insurance
[k3_6g] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Personal hygiene
[k3_6h_] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Communication (telephone, internet etc.)
[k3_6j] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Hobbies and leisure activities
[k3_6k] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Stimulants (such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee) and partying, other lively social events
[k3_6l] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Other regular costs
[k3_6m] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Learning materials (e.g. books, photocopying)
[k3_6n] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? Other study-related costs
[k3_6_k] What are your average monthly expenses for the following needs (in euros)? All expenses in total per month
[k3_6a_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Accommodation (euros/month)
[k3_6b_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Food (euros/month)
[k3_6c_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Clothing (euros/month)
[k3_6d_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Child care expenses (euros/month)
[k3_6e_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Transportation (in Finland) (euros/month)
[k3_6f_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Medication, health services, accident and health insurance (euros/month)
[k3_6g_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Personal hygiene (euros/month)
[k3_6h_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Communication (telephone, internet etc.) (euros/month)
[k3_6j_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Hobbies and leisure activities (euros/month)
[k3_6k_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Stimulants (such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee) and partying, other lively social events (euros/month)
[k3_6l_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Other regular costs (euros/month)
[k3_6m_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Learning materials (e.g. books, photocopying) (euros/month)
[k3_6n_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: Other study-related costs (euros/month)
[k3_6_k_v] Average expenses that your parents/relatives/spouse pay for you: All expenses in total (euros/month)
[k3_7a] To what extent do you agree with the statement: I have sufficient funding to cover my monthly expenses
[k3_7b] What do you think is the smallest amount of money (net, euros) you would need per month for your essential living expenses and housing costs to manage in your current circumstances?
[k3_7b_2] What do you think is the smallest amount of money (net, euros) you would need per month for your essential living expenses and housing costs to manage in your current circumstances? (categorised into 4)
[k3_7c] To what extent do you agree with the statement: Considering my present situation, I feel I live in poverty
[k3_7d] On how many months during an academic year do you generally claim financial aid for students (study grant, housing supplement or study loan)?
[k3_7e1] Have you limited the number of months on which you claim financial aid for students (e.g. by cancelling or returning the aid) during your current studies? Yes, because of the income limits
[k3_7e2] Have you limited the number of months on which you claim financial aid for students (e.g. by cancelling or returning the aid) during your current studies? Yes, because of requirements relating to study progress (4.8 credits/month)
[k3_7e3] Have you limited the number of months on which you claim financial aid for students (e.g. by cancelling or returning the aid) during your current studies? Yes, because the maximum eligibility period for financial aid was insufficient
[k3_7e4] Have you limited the number of months on which you claim financial aid for students (e.g. by cancelling or returning the aid) during your current studies? No, have not limited
[k3_7e_m] Have you limited the number of months on which you claim financial aid for students (for example, by cancelling or returning the aid) during your current studies? Yes, for some other reason
[k3_8] Do you have a paid job during the current semester?
[k3_9] Have you had a paid job during a term break in the last 12 months?
[k3_10] Which of the following statements best describe your opinion on the importance of studying for you?
[k3_11a_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Monday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11a_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Monday: Personal study time
[k3_11a_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Monday: Paid job
[k3_11a_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Monday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11b_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Tuesday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11b_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Tuesday: Personal study time
[k3_11b_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Tuesday: Paid job
[k3_11b_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Tuesday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11c_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Wednesday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11c_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Wednesday: Personal study time
[k3_11c_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Wednesday: Paid job
[k3_11c_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Wednesday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11d_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Thursday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11d_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Thursday: Personal study time
[k3_11d_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Thursday: Paid job
[k3_11d_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Thursday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11f_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Friday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11f_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Friday: Personal study time
[k3_11f_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Friday: Paid job
[k3_11f_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Friday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11g_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Saturday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11g_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Saturday: Personal study time
[k3_11g_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Saturday: Paid job
[k3_11g_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Saturday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11h_1] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Sunday: Taught studies (lessons, seminars etc)
[k3_11h_2] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Sunday: Personal study time
[k3_11h_3] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Sunday: Paid job
[k3_11h_4] How many hours do you spend in a typical week: Sunday: Taught studies, personal study time and paid job in total
[k3_11_1] Total hours spent on taught studies per week
[k3_11_2] Total hours spent on personal studies per week
[k3_11_o] Total hours spent on taught studies and personal studies per week
[k3_11_ol] Total hours spent on taught studies and personal studies per week (4 categories)
[k3_11_3] Total hours spent on paid job per week
[k3_11_3l] Total hours spent on paid job per week (7 categories)
[k3_11_k] Total hours spent on taught studies, personal studies and paid job per week
[k3_12] Looking at your total workload based on the time you spend on study-related activities and paid work, please rate your satisfaction with your workload
[k3_13] How do you think working during semester affects your progress with your studies?
[k3_14] Have you progressed in your studies according to your own goals?
[k3_15a] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Studies have required a lot of effort
[k3_15b] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Advice and counselling received for studies has been inadequate
[k3_15c] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Poor availability of study materials or equipment
[k3_15d] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Low motivation or feeling of studying in the wrong field
[k3_15e] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Inadequate study skills
[k3_15f] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Having a job
[k3_15g] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Time-consuming hobby
[k3_15h] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Illness
[k3_15j] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Difficulties with financial circumstances
[k3_15k] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Life situation, personal reasons
[k3_15l] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Being active in student associations etc.
[k3_15_m] If your studies have progressed slower than you planned, what are the most important reasons for this (select 1-3): Something else
[k4_1a] Have you been abroad for a certain period of time for studies or training/work placement related to your programme? Yes, studies relating to my programme
[k4_1b] Have you been abroad for a certain period of time for studies or training/work placement related to your programme? Yes, training/work placement relating to my programme
[k4_1c] Have you been abroad for a certain period of time for studies or training/work placement related to your programme? No, but I am going to/I would want to
[k4_1d] Have you been abroad for a certain period of time for studies or training/work placement related to your programme? No, I have not
[k4_2_1_2] Duration of studies or training in the 1st country (in months)
[k4_2_2_2] Duration of studies or training in the 2nd country (in months)
[k4_2_3_2] Duration of studies or training in the 3rd country (in months)
[k4_2_4_2] Duration of studies or training in the 4th country (in months)
[k4_2b1] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: TEMPUS
[k4_2b2] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: ERASMUS
[k4_2b3] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: ERASMUS MUNDUS
[k4_2b4] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: NORDPLUS
[k4_2b5] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: LINGUA
[k4_2b6] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: Not part of a programme (e.g. bilateral exchange or exchange arranged by yourself)
[k4_2b7] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: Other EU-programme
[k4_2b8] Were the studies you enrolled in abroad part of any of the following programmes: Other programme
[k4_2c1] Did you arrange your training/work placement abroad by yourself or did your institution help you in finding a placement? I arranged it by myself
[k4_2c2] Did you arrange your training/work placement abroad by yourself or did your institution help you in finding a placement? My institution helped me
[k4_3a_1] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Study grant/housing supplement from home country
[k4_3a_2] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Student loan from home country
[k4_3a_3] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Scholarship etc. from home country
[k4_3a_4] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Study grant/scholarship from host country
[k4_3a_5] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Study loan from host country
[k4_3a_6] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Contribution from parents/family
[k4_3a_7] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Own income from previous job
[k4_3a_8] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Income from working during the studies abroad
[k4_3a_m] Which of the following sources did you use to fund your studies abroad (including training)? Other
[k4_3b] Which was your primary source of funding?
[k4_4_1_1] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Personal development
[k4_4_1_2] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Language improvement
[k4_4_1_3] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Quality of education
[k4_4_1_4] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Academic level of host institution
[k4_4_1_5] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Social integration
[k4_4_1_6] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Service from host institution
[k4_4_1_7] How important were the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Other support services (accommodation, health care etc.)
[k4_4_2_1] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Personal development
[k4_4_2_2] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Language improvement
[k4_4_2_3] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Quality of education
[k4_4_2_4] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Academic level of host institution
[k4_4_2_5] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Social integration
[k4_4_2_6] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Service from host institution
[k4_4_2_7] Were your expectations fulfilled in the following aspects concerning your studies abroad? Other support services (accommodation, health care etc.)
[k4_5_1] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Insufficient skills in foreign language
[k4_5_2] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Difficulties in getting information
[k4_5_3] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Problems with accommodation in the host country
[k4_5_4] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Separation from partner, child(ren), friends
[k4_5_5] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Loss of social benefits (e.g. child benefit, student discounts)
[k4_5_6] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Loss of opportunities to earn money
[k4_5_7] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Expected additional financial burden
[k4_5_8] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Lack of personal drive
[k4_5_9] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Presumed low benefit for my studies at home
[k4_5_10] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Expected delay in the progress of studies
[k4_5_11] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Limited access to mobility programmes in home country
[k4_5_12] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Problems with access regulations to the preferred country (visa, residence permit)
[k4_5_13] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Limited admittance to the preferred institution or study programme in foreign country
[k4_5_14] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Studies abroad do not fit the structure of my programme
[k4_5_15] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Illness/disability
[k4_5_16] To what extent are the following an obstacle for studies abroad for you? Lack of encouragement from home institution
[k4_6a] Have you ever worked or studied abroad for studies other than your current programme?
[k4_6b1_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Research internship: duration (months)
[k4_6b2_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Work placement/training: duration (months)
[k4_6b3_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Work: duration (months)
[k4_6b4_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Summer school: duration (months)
[k4_6b5_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Language course: duration (months)
[k4_6b6_1] Which studies or work periods not related to your current programme have you done abroad? Other: duration (months)
[k5_1_1] The respondent's age
[k5_2] The respondent's gender
[k5_3] Were you born in Finland?
[k5_4a] Were both of your parents born in Finland?
[k5_4b_1] (IF K5_4A = 2 OR 3) Where were your parents born: Father
[k5_4b_2] (IF K5_4A = 2 OR 3) Where were your parents born: Mother
[k5_4c] Have you ever lived in another country for a period of over six months for a reason other than studies?
[k5_5_1] How would you rate your language skills: Finnish
[k5_5_2] How would you rate your language skills: Swedish
[k5_5_3] How would you rate your language skills: English
[k5_5_4] How would you rate your language skills: German
[k5_5_5] How would you rate your language skills: French
[k5_5_6] How would you rate your language skills: Russian
[k5_5_m] How would you rate your language skills: Other
[k5_6] Do you have children?
[k5_7] (IF HAS CHILDREN) How many children do you have?
[k5_8a] (IF HAS CHILDREN) How old is your youngest child?
[k5_8b] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Do you feel having a family delays or advances your studies?
[k5_9_1] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, chronic diseases
[k5_9_2] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, mental problems
[k5_9_3] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, physical disabilities
[k5_9_4] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, nervousness, anxiety/ problems with concentration
[k5_9_5] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, stress about study progress
[k5_9_6] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, other social difficulties
[k5_9_7] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, other causes diminishing ability to study (e.g. different learning difficulties)
[k5_9_8] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Yes, other health problems
[k5_9_9] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? No
[k5_9_m] Are you impaired in your studies by any of the following? Other
[k5_10] Do you feel that your impairment is sufficiently taken account of in your studies?
[k6_1_1] What is the highest level of education your father has obtained?
[k6_1_2] What is the highest level of education your mother has obtained?
[k6_2_1] What is your father's current economic activity?
[k6_2_2] What is your mother's current economic activity?
[k6_3_1] What is the most recent or former occupation of your father?
[k6_3_2] What is the most recent or former occupation of your mother?
[k6_4] Where would you place your parents on the following scale of social standing?