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[q1a_1] No political party promotes issues that are important to me
[q1a_2] Finland is too far involved in globalisation, and our country should steer back to a more national economy and politics
[q1a_3] The decrease and ageing of our nation's population require that immigration to Finland be made easier
[q1a_4] Investment in education must be substantially increased in our country, even if it meant reducing allocations in some other field
[q1a_5] It is good that public social and health care system will become option-based, and individual citizens can choose their own service provider
[q1a_6] It is always worth voting, even though ordinary citizens cannot influence politics very much
[q1a_7] In Finland, one must accept that their wage might be so low that they need social welfare to get by sufficiently
[q1a_8] Finland has the best basic education in the world
[q1a_9] A lot more advisory (non-binding) referendums should be held on municipal issues
[q1a_10] Income disparity between different population groups has grown too large in our country
[q1a_11] Our nation needs strong leaders who are capable of returning discipline and order into our society and respect for the right values
[q1a_12] Economic growth is a prerequisite for sustained welfare for the people
[q1a_13] All of society would benefit from it if Finnish people's attitudes were more positive towards entrepreneurship
[q1a_14] The elite in our society only pursue their own selfish ends and do not care about the common Finns' living circumstances
[q1a_15] What is essential in public services is their availability to all citizens, not who provides them
[q1a_16] Parents could take more part in teaching in schools
[q1a_17] Comprehensive social security schemes and the extensive safety net of the welfare state make people lazy and unenterprising
[q1a_18] Personally, I would be glad to pay more taxes than I do at the moment
[q1b_1] All Finns have a duty to work for the common good
[q1b_2] I feel very alienated from the local government and decision making in my municipality
[q1b_3] Even though Finland has to bear its share of the responsibility of refugees from war and persecution, the current level of migration to Finland is too much
[q1b_4] Due to globalisation, countries with cheap labour increasingly steal jobs from Finland
[q1b_5] Instead of constantly raising taxes, the efficiency of the public sector should be improved
[q1b_6] It is irrelevant whether schooling services are provided by the municipality, third sector, or corporations, as long as quality and equality of education are maintained
[q1b_7] The actions and policies of Russia in international politics are legitimate and deserve the support of Finns
[q1b_8] Municipalities have taken on way too many tasks and responsibilites
[q1b_9] Political parties are drifting further and further away from the problems of ordinary citizens
[q1b_10] Finnish schools should focus more on developing excellence, even if it means reducing the role of general knowledge in education
[q1b_11] Municipal services will improve if they are exposed to competition with corporations and third sector service providers
[q1b_12] I am interested in politics and follow it actively
[q1b_13] It is fair that top professionals are significantly better paid than others, even if it increases income disparity
[q1b_14] Differences between schools (e.g. learning outcomes, school comfort) should be reported, and these reports made public knowledge available for all
[q1b_15] Globalisation of international economy will increase global welfare
[q1b_16] Finnish society has succumbed too much to market forces
[q1b_17] Finland should join NATO
[q1c_1] A possible universal basic income would have to be sufficiently high so that it would be possible to live off of it even if it meant increased taxation
[q1c_2] As social and health care services are provided by autonomous regions in the future it would be fair that these regions also decidedd on the amount of taxes needed to finance the services
[q1c_3] Basic education in its current form is a remnant from the past, and instead of gradual improvement the whole system should be reformed
[q1c_4] Social security benefits have become acquired rights that are used even by people who would not need them
[q1c_5] My home municipality should move to a system where municipal manager or mayor is directly elected by the citizens
[q1c_6] Although the EU has its problems, it is nevertheless the only power that can lead and control the development of Europe
[q1c_7] Possibility of choosing one's school is a bad thing, because it leads to a division into good and poor schools
[q1c_8] Finland should remain outside NATO, even if Sweden joined it
[q1c_9] Currently, there is not much room for enhancement in municipal service provision
[q1c_10] There should be special schools for very talented students
[q1c_11] The actions and policies of the United States in international politics are legitimate and deserve the support of Finns
[q1c_12] Teachers should be given more power to keep order in the classroom
[q1c_13] EU membership obliges Finns to comply with many norms and regulations which we neither want nor need
[q1c_14] The Finnish education system mostly produces average people who lack creativity and initiative
[q1c_15] The ethics of politics are unnecessarily criticised because most of our politicians are honest and conscientious
[q1c_16] It is in the best interest of citizens that municipalities provide most of their services on their own and only complement these with services from outside sources
[q1c_17] Ability grouping should be reintroduced in basic education, so every student could progress at their own pace
[q1c_18] A common defence policy for the EU is a utopian plan, because the EU has no real military power without the USA
[q1d_1] Students should be able to choose their primary and secondary school regardless of municipality or school district
[q1d_2] Income disparity is dangerous because someone's gain is always, in one way or another, someone else's loss
[q1d_3] Decision making units in municipalities have too many municipal employees as members, who decide on their own and each other's issues
[q1d_4] Corporations should have no role in developing schools
[q1d_5] In all circumstances, Finns should have the right to a minimum income guaranteed by society
[q1d_6] Entrepreneurship is so costly and risky in Finland that one has to be 'crazy' to found a business instead of being employed
[q1d_7] Most of our country's public services should be privatised in order to improve the efficiency of service provision
[q1d_8] In Finland, the interests of employees and employers are largely convergent
[q1d_9] Public welfare services and social security benefits should be prioritised to those who need them most and are the most disadvantaged
[q1d_10] Finnish society is being steered too much by blind market forces and a selfish pursuit of profits
[q1d_11] I support universal basic income provided that the monetary extent of the UBI is sufficiently low so that the receivers of UBI will also have to work
[q1d_12] It is a good thing that public health care will be provided by autonomous regions instead of municipalities
[q1d_13] Numerical evaluation should be reintroduced in all grades of the primary school (1-6)
[q1d_14] Even though Russia has its own problems, Finns have no reason to take a negative attitude to this big neighbour
[q1d_15] If taxes were lowered, I would be willing to give up some of the services I receive from the state and municipalities
[q2_1] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Children's day care
[q2_2] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Building infrastructures (roads, public buildings etc.)
[q2_3] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Employment services (e.g. providing rehabilitating work)
[q2_4] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Maintenance of public sport and recreational areas (swimming pools, sports fields etc.)
[q2_5] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Ownership of real estate used by municipality.
[q2_6] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Road and street maintenance
[q2_7] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Maintenance of museums and cultural locations
[q2_8] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Provision of school services
[q2_9] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Deciding on land use
[q2_10] How should the tasks below be divided in the municipalities? Provision of library services
[q3a_1] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? General knowledge
[q3a_2] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? Diligence and the importance of work
[q3a_3] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? Information retrieval and processing
[q3a_4] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? Flexible and enthusiastic attitude
[q3a_5] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? Future work-related skills (e.g. entrepreneurship, internationalism)
[q3a_6] How important do you consider teaching the following to children in basic education (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is most important and 6 is least important)? Finding a field that interests oneself
[q3b_1] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? No cut-backs, more classes should be introduced
[q3b_2] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? Subjects dealing with general knowledge (history, biology)
[q3b_3] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? Languages
[q3b_4] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? Arts
[q3b_5] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? Handicraft
[q3b_6] If teaching new skills in basic education is to be increased, which subjects currently taught could be cut back on (on a scale from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best solution and 6 is the worst)? Physical education
[q4a] How important an issue would you say the municipal tax rate in your municipality is to you?
[q4b] What is your opinion on the municipal tax rate in your municipality if you consider the services provided by the municipality (quantity and quality of services)?
[q4c] Social and health care reform will remove some tasks from the municipalities as well as the corresponding tax income. Please assess the development of municipal tax in your municipality in the future.
[q5] Have your own attitudes toward migration to Finland become more favourable or critical due to the recent European refugee crisis?
[q6a] How important is it for you to live in a democratically-governed country?
[q6b] And how democratically is Finland being governed currently?
[q6c_1] What would be your opinion on the following systems of governing Finland: A strong leader who does not have to care about the Parliament or elections
[q6c_2] What would be your opinion on the following systems of governing Finland: Experts, not the government, make decisions according to what they think is best for the country
[q6c_3] What would be your opinion on the following systems of governing Finland: Military rule by the Finnish Defence Forces
[q6c_4] What would be your opinion on the following systems of governing Finland: A democratic political system
[q7_1] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Britain reverses its decision to leave the EU (Brexit)
[q7_2] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Dissolution of the EU
[q7_3] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: The EU gives up the euro and national currencies are reintroduced
[q7_4] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Finland gives up the Euro
[q7_5] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: More countries decide to leave the EU following Britain's example (e.g. France)
[q7_6] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: EU becomes a federation
[q7_7] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: Finland leaves the EU
[q7_8] In your opinion, how desirable is it that the following would happen within the next 10 years: European unification slows down, and the EU becomes a looser union of sovereign nations
[q8a] In the next Parliamentary elections, how likely would you consider voting for a party whose party programme promoted stopping immigration, prioritising Finnish culture, and exiting the eurozone/EU?
[q8b] In the next Parliamentary elections, how likely would you consider voting for a party whose party programme promoted higher taxation for high income earners, nationalisation of property if needed, and a more liberal immigration policy?
[q8c] In the next Parliamentary elections, how likely would you consider voting for a party whose party programme promoted prohibition of private cars, stopping intensive animal farming, and negative economic growth?
[q9_1] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Trade union movement
[q9_2] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Finnish Parliament
[q9_3] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: European Union
[q9_4] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Government (cabinet)
[q9_5] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Church
[q9_6] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Municipal decision makers
[q9_7] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Environmentalists
[q9_8] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Market forces
[q9_9] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Juridiciary
[q9_10] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Banks
[q9_11] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Families
[q9_12] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Police
[q9_13] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Political parties
[q9_14] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Defence Forces
[q9_15] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Major corporations
[q9_16] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: The president
[q9_17] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Mass media
[q9_18] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Employers' organizations
[q9_19] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Public officials
[q9_20] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Individual citizens
[q9_21] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Non-governmental organizations
[q9_22] Evaluate whether the following has too much, an appropriate amount or too little power in our country at the moment: Universities and other higher education institutions
[q10_1] Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. How would you say Trump and his cabinet will influence the following issues in the coming years? Economic growth of United States
[q10_2] Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. How would you say Trump and his cabinet will influence the following issues in the coming years? Number of wars and conflicts
[q10_3] Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. How would you say Trump and his cabinet will influence the following issues in the coming years? Advances in free trade and globalization
[q10_4] Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. How would you say Trump and his cabinet will influence the following issues in the coming years? Finland's security between NATO and Russia
[q11a] What is your attitude towards Finland's EU membership nowadays?
[q11b] And what is your attitude towards the fact that our currency was changed from the Finnish mark to the euro?
[q11c] Do you think that the euro and the EMU membership are an advantage or disadvantage to Finland in the current economic situation?
[q11d] Has your attitude towards the EU become more favourable or critical in recent years?
[q11e] If the referendum on Finland's EU membership was held now, would you be in favour of the membership or against it?
[t1] Respondent's household composition
[t2_1] Ages of children living in the household: 0-2 years
[t2_2] Ages of children living in the household: 3-6 years
[t2_3] Ages of children living in the household: 7-12 years
[t2_4] Ages of children living in the household: 13-15 years
[t2_5] Ages of children living in the household: 16-17 years
[t2_6] Ages of children living in the household: No children under 18 living in the household
[t3] Respondent's household size
[t4] Respondent's household gross income before taxes
[t5] Respondent's dwelling type
[t6] Size of the respondent's municipality
[t7] Respondent's basic education
[t8] Respodent's vocational education
[t9] The occupational group you feel you mainly belong to at the moment?
[t10] Respondent's current or most recent industry of employment
[t10b] Type of employer (current or latest)
[t10c] Respondent's working hours
[t10d] Type of contract
[t11] If the parliamentary elections were held now, the candidate of which political party would you vote for?
[t12] Respondent's membership in federation of trade unions / professional organizations
[t12a] Which federation of trade unions / professional organization
[t13] Respondent's self-perceived social class
[bv1] Respondent's gender
[bv2] Respondent's year of birth
[bv3] Respondent's region of residence (NUTS3)
[bv4] Number of inhabitants in the municipality of residence
[paino] Weight variable