FSD3291 Yhteiskunnalliset erot nyky-Venäjällä 1990-2015

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[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[q1d] Type of settlement under 16

[q2_1bcd] Breadwinner when under 16

[q2_2bcd] Breadwinner when under 16

[q3bcd] First breadwinner

[q4bc] First breadwinner job: ISCO-88

[q4d] First breadwinner job: ISCO-08

[q5bcd] First breadwinner main job industry

[q6bcd] Second breadwinner when under 16

[q6bc] Second breadwinner's job: ISCO-88

[q7bcd] Second breadwinner main job industry

[q8d] CPSU membership in respondent's family

[q9_1d] CPSU member in respondent's parental family

[q9_2d] CPSU member in respondent's parental family

[q9_3d] CPSU member in respondent's parental family

[q9_4d] CPSU member in respondent's parental family

[q10abcd] Respondent's education level

[q11_1d] Secondary school (years of study)

[q11_2d] Vocational school (years of study)

[q11_3d] Art, music school (years of study)

[q11_4d] Technicum (years of study)

[q11_5d] Worker's faculty (years of study)

[q11_6d] University enrollment courses (years of study)

[q11_7d] University, institute (years of study)

[q11_8d] Master's course (years of study)

[q11_9d] Graduate, doctoral course (years of study)

[q11_10d] Skill upgrade course (years of study)

[q11_11d] Professional training courses (years of study)

[q9_1b] Higher education profile

[q9_2b] Higher education profile

[q12ad] Father's education level

[q13ad] Mother's education level

[q10b] Occupational training at workplace

[q10ab] Correspondence of training to main job

[q11b] Correspondence of education profile to main job profile

[q12b] Raising one's qualification

[q13_1b] Raising qualification independently

[q13_2b] Raising one's qualification; taking up courses

[q13_3b] Raising qualification in institute

[q13_4b] Raising qualification: a graduate course

[q13_5b] Raising qualification: in technicum

[q13_6b] Rasing qualification: master's degree

[q13_7b] Raising qualificaton: private tutor

[q13_8b] Raising qualification: retraining courses

[q13_9b] Raising qualification: other

[q14b] Planning to continue education

[q15_1b] Reasons to continue education

[q15_2b] Reasons to continue education

[q15ab] Success in maintaining one's qualification

[q15b_1b] Reasons for qualification loss

[q15b_2b] Reasons for qualification loss

[q8bc] Respondent's job at 25: ISCO-88

[q9bc] Respondent's branch of industry at 25

[q20b] Respondent's branch of industry at 35

[q23b] Respondent's branch of industry at 45

[q26b] Respondent's branch of industry at 55

[q14d] Occupational coding ISCO-08

[q15ad] First constant job (age of employment)

[q16d] Resident at that time (type of settlement)

[q17d] First job industry branch

[q18_1d] Way to get the first job

[q18_2d] Way to get the first job

[q19bcd] Respondent's current employment status

[q20bcd] Reasons for not working

[q24bcd] Current job: branch of industry

[q23bc] Occupational coding: ISCO-88

[q23d] Occupational coding: ISCO-08

[q21bcd] Working in an organization or self-employed

[q22_1d] Reasons for being self-employed

[q22_2d] Reasons for being self-employed

[q26_1d] Way to get the current job

[q26_2d] Way to get the current job

[q17bc] Way of getting a current job

[q25bcd] Relations with the employer

[q19bc] Change of job in five years

[q20bc] Respondent's job five years ago: ISCO-88

[q39b] Type of organization 5 years ago

[q40b] Main reason for the change of job

[q27d] Length of employment on a current job (in years)

[q42bcd] Current job: hours per week

[q44b] Work type

[q24_1bc] Use in work: type writer, calculator

[q24_2bc] Use in work: stationary telephone

[q24_3bc] Use in work: LAN workstation

[q24_4bc] Use in work: computer

[q24_5bc] Use in work: mainframe

[q24_6bc] Use in work: programmed lathe

[q24_7bc] Use in work: programmed work control equipment

[q24_8bc] Use in work: other programmed equipment

[q24_9bc] Use in work: ordinary lathe without programming

[q24_10bc] Use in work: heavy construction equipment

[q24_11bc] Use in work: chemical equipment

[q24_12bc] Use in work: simple handitools

[q24_13bc] Use in work: transportation

[q24_14bc] Use in work: agricultural equipment

[q24_16c] Use in work: internet access

[q24_17c] Use in work: mobile phone

[q24_18bc] Other

[q28bcd] Current job type of organization

[q29abcd] Number of employees in the respondent's organization

[q48b] Evaluation of the financial status of the organization

[q30d] Changed job in the last decade

[q31bcd] Respondent second job status

[q32b] Second job ISCO-88 code

[q32d] Occupational coding: ISCO-08

[q33d] Second job: industry branch

[q52b] Correspondence of the second job profile to the profile of education

[q34bcd] Current job: allows what and how to do

[q35bcd] Current job: determine character of the product or service

[q36bcd] Current job: set the pace of work

[q37d] Current job: demands new ideas

[q38d] Current job: allows to plan work

[q39d] Current job: allows to use skills or knowledge

[q40d] Current job: corresponds to the skill profile

[q41d] Current job: proportion of those getting a raise

[q43bcd] Current job: respondent physically tired

[q44bcd] Current job: respondent mentally tired

[q45d] Current job: need to accelerate pace of work

[q46_1bcd] Autonomy: when to come to work

[q46_2bcd] Autonomy: when to leave work

[q46_3bcd] Autonomy: when to take a one-day leave

[q46_4bcd] Autonomy: tasks to accomplish

[q46_5bcd] Autonomy: when to slow down

[q46_6bcd] Autonomy: when to go on leave

[q58b] How often the boss checks on the job

[q47abcd] Respondent's status in the management hierarchy

[q48abcd] Number of personnel under respondent's supervision

[q49abcd] Respondent's position in the management hierarchy

[q50abcd] Managing other workers part of respondent's responsibility

[q51_1bcd] Decision-making: hiring employees

[q51_2bcd] Decision-making: dismissing employees

[q51_3bcd] Decision-making: determining tasks to perform

[q51_4bcd] Decision-making: choice of materials

[q51_5bcd] Decision-making: determining the volume of work

[q51_6bcd] Decision-making: distributing the budget of the enterprise

[q51_7bcd] Decision-making: setting the pay level

[q51_8bcd] Decision-making: imposing sanctions

[q51_9bcd] Decision-making: buying equipment

[q51_10bcd] Decision-making: determining the variety of goods or services produced

[q51_11bcd] Decision-making: going for a credit

[q51_12bcd] Decision-making: deciding on partners for the enterprise

[q51_13d] Decision-making: work results evaluation

[q52_1abcd] Job obligations: determining work tasks

[q52_2abcd] Job obligations: deciding on instruments to be used

[q52_3bcd] Job obligations: determining the pace of work for others

[q52_4bcd] Job obligations: determing the duration of work for others

[q52_5bcd] Job obligations: determining the volume of work for others

[q52_6d] Job obligations: evaluation of work accomplished

[q53_1abcd] Job obligations: raising other worker salary

[q53_2bcd] Job obligations: blocking other worker salary raise

[q53_3bcd] Job obligations: dismissal of other workers

[q53_4bcd] Job obligations: reprimanding other workers

[q53_5bcd] Job obligations: other ways to stimulate or punish

[q53_6d] Job obligations: evaluation of performance

[q54_1bcd] Workplace change: possibility to use skills

[q54_2bcd] Workplace change: salary level

[q54_3bcd] Workplace change: relations between managers and workers

[q54_4bcd] Workplace change: social benefits

[q54_5bcd] Workplace change: a possibility to get a raise

[q54_6bcd] Workplace change: technical provision

[q55d] Is there a trade union on the enterprise?

[q56_1bd] Trade union influence: hiring new workers

[q56_2bd] Trade union influence: dismissal of workers

[q56_3d] Trade union influence: sanctions, fines

[q56_4bd] Trade union influence: salary, guarantees, compensations

[q56_5bd] Trade union influence: workplace security

[q56_6d] Trade union influence: labor conditions

[q56_7d] Trade union influence: getting benefits stipulated by the labor contract

[q56_8d] Trade union influence: fullfilling worker dismissal guarantees

[q56_9d] Trade union influence: regime of work and leisure

[q72_3b] Influence of trade unions: determining employee obligations

[q72_4b] Influence of trade unions: pace of work

[q72_7b] Influence of trade unions: bonus or benefit payment

[q72_8b] Influence of trade unions: finances: credit, profits

[q71_1b] Influence of enterprise management: hiring employees

[q71_2b] Influence of enterprise management: sacking employees

[q71_3b] Influence of enterprise management: determining employee obligations

[q71_4b] Influence of enterprise management: pace of work

[q71_5b] Influence of enterprise management: salary level

[q71_6b] Influence of enterprise management: safety requirements

[q71_7b] Influence of enterprise management: bonus or benefit payment

[q71_8b] Influence of enterprise management: finances: credit, profits

[q73_1b] Influence of ordinary employees: hiring emplyees

[q73_2b] Influence of ordinary employees: sacking employees

[q73_3b] Influence of ordinary employees: determining employee obligations

[q73_4b] Influence of ordinary employees: pace of work

[q73_5b] Influence of ordinary employees: salary level

[q73_6b] Influence of ordinary employees: safety requirements

[q73_7b] Influence of ordinary employees: bonus or benefit payment

[q73_8b] Influence of ordinary employees: finances: credit, profits

[q57bcd] Is the respondent a trade union member?

[q58d] Has the respondent been unemployed since 2008?

[q59d] Has the respondent been dismissed since 2008?

[q41bc] Unemployed in the last 12 months

[q42bc] Dismissed in the last 12 months

[q43bc] Work part time

[q60_1bcd] Has the respondent got compensation from employers since 2008?

[q60_2bcd] Has the respondent been engaged in petty trade since 2008?

[q60_3bcd] Has the respondent recieved any benefits from federal or local government since 2008?

[q60_4bcd] Has the respondent done any menial jobs since 2008?

[q60_5bcd] Has the respondent sold any of his things since 2008?

[q60_6bcd] Has the respondent lived on his savings since 2008?

[q60_7d] Has the respondent got a bank credit since 2008?

[q60_8d] Has the respondent got any material assistance from relatives since 2008?

[q60_9d] Has the respondent got any material assistance from friends since 2008?

[q44_7bc] Got assistance from friends or relatives

[q60_10bcd] Has the respondent lived off his landplot since 2008?

[q60_11d] Has the respondent got a new job immediately?

[q60_12bcd] Other

[q61abcd] Respondent's family status

[q62bc] Spouse's job: ISCO-88

[q62d] Occupational coding

[q52cb] Spouse's sector of economy

[q53abc] Spouse managerial position

[q63abcd] Does the respondent have children?

[q64abcd] Overall number of children

[q65d] Number of children under age

[q66d] Number of school age children

[q67d] The person caring for children in day time

[q68bcd] The size of the family

[q69_1d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_2d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_3d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_4d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_5d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_6d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_7d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_8d] Family members living with respondent

[q69_9d] Family members living with respondent

[q70d] Does the respondent cares for elderly relatives?

[q77_1b] Age of the first child

[q77_2b] Age of the second child

[q77_3b] Age of the third child

[q77_4b] Age of the fourth child

[q77_5b] Age of the fifth child

[q77_6b] Age of the sixth child

[q78_1b] Living under one roof: spouse

[q78_2b] Living under one roof: children

[q78_3b] Living under one roof: respondent's parents

[q78_4b] Living under one roof: spouse's parents

[q78_5b] Living under one roof: respondent's siblings

[q78_6b] Living under one roof: spouse's siblings

[q78_7b] Living under one roof: other relatives

[q71_1d] Pastimes: going to concerts, theaters

[q54_1bc] Pastimes: Going to a concert

[q54_2bc] Pastimes: Going to theater

[q71_2cd] Pastimes: visiting libraries

[q71_3d] Pastimes: visiting local leisure centers

[q71_4cd] Pastimes: going to pubs, beer bars, cafes

[q86_3b] Pastimes: Going to cafes

[q71_5d] Pastimes: visiting friends, relatives

[q54_5c] Pastimes: Drinking alcohol at home

[q71_6d] Pastimes: receiving friends, relatives

[q71_7bcd] Pastimes: going to the cinema

[q71_8bcd] Pastimes: going to a restaurant

[q71_9bcd] Pastimes: taking up sports

[q71_10d] Pastimes: drinking in the company of friends

[q71_11d] Pastimes: going out-of-doors

[q71_12d] Pastimes: visiting social networks

[q71_13d] Pastimes: playing computer games

[q86_7b] Leisure pastimes: drinking alcohol

[q84_1b] Family labor division: regular payments

[q84_2b] Family labor division: expensive purchase

[q84_3b] Family labor division: decision to visit friends

[q84_4b] Family labor division: home chores

[q84_5b] Family labor division: upbringing of children

[q84_6b] Family labor division: character of leisure

[q85_1b] Leisure pastimes: hours on study and self-education

[q85_2b] Leisure pastimes: hours on reading newspapers and journals

[q85_3b] Leisure pastimes: hours on working on a land plot or in a kindergarten

[q85_4b] Leisure pastimes: hours on watching TV

[q85_5b] Leisure pastimes: hours on listening to the radio

[q85_6b] Leisure pastimes: hours on doing home chores

[q85_7b] Leisure pastimes: hours on children's upbringing

[q85_8b] Leisure pastimes: hours on shopping

[q85_9b] Leisure pastimes: hours on meeting friends

[q85_10b] Leisure pastimes: hours on looking for a second job

[q85_11b] Leisure pastimes: hours on taking up one's hobby

[q85_12b] Leisure pastimes: hours on reading fiction

[q72_1bcd] Income source importance: main job salary

[q72_2bcd] Income source importance: second job salary

[q72_3bcd] Income source importance: relatives' assistance

[q72_4d] Income source importance: selling landplot yields

[q72_5d] Income source importance: selling gifts of nature (mushrooms, berries)

[q72_6bcd] Income source importance: petty trade

[q72_7bcd] Income source importance: pensions, benefits

[q72_8bcd] Income source importance: renting an apartment

[q72_9bcd] Income source importance: interest on bank deposits

[q72_10bcd] Income source importance: savings

[q72_11d] Income source importance: investment into bonds, shares

[q72_12d] Income source importance: menial jobs

[q72_13bcd] Income source importance: charity

[q72_14bcd] Income source importance: other

[q73d] Main job: type of salary computation

[q74bcd] Respondent's aggregate monthly income

[q75bcd] Respondent's family aggregate monthly income

[q58bc] Main wage arrears

[q59bc] Maximum duration of work arrears (in months)

[q76_1bcd] State benefits: unemployment benefit

[q76_2bcd] State benefits: children support benefit

[q76_3d] State benefits: adopted children benefit

[q76_4bcd] State benefits: communal payment rebate

[q76_5bcd] State benefits: benefits for the handicapped

[q76_6d] State benefits: pension

[q76_7d] State benefits: medical drug purchase benefit

[q76_8bcd] State benefits: other

[q77d] Did the respondent get maternity capital?

[q78_1bcd] Workplace benefits: faster access to housing

[q78_2bcd] Workplace benefits: a kindergarten

[q78_3bcd] Workplace benefits: vouchers for sanatoria, rest homes

[q78_4bcd] Workplace benefits: privileged food pricing in a cafeteria

[q78_5bcd] Workplace benefits: work clothes issue

[q78_6bcd] Workplace benefits: covering costs of transport to the workplace

[q78_7bcd] Workplace benefits: access to some food products

[q78_8bcd] Workplace benefits: access to consumer goods

[q78_9d] Workplace benefits: summer leave payment

[q78_10d] Workplace benefits: sick leave payment

[q78_11d] Workplace benefits:medical insurance

[q78_12d] Workplace benefits: covering education costs

[q61_1bc] Workplace benefits 10 yeas ago: getting apartment

[q61_2bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: kindergarten

[q61_3bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: access to rest homes

[q61_4bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: cheaper lunch

[q61_5bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: issue of work clothes

[q61_6bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: coverage of travel costs

[q61_7bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: access to food products

[q61_8bc] Workplace benefits 10 years ago: access to consumer goods

[q79bcd] Respondent's housing conditions

[q80d] Aggregate space of a house or an apartment (sq.m.)

[q81bcd] Income group

[q82d] Change of living standards since 2010

[q64c] Change of well-being since the year 2000

[q99b] Well-being change since 1988

[q100b] Disposal of the privatization cheque

[q101b] Privatization cheque influence on well-being

[q83d] Change of family status since 2010

[q84_1d] Change of expenses since 2010: medical drugs

[q84_2d] Change of expenses since 2010: food

[q84_3d] Change of expenses since 2010: hobbies, leisure

[q84_4d] Change of expenses since 2010: travel

[q84_5d] Chane of expenses since 2010: big buys (a car)

[q84_6d] Change of expenses since 2010: small buys (clothes)

[q84_7d] Change of expenses since 2010: children education

[q84_8d] Change of expenses since 2010: communal payments

[q84_9d] Change of expenses since 2010: tax payments

[q65_1c] Purchase of medical services, drugs

[q65_2c] Food

[q65_3c] Hobbies

[q65_4c] Travel

[q65_5c] Big buys, real estate

[q65_6c] Small buys such as clothes

[q65_7c] Children's education

[q65_8c] Communal payments

[q65_9c] Tax payment

[q102_1b] Change of expenses: expenses on drugs

[q102_2b] Change of expenses: food

[q102_3b] Change of expenses: hobby

[q102_4b] Change of expenses: travel

[q102_5b] Change of expenses: big acquisitions (car, housing)

[q102_6b] Change of expenses: clothes acquisition

[q102_7b] Change of expenses: children's education

[q102_8b] Change of expenses: communal payments

[q102_9b] Change of expenses: tax payments

[q85d] Prospects of living standard change in the next three years

[q66c] Change of well-being in 2007

[q103b] Well-being in 1999

[q68_1bc] Home conveniences: central heating

[q68_2bc] Home conveniences: gas in the kitchen

[q68_3bc] Home conveniences: gas water heating

[q68_4bc] Home conveniences: electricity

[q68_5bc] Home conveniences: cold water running

[q68_6bc] Home conveniences: hot water running

[q68_7bc] Home conveniences: stationary telephone

[q68_8bc] Home conveniences: elevator

[q68_9bc] Home conveniences: individual gas heating

[q68_10bc] Home conveniences: garbage removal conduct

[q68_11bc] Home conveniences: sewage

[q68_12c] Home conveniences: cable TV

[q68_13c] Home conveniences: Internet

[q69_1bc] Available in the family

[q69_2bc] Available in the family

[q69_3bc] Available in the family

[q69_4bc] Available in the family

[q69_5bc] Available in the family

[q69_6bc] Available in the family

[q69_7bc] Available in the family

[q69_8bc] Available in the family

[q69_9bc] Available in the family

[q69_10bc] Available in the family

[q69_11bc] Available in the family

[q69_12bc] Available in the family

[q69_13bc] Available in the family

[q69_14bc] Available in the family

[q69_15bc] Available in the family

[q69_16bc] Available in the family

[q70_1bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_2bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_3bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_4bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_5bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_6bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_7bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_8bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_9bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_10bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_11bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_12bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_13bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_14bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_15bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q70_16bc] Acquisitions in the last 5 years

[q110_1b] Cost of a car (in us dollars)

[q110_2b] TV cost (in us dollars)

[q110_3b] VCR cost (in us dollars)

[q110_4b] Hi-fi cost (in us dollars)

[q110_5b] Furniture ensemble cost (in us dollars)

[q110_6b] Summer cottage cost (in us dollars)

[q110_7b] Cost of an apartment (in us dollars)

[q110_8b] Cost of a microwave

[q110_9b] Cost of a computer

[q110_10b] Cost of a camcorder

[q110_11b] Cost of a washer

[q110_12b] Cost of a dishwasher

[q110_13b] Cost of a pager, cellular phone (in us dollars)

[q110_14b] Cost of a refrigerator (in us dollars)

[q110_15b] Cost of a vacuum cleaner

[q104b] Satisfaction with living standards

[q105_1b] Plans to improve well-being: looking for a higher-paid job

[q105_2b] Plans to improve well-being: raising one's skills

[q105_3b] Plans to improve well-being: change one's occupation

[q105_4b] Plans to improve well-being: start one's own business

[q105_5b] Plans to improve well-being: change place of residence

[q105_6b] Plans to improve well-being: find a second job

[q105_7b] Plans to improve well-being: invest money into a bank or another company

[q105_8b] Plans to improve well-being: go abroad

[q105_9b] Plans to improve well-being:other

[q105_10b] Plans to improve well-being: plan nothing

[q86_1d] Ways to get medical care: going to a local clinic

[q86_2d] Ways to get medical care: getting it on an enterprise

[q86_3d] Ways to get medical care: going to private clinics

[q86_4d] Ways to get medical care: getting directions to clinics in big cities

[q86_5d] Ways to get medical care: using the service of non-traditional healers

[q86_6d] Ways to get medical care: going abroad

[q86_7d] Ways to get medical care: searching for drugs and ways of treatment in the Internet

[q86_8d] Ways to get medical care: other

[q87d] Does the respondent always get fully the medical care that he or she needs?

[q88_1d] Problems in getting medical care: doctors services too expensive

[q88_2d] Problems in getting medical care: staying in a hospital too expensive

[q88_3d] Problems in getting medical care: no specialists of the needed profile

[q88_4d] Problems in getting medical care: clinics are too far from my place of residence

[q88_5d] Problems in getting medical care: no necessary equipment

[q88_6d] Problems in getting medical care: hard to get a permission for examination

[q88_7d] Problems in getting medical care: no medical insurance

[q88_8d] Problems in getting medical care: specialists' low skills

[q88_9d] Problems in getting medical care: my insurance works only in my region

[q71_1c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_2c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_3c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_4c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_5c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_6c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_7c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_8c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_9c] Newspapers read last week

[q71_10c] Newspapers read last week

[q72c] Was there such time when you regularly red daily newspapers?

[q73_1c] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers?

[q73_2c] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers?

[q73_3c] Why these days you practically do not read newspapers?

[q87_1b] Newspaper choice

[q87_2b] Newspaper choice

[q87_3b] Newspaper choice

[q87_4b] Newspaper choice

[q87_5b] Newspaper choice

[q87_6b] Newspaper choice

[q87_7b] Newspaper choice

[q87_8b] Newspaper choice

[q87_9b] Newspaper choice

[q87_10b] Newspaper choice

[q74_1c] Magazines read last month

[q74_2c] Magazines read last month

[q74_3c] Magazines read last month

[q74_4c] Magazines read last month

[q74_5c] Magazines read last month

[q74_6c] Magazines read last month

[q74_7c] Magazines read last month

[q74_8c] Magazines read last month

[q74_9c] Magazines read last month

[q74_10c] Magazines read last month

[q88_1b] Magazine choice

[q88_2b] Magazine choice

[q88_3b] Magazine choice

[q88_4b] Magazine choice

[q88_5b] Magazine choice

[q88_6b] Magazine choice

[q88_7b] Magazine choice

[q88_8b] Magazine choice

[q88_9b] Magazine choice

[q88_10b] Magazine choice

[q75_1c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_2c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_3c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_4c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_5c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_6c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_7c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_8c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_9c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_10c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_11c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_12c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_13c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_14c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q75_15c] Which TV channels do you watch no less than three times a week?

[q76_1c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_2c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_3c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_4c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_5c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_6c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_7c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_8c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_9c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q76_10c] What radio stations do you listen to no less than tree times a week?

[q77_1c] Political life in Russia

[q77_2c] Russian economy

[q77_3c] Mood in society

[q77_4c] Events in the Caucases

[q77_5c] Political life in your region

[q77_6c] State of regional economy

[q77_7c] Work done by regional administration

[q77_8c] Work done by city or village administration

[q77_9c] Events in the world

[q77_10c] Sports, outcome of competitions

[q77_11c] Cultural events

[q77_12c] Information on goods on sale in shops

[q78_1c] Criticism of the President of Russia

[q78_2c] Material against some ethnic group, race

[q78_3c] Material glorifying communism

[q78_4c] Negative information, 'dark part of reality'

[q78_5c] Information on sexual minorities, homosexuals

[q78_6c] Material on sects, non-traditional religions

[q78_7c] Depiction of violent scenes

[q78_8c] Undisguised erotic, naked bodies

[q78_9c] Propaganda of religion

[q78_10c] Commercials

[q79_1c] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q79_2c] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q79_3c] What kind of information is the Russian media short of?

[q89d] Whether respondent uses the Internet?

[q90_1d] Place of access to the Internet

[q90_2d] Place of access to the Internet

[q90_3d] Place of access to the Internet

[q90_4d] Place of access to the Internet

[q91_1d] Purpose of Internent usage: communal payments

[q91_2d] Purpose of Internet usage: buying food

[q91_3d] Purpose of Internet usage: communication with authority

[q91_4d] Purpose of Internet usage: games, entertainment

[q91_5d] Purpose of Internet usage: reading papers or magazines

[q91_6d] Purpose of Internet usage: reading news sites

[q91_7d] Purpose of Internet usage: e-mail

[q91_8d] Purpose of Internet usage: communicating by Skype

[q91_9d] Purpose of Internet usage: spending time in Facebook

[q91_10d] Purpose of Internet usage: spending time in Vkontakte

[q91_11d] Purpose of Internet usage: using Twitter

[q91_12d] Purpose of Internet usage: spending time in Livejournal

[q92_1d] What did you do in the last 7 days: reading paid paper

[q92_2d] What did you do in the last 7 days: reading a journal

[q92_3d] What did you do in the last 7 days: listening to the radio

[q92_4d] What did you do in the last 7 days: watching TV

[q93_1bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: signed a petition

[q93_2bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: public organization congresses, conferences

[q93_3bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: strike

[q93_4bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: protest march

[q93_5d] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: Victory day celebrations

[q93_6bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: rally

[q93_7bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: a letter to a newspaper

[q93_8bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: a candidate's election campaign

[q93_9bcd] Events the respondent participated in in 2013-2014: voted in a local elections

[q81bc] Are you a member of a party or a social movement?

[q82_1bc] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_2bc] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_3bc] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_4bc] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q82_5bc] What is the name of that party or a social movement?

[q94_1cd] Participation in public activity: charity organizations

[q94_2cd] Participation in public activity: religious, church organizations

[q94_3cd] Participation in public activity: cultural, art organizations

[q94_4cd] Participation in public activity: trade unions

[q94_5cd] Participation in public activity: political parties

[q94_6cd] Participation in public activity: minority protection movements

[q94_7cd] Participation in public activity: environmental organizations

[q94_8d] Participation in public activity: veterans' organizations

[q94_9d] Participation in public activity: handicapped assistance organizations

[q94_10cd] Participation in public activity: youth organizations

[q94_11cd] Participation in public activity: women's organizations

[q94_12cd] Participation in public activity: sports clubs, unions

[q94_13cd] Participation in public activity: consumer organizations

[q94_14cd] Participation in public activity: dweller gatherings, formal or informal

[q94_15cd] Participation in public activity: intererst groups (fishermen)

[q94_16d] Participation in public activity: volunteer organizations

[q94_17d] Participation in public activity: ethnic, nationalist movements, organizations

[q94_18cd] Participation in public activity: other organizations or clubs

[q95_1bcd] Trust: Council of the Federation

[q95_2bcd] Trust: the State Duma

[q95_3bcd] Trust: the President

[q95_4bcd] Trust: the RF government

[q95_5cd] Trust: regional administration

[q95_6cd] Trust: municipal, village administration

[q114_5b] Trust: Confidence in the local authorities

[q95_7bcd] Trust: the Russian Orthodox church

[q95_8bcd] Trust: the army

[q95_9bcd] Trust: courts

[q95_10bcd] Trust: the police

[q95_11bcd] Trust: trade unions

[q95_12d] Trust: NGO

[q95_13bcd] Trust: TV

[q95_14bcd] Trust: papers

[q95_15bcd] Trust: banks

[q95_16bcd] Trust: entrepreneurs

[q96d] Trusting others

[q85c] How often you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often they try to be fair?

[q86c] Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?

[q87bc] Assessment of the government's economic policy

[q88c] Assessment of the government's social policy

[q89bc] Assessemnt of the government's external policy

[q97_1d] Satisfaction with functioning: health care

[q97_2d] Satisfaction with functioning: education system

[q97_3d] Satisfaction with functioning: local administration

[q97_4d] Satiscation with functioning: local social service

[q97_5d] Satisfaction with functioning: regional administration

[q97_6d] Satisfaction with functioning: the State Duma

[q97_7d] Satisfaction with functioning: federal government

[q97_8d] Satisfaction with functioning: the President

[q97_9d] Satisfaction with functioning: opposition parties

[q97_10d] Satisfaction with functioning: the police

[q97_11d] Satisfaction with functioning: courts

[q98_1d] Statements: In our country income gap is too big

[q98_2d] Statements: The government must ensure that the unemployed live decently

[q98_3d] Statements: The government must spend less on supporting the poor

[q98_4d] Statements: Citizens must care about themselves without calling on the government support

[q98_5bd] Statements: Such indviduals as me cannot influence the government

[q98_6d] Statements: Entrepreneurs must have more influence on the life of the country

[q98_7bd] Statements: A job must be interesting, money is not important

[q98_8d] Statements: The country can develop only if it has honest police, courts and men in power

[q98_9bd] Statements: A few strong patriotic politicians can do more for their country than all laws taken together

[q120_1b] Believe in telepathy

[q120_2b] Believe in extraterrestrial civilizations

[q120_3b] Believe in extrasensory cure

[q120_4b] Believe in magic

[q120_5b] Believe in astrology

[q120_6b] Believe in ufos

[q120_7b] Believe in folk medicine

[q120_8b] Believe in destiny

[q120_9b] Believe in heavens

[q120_10b] Believe in hell

[q120_11b] Believe in demonism

[q120_12b] Believe in god's punishment for sins

[q120_13b] Believe in second advent of christ

[q120_14b] Believe in internation plot against russia

[q120_15b] Believe in signs

[q120_16b] Believe in marxism

[q121_1b] Depend on external circumstances

[q121_3b] Too few women among managers

[q121_4b] Workers can run production without managers

[q121_5b] Poverty caused by lack of intellect

[q121_6b] Poverty caused by lack of desire to work

[q121_7b] Poverty caused by appropriation of profits by the few

[q121_8b] Poverty caused by bad reform management

[q121_9b] Stability and living standards more important than freedom

[q121_10b] Freedom and human rights more important than power status

[q121_11b] In just society all have the same livings standards

[q121_12b] In just society hard-working live better

[q121_13b] In just society educated live better

[q121_14b] In just society free education and medicare

[q121_15b] Everyone for himself

[q121_16b] Difficult to survive witout law breaking

[q121_17b] Law abidance paramount

[q121_18b] Choose goods of the highest quality

[q121_19b] Parents must provide good education

[q121_21b] Money more important than interest

[q121_22b] All must have equal chance to influence policy

[q121_23b] Right to vote without awareness

[q121_24b] Strong individual must be in charge of society

[q121_25b] Skilled and experienced must run the country

[q121_26b] Only managers can choose the right policies

[q121_27b] Most people do not understand their interests

[q122_1b] Ownership of post office

[q122_2b] Ownership of railways

[q122_3b] Ownership of heavy industry

[q122_4b] Ownership of power production

[q122_5b] Ownership of banks

[q122_6b] Ownership of hospitals

[q122_7b] Ownership of colleges or universities

[q122_8b] Ownership of schools

[q122_9b] Ownership of pre-school care centers

[q122_10b] Ownership of supermarkets

[q122_11b] Ownership of television stations

[q122_12b] Ownership of agricultural enterprises

[q122_13b] Ownership of city transportation

[q122_14b] Ownership of local service (garbage collection)

[q122_15b] Ownership of housing construction

[q122_16b] Ownership of vacation centers, sanatoria

[q99_1d] Reasons for poverty: bad luck

[q99_2d] Reasons for poverty: weakness and laziness

[q99_3d] Reasons for poverty: society is unjust

[q99_4d] Reasons for poverty: it is a natural thing in a modern world

[q99_5d] Reasons for poverty: they lack talent

[q99_6d] Reasons for poverty: it has always been so in our country

[q99_7d] Reasons for poverty: natural resource usurpers are to blame

[q99_8d] Reasons for poverty: our government acts in the interests of the rich

[q100_1bcd] Who should take care: children

[q100_2bcd] Who should take care: the elderly

[q100_3d] Who should take care: the handicapped

[q100_4d] Who should take care: the orphans

[q100_5bcd] Who should take care: housing

[q100_6bcd] Who should take care: leisure institutions

[q100_7bcd] Who should take care: medical facilities

[q100_8d] Who should take care: schools

[q100_9d] Who should take care: universities

[q124_1b] Importance for society: development of democracy

[q124_2b] Importance for society: development of a market

[q124_3b] Importance for society: imposition of the strictest discipline

[q124_4b] Importance for society: privatization

[q124_5b] Importance for society: entry into the world economy

[q124_6b] Importance for society: full employment

[q124_7b] Importance for society: campaign against crime

[q124_8b] Importance for society: social support of the poor

[q124_9b] Importance for society: securing individual rights

[q124_10b] Importance for society: prevention of disintegration of the country

[q124_11b] Importance for society: protections of ethnic russian's rights

[q124_12b] Importance for society: development of spirituality and human qualities

[q124_13b] Importance for society: improvement of inter-ethnic relations

[q124_14b] Importance for society: material equality of citizens

[q124_15b] Importance for society: reunification of former soviet republics

[q124_16b] Importance for society: fighting bureaucracy

[q124_17b] Importance for society: protection of family and higher birth rate

[q124_18b] Importance for society: restoration of production

[q124_19b] Importance for society: restoration of agriculture

[q124_20b] Importance for society: fighting alcoholism and drugs

[q124_21b] Importance for society: fighting corruption

[q124_22b] Importance for society: fighting foreign capital invasion

[q124_23b] Importance for society: stregthening the ruble

[q101_1bcd] Importance for mobility: rich parents

[q101_2bcd] Importance for mobility: relatives in high positions

[q101_3bcd] Importance for mobility: good education

[q101_4bcd] Importance for mobility: useful connections

[q101_5bcd] Importance for mobility: hard work

[q101_6bcd] Importance for mobility: perseverance in goal seeking

[q101_7bcd] Importance for mobility: ability to take risks

[q101_8bcd] Importance for mobility: ambition, setting high goals

[q101_9bcd] Importance for mobility: inborn intellect

[q101_10bcd] Importance for mobility: living in the capital

[q101_11bcd] Importance for mobility: foreign connections

[q101_12bcd] Importance for mobility: charm, communicative skills

[q101_13bcd] Importance for mobility: the right kind of political views

[q101_14bcd] Importance for mobility: the right ethnicity

[q101_15bcd] Importance for mobility: honesty

[q101_16bcd] Importance for mobility: law abidance

[q101_17bcd] Importance for mobility: independence

[q101_18bcd] Importance for mobility: luck

[q93_1bc] Success conditions 10 years ago : rich parents

[q93_2bc] Success conditions 10 years ago : relatives in managerial conditions

[q93_3bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: good education

[q93_4bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: useful connections

[q93_5bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: hard work

[q93_6bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: persistence

[q93_7bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: ability to risk

[q93_8bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: setting lofty goals

[q93_9bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: gift, intellect

[q93_10bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: living in a capital

[q93_11bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: connections abroad

[q93_12bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: charm communicative skills

[q93_13bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: political views

[q93_14bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: right ethnicity

[q93_15bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: honesty

[q93_16bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: law abidance

[q93_17bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: independence

[q93_18bc] Success conditions 10 years ago: luck

[q102_1d] Threats to stability: a gap between the rich and the poor

[q102_2d] Threats to stability: a gap between generations

[q102_3d] Threats to stability: differences between the oligarchs and ordinary workers

[q102_4d] Threats to stability: differences between well-to-do and poor families

[q102_5d] Threats to stability: differences between men and women

[q102_6d] Threats to stability: ethnic differences

[q102_7d] Threats to stability: religious differences

[q102_8d] Threats to stability: differences between urban and rural life

[q102_9d] Threats to stability: differences between adepts of various political views

[q102_10d] Threats to stability: diffferences between patriots and westernizers

[q102_11d] Threats to stability: differences between Muscovites and provincial residents

[q103d] Does the respondent have the will to radically change his or her life if needed

[q104d] What kind of country should Russia be?

[q95_1c] To follow laws

[q95_2c] To respect political system

[q95_3c] To have citizenship

[q95_4c] To vote on elections

[q95_5c] To participate in public or political organizations, movements

[q95_6c] To know the state official language

[q95_7c] To be born in this country

[q95_8c] To live in this country

[q95_9c] To belong to one of the traditional confessions

[q95_10c] To belong to titular ethnic group or one of indigenous ethnicities

[q95_11c] To feel proud of people

[q95_12c] To feel responsible for country

[q95_13c] To help fellow-citizens

[q96_1c] I feel myself as citizen of Russia

[q96_2c] I feel myself as citizen of other counry

[q96_3c] I feel myself as citizen of USSR, Soviet man

[q96_4c] I feel myself as resident of my village, town

[q96_5c] I feel myself as resident of my region, republic

[q96_6c] I feel myself as representative of own ethnicity

[q96_7c] I feel myself as person with no ethnicity

[q96_8c] I feel myself as citizen of Europe

[q96_9c] I feel myself as citizen of the world

[q98_1c] It is important for me that I am

[q98_2c] I am proud that I

[q98_3c] There are no better people in the world than the people of my ethnicity

[q98_4c] The more influence people of my ethnicity have on people of other ethnicities the better it is for these ethnicities

[q98_5c] It is important for people of my ethnicity to be first in the world

[q98_6c] It is important for me that people of my ethnicity consider me as one of them

[q98_7c] I am proud that people of my ethnicity consider me as one of them

[q105bcd] Respondent's ethnic group

[q106d] Respondent's native language

[q107d] Command of the Russian language

[q108d] Command of English

[q101_1c] Of what languages do you have a command?

[q101_1_1c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_1_2c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_1_3c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_2c] Of what languages do you have a command?

[q101_2_1c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_2_2c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_2_3c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_3c] Of what languages do you have a command?

[q101_3_1c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_3_2c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_3_3c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_4c] Of what languages do you have a command?

[q101_4_1c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_4_2c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_4_3c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_5c] Of what languages do you have a command?

[q101_5_1c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_5_2c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q101_5_3c] You can read with a dictionary, read easily, speak or write?

[q109abcd] Is the respondent a believer?

[q110bcd] Respondent's religion

[q119ab] Frequency of visiting church

[q119bb] Frequency of prayer

[q111abcd] Year of birth

[q112abcd] Respondent's sex

[q113bcd] Type of settlement

[q100c] How long have you been living here in this town, village?

[q4codebcd] First breadwinner job: ISCO-88

[q14coded] Respondent's first job: Occupational coding ISCO-88 (2015)

[q23coded] Respondent's current job: ISCO-88 (2015)

[q32coded] Second job: ISCO-88 (2015)

[q62d_2] Spouse's job: Occupational coding ISCO-88 (2015)

[bv1] Year of survey

[bv2] Federal unit (okrug)

[bv3_bc] Wright class typology (1998, 2007)

[bv3_d] Wright class typology (2015)

[bv3_bcd] Wright class typology (1998, 2007, 2015)

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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