Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[q1] In your opinion, how important is development cooperation/development policy?
[q2_1] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Rich countries have an obligation to help developing countries
[q2_2] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It promotes democracy
[q2_3] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It also benefits Finland
[q2_4] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves the human rights situation in developing countries
[q2_5] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves the financial standing of developing countries in the global market
[q2_6] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves circumstances of children in developing countries
[q2_7] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves circumstances of women in developing countries
[q2_8] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It promotes global sustainability
[q2_9] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It prevents conflicts and thus also reduces the number of refugees
[q2_10] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It prevents poverty and hunger
[q2_11] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves the living conditions in developing countries and thus prevents illegal immigration
[q2_12] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves health care in developing countries
[q2_13] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves opportunities for education in developing countries
[q2_14] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It promotes world peace/prevents war
[q2_15] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It reduces inequality between people
[q2_16] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It improves the standard of living/increases well-being
[q2_17] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): It promotes nature conservation/prevention of climate change
[q2_18] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): People in need/those who are weaker must be helped/It is humane
[q2_19] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): People in developing countries learn to fend for themselves
[q2_20] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Other
[q2_21] Why do you think development cooperation/policy is important (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Can't say
[q3] Which region of the world do you think should be the main recipient of Finnish development aid? Choose one region on the map
[q4] Thinking about development cooperation projects financed by Finland, how important is it that people know the aid is specifically from Finland?
[q5_1] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Democracy and good governance
[q5_2] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Energy
[q5_3] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Humanitarian assistance in emergencies
[q5_4] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Human rights and equality
[q5_5] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Climate change mitigation and environment
[q5_6] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Education
[q5_7] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Employment and improving welfare
[q5_8] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Crisis management and peacebuilding
[q5_9] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Promoting civil society
[q5_10] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Regions that have suffered from natural disasters
[q5_11] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Agriculture and rural development
[q5_12] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Forestry
[q5_13] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Improving the circumstances of women and children
[q5_14] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Economic development
[q5_15] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Industrial and technological development
[q5_16] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Health care and population issues
[q5_17] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Water and sanitation
[q5_18] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Regions recovering from violent crises
[q5_19] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Other
[q5_20] Which three objectives/areas do you consider the most important for development aid: Can't say
[q6] Have you heard of the UN Millennium Development Goals?
[q7_1] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Promote gender equality and empower women
[q7_2] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Develop a global partnership for development
[q7_3] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Improve maternal health
[q7_4] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
[q7_5] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Ensure environmental sustainability
[q7_6] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
[q7_7] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Achieve universal primary education
[q7_8] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Reduce child mortality
[q7_9] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Other
[q7_10] Can you name one or more goals (Interviewer instructions: spontaneous, do not list): Can't say
[q8_1] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Promote gender equality and empower women
[q8_2] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Develop a global partnership for development
[q8_3] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Improve maternal health
[q8_4] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
[q8_5] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Ensure environmental sustainability
[q8_6] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
[q8_7] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Achieve universal primary education
[q8_8] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Reduce child mortality
[q8_9] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Other
[q8_10] Choose 1-3 goals that you consider the most important: Can't say
[q9_1] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Promoting global peace and security
[q9_2] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Improving the welfare of people in developing countries
[q9_3] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Promoting sustainability
[q9_4] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Reducing poverty
[q9_5] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Improving the relations between Finland and developing countries
[q9_6] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Promoting equality and human rights
[q9_7] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Promoting civil society
[q9_8] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Promoting health
[q9_9] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Moderating population growth
[q9_10] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Preventing environmental threats
[q9_11] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Other
[q9_12] What are the 1-3 most important goals in Finland's development policy? Can't say
[q10_1] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Democracy and good governance
[q10_2] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Energy
[q10_3] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Humanitarian aid
[q10_4] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Human rights and equality
[q10_5] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Climate change mitigation and environment
[q10_6] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Education
[q10_7] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Employment and improving welfare
[q10_8] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Crisis management and peacebuilding
[q10_9] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Promoting civil society
[q10_10] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Agriculture and rural development
[q10_11] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Forestry
[q10_12] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Improving the circumstances of women and children
[q10_13] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Economic development
[q10_14] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Industrial and technological development
[q10_15] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Health care and population issues
[q10_16] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Water and sanitation
[q10_17] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? In none of these
[q10_18] In which 1-3 objectives/areas do you think Finland has something to offer to developing countries? Can't say
[q11] To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Development cooperation increases international security and promotes world peace and stability
[q12_1] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By donating to international climate change funds/initiatives
[q12_2] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By helping those populations that are the poorest and most dependent on natural conditions
[q12_3] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By helping create low emission production in fast-developing countries, such as India and China
[q12_4] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By helping the poorest developing countries adapt to the effects of climate change
[q12_5] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By actively participating in expanding the scope of international climate change agreements
[q12_6] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By supporting all developing countries in the use of renewable resources
[q12_7] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By ensuring that all development cooperation projects are sustainable in the changing climate
[q12_8] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By influencing the consumer choices and the ways of living of Finns
[q12_9] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By exporting Finnish environmentally friendly technology to developing countries
[q12_10] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? By reducing Finland's own greenhouse gas emissions
[q12_11] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? Every country should be responsible for their own climate change policy
[q12_12] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? Other
[q12_13] Developing countries are estimated to suffer the most from the effects of the climate change. How should Finland take this into account? Can't say
[q13_1] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Financial institutions, such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
[q13_2] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: UN organisations
[q13_3] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: EU institutions
[q13_4] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Emerging economic powers (direct aid)
[q13_5] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Rich countries (direct aid)
[q13_6] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Private sector, such as multinational corporations
[q13_7] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Civil society actors
[q13_8] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Every country should be responsible for their own survival
[q13_9] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Other
[q13_10] Which bodies in particular should help developing countries survive the financial crisis? Choose 1-3 most important: Can't say
[q14] Is there enough information available in Finland on development cooperation and developing countries?
[q15_1] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Magazines
[q15_2] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Internet
[q15_3] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Voluntary/civic organisations
[q15_4] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Worldshops/Fair Trade Shops or products that support developing countries
[q15_5] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Books
[q15_6] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Friends and acquaintances
[q15_7] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Own travels
[q15_8] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Studies
[q15_9] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Lectures, seminars, exhibitions
[q15_10] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Radio
[q15_11] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Newspapers
[q15_12] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Television
[q15_13] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Workplace
[q15_14] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Publications or events of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
[q15_15] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Other
[q15_16] From where have you got information on development issues? Choose 1-3 alternatives: Can't say
[q16_1] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Any kind of magazine, newspaper, journal etc.
[q16_2] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Magazines
[q16_3] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Newspapers
[q16_4] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Tabloids (Iltasanomat/Iltalehti)
[q16_5] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Helsingin Sanomat
[q16_6] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Suomen Kuvalehti
[q16_7] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Internet
[q16_8] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Radio
[q16_9] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Television
[q16_10] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)
[q16_11] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Fundraiser concerts on TV
[q16_12] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: News
[q16_13] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Current affairs programmes on TV
[q16_14] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Documentaries
[q16_15] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Discussion programmes/forums
[q16_16] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Organisations/civic organisations (e.g. UNICEF/Finnish Red Cross)
[q16_17] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Finn Church Aid/mission organisations
[q16_18] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Worldshops/Fair Trade Shops
[q16_19] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
[q16_20] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: UN
[q16_21] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: KEPA (umbrella organisation for Finnish civil society organisations working with development cooperation/global affairs)
[q16_22] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Literature
[q16_23] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Brochures delivered by mail
[q16_24] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Foreign channels/sources
[q16_25] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Events/seminars
[q16_26] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: School/studies
[q16_27] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Friends/acquaintances
[q16_28] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Own travels
[q16_29] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Advertisements
[q16_30] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Other
[q16_31] You responded that you have got information through the media or Internet. Please specify: Can't say
[q17_1] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Any kind of newspaper, magazine, journal etc.
[q17_2] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Magazines
[q17_3] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Newspapers
[q17_4] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Tabloids (Iltasanomat/Iltalehti)
[q17_5] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Helsingin Sanomat
[q17_7] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Internet
[q17_8] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Radio
[q17_9] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Television
[q17_10] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Fundraiser concerts on TV
[q17_11] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? News
[q17_12] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Current affairs programmes on TV
[q17_13] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Documentaries
[q17_14] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Organisations/civic organisations (e.g. UNICEF/Finnish Red Cross)
[q17_15] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Finn Church Aid/mission organisations
[q17_16] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Worldshops/Fair Trade Shops
[q17_17] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Publications of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
[q17_18] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? UN
[q17_19] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? KEPA (umbrella organisation for Finnish civil society organisations working with development cooperation/global affairs)
[q17_20] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Literature
[q17_21] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Brochures delivered by mail
[q17_22] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Events/seminars
[q17_23] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? School/studies
[q17_24] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Friends/acquaintances
[q17_25] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Own travels
[q17_26] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Advertisements
[q17_27] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Other
[q17_28] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Nowhere
[q17_29] From which sources would you like to get further information on development cooperation or policy? Can't say
[q18_1] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the development policy of the EU
[q18_2] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the impact of globalisation on developing countries
[q18_3] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the standing of developing countries in the global market
[q18_4] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on people's lives in developing countries
[q18_5] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the crises and conflicts in developing countries
[q18_6] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the positive accomplishments of developing countries
[q18_7] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on environmental issues in developing countries
[q18_8] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the results of development cooperation
[q18_9] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on economic cooperation opportunities for Finnish companies with developing countries
[q18_10] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Information on the use of Finland's appropriations (the funding allocated for dev. cooperation)
[q18_11] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Don't need further information
[q18_12] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Other information
[q18_13] What kind of further information on development cooperation/policy and developing countries would you like to have? Choose one or more: Can't say
[q19_1] How reliable do you find information on development issues given by: Finnish authorities
[q19_2] How reliable do you find information on development issues given by: Voluntary/civic organisations
[q19_3] How reliable do you find information on development issues given by: The media
[q20_1] The forms of Finnish development cooperation are listed on the card. Please put them in the order of importance beginning from the most important: The most important
[q20_2] The forms of Finnish development cooperation are listed on the card. Please put them in the order of importance beginning from the most important: The second most important
[q20_3] The forms of Finnish development cooperation are listed on the card. Please put them in the order of importance beginning from the most important: The third most important
[q20_4] The forms of Finnish development cooperation are listed on the card. Please put them in the order of importance beginning from the most important: The fourth most important
[q21] How much do you think Finland will spend on development cooperation in 2011? (% of GNI)
[q22] How much do you think Finland will spend on development cooperation in 2011? (euros)
[q23] How much should Finland spend on development cooperation in 2015? (% of GNI)
[q24] In the current financial situation, should Finland...
[q25_1] How should the increase in appropriations for development cooperation be funded? Choose no more than two alternatives: By increasing tax revenue
[q25_2] How should the increase in appropriations for development cooperation be funded? Choose no more than two alternatives: By cutting public spending
[q25_3] How should the increase in appropriations for development cooperation be funded? Choose no more than two alternatives: By creating new sources of funding, such as a travel tax for flight passengers
[q25_4] How should the increase in appropriations for development cooperation be funded? Choose no more than two alternatives: Some other way
[q25_5] How should the increase in appropriations for development cooperation be funded? Choose no more than two alternatives: Can't say
[q26] How well does the following describe your views: Finnish development cooperation is effective and produces results
[q27_1] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Aid is insufficient
[q27_2] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Aid does not reach those who need it the most
[q27_3] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? The countries giving aid have ineffective or misdirected forms of development cooperation
[q27_4] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Global crises (such as the current financial crisis) weaken the commitment of the countries that give aid
[q27_5] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Weak government and corruption in developing countries make cooperation difficult
[q27_6] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Development cooperation does not produce lasting results
[q27_7] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Crises and conflicts prevent development cooperation activities in developing countries
[q27_8] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? The global market structure discriminates against developing countries
[q27_9] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Other
[q27_10] Which of the following do you think is the most difficult challenge facing current development cooperation? Can't say
[q28] How important do you consider humanitarian aid?
[q29] The Finnish Government participates in providing humanitarian aid to the victims of crises and natural disasters. Have you been satisfied with Finland's actions during different crises and natural disasters?
[q30_1] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By donating to charity
[q30_2] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By paying taxes, some of which go to development aid
[q30_3] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By travelling in developing countries
[q30_4] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By participating in the activities of organisations and groups that work with developing countries
[q30_5] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By buying Fair Trade products
[q30_6] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By volunteering in developing countries
[q30_7] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By supporting small business owners in developing countries by granting them microloans through the Internet
[q30_8] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By sponsoring a child in a developing country
[q30_9] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By supporting socially responsible business and investing activities
[q30_10] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: By influencing decision-makers
[q30_11] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: I don't believe I can help
[q30_12] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: Some other way
[q30_13] In what way(s) do you believe you can help developing countries as a private person? Choose 1-3: Can't say
[q31] Which of the following best describes your views on development cooperation and its significance?
[bv1] The respondent's gender
[bv2] The respondent's age
[bv3] The respondent's employment status
[bv4] The respondent's economic activity and occupational status
[bv5] The respondent's marital status
[bv6] Economic activity and occupational status of the person with the highest income in the household
[bv7] Is the respondent the person with the highest income in the household?
[bv8] Who in the household is mainly responsible for everyday shopping?
[bv9] Household type
[bv10_1] Age of children living in the household: Under one year
[bv10_2] Age of children living in the household: 1 year
[bv10_3] Age of children living in the household: 2 years
[bv10_4] Age of children living in the household: 3 years
[bv10_5] Age of children living in the household: 4 years
[bv10_6] Age of children living in the household: 5 years
[bv10_7] Age of children living in the household: 6 years
[bv10_8] Age of children living in the household: 7 years
[bv10_9] Age of children living in the household: 8 years
[bv10_10] Age of children living in the household: 9 years
[bv10_11] Age of children living in the household: 10 years
[bv10_12] Age of children living in the household: 11 years
[bv10_13] Age of children living in the household: 12 years
[bv10_14] Age of children living in the household: 13 years
[bv10_15] Age of children living in the household: 14 years
[bv10_16] Age of children living in the household: 15 years
[bv10_17] Age of children living in the household: 16 years
[bv10_18] Age of children living in the household: 17 years
[bv11] Total number of children aged under 18 living in the household
[bv12] Total gross annual income of the household
[bv13] Total number of people living in the household (including the respondent)
[bv14_1] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: The top three (Helsingin Sanomat, Aamulehti, Turun Sanomat)
[bv14_2] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
[bv14_3] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: Other newspaper
[bv14_4] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: Ilta-Sanomat
[bv14_5] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: Iltalehti
[bv14_6] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: Kauppalehti
[bv14_7] Newspapers regularly read by the respondent: None of the above
[bv15] The respondent's education
[bv16_1] Does the household have: Car
[bv16_2] Does the household have: Ownership of a house/apartment
[bv16_3] Does the household have: Summer cottage (holiday home)
[bv16_4] Does the household have: Fixed-line telephone
[bv16_5] Does the household have: Mobile phone
[bv16_6] Does the household have: Digital camera
[bv16_7] Does the household have: Digital TV/receiver
[bv16_8] Does the household have: Cable/satellite TV
[bv16_9] Does the household have: Teletext
[bv16_10] Does the household have: Pay channels
[bv16_11] Does the household have: High definition TV (HD ready or Full HD)
[bv16_12] Does the household have: High definition (HD) digital tuner in TV or digital receiver
[bv16_13] Does the household have: DVD player
[bv16_14] Does the household have: DVD recorder
[bv16_15] Does the household have: Digital TV recorder
[bv16_16] Does the household have: Blu-ray player
[bv16_17] Does the household have: Desktop computer
[bv16_18] Does the household have: Laptop computer
[bv16_19] Does the household have: Tablet computer
[bv16_20] Does the household have: Video game console
[bv16_21] Does the household have: Broadband Internet (ADSL/cable modem/USB modem)
[bv16_22] Does the household have: Other Internet connection (modem/ISDN)
[bv16_23] Does the household have: Nothing
[bv16_24] Does the household have: Can't say
[bv17] How many hours per week do you usually watch TV?
[bv18] Type of accommodation
[bv19] Number of inhabitants in the respondent's municipality of residence
[bv20] Type of neighbourhood
[bv21] Province
[bv23] Region of residence (NUTS3)
[bv24] Do you have an access to and use a mobile phone?
[bv25] Do you yourself use the Internet?
[bv26_1] Where do you use the Internet: At home
[bv26_2] Where do you use the Internet: At work
[bv26_3] Where do you use the Internet: At school/polytechnic/university or other educational institution
[bv26_4] Where do you use the Internet: In a relative's or friend's home
[bv26_5] Where do you use the Internet: In the library
[bv26_6] Where do you use the Internet: Somewhere else
[bv26_7] Where do you use the Internet: Can't say
[bv27] How often do you use the Internet?
[paino] Weight variables