Select variable
[fsd_no] FSD study number
[fsd_vr] FSD edition number
[fsd_id] FSD case id
[fsd_li] FSD license CC BY 4.0
[kieli] Questionnaire language
[op_maaku] Region of the vocational institute
[op_avi] Regional State Administrative Agency area where the vocational institute is located
[q3] Your vocational field (if you are studying for two vocational qualifications, choose the one you consider the most important)
[q4] Your overall program of study (categorised)
[q5] Year of study in the current field and institution (Categorised: alternative 'Fourth or more' combined)
[q6] Are you currently studying for a dual qualification?
[q7] Which of the following best describes your current situation?
[q8] What is the distance from your home to your vocational institute? (one way)
[q9] Have you moved to another municipality because of your current studies?
[q11] Was your current field your first choice when you applied to study?
[q12_1] Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school): My parent(s) or my guardian(s) encouraged me to choose vocational education
[q12_2] Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school): My parent(s) or my guardian(s) recommended my current field to me
[q12_3] Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school): The guidance counsellor in secondary school recommended vocational education to me
[q12_4] Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school): Teachers in secondary school spoke positively about vocational education
[q12_5] Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school): My friends wanted to move on to vocational education after comprehensive school
[q13_1] Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: Studies in the same educational institution/school as I
[q13_2] Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: Studies the same field as I
[q13_3] Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: Studies or has studied in some other vocational institute than I
[q13_4] Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: Studies or has studied in a general upper secondary school
[q13_5] Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: Didn't study or work right after comprehensive school
[q14_1] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: Studies or has studied in a vocational institute
[q14_2] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: Studies or has studied in a general upper secondary school
[q14_3] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: Has not continued studying after comprehensive school
[q14_4] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: Studies or has studied in the same institute/school as I
[q14_5] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: Studies or has studied the same field as I
[q14_6] Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school: I don't have siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school
[q15_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice: I knew before the joint application period started that I want to study in a vocational institute
[q15_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice: I also applied or considered applying to some other vocational institute
[q15_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice: I considered studies in a general upper secondary school
[q15_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice: I didn't have a strong opinion on the field I wanted to study
[q15_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice: It was clear to me that I wanted to continue studying after comprehensive school
[q16] Did you begin vocational studies in the autumn right after you finished comprehensive school?
[q17_1] Which of the following did you do after comprehensive school before beginning your current studies: I studied something else, e.g. did summer studies
[q17_2] Which of the following did you do after comprehensive school before beginning your current studies: I completed 10th grade [additional comprehensive education]
[q17_3] Which of the following did you do after comprehensive school before beginning your current studies: I completed preparatory education for vocational upper secondary education (e.g. Vocational Start programme, preparatory education for immigrants)
[q17_4] Which of the following did you do after comprehensive school before beginning your current studies: I worked outside of summer months
[q17_5] Which of the following did you do after comprehensive school before beginning your current studies: Outside of summer months, I spent one or more months without working or going to school
[q18_1] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: No (go to q20)
[q18_2] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: In general upper secondary school
[q18_3] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: In vocational upper secondary school
[q18_4] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: In university of applied sciences
[q18_5] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: In university (for Bachelor's degree)
[q18_6] Have you studied in some other educational institution than comprehensive school before your current studies: In university (for Master's degree)
[q19] Did you finish those studies?
[q20_1] In your opinion, how well did you perform in the following subjects in lower secondary school (if you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate): Mathematics
[q20_2] In your opinion, how well did you perform in the following subjects in lower secondary school (if you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate): Visual arts
[q20_3] In your opinion, how well did you perform in the following subjects in lower secondary school (if you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate): First language (Fin/Swe)
[q20_4] In your opinion, how well did you perform in the following subjects in lower secondary school (if you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate): Physical education
[q20_5] In your opinion, how well did you perform in the following subjects in lower secondary school (if you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate): English
[q21] What was approximately the grade average of all subjects in your lower secondary (comprehensive) school leaving certificate? If you have finished general upper secondary school, you may answer based on your general upper secondary school certificate
[q22_1] Estimate how much time you spend on studying on an ordinary WEEK: Contact teaching (teaching by a teacher, teacher present)
[q22_2] Estimate how much time you spend on studying on an ordinary WEEK: Studying independently at school when a teacher is not present
[q22_3] Estimate how much time you spend on studying on an ordinary WEEK: Independent homework
[q22_4] Estimate how much time you spend on studying on an ordinary WEEK: Voluntary studying at school outside of actual classes
[q23_1] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Teaching related to your field given by a teacher
[q23_2] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Independent studies related to your field, when a teacher is not present (e.g. working on your final project or other exercises)
[q23_3] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Classes in subjects common to all students (e.g. Finnish, mathematics, English)
[q23_4] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Distance teaching over the Internet
[q23_5] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Teaching of communication and interaction skills
[q23_6] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Teaching relating to enterprises and entrepreneurship
[q23_7] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Teaching of general working life skills (e.g. the 'rules' of working life, occupational safety)
[q23_8] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: On-the-job training
[q23_9] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Teaching of physical education and health education
[q23_10] What is your opinion on the amount of the following in your vocational studies so far: Classes taught by your class supervisor
[q24_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: I like studying in my vocational institution
[q24_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: I'm good at my studies
[q24_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: I need more support in my studies
[q24_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: Studying is mentally exhausting for me
[q24_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: My studies are easy
[q24_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your studies: Balancing studies and other aspects of life constantly causes me problems
[q25_1] How often do the following statements describe your feelings: I feel like I'm snowed under with school work
[q25_2] How often do the following statements describe your feelings: I feel like my studies don't have any significance
[q25_3] How often do the following statements describe your feelings: I have feelings of inadequacy in my studies
[q26_1] What do you think about the teaching provided in your institution: Teachers encourage me in my studies
[q26_2] What do you think about the teaching provided in your institution: Teaching is mostly of good quality
[q26_3] What do you think about the teaching provided in your institution: I feel teachers give me enough feedback about my learning progress
[q26_4] What do you think about the teaching provided in your institution: Student performance is evaluated fairly and impartially
[q26_5] What do you think about the teaching provided in your institution: Teachers speak in a clear and intelligible manner
[q27_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: The classrooms and other study facilities I use are well-suited for studying
[q27_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: I feel safe in my institution
[q27_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: The study material and tools I need are easily available
[q27_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: Available study material and tools support my studies well
[q27_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: There is a strong team spirit in my class/group
[q27_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: There are common rules of behaviour in my institution which are enforced (e.g. for showing up late, fighting)
[q27_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: I feel like I'm able to have say in the matters of my institution (e.g. teaching and teaching arrangements, facilities, student board activities)
[q27_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your institution: There has been a sufficient number of common events, celebrations or excursions in my institution
[q28_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: I have received sufficient information relating to studies from my institution
[q28_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: I have received sufficient information relating to jobs and working life from my institution
[q28_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: The guidance counsellor has enough time to talk with me
[q28_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: I have received support and guidance in my studies from the guidance counsellor whenever I've needed it
[q28_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: I have received enough support and guidance relating to further studies from the guidance counsellor
[q28_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the guidance and counselling provided in your institution: I have received sufficient support and guidance for the on-the-job training
[q29] Estimate how much money in total you have spent on study material and equipment DURING THIS SCHOOL YEAR from autumn to this moment (for example, books, tools, stationery, calculators etc.)
[q30_1] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/special needs teacher/doctor: No
[q30_2_1] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/special needs teacher/doctor: Yes, which: Dyslexia
[q30_2_2] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/etc: Yes, which: Asperger syndrome
[q30_2_3] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/etc: Yes, which: Behavioural problems
[q30_2_4] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/etc: Yes, which: Mathematical disability
[q30_2_5] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) that has been diagnosed by a psychologist/speech therapist/etc: Yes, which: Visual-spatial disorder
[q30_2_6] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) diagnosed by a psychologist/etc: Yes, which: Problem concentrating, paying attention (e.g. ADHD/ADD)
[q30_2_9] Do you have a learning disability (e.g. dyslexia) or an illness or disability affecting learning (e.g. epilepsy, brain damage) diagnosed by a psychologist/etc: Yes, which: Visual/hearing impairment/other (Combined)
[q31_1] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I haven't received support
[q31_2_1] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: Teacher
[q31_2_2] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: School social worker
[q31_2_3] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: School nurse
[q31_2_4] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: Special needs teacher
[q31_2_5] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: Other staff
[q31_2_6] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: Other students
[q31_2_7] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: People close to you
[q31_2_8] Have you received support for your problem, illness or disability during vocational studies: I have received support, from whom: From someone else
[q32] How satisfied are you with your vocational studies so far?
[q33] Do you feel you are studying a field that is right for you?
[q34] Do you believe you will graduate from your current studies?
[q34_2] Do you believe you will graduate from your current studies? Yes, I believe I will graduate in...
[q35_1] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Current field of study doesn't interest me
[q35_2] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: I haven't found my place in the group
[q35_3] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Studying is hard
[q35_4] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Studying holds no interest for me
[q35_5] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Learning difficulties
[q35_6] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Discrimination and/or racism
[q35_7] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Bullying
[q35_8] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Language problems
[q35_9] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Health reasons
[q35_10] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: I started maternity, paternity or parental leave
[q35_11] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Money worries
[q35_12] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Family reasons
[q35_13] Did any of the following reasons influence the fact that you consider or have considered changing your field or quitting your studies: Other reason
[q36_1] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Balancing studies and life in general
[q36_2] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Lack of guidance counselling
[q36_3] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Inadequate study skills
[q36_4] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Availability issues of study material and equipment
[q36_5] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Absences of teachers and cancelled classes
[q36_6] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Teaching methods used by the teachers
[q36_7] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Amount of work required by studies
[q36_8] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Expectations regarding employment after graduation
[q36_9] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Own attitude towards and motivation for studying
[q36_10] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Financial difficulties
[q36_11] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Working alongside studies
[q36_12] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Lack of friends at school / in studies
[q36_13] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Poor health
[q36_14] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Social relationships
[q36_15] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Hobbies and leisure time
[q36_16] Have any of the following slowed down your progress with studies: Other reason
[q37] How well did the view you had of vocational studies at the time when you were applying for secondary education correspond to what vocational studies actually turned out to be like?
[q38_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: Obtaining a vocational qualification is important to me
[q38_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: My family and relatives have a positive attitude towards my studies in a vocational institute
[q38_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: Vocational qualification is appreciated in working life
[q38_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: I'm proud of studying in a vocational institute
[q38_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: Other people have the right idea of what students in vocational institutes are like
[q38_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to studying in a vocational institute: General upper secondary education is appreciated more in Finland than vocational studies (VET)
[q38_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements rel. to studying in a voc. institute: If one wants to, one can continue to higher education from vocational education just as easily as from general upper secondary education
[q39] During the last SEMESTER, did you work alongside studies on the afternoons, in the evenings or on weekends?
[q40] How many hours per WEEK did you usually work?
[q41] Could you use the skills you had learned in vocational education in your job?
[q42] Did you work last summer?
[q43] Was the field of your summer job the same as the field of your studies?
[q44] Which of the following describes your housing during the semesters?
[q46] Do you or does your family pay the monthly rent for your housing?
[q47] Estimate on a scale of 0-10 how large a proportion of all your expenses (e.g. housing, food, clothes, hobbies) is paid by your family members or relatives.
[q48] How much money to spend do you think you have compared to other people of your age?
[q49] Was the money at your disposal sufficient for your needs in the past autumn semester (autumn 2014)? Choose the alternative that best describes your situation.
[q50_1] Do the following statements describe your situation in the past autumn semester (autumn 2014): I had to work in order to have money for essential living expenses
[q50_2] Do the following statements describe your situation in the past autumn semester (autumn 2014): I received study grant and/or housing supplement for students
[q50_3] Do the following statements describe your situation in the past autumn semester (autumn 2014): I took instant loans/consumer loans once or more
[q50_4] Do the following statements describe your situation in the past autumn semester (autumn 2014): I borrowed money from my friends
[q51] If you have taken instant loans or consumer loans, have you had difficulties with paying them back?
[q52_1] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will gain employment in the field I study for
[q52_2] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will find an enjoyable/meaningful job
[q52_3] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will switch to another line of work
[q52_4] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will find a steady job
[q52_5] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will be unemployed for long periods of time
[q52_6] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will work abroad
[q52_7] What do you think about the time after graduation when you consider it from the perspective of your own career: I will work as an entrepreneur
[q53_1] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I like working in teams
[q53_2] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I like working on my own
[q53_3] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: My language skills are adequate for working life
[q53_4] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: My vocational skills are adequate for working life
[q53_5] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I would like to work as an entrepreneur
[q53_6] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I would like to work abroad
[q53_7] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I would like to switch careers at some point
[q53_8] How well do you recognise yourself in the following statements about work and working life: I would like to work in a managerial position
[q54_1] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Expertise and competence
[q54_2] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Contacts and networks
[q54_3] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Own attitude
[q54_4] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Luck/chance
[q54_5] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Being a 'good/nice guy/girl'
[q54_6] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Education and a qualification
[q54_7] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: On-the-job training periods
[q54_8] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Previous work experience
[q54_9] In your opinion, which elements help one to succeed in working life: Career counselling
[q55] Are you going to continue studying after your current studies?
[q56_1] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Vocational qualification
[q56_2] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Specialist qualification
[q56_3] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Another vocational qualification
[q56_4] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Degree in a university of applied sciences / polytechnic
[q56_5] What further studies are you planning to pursue: University degree
[q56_6] What further studies are you planning to pursue: General upper secondary education
[q56_7] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Studies/courses in open university
[q56_8] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Studies/courses in an adult education centre / community college
[q56_9] What further studies are you planning to pursue: Some other studies
[q57_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: Having an education significantly improves the chances of being employed
[q57_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: I would be prepared to move to another town/municipality to get a job
[q57_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: I believe that success in working life depends only on oneself and one's attitudes
[q57_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: Staying in working life requires constant training
[q57_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: I would rather accept even part-time work than live on unemployment benefit, even if the amount of money I got was the same
[q57_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about working life: Becoming unemployed is not one's own fault but due to the fact that there are too few jobs available in society
[q58_1] What are the most important things in work? Place the following in the order of importance from one to five. Doing meaningful work - you feel you achieve something important at work
[q58_2] What are the most important things in work? Place the following in the order of importance from one to five. Working with people you like
[q58_3] What are the most important things in work? Place the following in the order of importance from one to five. Good opportunities to advance your career and to develop as an employee
[q58_4] What are the most important things in work? Place the following in the order of importance from one to five. Job security: the fact that there is little danger of unemployment or of the employer ceasing to operate
[q58_5] What are the most important things in work? Place the following in the order of importance from one to five. A good pay so that you don't have to worry about money
[q59_1] Are there people among your leisure time friends that can be described with the following statements: Studies the same field in the same institution
[q59_2] Are there people among your leisure time friends that can be described with the following statements: Studies a different field in the same institution
[q59_3] Are there people among your leisure time friends who can be described with the following statements: Studies in a general upper secondary school
[q59_4] Are there people among your leisure time friends that can be described with the following statements: Is in comprehensive school or in preparatory education for upper secondary studies ('tenth grade')
[q59_5] Are there people among your leisure time friends that can be described with the following statements: Works but doesn't study
[q59_6] Are there people among your leisure time friends that can be described with the following statements: Neither works nor studies
[q60_1] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Your home
[q60_2] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Your friends' homes
[q60_3] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Shops/stores and shopping centres
[q60_4] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Library
[q60_5] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Bars, pubs or nightclubs
[q60_6] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Cafés or restaurants
[q60_7] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Mutual hobbies
[q60_8] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Gas/service stations
[q60_9] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Hanging out in the town centre, yards, parks etc.
[q60_10] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: On the Internet (e.g. games or social media)
[q60_11] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Driving cars, mopeds or motorcycles
[q60_12] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Youth clubs / youth centres
[q60_13] Do you spend time with your friend/friends in the following places AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Nature, e.g. in a forest
[q61_1] How well do the following statements describe your situation: There are enough people around me whose support I can count on whenever I have problems
[q61_2] How well do the following statements describe your situation: There are enough people around me whom I can trust completely
[q61_3] How well do the following statements describe your situation: There are enough people around me whom I feel are close to me
[q61_4] How well do the following statements describe your situation: I often feel like other people don't want me around
[q61_5] How well do the following statements describe your situation: I feel I have enough friends
[q61_6] How well do the following statements describe your situation: I would like to spend more time with other people
[q62_1] To what extent do the following statements describe your own situation: Performing in front of an audience, such as giving presentations, causes me a lot of anxiety
[q62_2] To what extent do the following statements describe your own situation: It is very difficult for me to make contact with fellow students or other people in general
[q62_3] To what extent do the following statements describe your own situation: It is difficult for me to form close friendships
[q63] During your vocational studies, have you felt that you've been bullied by one or more students? Bullying includes, for example, physical violence, talking behind one's back, belittling, leaving one out of a group, cyberbullying.
[q64] Have you yourself bullied another student or other students during your vocational studies?
[q65] Have you experienced sexual harassment by STUDENTS OR TEACHERS in your vocational institution? Sexual harassment includes, for example, non-consensual intimate touching, pressuring or coercing into having sex, and offering money for sex.
[q66] Have you felt that other STUDENTS OR TEACHERS in your institution have discriminated against you or degraded you based on your ethnic or cultural background?
[q67_1] How often in the past week have you felt the following: You have felt depressed
[q67_2] How often in the past week have you felt the following: You felt very well-rested when you got up in the morning
[q67_3] How often in the past week have you felt the following: You felt that everything you did took a lot of effort
[q68] Are you satisfied with yourself?
[q69] Do you feel you sleep enough?
[q70] Is it easy for you to wake up early enough on weekdays to make it in time to classes?
[q71] On the whole, how often do you use alcohol, for example a half a bottle of beer or more?
[q72] How often do you use so much alcohol that you get drunk?
[q73_1] Have you used alcohol around the following: Fellow students
[q73_2] Have you used alcohol around the following: Other friends
[q73_3] Have you used alcohol around the following: Parents/guardians
[q73_4] Have you used alcohol around the following: Siblings
[q73_5] Have you used alcohol around the following: Teachers or other staff in my institution
[q73_6] Have you used alcohol around the following: Young people not known to me before
[q73_7] Have you used alcohol around the following: Adults not known to me before
[q74_1] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To spend time together with friends
[q74_2] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To avoid loneliness
[q74_3] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To lose inhibitions
[q74_4] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To break boundaries
[q74_5] For which reasons do you use alcohol: Out of desire to be popular
[q74_6] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To get rid of unpleasant feelings
[q74_7] For which reasons do you use alcohol: To have fun
[q74_8] For which reasons do you use alcohol: Taste of alcoholic drinks
[q74_9] For which reasons do you use alcohol: Easy availability of alcohol compared to other intoxicating substances
[q74_10] For which reasons do you use alcohol: Other reason
[q75_1] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Music, for example sing or play an instrument
[q75_2] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Do sports or exercise with friends or in a sports club
[q75_3] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Do sports or exercise on your own
[q75_4] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Write, for example stories, rap lyrics, short stories, diary or blog
[q75_5] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Draw, paint or engage in visual arts (also on a computer)
[q75_6] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Participate in parish activities
[q75_7] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Photograph or take videos
[q75_8] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Sew, knit or crochet
[q75_9] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Build things (e.g. miniatures), repair and maintain things, do woodwork or upgrading
[q75_10] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Act or otherwise participate in theatre activities
[q75_11] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Dance, for example hip hop, ballet, modern dance, folk dance
[q75_12] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Go to the cinema, theatre, concerts or art exhibitions
[q75_13] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Read books for entertainment (other than school books)
[q75_14] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Play video games on the computer, smartphone or gaming console (e.g. PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Wii or DS)
[q75_15] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Play boardgames or role-playing games or larp
[q75_16] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Participate in volunteer activities or the activities of an association
[q75_17] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: Something else
[q75_18] Which of the following do you do on your leisure time AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH: None of the above
[q76_1] Do the following statements describe you Internet use: The time I spend on the Internet in my leisure time sometimes causes problems in my social relationships
[q76_2] Do the following statements describe you Internet use: The time I spend on the Internet in my leisure time sometimes causes problems in my studies
[q76_3] Do the following statements describe you Internet use: The time I spend on the Internet in my leisure time sometimes causes problems in my circadian rhythm (24-hour daily rhythm)
[q77] Age group (categorised from the year of birth)
[q78] Gender
[q79] Mother tongue (categorised - Finnish, Swedish, other)
[q80] How long have you lived in Finland?
[q81] Do you usually speak some other language than Finnish or Swedish with your parent or guardian?
[q82_1] Guardian 1 (your mother/father/other female guardian/other male guardian)
[q82_2] Guardian 1: Does your guardian currently work?
[q83] Guardian 1: What is the highest education she/he has attained?
[q84_1] Guardian 2 (your mother/father/other female guardian/other male guardian)
[q84_2] Guardian 2: Does your guardian currently work?
[q85] Guardian 2: What is the highest education she/he has attained?
[weight] Sampling weight