FSD3061 Äitiysterveydenhuolto Kiinan maaseudulla 2008 - 2009

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[a1b] The type of your Huko (registered permanent residence) was

[a2a] Where did you live at the early part of the pregnancy (until 3 months of pregnancy)?

[a3a] Where did you live during the end of the pregnancy (3 months before delivery, or 26 weeks - 40 weeks of pregnancy)?

[a4a] Where did you live at the time of the delivery?

[a5] How old are you?

[a6a] What is your educational level?

[a6b] Or you have accepted education for ___ years

[a7] What is your occupation?

[a8b] The type of the Huko (registered permanent residence) of your husband was

[a9] How old is the father of child?

[a10a] What is the educational level of baby’s father?

[a10b] Or he has accepted education for ___ years

[a11] What is father’s occupation?

[a12a] If you cannot provide the information about the father of the child, why?

[a13] How many members were in your family during the year before the child was born?

[a14] The total income of your family during the year before the child was born was (Yuan)

[a15] The total expenditure of your family during the year before the child was born was (Yuan)

[a18] Were you a member of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) during the year before the child was born?

[b1f] How many children do you have now?

[b1g_1] Your first child: Gender

[b1h_1] Your first child: Birthday

[b1g_2] Your second child: Gender

[b1h_2] Your second child: Birthday

[b1g_3] Your third child: Gender

[b1h_3] Your third child: Birthday

[b1g_4] Your forth child: Gender

[b1h_4] Your forth child: Birthday

[b2a] Was your youngest baby healthy at birth?

[b3a] Is your youngest baby healthy now?

[b3c] Is your youngest baby healthy now? (s)he is dead. When (date)?

[b4a] Birth weight of the baby _____ Jin _____ Liang. (1 Jin=1/2 kilogram, and 1 Jin=10 Liang)

[b4b] If not known, ask: Your baby at birth was

[b5a] How many weeks of pregnant you were when the delivery occurred?

[b5b] How many months of pregnant you were when the delivery occurred?

[b5c] If not known ask: Was the baby born

[b6a] When you were pregnant, did your husband live most of the time in the same house as you?

[b7a] Which of the following statements describes best your working outside the house (farming work in the fields or in paid work) during pregnancy?

[b7b] Which of the following statements describes best your working outside the house (farming work in the fields or in paid work) during pregnancy? I worked less heavily than before pregnancy from _____ months

[b7c] Which of the following statements describes best your working outside the house (farming work in the fields or in paid work) during pregnancy? I stopped working completely from _____ months

[b8] Did you have any prenatal (= antenatal) visits to a doctor or midwife during your pregnancy?

[b8b] Did you have any prenatal (= antenatal) visits to a doctor or midwife during your pregnancy? Times of prenatal care

[b9] At which month of pregnancy did you have your first prenatal visit?

[b15b] Did the person who did your antenatal visit: Check duration of pregnancy?

[b16a] Did you use maternity card during your pregnancy?

[b17a] Did you get any written material related to pregnancy and childbirth (booklets, leaflets etc) during your visits?

[b17b] Did you get any written material related to pregnancy and childbirth (booklets, leaflets etc) during your visits? If no, would you have liked to get?

[b21] How much did your prenatal care cost totally? (Yuan)

[b22a] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project?

[b22c] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project? If yes, how much? (Yuan)

[b22d] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project? You got reimbursement for what? Prenatal care

[b22e] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project? You got reimbursement for what? Hospital delivery

[b22f] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project? You got reimbursement for what? Postnatal care

[b22g] Did you get reimbursement from CHIMACA project? You got reimbursement for what? I don’t know

[b23] Did CMS cover your prenatal care costs? (Yuan)

[b24] Did other insurance or your employer cover your prenatal care costs? (Yuan)

[b25a] How much did you pay yourself for prenatal care?

[b25b] How much did you pay yourself for prenatal care? Yuan, as a package

[b25c] How much did you pay yourself for prenatal care? Yuan, for different items

[c1a] Where did you give birth?

[c2a] If you delivered at home indicate reasons: I thought it was not necessary to go to hospital

[c2b] If you delivered at home indicate reasons: The delivery was quick and I had no time to go elsewhere

[c2c] If you delivered at home indicate reasons: I had not enough money

[c2d] If you delivered at home indicate reasons: The hospital was far away or difficult to reach and I had no transportation

[c2e] If you delivered at home indicate reasons: The treatment in hospital is known to be poor

[c3a] Who assisted the delivery?

[c4a] How did the birth take place?

[c4b] If the delivery was a c-section it was made because of: Emergency (the child's or my condition was in danger)

[c4c] If the delivery was a c-section it was made because of: My doctor / midwife recommended it for other than emergency reason

[c4d] If the delivery was a c-section it was made because of: I wanted to have it

[c4e] If the delivery was a c-section it was made because of: Some of my family members wanted to have it

[c4g] If the delivery was a c-section it was made because of: I don't know

[c7a] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: My doctor/midwife advised me to go there

[c7b] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: It was the nearest hospital

[c7c] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: It was convenient to go there

[c7d] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: I knew the doctor in the hospital

[c7e] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: The care was better than in other hospitals

[c7f] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: The fee was less than in other hospitals

[c7g] What factors influenced to choose just that hospital: It was safer than other hospitals

[c8a] If you delivered in county hospital, did township doctor/midwife recommend you to go there?

[c9c] How many nights did you stay in the hospital before your delivery?

[c10c] How many nights did you actually stay in the hospital after your delivery?

[c13] How much did your delivery care cost totally? (Yuan)

[c14] Did CMS cover your delivery care costs? (Yuan)

[c15] Did other insurance or your employer cover your delivery care costs? (Yuan)

[c16a] How much did you pay yourself for delivery care?

[c16b] How much did you pay yourself for delivery care? Yuan, as a package

[c16c] How much did you pay yourself for delivery care? Yuan, for different items

[d1a] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have?

[d1b] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have? At home (times)

[d1c] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have? In county level health facility (times)

[d1d] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have? In township level health facility (times)

[d1e] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have? At village clinic (times)

[d1g] During 42 days after delivery, how many postnatal visits did you totally have? At other health facility (times)

[d6b] When did you start to give milk substitute to your baby at the first time? I started _____ months

[d7a] Did your baby get vaccination?

[d7b] Did your baby get vaccination? (times)

[d9] How much did your postnatal care cost totally? (Yuan)

[d10] Did CMS cover your postnatal care costs? (Yuan)

[d11] Did other insurance or your employer cover your postnatal visits costs? (Yuan)

[d12a] How much did you pay yourself for postnatal care?

[d12b] How much did you pay yourself for postnatal care? Yuan, as a package

[d12c] How much did you pay yourself for postnatal care? Yuan, for different items

[e] The degree of cooperating of the responder

[bv1] Province of the survey

[bv2] County of the survey

[bv3] Township of the survey

[bv4] If the birth is illegal

[bv5] If the woman is migrant

[bv6] Survey date

[bv7] Who answered the questionnaire?

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