FSD3089 Menopause Survey 1989

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  • Hemminki, Elina (University of Helsinki. Department of Public Health)
  • Uutela, Antti (University of Helsinki. Department of Public Health)
  • Topo, Päivi (University of Helsinki. Department of Public Health)


administration of drugs, gynaecolocy, health consultations, hormone replacement therapy, menopause, symptoms


The survey studied Finnish women's attitudes towards and experiences of menopause. Information was gathered on the use of medical services, positive and negative experiences, as well as symptoms and consequences of menopause. The respondents were also asked about treatments for menopause.

The first set of questions charted the health of the respondents. Regarding menopause, the respondents were asked about different surgical procedures such as hysteroctomy and ovary removal. Use of birth control methods was charted. In the following part the respondents were asked about the sources they had used to find information about menopause, if there were issues on which they would like to know more about, and what negative and positive things they associated with menopause. In addition, the respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with different statements regarding menopause and menopause treatments such as "hormone replacement therapy effectively prevents osteoporosis".

In the last part, the respondents were asked about symptoms related to menopause, and their visits to the doctor because of these symptoms. The respondent were also asked about the use of different hormone replacement therapies, reasons for receiving hormone replacement therapy, and the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy. Lastly, they answered questions on self-treatment methods that they had used to treat menopause.

The background variables included the respodent's age, height, weight, diagnosed diseases and medical conditions, region of residence, type of municipality, basic education, economic activity, R's and spouse's occupational status, marital status, number of births and children, children's years of birth, and family composition.

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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