FSD3085 Finnish Youth Survey 2015

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[t1] The respondent's gender

[t2] The respondent's age

[t4] Have you lived in your municipality of residence your entire life, or have you moved there?

[t5] How long have you lived in your current municipality of residence?

[t6] Approximately, how many times have you moved from one municipality to another in the last 10 years?

[t7] Which of the following best describes your municipality/neighbourhood?

[t8] The respondent's mother tongue

[t9] Which of the following options best describes your housing situation?

[t10a] How old were you when you moved out of your parents’ house?

[t10b] Do you live with your parents...

[t11] The respondent’s household composition

[t11b] The respondent’s household composition: Other (open-ended)

[t12] What was your household composition when you started primary school (when you were approximately 7-years old)?

[t12b] What was your household composition when you started primary school (when you were approximately 7-years old): Other (open-ended)

[t13] The education level of the respondent’s mother

[t14] The education level of the respondent’s father

[t15] Is your household

[t16] Are you currently studying?

[t17] Where are you currently studying?

[t18a] What was the average grade of your previous school report?

[t18b] What was the average grade of your lower secondary school-leaving certificate?

[t19_1] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Matriculation examination (i.e. general upper secondary education)

[t19_2] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Vocational qualification (i.e. upper secondary vocational education)

[t19_3] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: Polytechnic/university of applied sciences degree

[t19_4] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: University degree

[t19_5] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: None of the mentioned

[t19_6] Which of the following qualifications have you completed: No answer

[t20] Are you currently in paid work?

[t21] What is your current main economic activity and occupational status?

[t21b] What is your current main economic activity and occupational status? Other (open-ended)

[t22] Do you feel busy during your work day?

[t23] Do you do any work when you have time off from your job?

[t24] Do you do non-work related things while at work?

[t25] How long have you now been consistently unemployed or laid-off? Estimate the time in months

[k1] Do you have any hobbies?

[k2] Do your hobbies include any sports or physical activities?

[k3_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: Everyday life gives me satisfaction

[k3_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I feel that the things I do in my everyday life are meaningful

[k3_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I feel that my life has a destination and a purpose

[k3_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I feel valuable

[k3_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I can make decisions about my own life

[k3_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I can act according to my values

[k3_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I feel that I have my life well under control

[k3_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I feel that I’m doing fine in my life

[k3_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: If I get in trouble, I can usually find a solution

[k3_10] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: I know who to rely on during difficult times

[k3_11] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: A person’s success in life is up to them

[k3_12] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: Everybody should take care of their own business

[k3_13] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about everyday life: It’s best to trust no one

[k4_1] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Maintaining a normal circadian rhythm

[k4_2] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Cooking

[k4_3] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Cleaning

[k4_4] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Doing laundry

[k4_5] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Grocery shopping

[k4_6] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Healthcare related matters

[k4_7] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Taking care of banking and taxes

[k4_8] How well do you manage the following things in your everyday life: Doing business with the employment agency

[k5a_1] At what time do you usually go to sleep on weekdays? (Based on a 24-hour clock, where 8=8am and 20=8pm)

[k5a_2] At what time do you usually go to sleep on weekdays?

[k5b_1] At what time do you usually go to sleep on weekends? (Based on a 24-hour clock, where 8=8am and 20=8pm)

[k5b_2] At what time do you usually go to sleep on weekends?

[k6a_1] At what time do you usually wake up on weekdays? (Based on a 24-hour clock, where 8=8am and 20=8pm)

[k6a_2] At what time do you usually wake up on weekdays?

[k6b_1] At what time do you usually wake up on weekends? (Based on a 24-hour clock, where 8=8am and 20=8pm)

[k6b_2] At what time do you usually wake up on weekends?

[k7_1] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will have a job

[k7_2] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will be studying

[k7_3] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will be financially well off

[k7_4] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will have a vocational degree

[k7_5] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will have a family

[k7_6] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will have good friends

[k7_7] How do you imagine your life will be in 10 years? I will be living in Finland

[k8] A household may have different sources of income and several of its members may have income. If you think about the total income of your household, is covering expenses with this income:

[k9_1] Has lack of money forced you to: Quit a hobby

[k9_2] Has lack of money forced you to: Not start a hobby that you wanted to start

[k9_3] Has lack of money forced you to: Not meet your friends

[k10] What is your main source of income?

[k10b] What is your main source of income? Other (open-ended)

[k11] Have you been forced to leave bills unpaid in the last 12 months?

[k12] Do you have a bad credit history (e.g. payment difficulties)?

[k13] Have you ever used consumer credit?

[k14] Would you be prepared to use consumer credit if necessary?

[k15] Would you be prepared to borrow money from your parents if necessary?

[k16] Would you be prepared to borrow money from your friends if necessary?

[k17] Have you received social assistance in the last 12 months?

[k18] Have your parents supported you financially in any way in the past six months?

[k19_1] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Buying you food

[k19_2] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying your housing costs

[k19_3] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying transport costs or buying you some means of transport

[k19_4] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying your phone bills

[k19_5] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying your study or other loan interests/instalments

[k19_6] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying for your hobbies

[k19_7] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Buying you clothes

[k19_8] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Paying for your holiday or travelling expenses

[k19_9] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Buying you a subscription to a newspaper/magazine

[k19_10] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Giving you money

[k19_11] Have your parents supported you financially in the past six months by: Some other way

[k20_1] Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is a big spender, and 5 is economical/frugal

[k20_2] Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is a trendsetter, and 5 is someone who is a step behind

[k20_3] Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is an impulse shopper, and 5 is a discerning shopper

[k20_4] Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is someone following the masses, and 5 is an individualist

[k20_5] Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is environmentally conscious, and 5 is not environmentally conscious

[k21] Do you feel lonely?

[k22] Do you have friends you can talk to in confidence?

[k23] Who do you spend most of your free time with?

[k24] How often do you meet your friends?

[k25] How often do you speak on the phone with your friends?

[k26] How often are you in contact with your friends over the Internet?

[k27_1] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Your family

[k27_2] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Your extended family

[k27_3] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Your circle of friends

[k27_4] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Groups associated with your hobbies

[k27_5] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Your study or work community

[k27_6] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: The internet community you use the most

[k27_7] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Voluntary/civic organisation or NGO

[k27_8] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Parish/religious community

[k27_9] How strongly do you feel you belong to the following: Finnish society

[k28_1] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your family have long-term financial difficulties?

[k28_2] Thinking about your time in primary school: Was your father or mother often unemployed, even though they wished to work?

[k28_3] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your father or mother have a serious illness, disability, or injury?

[k28_4] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your father or mother have problems with alcohol?

[k28_5] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your father or mother suffer from a psychological condition, such as schizophrenia, psychosis, or depression?

[k28_6] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were there serious conflicts in your family?

[k28_7] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your parents go through a divorce?

[k28_8] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did you have a serious or long-term illness?

[k28_9] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were you bullied in school?

[k28_10] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were your basic needs, such as food, clothing, and hygiene, taken care of?

[k28_11] Thinking about your time in primary school: Did your family have any contact with social work concerning child welfare?

[k28l_n_1] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were you a client of child welfare?

[k28l_n_2] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were any of the children in your family clients of child welfare?

[k28l_n_3] Thinking about your time in primary school: Were you relocated from your home because of child welfare related reasons?

[k30_1] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Loving

[k30_2] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Supportive

[k30_3] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Ordinary

[k30_4] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Quarrelsome

[k30_5] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Indifferent

[k30_6] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Busy

[k30_7] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Messy

[k30_8] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Noisy

[k30_9] How well do the following describe your current home and its atmosphere: Untalkative

[k31_1] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Smoked (cigarettes, pipe, cigars)

[k31_2] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Used snus (Swedish snuff)

[k31_3] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Gotten drunk

[k31_4] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Used or tried hashis or marijuana

[k31_5] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Used or tried other illegal drugs

[k31_6] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Used or tried legal drugs recreationally

[k31_7] During the last six months have you done any of the following: Gambled

[k32a_1] Do you feel that your alcohol use has ever harmed: Your relationships

[k32a_2] Do you feel that your alcohol use has ever harmed: Your health

[k32a_3] Do you feel that your alcohol use has ever harmed: Your studies or work

[k32a_4] Do you feel that your alcohol use has ever harmed: Your financial situation

[k32b_1] Do you feel that your drug use has ever harmed: Your relationships

[k32b_2] Do you feel that your drug use has ever harmed: Your health

[k32b_3] Do you feel that your drug use has ever harmed: Your studies or work

[k32b_4] Do you feel that your drug use has ever harmed: Your financial situation

[k32c_1] Do you feel that your gambling has ever harmed: Your relationships

[k32c_2] Do you feel that your gambling has ever harmed: Your health

[k32c_3] Do you feel that your gambling has ever harmed: Your studies or work

[k32c_4] Do you feel that your gambling has ever harmed: Your financial situation

[k35_1] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I often cook at home

[k35_2] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: Me and my friends often eat at someone’s home

[k35_3] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I often dine out

[k35_4] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I often eat at fast food restaurants

[k35_5] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I often pick up or order takeaway food

[k35_6] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I’m interested in food cultures of different countries

[k35_7] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: Cooking is an important hobby for me

[k35_8] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I am a vegetarian

[k35_9] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: Food and its impact on my welfare are discussed at my hobbies

[k35_10] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: I eat together with others due to my hobbies (in training camps, during practice sessions etc.)

[k35_11] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your eating habits: People involved in my hobbies set a good example on healthy eating habits

[k36_1] How much can the following affect your eating habits: You alone

[k36_2] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Your mother

[k36_3] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Your father

[k36_4] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Other members of your family

[k36_5] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Your friends

[k36_6] How much can the following affect your eating habits: School

[k36_7] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Your boy/girlfriend

[k36_8] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Food industry and trade

[k36_9] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Health care personnel

[k36_10] How much can the following affect your eating habits: The media

[k36_11] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Hobby related clubs and organisations

[k36_12] How much can the following affect your eating habits: Teacher

[k37] How satisfied are you with your current financial situation on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k38] How satisfied are you with your leisure time on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k39] How satisfied are you with your personal relationships on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k40] How satisfied are you with your health on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k41] How satisfied are you with your mental health on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k42] How satisfied are you with your physical fitness on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k43] How satisfied are you with your appearance on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[k44] How satisfied are you with your life in general on a scale of 4-10? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)

[bv1] Weight variable (based on gender, age group, and major region)

[bv2] The respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)

[bv3] Statistical grouping of municipalities

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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