FSD2817 Ethnic Conflicts and Ethnic Nepotism 2003-2011

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  • Vanhanen, Tatu


discrimination, ethnic conflict, ethnic groups, ethnic minorities, intergroup relations, nepotism, political crises, political power, racial discrimination


The data are part of Professor Tatu Vanhanen's long-term research on ethnic nepotism and ethnic conflicts. The data contain 176 states and two measures: the estimated scale of ethnic conflicts (EEC) is used to measure the relative extent and significance of ethnic conflicts in a country during the period 2003-2011 and the measure of ethnic heterogeneity (EH) is used to measure the relative significance of ethnic nepotism in a country. The data also contain information on the largest ethnic group in a country and the proportion of the population belonging to the largest ethnic group. The information have been collected from various literary sources. The sources and detailed descriptions of the variables are listed in the background information document.

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.