FSD2886 Welfare and Services in Finland 2006

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[koti1] Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

[koti2] Are there children under the age of 18 living in your household?

[koti2a] How many children under the age of 18?

[koti3] The respondent's marital status

[taus1] Which of the following best describes your economic activity?

[taus2] (IF NOT A STUDENT) What is/was your status in employment?

[taus3] (IF AN EMPLOYEE) Are/were you in a managerial position?

[taus4a] (IF AN ENTREPRENEUR) Do/did you have employees?

[taus4b] (IF AN ENTREPRENEUR) How many employees do/did you have?

[taus5] (IF AN EMPLOYEE) What is your current or most recent occupation? (categorised open-ended)

[taus6] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Is your current employment contract:

[taus7] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Is your job:

[taus8a] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of layoffs

[taus8b] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of termination

[taus8c] (IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Fixed-term contract will not be renewed

[taus9a] (IF UNEMPLOYED) How many months has your current (continuous) period of unemployment or layoff lasted?

[taus9b] (IF UNEMPLOYED) How likely do you think it is that you will gain employment in the following six months?

[tal1] Thinking about the income and expenses of your household, do you usually have extra money that you could save?

[tal2] A household may have different sources of income and several of its members may have income. If you think about the total income of your household, is covering expenses with this income...

[tal3] Do you expect the financial situation of your household in the near future will...

[tal4a] If so desired, can your household afford to: Pay for a week's holiday once a year?

[tal4b] If so desired, can your household afford to: Buy new pieces of furniture to replace worn ones?

[tal4c] If so desired, can your household afford to: Buy new clothes rather than used ones?

[tal4d] If so desired, can your household afford to: Have meat, fish or chicken for dinner every other day?

[tal5] Do you live in:

[tal6a] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following: Size of your housing

[tal6b] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following: Amenities of your housing

[tal6c] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following: Cost of housing

[tal6d] Thinking about your present housing situation and neighbourhood, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the following: Safety of the neighbourhood

[suh1a] Thinking about your life at the moment, are you...

[suh1b] Thinking about the amount of your leisure time, are you...

[suh1c] (IF Taus1=1,2) Thinking about your current job, are you...

[suh2] Do you feel lonely?

[suh3] How often do you meet friends or relatives who do not live in the same household as you:

[suh4] Are you a member of a club or association/organisation, such as a sports club or some other hobby group, a local community/neighbourhood group, a political party etc.?

[suh5] Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections in 2003?

[terv1] What would you say your health is like these days:

[terv2] Do you have any long-term illness, disability or health problem which limits your daily activities?

[terv3] How much does the illness, health problem or disability impede your activities?

[terv4] Have you been under stress lately?

[terv5] (WOMEN UNDER 46) Have you been pregnant in the past 12 months?

[terv6] Have you visited a doctor in the past 12 months because of an illness, visits to a dentist will be asked later?

[terv7a] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in a public health centre?

[terv7b] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in a public health centre? Yes, how many times?

[terv8a] Did you visit in the past 12 months: Hospital clinic?

[terv8b] Did you visit in the past 12 months: Hospital clinic? Yes, how many times?

[terv9a] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in an occupational health centre?

[terv9b] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in an occupational health centre? Yes, how many times?

[terv10a] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in a private health care facility?

[terv10b] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner in a private health care facility? Yes, how many times?

[terv11a] Did a general practitioner visit you at home in the past 12 months?

[terv11b] Did a general practitioner visit you at home in the past 12 months? Yes, how many times?

[terv12a] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner somewhere else (e.g. in the army or while travelling)?

[terv12b] Did you visit in the past 12 months: General practitioner somewhere else (e.g. in the army or while travelling)? Yes, how many times?

[terv13a] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did you visit an occupational health nurse?

[terv13b] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did you visit an occupational health nurse? Yes, how many times?

[terv14a] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did you visit other nurse or public health nurse?

[terv14b] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did you visit other nurse or public health nurse? Yes, how many times?

[terv15a] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did a nurse visit you at home?

[terv15b] In the past 12 months, because of your own health problem (or pregnancy or childbirth): Did a nurse visit you at home? Yes, how many times?

[terv16] Where would you primarily try to get a doctor's appointment if you suddenly got ill during the day on a weekday?

[terv17] In your view, have you received adequate treatment for your illnesses / health problems in the past 12 months?

[terv18a] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Lack of money

[terv18b] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Taking care of matters related to work or home, or other matters

[terv18c] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Lack of services

[terv18d] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Distance to services

[terv18e] Did the following deter you from receiving treatment: Doubts about the efficacy of treatment

[terv19a] What is the distance from your home to the closest: General practitioner in a public health centre?

[terv19b] What is the distance from your home to the closest: General practitioner in a private health care facility?

[terv19c] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Dentist in a public health centre?

[terv19d] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Dentist in a private health care facility?

[terv19e] What is the distance from your home to the closest: Pharmacy?

[terv20] In the past 12 months, have you had to wait unreasonably long for the treatment you required for your health problem or illness?

[terv21a] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in a public health centre?

[terv21b] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in an occupational health centre?

[terv21c] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a general practitioner in a private health care facility?

[terv21d] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Being admitted to hospital clinic?

[terv21e] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Medical procedure in a hospital?

[terv21f] Have you had to wait unreasonably long for: Appointment with a dentist in a public health centre?

[terv22] Have you had toothache or other problems related to teeth or dentures in the past 12 months?

[terv23a] Are you missing any teeth?

[terv23b] How many teeth are you missing?

[terv24] Have you been to a dentist in the past 12 months?

[terv25a] Did you visit: Dentist in a public health centre?

[terv25b] Did you visit: Dentist in a public health centre? Yes, how many times?

[terv26a] Did you visit: Dentist in a private health care facility?

[terv26b] Did you visit: Dentist in a private health care facility? Yes, how many times?

[terv27a] Did you visit: Other dentist (e.g. in the army or while travelling)?

[terv27b] Did you visit: Other dentist (e.g. in the army or while travelling)? Yes, how many times?

[terv28a] Did you visit: Dental technician?

[terv28b] Did you visit: Dental technician? Yes, how many times?

[terv29a] Did you visit: Other dental treatment?

[terv29b] Did you visit: Other dental treatment? Yes, how many times?

[palv1a] To what extent do you agree or disagree: On the whole, social services work well in Finland

[palv1b] To what extent do you agree or disagree: You trust the competence and expertise of social service personnel

[palv2a] If you needed to, it would be difficult for you to apply for: child day care spot

[palv2b] If you needed to, it would be difficult for you to apply for: social assistance

[palv2c] If you needed to, it would be difficult for you to apply for: services for the disabled

[palv2d] If you needed to, it would be difficult for you to apply for: home care services

[palv2e] If you needed to, it would be difficult for you to apply for: counselling given by a social worker for problems related to family or relationships

[palv3a] You believe that, if needed, you would receive: child day care spot

[palv3b] You believe that, if needed, you would receive: social assistance

[palv3c] You believe that, if needed, you would receive: services for the disabled

[palv3d] You believe that, if needed, you would receive: home care services

[palv3e] You believe that, if needed, you would receive: counselling provided by a social worker for problems related to family or relationships

[palv4a] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Child day care

[palv4b] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Home care services

[palv4c] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Services for the elderly

[palv4d] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Services for the disabled

[palv4e] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Social assistance and social work targeted at adults

[palv4f] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Child welfare services

[palv4g] Should the following services be developed in your municipality of residence to a great extent, to some extent, a little or is current level sufficient: Services for substance abusers

[palv5a] In the past 12 months, have you applied for, for example, day care or home care services, or services for the elderly or the disabled from the social services of your municipality of residence?

[palv5b] Was the most recent service you applied for:

[palv5c] How would you rate the quality of the service you received on a scale of 0-10 where 0 means very low quality and 10 means very high quality?

[palv5d] How long did you have to wait to receive the service you needed?

[palv6a] In the past 12 months, have you applied for social assistance or some other financial benefit from the social services of your municipality of residence?

[palv6b] Was this benefit:

[palv6c] How would you rate the quality of the service you received on a scale of 0-10 where 0 means very low quality and 10 means very high quality?

[palv6d] How long did you have to wait to receive the benefit you needed?

[palv7a] In the past 12 months, have you applied for guidance/counselling services from the social services of your municipality of residence?

[palv7b] Was this service:

[palv7c] How would you rate the quality of the service you received on a scale of 0-10 where 0 means very low quality and 10 means very high quality?

[palv7d] How long did you have to wait to receive the service you needed?

[palv8a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: Taking care of the matter was complicated or troublesome

[palv8b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: Opening hours of the office caused difficulties

[palv8c] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: You had to wait too long for your turn

[palv8d] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: Your situation was understood and you received professional help

[palv8e] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: Service was polite and responsive

[palv8f] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your experience with the social services: Your suggestions and wishes were taken into account in resolving the matter

[om1] Do you aid / care for a relative or friend who is unable to manage by him/herself because of age, disability or illness?

[om2] Are you the primary carer of this person?

[om3a] Which of the persons close to you do you aid / care for:

[om3b] Which of the persons close to you do you aid / care for: Which other relative or friend? (open-ended)

[om4a] Do you live...

[om4b] How long is the distance in kilometres?

[om5a] Do you help/aid a person close to you with errands outside the home, such as shopping, banking or going to the pharmacy?

[om5b] Do you help/aid a person close to you with errands outside the home, such as shopping, banking or going to the pharmacy? How often?

[om6a] Do you help the person with household work, such as cooking, doing the dishes or cleaning?

[om6b] Do you help the person with household work, such as cooking, doing the dishes or cleaning? How often?

[om7a] Do you help the person with personal activities of daily living, such as toileting, continence care, bathing or eating?

[om7b] Do you help the person with personal activities of daily living, such as toileting, continence care, bathing or eating? How often?

[om8a] Do you help the person close to you with medical procedures, such as injections, treatment of cuts and wounds, or catheterisation?

[om8b] Do you help the person close to you with medical procedures, such as injections, treatment of cuts and wounds or catheterisation? How often?

[asvait1] Is the level of social security in Finland at the moment:

[asvait2a] Tax rates should be lowered in Finland even if it leads to cuts in social security. Do you:

[asvait2b] The level of social security in Finland must be maintained even if it leads to increases in tax rates. Do you:

[asvait3a] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The state and municipalities should be the ones to provide most of the health and social services needed by citizens

[asvait3b] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Private social services should be increased

[asvait3c] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Private health services should be increased

[asvait4a] To what extent would you like tax revenue to be used to finance: Health care

[asvait4b] To what extent would you like tax revenue to be used to finance: Social services

[asvait4c] To what extent would you like tax revenue to be used to finance: Transfer payments, such as social security benefits

[asvait5a] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: No one cares much about what happens to others

[asvait5b] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is best not to trust anyone

[asvait5c] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people make friends because friends are likely to be useful for them

[asvait5d] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people don't really want to put themselves out to help other people

[bv1] The respondent's gender

[bv2] The respondent's year of birth

[bv3] The respondent's region (NUTS3) of residence

[bv4] Degree of urbanisation of the municipality of residence

[bv5] Hospital district

[bv6] Average monthly net income at the disposal of the respondent's household in 2004 (total household income after taxes)

[bv7] The respondent's education level (three-level ISCED classification)

[bv8a] Expansion weight, persons

[bv8b] Sampling weight, persons

[bv9a] Expansion weight, households

[bv9b] Sampling weight, households

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