FSD3325 European Climate Services User Survey (EU-MACS) 2017

Select variable

[fsd_no] Aineistonumero (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_vr] Aineistoversio (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[fsd_id] Havaintotunnus (lisätty FSD:ssä)

[q1] I am / I work for an organisation that is

[q2] Please specify the type of organisation you work for:

[q3_1] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Data collection

[q3_2] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: High-performance computing

[q3_3] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Model development

[q3_4] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Modelling and re-analysis

[q3_5] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Climate information and knowledge

[q3_6] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Regional downscaling

[q3_7] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Impact modelling (incl. socioeconomic impacts)

[q3_8] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Consultancy services (translation layer)

[q3_9] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: National government / administration

[q3_10] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Regional / federal government / administration

[q3_11] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Local government / administration

[q3_12] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Civil society, e.g. foundations, associations

[q3_13] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: International corporations

[q3_14] To better understand where specific barriers occur, please position your organisation in the value chain of climate services: Small and medium-sized enterprises

[q4_1] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Austria

[q4_2] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Belgium

[q4_3] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Bulgaria

[q4_4] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Croatia

[q4_5] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Cyprus

[q4_6] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Czech Republic

[q4_7] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Denmark

[q4_8] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Estonia

[q4_9] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Finland

[q4_10] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Germany

[q4_11] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Greece

[q4_12] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Hungary

[q4_13] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Ireland

[q4_14] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Italy

[q4_15] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Latvia

[q4_16] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Lithuania

[q4_17] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Luxembourg

[q4_18] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Malta

[q4_19] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? The Netherlands

[q4_20] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Poland

[q4_21] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Portugal

[q4_22] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Romania

[q4_23] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Slovakia

[q4_24] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Slovenia

[q4_25] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Spain

[q4_26] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Sweden

[q4_27] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? United Kingdom

[q6_1] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Agriculture

[q6_2] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Water (excl. water way management and water infrastructures)

[q6_3] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Forestry

[q6_4] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Energy (excl. grids)

[q6_5] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) (Critical) Infrastructures (incl. energy and water supply, and telecommunication but excl. roads, rails and waterways)

[q6_6] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Transport and logistics (incl. land, water and air)

[q6_7] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Tourism

[q6_8] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Building and construction

[q6_9] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Finance and (re-) insurance

[q6_10] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Catastrophe management / Disaster Risk Reduction

[q6_11] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Health care incl. pharmaceuticals

[q6_12] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Waste management

[q6_13] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Biodiversity and nature conservation

[q6_14] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Education and training

[q6_15] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Spatial / urban planning

[q6_16] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Industry and Trade

[q6_17] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Ecosystems management, incl. soil

[q6_18] For what sector(s) do you mainly provide climate services? (check all that apply) Mining / Extraction (incl. oil, gas, coal)

[q7_1] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) ERA-NET for Climate Services

[q7_2] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Climate Services Partnership

[q7_3] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

[q7_4] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

[q7_5] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Climate Knowledge Brokers

[q7_6] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) World Climate Research Programme

[q7_7] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) EUMETNET

[q7_8] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Water JPI

[q7_9] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Future Earth

[q7_10] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) ECRA

[q7_11] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Oceans

[q7_12] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Belmont Forum

[q7_13] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) CORDEX

[q7_14] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Climate

[q7_15] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) EIT Climate KIC

[q7_16] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) CMIP

[q7_17] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Urban Europe

[q7_18] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) GCOS

[q7_19] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) GEOSS

[q7_20] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI FACCE

[q7_21] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) None

[q8] Does your organisation operate a quality assurance process in relation to the supplied climate information?

[q8a_1] Does this process include: Statistical properties of datasets

[q8a_2] Does this process include: Declaration of the sources of the datasets (observation and/or model simulation)

[q8a_3] Does this process include: Declaration of post-processing steps (bias corrections, interpolation, etc.)

[q8a_4] Does this process include: A systematic production and maintenance of metadata per dataset

[q8a_5] Does this process include: Some kind of certification

[q8a_6] Does this process include: Other

[q8b_1] Do you provide meta-data on datasets and other information to (prospective) users? Upon request

[q8b_2] Do you provide meta-data on datasets and other information to (prospective) users? Standard practice

[q8b_3] Do you provide meta-data on datasets and other information to (prospective) users? Usually not

[q9] Do you offer advice and/or tools to users to evaluate the fitness-for-purpose of climate information?

[q10] Over the past years, numerous different types of climate services have been developed. How would you classify the climate service product you will relate all subsequent questions to? (check what fits best)

[q11] What type(s) of climate data and information is needed for the selected service?

[q12_1] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited financial resources

[q12_2] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Human capital (incl. number and proficiency of staff)

[q12_3] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Organisational setting

[q12_4] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Added-value of climate services often unclear

[q12_5] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q12_6] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Intellectual property rights

[q12_7] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Business model development (from prototyping to operationalization)

[q13_1] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to involve different stakeholders (lack of social capital)

[q13_2] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to interact with other in-house expertise / other disciplines

[q13_3] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Different cultural settings in science and application, incl. attitudes, priorities and expectations, ‘language’

[q13_4] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Infrequent interaction between provider and user

[q14_1] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of appropriate technology / technological capacity

[q14_2] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing standardization of information, incl. layout, terminology etc.

[q14_3] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of scale (both, temporal and spatial) relevant scientific or technical information

[q14_4] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q14_5] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Coupling of climate and impact models

[q14_6] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited / incomplete understanding of target sector

[q15_1] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to describe data sources, methods used to develop services etc.

[q15_2] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to provide meta information, strength and weaknesses / limitations of a service, uncertainties

[q15_3] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Cooperation between provider and user during service development

[q15_4] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Short-term relationship - missing trust between provider and user on reliability and quality of services

[q16_1] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Reliance and / or dependence upon EU, national or regional policies and regulations

[q16_2] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Unclear regulatory / legal requirements

[q17_1] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved high-performance computing capacity

[q17_2] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved methodologies for science-stakeholder interactions

[q17_3] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved funding

[q17_4] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Open data policies to increase accessibility of information

[q17_5] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Internal capacity building, e.g. setting up working groups

[q18] Would you like to add another (second) type of service?

[q10b] Over the past years, numerous different types of climate services have been developed. How would you classify the climate service product you will relate all subsequent questions to? (check what fits best)

[q11b] What type(s) of climate data and information is needed for the selected service?

[q12b_1] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited financial resources

[q12b_2] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Human capital (incl. number and proficiency of staff)

[q12b_3] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Organisational setting

[q12b_4] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Added-value of climate services often unclear

[q12b_5] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q12b_6] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Intellectual property rights

[q12b_7] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced in relation to the selected type of service. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Business model development (prototyping to operationalization)

[q13b_1] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to involve different stakeholders (lack of social capital)

[q13b_2] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to interact with other in-house expertise / other disciplines

[q13b_3] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Different cultural settings in science and application, incl. attitudes, priorities and expectations, ‘language’

[q13b_4] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Infrequent interaction between provider and user

[q14b_1] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of appropriate technology / technological capacity

[q14b_2] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing standardization of information, incl. layout, terminology etc.

[q14b_3] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of scale (both, temporal and spatial) relevant scientific or technical information

[q14b_4] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q14b_5] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Coupling of climate and impact models

[q14b_6] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited / incomplete understanding of target sector

[q15b_1] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to describe data sources, methods used to develop services etc.

[q15b_2] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to provide meta information, strength and weaknesses / limitations of a service, uncertainties

[q15b_3] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Cooperation between provider and user during service development

[q15b_4] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Short-term relationship - missing trust between provider and user on reliability and quality of services

[q16b_1] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Reliance and / or dependence upon EU, national or regional policies and regulations

[q16b_2] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Unclear regulatory / legal requirements

[q17b_1] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved high-performance computing capacity

[q17b_2] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved methodologies for science-stakeholder interactions

[q17b_3] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved funding

[q17b_4] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Open data policies to increase accessibility of information

[q17b_5] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Internal capacity building, e.g. setting up working groups

[q18b] Would you like to add another (third) type of service?

[q19] Please specify the type of organisation you work for (select what fits):

[q20_1] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Austria

[q20_2] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Belgium

[q20_3] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Bulgaria

[q20_4] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Croatia

[q20_5] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Cyprus

[q20_6] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Czech Republic

[q20_7] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Denmark

[q20_8] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Estonia

[q20_9] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Finland

[q20_10] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Germany

[q20_11] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Greece

[q20_12] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Hungary

[q20_13] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Ireland

[q20_14] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Italy

[q20_15] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Latvia

[q20_16] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Lithuania

[q20_17] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Luxembourg

[q20_18] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Malta

[q20_19] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? The Netherlands

[q20_20] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Poland

[q20_21] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Portugal

[q20_22] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Romania

[q20_23] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Slovakia

[q20_24] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Slovenia

[q20_25] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Spain

[q20_26] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? Sweden

[q20_27] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? United Kingdom

[q20_28] In which country (or countries) is your organisation located? other, where: (open-ended question)

[q22_1] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Agriculture

[q22_2] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Water (excl. water way management and water infrastructures)

[q22_3] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Forestry

[q22_4] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Energy (excl. grids)

[q22_5] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) (Critical) Infrastructures (incl. energy and water supply, and telecommunication but excl. roads, rails and waterways)

[q22_6] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Transport and logistics (incl. land, water and air)

[q22_7] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Tourism

[q22_8] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Building and construction

[q22_9] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Finance and (re-) insurance

[q22_10] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Catastrophe management / Disaster Risk Reduction

[q22_11] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Health care incl. pharmaceuticals

[q22_12] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Waste management

[q22_13] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Biodiversity and nature conservation

[q22_14] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Education and training

[q22_15] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Spatial / urban planning

[q22_16] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Industry and Trade

[q22_17] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Ecosystems management, incl. soil

[q22_18] In which sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply) Mining / Extraction (incl. oil, gas, coal)

[q23_1] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) ERA-NET for Climate Services

[q23_2] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Climate Services Partnership

[q23_3] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

[q23_4] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

[q23_5] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Climate Knowledge Brokers

[q23_6] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) World Climate Research Programme

[q23_7] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) EUMETNET

[q23_8] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Water JPI

[q23_9] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Future Earth

[q23_10] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) ECRA

[q23_11] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Oceans

[q23_12] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) Belmont Forum

[q23_13] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) CORDEX

[q23_14] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Climate

[q23_15] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) EIT Climate KIC

[q23_16] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) CMIP

[q23_17] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI Urban Europe

[q23_18] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) GCOS

[q23_19] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) GEOSS

[q23_20] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) JPI FACCE

[q23_22] Are you engaged in or connected to one or more of the following networks? (Check all that apply) None

[q25] Do you use climate services in your work?

[q26_1] What does ‘quality’ refer to in your choice of climate service providers, and how would you rate it in terms of importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): The usefulness of the information in our own processes (better results or output)

[q26_2] What does ‘quality’ refer to in your choice of climate service providers, and how would you rate it in terms of importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): The serviceability of the provider regarding information transfer, applicability

[q26_3] What does ‘quality’ refer to in your choice of climate service providers, and how would you rate it in terms of importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): The fitness-for-purpose of the provided data for joining with our own data

[q26_4] What does ‘quality’ refer to in your choice of climate service providers, and how would you rate it in terms of importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): The cost of acquisition and use of the climate services

[q27] Did the acquisition of climate services entail:

[q28] Did the use of climate services entail:

[q29] Would your organisation see benefits in joint acquisition (and post-processing) of climate services (e.g. with other organisations in the same area, with others from the same sector, etc.)?

[q30] Over the past years, numerous different types of climate services have been developed. How would you classify the climate service product you will relate all subsequent questions to? (check what fits best)

[q31] What type(s) of climate data and information are needed for the selected service?

[q32_1] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited science-practice interaction (availability of relevant information)

[q32_2] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Accessibility of information, incl. open data guidelines

[q33_1] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited financial resources

[q33_2] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Human capital (incl. number and proficiency of staff)

[q33_3] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Organisational setting, incl. established practices and routines, decision-making processes

[q33_4] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Added-value of climate services often unclear

[q33_5] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q33_6] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Dysfunctional definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33_7] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33_8] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): High search costs to find a suitable service

[q34_1] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to involve different stakeholders (lack of social capital)

[q34_2] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to interact with other in-house expertise / other disciplines

[q34_3] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Different cultural settings in science and application, incl. attitudes, priorities and expectations, ‘language’

[q34_4] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Infrequent interaction between provider and user

[q35_1] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of appropriate technology / technological capacity

[q35_2] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to find suitable services (availability)

[q35_3] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to access suitable services

[q35_4] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing standardization of information, incl. layout, terminology etc.

[q35_5] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of scale (both, temporal and spatial) relevant scientific or technical information

[q35_6] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q35_7] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Inappropriate format of available services

[q36_1] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing transparency of data sources, methods used to develop services

[q36_2] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Completeness of information incl. metadata, strength and weaknesses / limitations of a service, uncertainties

[q36_3] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Cooperation between provider and user during service development

[q36_4] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Short-term relationship - missing trust between provider and user on reliability and quality of services

[q37_1] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Reliance and / or dependence upon EU, national or regional policies and regulations

[q37_2] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Unclear regulatory / legal requirements

[q38_1] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved high-performance computing capacity

[q38_2] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved methodologies for science-stakeholder interactions

[q38_3] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved funding

[q38_4] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Capacity-building opportunities and trainings

[q38_5] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Open data policies to increase accessibility of information

[q38_6] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Policy reforms

[q38_7] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Internal capacity building, e.g. setting up working groups

[q38_8] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Guidance documents, manuals, laymen reports etc.

[q39b] Would you like to add another (second) type of service?

[q30b] Over the past years, numerous different types of climate services have been developed. How would you classify the climate service product you will relate all subsequent questions to? (check what fits best)

[q31b] What type(s) of climate data and information are needed for the selected service?

[q32b_1] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited science-practice interaction (availability of relevant information)

[q32b_2] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Accessibility of information, incl. open data guidelines

[q33b_1] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited financial resources

[q33b_2] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Human capital (incl. number and proficiency of staff)

[q33b_3] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Organisational setting, incl. established practices and routines, decision-making processes

[q33b_4] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Added-value of climate services often unclear

[q33b_5] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q33b_6] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Dysfunctional definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33b_7] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33b_8] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): High search costs to find a suitable service

[q34b_1] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to involve different stakeholders (lack of social capital)

[q34b_2] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to interact with other in-house expertise / other disciplines

[q34b_3] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Different cultural settings in science and application, incl. attitudes, priorities and expectations, ‘language’

[q34b_4] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Infrequent interaction between provider and user

[q35b_1] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of appropriate technology / technological capacity

[q35b_2] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to find suitable services (availability)

[q35b_3] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to access suitable services

[q35b_4] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing standardization of information, incl. layout, terminology etc.

[q35b_5] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of scale (both, temporal and spatial) relevant scientific or technical information

[q35b_6] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q35b_7] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Inappropriate format of available services

[q36b_1] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing transparency of data sources, methods used to develop services

[q36b_2] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Completeness of information incl. metadata, strength and weaknesses / limitations of a service, uncertainties

[q36b_3] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Cooperation between provider and user during service development

[q36b_4] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Short-term relationship - missing trust between provider and user on reliability and quality of services

[q37b_1] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Reliance and / or dependence upon EU, national or regional policies and regulations

[q37b_2] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Unclear regulatory / legal requirements

[q38b_1] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved high-performance computing capacity

[q38b_2] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved methodologies for science-stakeholder interactions

[q38b_3] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Improved funding

[q38b_4] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Capacity-building opportunities and trainings

[q38b_5] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Open data policies to increase accessibility of information

[q38b_6] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Policy reforms

[q38b_7] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Internal capacity building

[q38b_8] What innovations of the past years would you consider most relevant to overcome the indicated barriers. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Guidance documents, manuals, laymen reports etc.

[q39c] Would you like to add another (third) type of service?

[q30c] Over the past years, numerous different types of climate services have been developed. How would you classify the climate service product you will relate all subsequent questions to? (check what fits best)

[q31c] What type(s) of climate data and information are needed for the selected service?

[q32c_1] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited science-practice interaction (availability of relevant information)

[q32c_2] Please let us know, which political barriers you face when using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Accessibility of information, incl. open data guidelines

[q33c_1] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Limited financial resources

[q33c_2] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Human capital (incl. number and proficiency of staff)

[q33c_3] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Organisational setting, incl. established practices and routines, decision-making processes

[q33c_4] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Added-value of climate services often unclear

[q33c_5] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q33c_6] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Dysfunctional definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33c_7] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing definition or distribution of competences and responsibilities

[q33c_8] Please let us know, which economic barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): High search costs to find a suitable service

[q34c_1] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to involve different stakeholders (lack of social capital)

[q34c_2] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to interact with other in-house expertise / other disciplines

[q34c_3] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Different cultural settings in science and application, incl. attitudes, priorities and expectations, ‘language’

[q34c_4] Please let us know, which social barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Infrequent interaction between provider and user

[q35c_1] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of appropriate technology / technological capacity

[q35c_2] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to find suitable services (availability)

[q35c_3] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Difficulties to access suitable services

[q35c_4] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing standardization of information, incl. layout, terminology etc.

[q35c_5] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Lack of scale (both, temporal and spatial) relevant scientific or technical information

[q35c_6] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of development and provision

[q35c_7] Please let us know, which technological and scientific barriers you have alteady faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Inappropriate format of available services

[q36c_1] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Missing transparency of data sources, methods used to develop services

[q36c_2] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Completeness of information incl. metadata, strength and weaknesses / limitations of a service, uncertainties

[q36c_3] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Cooperation between provider and user during service development

[q36c_4] Please let us know, which ethical barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Short-term relationship - missing trust between provider and user on reliability and quality of services

[q37c_1] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Reliance and / or dependence upon EU, national or regional policies and regulations

[q37c_2] Please let us know, which legal / regulatory barriers you have already faced. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Unclear regulatory / legal requirements

[q40_1] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Do not need them / is not required

[q40_2] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Is not available / do not know where to get them

[q40_3] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Too expensive

[q40_4] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Provided inappropriately

[q40_5] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Not understandable (too scientific)

[q40_6] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Not accessible (due to technical constraints)

[q40_7] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Need customized solution (no generic ones)

[q40_8] What are the main reasons for not using climate services. Please rate their importance from 1 (low) to 5 (high): Timeliness of provision

[bv1] Date and time

[bv2] Language

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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Metadata record is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.