FSD3073 PIAAC 2012: kansainvälinen aikuistutkimus: Suomen aineisto
Select variable
[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)
[BQLANG] Taustamuuttujien kieli
[A_Q01a] Minä vuonna olette syntynyt?
[B_Q01aFI] Mikä on korkein suorittamanne tutkinto?
[B_Q01a2FI] Missä maassa suorititte tutkinnon? (jos tutkinto suoritettu ulkomailla)
[B_Q01b] Mikä oli korkeimman tutkintonne oppiala, erityisalue tai pääaine?
[B_Q01c1] Minkä ikäisenä suorititte kyseisen tutkinnon?
[B_Q01c2] Minä vuonna suorititte kyseisen tutkinnon?
[B_Q01d] Missä kuussa se tapahtui?
[B_Q02a] Opiskeletteko tällä hetkellä jotakin tutkintoa varten?
[B_Q02bFI] Minkä tasoista tutkintoa opiskelette tällä hetkellä?
[B_Q02c] Mikä on tämän tutkinnon oppiala, erityisalue tai pääaine?
[B_Q03a] Oletteko koskaan opiskellut jotakin tutkintoa varten, mutta jättänyt opinnot kesken?
[B_Q03bFI] Minkä tason tutkintoa aloitte opiskella?
[B_Q03c1] Minkä ikäisenä keskeytitte nämä opintonne?
[B_Q03c2] Minä vuonna keskeytitte nämä opintonne?
[B_Q03d] Missä kuussa tämä tapahtui? (jos keskeyttämisestä alle vuosi)
[B_Q04b] Kuinka montaa tutkintoa varten olette viimeksi kuluneiden 12 kuukauden aikana opiskellut?
[B_Q05aFI] Minkä asteen koulutusta se oli?
[B_Q05b] Mikä oli kyseisen tutkinnon oppiala, erityisalue tai pääaine?
[B_Q05c] Olivatko tärkeimmät syyt näiden opintojen valitsemiseen työhön liittyviä?
[B_Q10c] Kuinka hyödyllisiä kyseiset opintonne olivat ansiotyönne tai yritystoimintanne kannalta:
[B_Q12b] Kuinka moneen tällaiseen koulutukseen osallistuitte?
[B_Q12d] Kuinka moneen tällaiseen koulutukseen osallistuitte?
[B_Q12f] Kuinka moneen tällaiseen koulutukseen osallistuitte?
[B_Q12h] Kuinka moneen tällaiseen koulutukseen osallistuitte?
[B_Q13] Millainen tapahtuma se oli?
[B_Q14a] Oliko kyseinen koulutus pääasiassa työhön liittyvää?
[B_Q14b] Voitteko täsmentää, mikä oli tärkein syy osallistua kyseiseen koulutukseen?
[B_Q15b] Järjestettiinkö koulutus:
[B_Q15c] Kuinka hyödyllistä kyseinen koulutus oli tuolloisen työnne tai yritystoimintanne kannalta:
[B_Q18a] Kuinka monta KOKONAISTA viikkoa käytitte tähän koulutukseen?
[B_Q19a] Kuinka monta KOKONAISTA päivää käytitte tähän koulutukseen?
[B_Q20a] Kuinka monta tuntia käytitte tähän koulutukseen?
[B_Q20b] Kuinka paljon tästä ajasta kului työhön liittyvään koulutukseen?
[B_Q26b] Mikä seuraavista vaihtoehdoista oli tärkein syy siihen, ettette osallistunut koulutukseen?
[C_Q02a] Oletteko viime sunnuntaihin päättyneen neljän viikon jaksolla etsinyt palkallista työtä?
[C_Q02c] Aloitatteko tuon työn kolmen kuukauden kuluessa vai vasta myöhemmin?
[C_Q03_02] Mistä syistä ette ole hakenut työtä neljän viime viikon aikana? Olin opiskelija
[C_Q03_08] Mistä syistä ette ole hakenut työtä neljän viime viikon aikana? En tarvinnut työpaikkaa
[C_Q03_10] Mistä syistä ette ole hakenut työtä neljän viime viikon aikana? Muu syy
[C_Q07] Mikä seuraavista vaihtoehdoista kuvaa tämänhetkistä tilannettanne parhaiten?
[C_Q08a] Oletteko koskaan ollut ansiotyössä palkansaajana, yrittäjänä tai ammatinharjoittajana?
[C_Q08c1] Kuinka vanha olitte kun viimeisin ansiotyönne päättyi?
[C_Q08c2] Minä vuonna viimeisin ansiotyönne päättyi?
[C_S03] Kuinka monta kuukautta yhteensä olette etsinyt ansiotyötä?
[D_Q03] Millä sektorilla työskentelette?
[D_Q04] Oletteko tässä työssänne palkansaaja, yrittäjä vai itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja?
[D_Q05a1] Minkä ikäisenä aloitte työskennellä nykyisen työnantajanne palveluksessa?
[D_Q05a2] Minä vuonna aloitte työskennellä nykyisen työnantajanne palveluksessa?
[D_Q05a3] Missä kuussa tämä oli? (jos työskentelyn aloittamisesta alle vuosi)
[D_Q05b1] Minkä ikäisenä aloititte yritystoiminnan?
[D_Q05b2] Minä vuonna aloititte yritystoiminnan?
[D_Q05b3] Missä kuussa tämä oli? (jos yritystoiminnan aloittamisesta alle vuosi)
[D_Q06a] Kuinka monta työntekijää työnantajallanne on siinä toimipaikassa, jossa työskentelette:
[D_Q06b] Onko toimipaikkanne työntekijöiden lukumäärä viimeksi kuluneiden 12 kuukauden aikana:
[D_Q06c] Onko toimipaikkanne osa suurempaa yritystä tai organisaatiota?
[D_Q07b] Kuinka monta henkilöä työllistätte toimipaikassanne:
[D_Q08a] Onko teillä johdettavana tai valvottavana työntekijöitä?
[D_Q08b] Kuinka monta työntekijää teillä on suoraan tai välillisesti johdettavana tai valvottavana?
[D_Q09] Minkä tyyppinen työsopimus teillä on?
[D_Q10] Kuinka monta tuntia viikossa tavallisesti työskentelette tässä työssä?
[D_Q11b] Missä määrin voitte valita tai muuttaa seuraavia asioita? Sitä, miten työnne teette?
[D_Q11d] Missä määrin voitte valita tai muuttaa seuraavia asioita? Työaikaanne?
[D_Q13b] Kuinka usein työssänne on kyse tekemällä oppimisesta, eli työtehtävät opettavat teitä?
[D_Q13c] Kuinka usein työssänne on pysyttävä ajan tasalla uusien tuotteiden tai palveluiden suhteen?
[D_Q14] Kuinka tyytyväinen kaiken kaikkiaan olette nykyiseen työhönne?
[D_Q16a] Mikä on teille helpoin tapa ilmaista palkkatulonne nykyisestä työstänne?
[D_Q16c] Olisitteko valmis vastaamaan tähän kysymykseen, jos käytämme siinä karkeaa luokitusta?
[D_Q16d1] Kuinka suureksi arvioitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne tuntia kohden?
[D_Q16d2] Kuinka suureksi arvioitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne päivää kohden?
[D_Q16d3] Kuinka suureksi arvioitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne viikkoa kohden?
[D_Q16d4] Kuinka suureksi arvioitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne kahta viikkoa kohden?
[D_Q16d5] Kuinka suureksi arvioitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne kuukautta kohden?
[D_Q16d6] Kuinka suureksi arvioisitte tavanomaisen bruttopalkkanne vuotta kohden?
[D_Q17b] Kuinka paljon yhteensä saitte näitä lisäansiota viime vuonna bruttona?
[D_Q17c] Olisitteko valmis vastaamaan tähän kysymykseen, jos käytämme siinä karkeaa luokitusta?
[D_Q17d] Kuinka suuriksi arvioisitte nämä lisäansionne viime vuodelta bruttona?
[D_Q18b] Olisitteko valmis vastaamaan tähän kysymykseen, jos käytämme siinä karkeaa luokitusta?
[D_Q18c1] Kuinka suuriksi arvioisitte ansionne viime kuulta?
[D_Q18c2] Kuinka suuriksi arvioisitte ansionne viime vuodelta?
[D_S16a] Kuinka monta tuntia suoritteen tekeminen keskimäärin kestää?
[E_Q03] Millä sektorilla työskentelitte?
[E_Q04] Olitteko tässä työssänne palkansaaja, yrittäjä vai itsenäinen ammatinharjoittaja?
[E_Q06] Kuinka monta työntekijää työnantajallanne oli siinä toimipaikassa, jossa työskentelitte?
[E_Q07b] Kuinka monta henkilöä työllistitte toimipaikassanne?
[E_Q08] Minkä tyyppinen työsopimus teillä oli?
[E_Q09] Kuinka monta tuntia viikossa tavallisesti työskentelitte tässä työssä?
[E_Q10] Voitteko kertoa, mikä seuraavista oli pääsyynä viimeisimmän työsuhteenne päättymiseen:
[F_Q01b] Kuinka suuri osa työajastanne tavallisesti kuluu/kului yhteistyöhön työtovereiden kanssa?
[G_Q01e] Kuinka usein nykyisessä/viimeisimmässä työssänne tavallisesti: Luette/luitte kirjoja?
[G_Q04] Käytättekö nykyisessä/käytittekö viimeisimmässä työssänne tietokonetta?
[G_Q06] Minkä tasoista tietokoneen käyttöä nykyinen/viimeisin työnne edellyttää/edellytti?
[H_Q04a] Oletteko koskaan käyttänyt tietokonetta?
[H_Q04b] Käytättekö tietokonetta tällä hetkellä arkielämässänne (työn ulkopuolella)?
[I_Q04d] Missä määrin seuraavat väittämät soveltuvat teihin? Pidän uusien asioiden oppimisesta.
[I_Q06a] Minun kaltaisillani ihmisillä ei ole mitään sananvaltaa sen suhteen, miten hallinto toimii.
[I_Q07a] On vain muutama ihminen, joihin voi luottaa täydellisesti.
[I_Q07b] Ellet pidä varaasi, muut käyttävät sinua hyväkseen.
[J_N05a2] Mainitsiko vastaaja useamman kuin yhden kielen?
[J_Q02a] Asutteko yhdessä puolison tai kumppanin kanssa?
[J_Q02c] Mikä vaihtoehto kuvaa parhaiten puolisonne tai kumppaninne tämänhetkistä tilannetta?
[J_Q03c] Kuinka vanha tämä lapsenne on? (jos yksi lapsi)
[J_Q03d1] Kuinka vanha nuorin lapsenne on?
[J_Q03d2] Entä kuinka vanha on vanhin lapsenne?
[J_Q04a] Oletteko syntynyt Suomessa?
[J_Q04bFI] Missä maassa olette syntynyt?
[J_Q04c1] Minkä ikäisenä alun pitäen muutitte Suomeen?
[J_Q04c2] Minä vuonna alun pitäen muutitte Suomeen?
[J_Q05a1FI] Mikä oli ensimmäinen kieli, jota opitte puhumaan lapsena ja JOTA YHÄ YMMÄRRÄTTE?
[J_Q05a2FI] Mikä oli se toinen kieli, jota opitte puhumaan lapsena ja JOTA YHÄ YMMÄRRÄTTE?
[J_Q05bFI] Mitä kieltä puhutte kotona useimmiten?
[J_Q06a] Onko äitinne tai naispuolinen huoltajanne syntynyt Suomessa?
[J_Q06b] Mikä on (oli) äitinne tai naispuolisen huoltajanne korkein koulutus?
[J_Q07a] Onko isänne tai miespuolinen huoltajanne syntynyt Suomessa?
[J_Q07b] Mikä on (oli) isänne tai miespuolisen huoltajanne korkein koulutus?
[J_Q08] Kuinka monta kirjaa kotonanne arviolta on? Mukaan ei lasketa lehtiä eikä koulukirjoja
[ISCO08_L2] Viimeisin ammatti (ISCO08 2 numerolla)
[ISCO08_C3] Nykyinen ammatti (ISCO08 3 (2) numerolla)
[CNTRYID] Maatunnus (ISO 3166, numeerinen)
Country ID and sub-national entity sample code (string)
Participating country or sub-national entity code (numeric)
Participating country or sub-national entity code (string)
Sampling ID: Major design stratum ID
Person probability of selection (within HHs, if applicable)
Overall probability of selection of the sampled person or non-respondent HH
Sort order for PSU selection (or persons if one-stage design)
Flag for CALCAGE computed from CI_AGE (derived)
Date of birth year (derived from BQ)
Person resolved age from BQ and QC check (derived, original before trimming)
Person resolved age from BQ and QC check (derived)
Person gender (derived from BQ)
Person resolved gender from BQ and QC check (derived)
Proportion in target population who are excluded from the sampling frame
Final disposition code for person - combining CI and BQ/JRA (derived)
Final disposition code for person for Main task instrument (derived)
Final disposition code for person for Main task instrument, including reading components (derived)
Final disposition code for case initialization
Education - Highest qualification - Level
Highest level of schooling (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Education - Highest qualification - Level of foreign qualification
Education - Highest Qualification - Level of foreign qualification (collapsed, 14 categories)
Education - Highest qualification - Age of finish (categorised, 6 categories)
Age at completion of highest level of schooling (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Education - Time elapsed since finished highest qualification (categorised, 5 categories)
Education or training in last 12 months (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Education - Current qualification - Level
Education - Current Qualification (collapsed, 10 categories)
Education - Uncompleted qualification - Level
Education - Uncompleted qualification - Level (collapsed, 10 categories)
Education - Uncompleted qualification - Age of dropout (categorised, 6 categories)
Education - Formal qualification - Count (top-coded at 2)
Education - Formal qualification - Level
Main reason for program of studies (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Courses outside of program of studies in last 12 months (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Activities - Last year - On the job training - Count (top-coded at 5)
Activities - Last year - Seminars or workshops - Count (top-coded at 5)
Activities - Last year - Private lessons - Count (top-coded at 5)
Training or education for career or job wanted but not taken in last 12 months (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Current work situation (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Current status/work history - Age when stopped working in last job (categorised, 10 categories)
Current status/work history - Years of paid work during lifetime (top-coded at 47)
Worked at job or business in last 12 months (any number of hours) (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Status at this job or business - six levels (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Status at this job or business - four levels (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Current work - Start of work for employer - Age (categorised, 9 categories)
Current work - Start of work for business - Age (categorised, 9 categories)
Current work - Employees working for you - Count (collapsed, 2 categories)
Current work - Hours/week (top-coded at 60)
Hours per week at this job or business - number of hours (top coded at 97, Trend-IALS/ALL)
Hours per week at this job or business - range of hours (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Current work - Requirements - Education level
Wage or salary [weekly/hourly] before taxes and deductions (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Annual net income before taxes and deductions (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Last job - Start of work for employer - Age (categorised, 9 categories)
Last job - Start of work for business - Age (categorised, 9 categories)
Last work - Hours/week (top-coded at 60)
As part of job, read or use directions or instructions (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use directions or instructions - levels collapsed (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use letters, memos, e-mails (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use letters, memos, e-mails - levels collapsed (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use reports, articles, magazines, journals (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use manuals, reference books, catalogues (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use manuals, reference books, catalogues - levels collapsed (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use bills, invoices, spreadsheets, budget tables (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use diagrams or schematics (Trend-IALS/ALL)
As part of job, read or use diagrams or schematics - levels collapsed (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Ever used computer (Trend-IALS/ALL)
In daily life, read or use letters, notes, e-mails (Trend-IALS/ALL)
In daily life, read or use newspapers, magazines, articles (Trend-IALS/ALL)
In daily life, read or use books (fiction or nonfiction; not for job or school) (Trend-IALS/ALL)
General health (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Background - People in household (top-coded at 6)
Number living in household (from 1 to 7) (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Background - Number of children (top-coded at 4)
Background - Age of the child (categorised, 4 categories)
Background - Age of the youngest child (categorised, 4 categories)
Background - Age of the oldest child (categorised, 4 categories)
Born in country (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Background - Age of immigration (categorised, 9 categories)
Year of immigration to country (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Year of immigration to country - range of years (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Mother or female guardian born in country (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Highest level of education - mother or female guardian (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Father or male guardian born in country (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Highest level of education - father or male guardian (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Respondent experience with computer (DERIVED BY CAPI)
Respondent is a native speaker (DERIVED BY CAPI)
Educational level of the respondent (DERIVED BY CAPI)
[DISP_BQ] Haastattelun lopputulosta kuvaava koodi
Final disposition code for CBA Core Stage 1 and 2
Computer-based exercise agreement
Final disposition code for main task instrument, computer
PNC / 600 - Election results (Interviewer Scoring)
PLC / 301 - SGIH (Interviewer Scoring)
PLC / 330 - Guadeloupe (Interviewer Scoring)
PLC / 302 - Election Results (Interviewer Scoring)
PLC / 300 - Employment Advertisement (Interviewer Scoring)
PNC / 601 - Bottles (Interviewer Scoring)
PNC / 614 - Watch (Interviewer Scoring)
PNC / 645 - Airport Timetable (Interviewer Scoring)
Final score for the paper core assessment
Final disposition code for main task instrument, paper literacy/numeracy
CBA module 1 and 2 branch (derived)
CBA module 1, stage 1 branch (derived)
CBA module 2, stage 1 branch (derived)
CBA module 1, stage 2 branch (derived)
CBA module 2, stage 2 branch (derived)
Monthly income percentile rank category (derived)
Yearly income percentile rank category (derived)
Paper-based routing code (derived)
Observation module: Presence of additional person
Observation module: Assistance in background questionnaire
Observation module: Assistance in skills assessment
Observation module: Respondent understood the questions
Observation module: Clarification necessary
Observation module: Respondent held a conversation with someone else
Observation module: Respondent answered a phone call, text message or e-mail
Observation module: Respondent was looking after children
Observation module: Respondent was undertaking domestic tasks
Observation module: Respondent was interrupted by some other activity, task or event
Observation module: Assessment taking too long
Observation module: Room of assessment
Final disposition code for person
Level of Highest Qualification (Foreign) - Respondent (ISCED) (coded)
Level of Highest Qualification (collapsed, 14 categories)
First language learned at home in childhood and still understood - Respondent (ISO 639-2/T) (coded)
Second language learned at home in childhood and still understood - Respondent (ISO 639-2/T) (coded)
Language most often spoken at home - Respondent (ISO 639-2/T) (coded)
Country in which highest qualification was gained - Respondent (UN M49 numerical) (coded)
Country of birth - Respondent (UN M49 numerical) (coded)
Geographical region - Respondent (OECD TL2) (coded)
Language for background questionnaire (derived, ISO 639-2/T)
Language for exercise (derived, ISO 639-2/T)
Highest level of education obtained imputed into years of education (derived)
Derived variable on total years of schooling during lifetime - top coded at 24 (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Imputed years of formal education needed to get the job (self-reported - derived)
Country where highest qualification obtained (9 regions - derived)
Country of birth (9 regions - derived)
Source region of language spoken most often at home (9 regions - derived)
Interactions between foreign-born and language status (2 categories - derived)
Highest of mother or father's level of education (derived)
Test language same as native language (derived)
Interactions between place of birth and language status (derived)
Test language same as language spoken most often at home (derived)
Parents' immigration status (derived)
First and second generation immigrants (derived)
Years in country (categorised, 4 categories)
Years in country (2-category - derived)
Age groups in 5-year intervals based on LFS groupings (derived)
Age in 10 year bands (derived)
Age in 10 year bands (Trend-IALS/ALL)
Highest level of formal education obtained (8 categories - derived)
Highest level of formal education obtained (7 categories - derived)
Highest level of formal education obtained (6 categories - derived)
Youth aged 16 to 24 who have left education without completing ISCED 3 or higher (derived)
Respondent's age when leaving formal education (derived)
Participated in formal education in 12 months preceding survey (derived)
Participated in formal AET in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived)
Participated in non-formal education in 12 months preceding survey (derived)
Participated in formal or non-formal AET in 12 months preceding survey (see AETPOP - derived)
Interaction between adults' work and education status (derived)
Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for non-job-related reasons (derived)
Number of hours of participation in non-formal education for job-related reasons (derived)
Number of hours of participation in non-formal education (derived)
Adults who never had paid work including self-employment in past (derived)
Adults who have had paid work during the 12 months preceding the survey (derived)
Adults who have had paid work in last 5 years (derived)
Industry classification of respondent's job at 1-digit level(ISIC rev 4), last job (derived)
Industry classification of respondent's job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), last job (derived)
Industry classification of respondent's job at 1-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived)
Industry classification of respondent's job at 2-digit level (ISIC rev 4), current job (derived)
Occupational classification of respondent's job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived)
Occupational classification of respondent's job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), current job (derived)
Occupational classification of respondent's job at 1-digit level (ISCO 2008), last job (derived)
Occupational classification of respondent's job at 2-digit level (ISCO 2008), last job (derived)
Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners (derived)
Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived)
Hourly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, PPP corrected $US (derived)
Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners (derived)
Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, in deciles (derived)
Hourly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, PPP corrected $US (derived)
Monthly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners (derived)
Monthly earnings excluding bonuses for wage and salary earners, PPP corrected $US (derived)
Monthly earnings for self-employed, PPP corrected $US (derived)
Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners (derived)
Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners and self-employed (derived)
Monthly earnings including bonuses for wage and salary earners, PPP corrected $US (derived)
Earnings including bonuses reporting method (derived)
Index of learning at work (derived)
Index of learning at work, standard error (derived)
Index of learning at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of readiness to learn (derived)
Index of readiness to learn, standard error (derived)
Index of readiness to learn, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at home (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at home, standard error (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at home, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at work (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at work, standard error (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of influencing skills at work (derived)
Index of use of influencing skills at work, standard error (derived)
Index of use of influencing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced - derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), standard error (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced - derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced), standard error (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced), categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of planning skills at work (derived)
Index of use of planning skills at work, standard error (derived)
Index of use of planning skills at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts - derived)
Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts), standard error (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts - derived)
Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), standard error (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of task discretion at work (derived)
Index of use of task discretion at work, standard error (derived)
Index of use of task discretion at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at home (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at home, standard error (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at home, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at work (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at work, standard error (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at work, categorised WLE (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at work, WLE standard error (derived)
CLC / 301 - SGIH (Scored Response)
CLC / 301 - SGIH (Timing First Action)
CLC / 301 - SGIH (Number of Actions)
CLC / 300 - Employment Advertisement (Scored Response)
CLC / 300 - Employment Advertisement (Timing)
CLC / 300 - Employment Advertisement (Timing First Action)
CLC / 300 - Employment Advertisement (Number of Actions)
CLC / 302 - Election Results (Scored Response)
CLC / 302 - Election Results (Timing)
CLC / 302 - Election Results (Timing First Action)
CLC / 302 - Election Results (Number of Actions)
CNC / 600 - Election results (Scored Response)
CNC / 600 - Election results (Timing)
CNC / 600 - Election results (Timing First Action)
CNC / 600 - Election results (Number of Actions)
CNC / 601 - Bottles (Scored Response)
CNC / 601 - Bottles (Timing First Action)
CNC / 601 - Bottles (Number of Actions)
CNC / 645 - Airport Timetable (Scored Response)
CNC / 645 - Airport Timetable (Timing)
CNC / 645 - Airport Timetable (Timing First Action)
CNC / 645 - Airport Timetable (Number of Actions)
CL / 311 - Dutch Women (Scored Response)
CL / 311 - Dutch Women (Timing)
CL / 311 - Dutch Women (Timing First Action)
CL / 311 - Dutch Women (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Scored Response)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Timing)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Timing First Action)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Number of Actions)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Scored Response)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Timing)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Timing First Action)
CL / 321 - Internet Poll (Number of Actions)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Scored Response)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Timing)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Timing First Action)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Number of Actions)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Scored Response)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Timing)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Timing First Action)
CL / 305 - TMN AntiTheft (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Scored Response)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Timing)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Timing First Action)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Number of Actions)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Scored Response)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Timing)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Timing First Action)
CL / 304 - Contact Employer (Number of Actions)
CL / 315 - Distances-Mexican Cities (Scored Response)
CL / 315 - Distances-Mexican Cities (Timing)
CL / 315 - Distances-Mexican Cities (Timing First Action)
CL / 315 - Distances-Mexican Cities (Number of Actions)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Scored Response)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing First Action)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Number of Actions)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Scored Response)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing First Action)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Number of Actions)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Scored Response)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing First Action)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Number of Actions)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Scored Response)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Timing First Action)
CL / 327 - Summer Streets (Number of Actions)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Scored Response)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Timing First Action)
CL / 308 - Baltic Stock Market (Number of Actions)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Scored Response)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing First Action)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Number of Actions)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Scored Response)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing First Action)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Number of Actions)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Scored Response)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Timing)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Timing First Action)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Number of Actions)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Scored Response)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Timing)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Timing First Action)
CL / 307 - MEDCO Aspirin (Number of Actions)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Scored Response)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing First Action)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Number of Actions)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Scored Response)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing First Action)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Number of Actions)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Scored Response)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing First Action)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Number of Actions)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Scored Response)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Timing First Action)
CL / 309 - Generic Medicines (Number of Actions)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Scored Response)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing First Action)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Number of Actions)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Scored Response)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing First Action)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Number of Actions)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Scored Response)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing First Action)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Number of Actions)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Scored Response)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing First Action)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Number of Actions)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Scored Response)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing First Action)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Number of Actions)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Scored Response)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Timing First Action)
CL / 320 - Discussion forum (Number of Actions)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Scored Response)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Timing)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Timing First Action)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Number of Actions)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Scored Response)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Timing)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Timing First Action)
CL / 310 - Memory Training (Number of Actions)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Scored Response)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing First Action)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Number of Actions)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Scored Response)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing First Action)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Number of Actions)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Scored Response)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing First Action)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Number of Actions)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Scored Response)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Timing First Action)
CL / 322 - Lakeside Fun Run (Number of Actions)
CL / 306 - Canco (Scored Response)
CL / 306 - Canco (Timing First Action)
CL / 306 - Canco (Number of Actions)
CL / 306 - Canco (Scored Response)
CL / 306 - Canco (Timing First Action)
CL / 306 - Canco (Number of Actions)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Scored Response)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing First Action)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Number of Actions)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Scored Response)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing First Action)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Number of Actions)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Scored Response)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Timing First Action)
CL / 313 - International Calls (Number of Actions)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Scored Response)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Timing)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Timing First Action)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Number of Actions)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Scored Response)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Timing)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Timing First Action)
CL / 318 - Civil Engineering (Number of Actions)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Scored Response)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing First Action)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Number of Actions)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Scored Response)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Timing First Action)
CL / 323 - Library Search (Number of Actions)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Scored Response)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Timing)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Timing First Action)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Number of Actions)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Scored Response)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Timing)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Timing First Action)
CL / 329 - Work-related Stress (Number of Actions)
CN / 615 - Candles (Scored Response)
CN / 615 - Candles (Timing First Action)
CN / 615 - Candles (Number of Actions)
CN / 615 - Candles (Scored Response)
CN / 615 - Candles (Timing First Action)
CN / 615 - Candles (Number of Actions)
CN / 624 - BMI (Scored Response)
CN / 624 - BMI (Timing First Action)
CN / 624 - BMI (Number of Actions)
CN / 624 - BMI (Scored Response)
CN / 624 - BMI (Timing First Action)
CN / 624 - BMI (Number of Actions)
CN / 604 - Gas Gauge (Scored Response)
CN / 604 - Gas Gauge (Timing First Action)
CN / 604 - Gas Gauge (Number of Actions)
CN / 605 - Photo (Scored Response)
CN / 605 - Photo (Timing First Action)
CN / 605 - Photo (Number of Actions)
CN / 605 - Photo (Scored Response)
CN / 605 - Photo (Timing First Action)
CN / 605 - Photo (Number of Actions)
CN / 605 - Photo (Scored Response)
CN / 605 - Photo (Timing First Action)
CN / 605 - Photo (Number of Actions)
CN / 650 - Urban Population (Scored Response)
CN / 650 - Urban Population (Timing)
CN / 650 - Urban Population (Timing First Action)
CN / 650 - Urban Population (Number of Actions)
CN / 623 - Wine (Scored Response)
CN / 623 - Wine (Timing First Action)
CN / 623 - Wine (Number of Actions)
CN / 623 - Wine (Scored Response)
CN / 623 - Wine (Timing First Action)
CN / 623 - Wine (Number of Actions)
CN / 619 - Tiles (Scored Response)
CN / 619 - Tiles (Timing First Action)
CN / 619 - Tiles (Number of Actions)
CN / 657 - Package (Scored Response)
CN / 657 - Package (Timing First Action)
CN / 657 - Package (Number of Actions)
CN / 646 - Rug Production (Scored Response)
CN / 646 - Rug Production (Timing)
CN / 646 - Rug Production (Timing First Action)
CN / 646 - Rug Production (Number of Actions)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Scored Response)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Timing First Action)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Number of Actions)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Scored Response)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Timing First Action)
CN / 620 - Inflation (Number of Actions)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Scored Response)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Timing)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Timing First Action)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Number of Actions)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Scored Response)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Timing)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Timing First Action)
CN / 632 - Educational level (Number of Actions)
CN / 607 - TV (Scored Response)
CN / 607 - TV (Timing First Action)
CN / 607 - TV (Number of Actions)
CN / 614 - Watch (Scored Response)
CN / 614 - Watch (Timing First Action)
CN / 614 - Watch (Number of Actions)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Scored Response)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Timing First Action)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Number of Actions)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Scored Response)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Timing First Action)
CN / 618 - Six Pack (Number of Actions)
CN / 635 - Parking Map (Scored Response)
CN / 635 - Parking Map (Timing)
CN / 635 - Parking Map (Timing First Action)
CN / 635 - Parking Map (Number of Actions)
CN / 613 - Logbook (Scored Response)
CN / 613 - Logbook (Timing First Action)
CN / 613 - Logbook (Number of Actions)
CN / 608 - Tree (Scored Response)
CN / 608 - Tree (Timing First Action)
CN / 608 - Tree (Number of Actions)
CN / 655 - Path (Scored Response)
CN / 655 - Path (Timing First Action)
CN / 655 - Path (Number of Actions)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Scored Response)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing First Action)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Number of Actions)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Scored Response)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing First Action)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Number of Actions)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Scored Response)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Timing First Action)
CN / 602 - Price Tags (Number of Actions)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Scored Response)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Timing)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Timing First Action)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Number of Actions)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Scored Response)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Timing)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Timing First Action)
CN / 611 - Temp Scale (Number of Actions)
CN / 606 - Solution (Scored Response)
CN / 606 - Solution (Timing First Action)
CN / 606 - Solution (Number of Actions)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Scored Response)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Timing)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Timing First Action)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Number of Actions)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Scored Response)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Timing)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Timing First Action)
CN / 665 - Cooper test (Number of Actions)
CN / 622 - Classified (Scored Response)
CN / 622 - Classified (Timing)
CN / 622 - Classified (Timing First Action)
CN / 622 - Classified (Number of Actions)
CN / 636 - Lab Report (Scored Response)
CN / 636 - Lab Report (Timing)
CN / 636 - Lab Report (Timing First Action)
CN / 636 - Lab Report (Number of Actions)
CN / 617 - Map (Scored Response)
CN / 617 - Map (Timing First Action)
CN / 617 - Map (Number of Actions)
CN / 617 - Map (Scored Response)
CN / 617 - Map (Timing First Action)
CN / 617 - Map (Number of Actions)
CN / 641 - Amoeba (Scored Response)
CN / 641 - Amoeba (Timing First Action)
CN / 641 - Amoeba (Number of Actions)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Scored Response)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Timing)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Timing First Action)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Number of Actions)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Scored Response)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Timing)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Timing First Action)
CN / 661 - Study fees (Number of Actions)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Scored Response)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Timing)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Timing First Action)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Number of Actions)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Scored Response)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Timing)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Timing First Action)
CN / 660 - Weight history (Number of Actions)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Scored Response)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Timing First Action)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Number of Actions)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Scored Response)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Timing First Action)
CN / 634 - Peanuts (Number of Actions)
CN / 651 - Fertilizer (Scored Response)
CN / 651 - Fertilizer (Timing)
CN / 651 - Fertilizer (Timing First Action)
CN / 651 - Fertilizer (Number of Actions)
CN / 664 - Orchestra tickets (Scored Response)
CN / 664 - Orchestra tickets (Timing)
CN / 664 - Orchestra tickets (Timing First Action)
CN / 664 - Orchestra tickets (Number of Actions)
CN / 644 - NZExports (Scored Response)
CN / 644 - NZExports (Timing First Action)
CN / 644 - NZExports (Number of Actions)
CN / 612 - Dioxin (Scored Response)
CN / 612 - Dioxin (Timing First Action)
CN / 612 - Dioxin (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 01a (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 01a (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 01a Interim Score Final Location Mails
Problem-solving Unit 01a (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 01a Mail 1 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 01a Mail 2 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 01a Mail 3 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 01a Mail 4 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 01a Mail 5 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 01a Scoring Mail 1 Location
Problem-solving Unit 01a Scoring Mail 2 Location
Problem-solving Unit 01a Scoring Mail 3 Location
Problem-solving Unit 01a Scoring Mail 4 Location
Problem-solving Unit 01a Scoring Mail 5 Location
Problem-solving Unit 01b (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 01b (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 01b Interim Score
Problem-solving Unit 01b (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 01b Folder Contains 3 Mails
Problem-solving Unit 01b If Mails Filed Single Folder
Problem-solving Unit 01b Name of New Folder(s)
Problem-solving Unit 01b New Folder(s) Location
Problem-solving Unit 03a (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 03a (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 03a Interim Score Total Number Blues CD
Problem-solving Unit 03a (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 03a Sorting Column
Problem-solving Unit 03a Sorting Genre Column
Problem-solving Unit 06a (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 06a (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 06a Interim Score Overall
Problem-solving Unit 06a (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 06a Final State of Selection
Problem-solving Unit 06a Score Website 1 SAI
Problem-solving Unit 06a Score Website 2 SA
Problem-solving Unit 06a Score Website 3 TSA
Problem-solving Unit 06a Score Website 4 HYAS
Problem-solving Unit 06a Score Website 5 HLSA
Problem-solving Unit 06b (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 06b (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 06b Interim Score Website 2
Problem-solving Unit 06b (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 06b Website 1 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 06b Website 2 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 06b Website 3 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 06b Website 4 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 06b Website 5 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 06b Final Website Selection
Problem-solving Unit 21 (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 21 (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 21 (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 21 Score September 10
Problem-solving Unit 21 Score November 30
Problem-solving Unit 21 Score November 8
Problem-solving Unit 21 Calendar Tab Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 21 Score October 12
Problem-solving Unit 21 Final State Selected Game Table
Problem-solving Unit 21 Final State Submit Reservation Table
Problem-solving Unit 04a (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 04a (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 04a (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 04a Split Tool Used
Problem-solving Unit 04a Score Total Accuracy MM
Problem-solving Unit 04a Score Total Accuracy Prog
Problem-solving Unit 04a Score Total Accuracy WP
Problem-solving Unit 04a Score Good Setting of Columns
Problem-solving Unit 04a Score Good Setting of Rows
Problem-solving Unit 19a (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 19a (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 19a Interim Score Mail Response
Problem-solving Unit 19a (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 19a Email Env Opened
Problem-solving Unit 19a Find Tool Used
Problem-solving Unit 19a Sort Tool Used
Problem-solving Unit 19a Clicked Check Mark Spreadsheet
Problem-solving Unit 19a Typed Response
Problem-solving Unit 19b (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 19b (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 19b (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 19b Sort Tool Used
Problem-solving Unit 19b Score Member 241
Problem-solving Unit 19b Score Member 357
Problem-solving Unit 19b Score Member 480
Problem-solving Unit 19b Score Member 802
Problem-solving Unit 19b Final Status of Spreadsheet
Problem-solving Unit 07 (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 07 (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 07 Interim Score
Problem-solving Unit 07 (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website Opened 1
Problem-solving Unit 07 Shipping Dates Link Website 1 Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website 2 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website 3 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 07 Check Shipping Dates Link Website 3 Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website 4 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 07 Reviews Link Website 4 Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website 5 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 07 Check Shipping Rates Button Website 5 Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 07 Website 6 Opened
Problem-solving Unit 07 Check Availability Button Website 6 Clicked
Problem-solving Unit 07 Book Choices
Problem-solving Unit 02 (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 02 (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 02 (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 02 Word Proc Used
Problem-solving Unit 02 Score Req 1
Problem-solving Unit 02 Score Req 3
Problem-solving Unit 02 Score Req 4
Problem-solving Unit 02 If Unfilled Req 4
Problem-solving Unit 02 Final State Capture WPF
Problem-solving Unit 16 (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 16 (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 16 (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 16 Reply Used
Problem-solving Unit 16 Reply All Used
Problem-solving Unit 16 Forward Used
Problem-solving Unit 16 Score Email 1
Problem-solving Unit 16 Score Email 2
Problem-solving Unit 16 Score Email 4
Problem-solving Unit 11b (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 11b (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 11b (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 11b Score Move Mail 1
Problem-solving Unit 11b Score Move Mail 2
Problem-solving Unit 11b Score Move Mail 3
Problem-solving Unit 11b Mails Location at the End
Problem-solving Unit 23 (Number of Actions)
Problem-solving Unit 23 (Time to First Action)
Problem-solving Unit 23 (Total Time)
Problem-solving Unit 23 Mail Environment Opened
Problem-solving Unit 23 Mail Environment Opened After
Problem-solving Unit 23 Score Reason
Problem-solving Unit 23 Score I Would Like To
Problem-solving Unit 23 Score Return Authorization Number
Problem-solving Unit 01a (Polytomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 01b (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 02x (Polytomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 03a (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 04a (Polytomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 06a (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 06b (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 07x (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 11b (Polytomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 16x (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 19a (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 19b (Polytomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 21x (Dichotomous scored response - derived)
Problem-solving Unit 23x (Polytomous scored response - derived)
PLC / 301 - Q1 - SGIH - Tel. number (Scored Response)
PLC / 330 - Q2 - Guadeloupe - Falls (Scored Response)
PLC / 302 - Q3 - Election Results - Candidate (Scored Response)
PNC / 600 - Q4 - Election results - Votes (Scored Response)
PLC / 300 - Q5 - Employment Advertisement - Employees (Scored Response)
PNC / 601 - Q6 - Bottles - Bottles (Scored Response)
PNC / 614 - Q7 - Watch - Price (Scored Response)
PNC / 645 - Q8 - AirportTimetable - Departure (Scored Response)
PL / 306 - Q1 - CANCO - Information (Scored Response)
PL / 306 - Q2 - CANCO - Two ways (Scored Response)
PL / 313 - Q3 - International Calls - Dial 098 (Scored Response)
PL / 313 - Q4 - International Calls - Full number (Scored Response)
PL / 313 - Q5 - International Calls - Country code (Scored Response)
PL / 313 - Q6 - International Calls - Information (Scored Response)
PL / 313 - Q7 - International Calls - Call Canada (Scored Response)
PL / 324 - Q8 - Milk Label - Safe (Scored Response)
PL / 324 - Q9 - Milk Label - Calcium (Scored Response)
PL / 305 - Q10 - TMN AntiTheft - Documents (Scored Response)
PL / 305 - Q11 - TMN AntiTheft - Block/Unblock (Scored Response)
PL / 317 - Q12 - Apples - Evidence (Scored Response)
PL / 317 - Q13 - Apples - Composition (Scored Response)
PL / 317 - Q14 - Apples - Occupation (Scored Response)
PL / 310 - Q15 - Memory Training - Brain Part (Scored Response)
PL / 310 - Q16 - Memory Training - Discovery (Scored Response)
PL / 309 - Q17- Generic Medicines - Limited Use (Scored Response)
PL / 309 - Q18 - Generic Medicines - Market share (Scored Response)
PL / 309 - Q19 - Generic Medicines - 10% or more (Scored Response)
PL / 309 - Q20 - Generic Medicines - Reasons (Scored Response)
PN / 615 - Q1 - Candles - Layers (Scored Response)
PN / 615 - Q2 - Candles - Total Weight (Scored Response)
PN / 640 - Q3 - Odometer - Trip Miles (Scored Response)
PN / 620 - Q4 - Inflation - Prediction (Scored Response)
PN / 620 - Q5 - Inflation - Actual rate (Scored Response)
PN / 666 - Q6 - Rope - Measure (Scored Response)
PN / 623 - Q7 - Wine - Bottles drink (Scored Response)
PN / 623 - Q8 - Wine - Gallon (Scored Response)
PN / 623 - Q9 - Wine - Spain / US (Scored Response)
PN / 624 - Q10 - BMI - Weight zone (Scored Response)
PN / 624 - Q11 - BMI - What is BMI (Scored Response)
PN / 618 - Q12 - Six Pack - Price per can (Scored Response)
PN / 618 - Q13 - Six Pack - Discount (Scored Response)
PN / 604 - Q14 - Gas Gauge - Gas remaining (Scored Response)
PN / 610 - Q15 - Compound Interest - Invested (Scored Response)
PN / 664 - Q16 - Orchestra tickets - Student ticket (Scored Response)
PN / 602 - Q17 - Price Tag - Packed first (Scored Response)
PN / 602 - Q18 - Price Tag - Change (Scored Response)
PN / 602 - Q19 - Price Tag - Quarter (Scored Response)
PN / 655 - Q20 - Path - Length (Scored Response)
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 1
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 2
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 3
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 4
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 5
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 6
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 7
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 8
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 9
Literacy scale score - Plausible value 10
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 1
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 2
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 3
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 4
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 5
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 6
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 7
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 8
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 9
Numeracy scale score - Plausible value 10
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 1
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 2
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 3
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 4
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 5
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 6
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 7
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 8
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 9
Problem-solving scale score - Plausible value 10
Replication approach (numeric)
Fay's K factor used in creating replicate weights (BRR only)
Number of replicate weights used
Nuts 3 regional classification
Participated in non-formal education for job-related reasons in 12 months preceding survey (derived)
Literacy theta - Posterior mean
Literacy theta - Posterior standard deviation
Literacy theta - Plausible value 1
Literacy theta - Plausible value 2
Literacy theta - Plausible value 3
Literacy theta - Plausible value 4
Literacy theta - Plausible value 5
Literacy theta - Plausible value 6
Literacy theta - Plausible value 7
Literacy theta - Plausible value 8
Literacy theta - Plausible value 9
Literacy theta - Plausible value 10
Literacy scale score - Posterior mean
Literacy scale score - Posterior standard deviation
Numeracy theta - Posterior mean
Numeracy theta - Posterior standard deviation
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 1
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 2
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 3
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 4
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 5
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 6
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 7
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 8
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 9
Numeracy theta - Plausible value 10
Numeracy scale score - Posterior mean
Numeracy scale score - Posterior standard deviation
Problem-solving theta - Posterior mean
Problem-solving theta - Posterior standard deviation
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 1
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 2
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 3
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 4
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 5
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 6
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 7
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 8
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 9
Problem-solving theta - Plausible value 10
Problem-solving scale score - Posterior mean
Problem-solving scale score - Posterior standard deviation
Covariance literacy - numeracy theta
Covariance literacy - problem-solving theta
Covariance numeracy - problem-solving theta
Covariance literacy - numeracy
Covariance literacy - problem-solving
Covariance numeracy - problem-solving
Number of 'system' missing values in BQ
Number of 'valid skip' missing values in BQ
Number of 'don't know' missing values in BQ
Number of 'refused' missing values in BQ
Number of 'suppressed' missing values in BQ
Number of 'not stated or inferred' missing values in BQ
Number of non-missing values in BQ
Index of use of ICT skills at home, WLE (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at work, WLE (derived)
Index of use of influencing skills at work, WLE (derived)
Index of learning at work, WLE (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), WLE (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced), WLE (derived)
Index of use of planning skills at work, WLE (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts), WLE (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), WLE (derived)
Index of readiness to learn, WLE (derived)
Index of use of task discretion at work, WLE (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at home, WLE (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at work, WLE (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at home, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of ICT skills at work, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of influencing skills at work, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of learning at work, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at home (basic and advanced), WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of numeracy skills at work (basic and advanced), WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of planning skills at work, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at home (prose and document texts), WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of reading skills at work (prose and document texts), WLE standard error (derived)
Index of readiness to learn, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of task discretion at work, WLE standard error (derived)
Index of use of writing skills at home, WLE standard error (derived)
Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format
Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.