FSD2829 Spiritual Well-Being of Church Workers 2012

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[q1] Age group

[q2] Gender

[q3] Job title (categorised)

[q4] Type of your operating environment

[q5] Diocese in which you work

[q6] How many years have you worked for the Church or ecclesiastical organisations?

[q7] How many years have you worked for other employers?

[q8] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your work as a whole?

[q9] How well do you cope with your workload?

[q10_1] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Conservative Laestadianism

[q10_2] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Other Laestadian movement

[q10_3] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Evangelical movement (SLEY)

[q10_4] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Evangelical movement (Ely)

[q10_5] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Länsi-Suomen rukoilevaisuus ('Western Finland Knee-Praying Revivalists')

[q10_6] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Rukoilevaisen kansan yhdistys ('Finnish Knee-Praying Revivalist Association')

[q10_7] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Herännäisyys ('Awakening')

[q10_8] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Logos Ministries of Finland

[q10_9] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Finnish Lutheran Mission

[q10_10] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Finnish Bible Institute

[q10_11] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Finland (OPKO)

[q10_12] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Other revival movement (so-called 'Fifth Revival')

[q10_13] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Charismatic Movement

[q10_14] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Tuomasyhteisö ('St. Thomas Community')

[q10_15] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Friends of Silence

[q10_16] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Taizé Community

[q10_17] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: St. Paul's Synod

[q10_18] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Luther Foundation Finland

[q10_19] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Tulkaa kaikki ('Come All Movement')

[q10_20] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Other Christian community

[q10_21] Which of the following movements best describe your own religious background: Other religious tradition

[q11] How important is faith to you?

[q12] What is the most important spiritual community to you?

[q13_1] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: My work community

[q13_2] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: My work tasks

[q13_3] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: My home parish

[q13_4] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: My deanery

[q13_5] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: My diocese/chapter

[q13_6] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Revival movements

[q13_7] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Other Christian community

[q13_8] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Internet communities and sites

[q13_9] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Attending worship services/mass

[q13_10] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Sacraments

[q13_11] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: The Bible

[q13_12] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Prayer

[q13_13] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Religious experiences

[q13_14] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Pilgrimages and visiting holy places

[q13_15] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Religious summer festivals

[q13_16] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Retreats

[q13_17] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Spiritual direction group

[q13_18] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Private spiritual direction

[q13_19] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Small groups / Bible study groups

[q13_20] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Evening prayer services etc.

[q13_21] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Charismatic experiences

[q13_22] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: New Age movement

[q13_23] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Other religious traditions

[q13_24] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Music and song

[q13_25] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Art (visual arts, creative expression etc.)

[q13_26] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Literature

[q13_27] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Nature

[q13_28] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Family

[q13_29] To what extent do you feel that the following support your spiritual life: Friends

[q14] How often do you read the Bible in connection with your work tasks?

[q15] How often do you read the Bible outside of work situations?

[q16] How often do you read other religious literature in connection with your work tasks?

[q17] How often do you read other religious literature outside of work situations?

[q18] How often do you pray in connection with your work tasks?

[q19] How often do you pray outside of work situations?

[q20] How often do you participate in worship services/mass as part of your work?

[q21] How often do you participate in worship services/mass outside of work situations?

[q22_1] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Prayer and silent contemplation

[q22_2] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Mass and other worship services

[q22_3] How important to you personally do you consider the following: The Bible

[q22_4] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Contents of faith/religion

[q22_5] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Ecumenism

[q22_6] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Congregational connection

[q22_7] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Human connection, personal relationships

[q22_8] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Serving and helping

[q22_9] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Responsibility for God's Creation/the Universe

[q22_10] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Human rights issues

[q22_11] How important to you personally do you consider the following: Peace and global justice

[q23_1] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Co-workers

[q23_2] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Superior

[q23_3] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Members of the parish

[q23_4] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Friends

[q23_5] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Spouse/partner

[q23_6] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Counsellor (spiritual director/accountability partner, workplace coach, mentor, pastoral counsellor etc.)

[q23_7] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Religious support group

[q23_8] With whom do you discuss spiritual issues that are important to you: Virtual group

[q24_1] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Prayer

[q24_2] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Mass/worship services

[q24_3] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: The Bible

[q24_4] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Christian literature

[q24_5] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Spiritual conversation

[q24_6] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Religious music

[q24_7] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Internet communities or sites

[q24_8] Where do you seek help during times of crisis or anxiety: Nature

[q25] If you seek help elsewhere, please specify where (open-ended)

[q26] How do feel that your spirituality has changed in recent years?

[q27_1] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: I pray...

[q27_2] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: I read the Bible...

[q27_3] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: I go to services/mass...

[q27_4] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: I value silence and contemplation...

[q27_5] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: I help my fellow man in my everyday life...

[q27_6] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: The faith of the church is important to me...

[q27_7] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: Issues regarding God's Creation/the Universe are important to me...

[q27_8] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: Global justice is important to me...

[q27_9] To what extent do the following describe changes in your spirituality in recent years: My faith draws from the New Age movement or traditions of other religions...

[q28_1] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Decreasing membership numbers of the Church

[q28_2] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Organisational changes in the Church

[q28_3] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Climate of debate within the Church

[q28_4] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Diversity in spiritual/religious provision

[q28_5] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Society's attitudes toward the Church

[q28_6] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Rise of New Atheism

[q28_7] How do the following factors impact your own spirituality: Suffering and evil faced in work and personal life

[q29_1] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Childhood home

[q29_2] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Childcare organised by the parish, school, confirmation class etc.

[q29_3] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Studies

[q29_4] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Important people

[q29_5] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Important religious experience

[q29_6] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Religious communities

[q29_7] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: The Bible and literature

[q29_8] To what extent have the following factors had an impact on your spirituality: Own life history

[q30_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements with regard to working at a church: Working at a church is a job for me like any other

[q30_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements with regard to working at a church: I specifically want to work at a church

[q30_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements with regard to working at a church: The Church/working at a church is a source of joy and inspiration for me

[q30_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements with regard to working at a church: The Church/working at a church has been a disappointment for me

[q30_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements with regard to working at a church: The church is my work community, for good and for bad

[q31] Do you need the church in maintaining your spiritual well-being?

[q32_1] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Work community

[q32_2] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Superiors

[q32_3] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Home parish

[q32_4] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Deanery

[q32_5] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Diocese/chapter

[q32_6] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Other Christian community

[q32_7] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Spiritual direction

[q32_8] To what extent do you hope that you would get support for your spiritual life from the following: Christian internet communities and sites

[q33] As an employer, does the Church offer sufficient possibilities for maintaining your spiritual well-being?

[q34_1] Can you use work time for: reading the Bible?

[q34_2] Can you use work time for: prayer?

[q34_3] Can you use work time for: mass/worship services?

[q34_4] Can you use work time for: retreats?

[q34_5] Can you use work time for: spiritual direction?

[q34_6] Can you use work time for: education supporting your own spirituality/religiousity?

[q34_7] Can you use work time for: national religious events?

[q35_1] Has the Church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Spiritual direction

[q35_2] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Pastoral counselling

[q35_3] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Work coaching

[q35_4] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Retreats

[q35_5] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Spiritual direction groups or spiritual companionship groups

[q35_6] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: Professional development opportunities and events

[q35_7] Has the church, as an employer, thus far supported your spiritual life in the following ways: General spiritual care

[q36_1] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Prayer

[q36_2] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Reading the Bible

[q36_3] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Singing hymns or other religious songs

[q36_4] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Devotion / short service

[q36_5] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Sharing experiences

[q36_6] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Discussing spiritual issues

[q36_7] How often do meetings in your workplace include the following elements: Worship service / the Eucharist

[q37] Who is responsible for putting together the religious content in these workplace meetings?

[q38_1] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Spiritual direction

[q38_2] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Support for praying

[q38_3] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Encouraging the use of the Bible

[q38_4] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Pastoral counselling

[q38_5] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Discussing and working on doubts related to faith

[q38_6] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Encouraging silence and contemplation

[q38_7] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Training to strengthen religious identity

[q38_8] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: General support for spirituality

[q38_9] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Support for personal problems and crises

[q38_10] What sort of support for your spiritual life would you need from the Church as an employer: Support for lifestyle choices

[q39_1] If you need Christian counselling, what would you like this counselling to include (you can choose multiple alternatives): Personal counselling

[q39_2] If you need Christian counselling, what would you like this counselling to include (you can choose multiple alternatives): Group counselling

[q39_3] If you need Christian counselling, what would you like this counselling to include (you can choose multiple alternatives): Silent retreat

[q39_4] If you need Christian counselling, what would you like this counselling to include (you can choose multiple alternatives): Professional development training

[q39_5] If you need Christian counselling, what would you like this counselling to include (you can choose multiple alternatives): Day of contemplation and silence

[q40] What else do you want to tell about your spiritual life and its support needs? (open-ended)

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