FSD3345 Gender Equality Barometer 2017

Select variable

[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[hvuosi] Year of interview

[ta1] Age group at the time of interviewing (categorised)

[ta2] Gender

[ta3] Region of residence (NUTS3) (categorised)

[ta4] What is the highest level of education you have attained?

[he1] Do you have a job?

[he2] Status in employment (employee/entrepreneur)

[he3a] (EMPLOYEES) Occupational status

[he3b] (MANAGERIAL/SUPERVISORY EMPLOYEES) How many subordinates do you have?

[he3b_l] (MANAGERIAL/SUPERVISORY EMPLOYEES) Number of subordinates (categorised)

[he4] (EMPLOYEES) Do you work part-time or full-time?

[he5] (EMPLOYEES) Do you have an indefinite or a fixed-term contract?

[he6] (ENTREPRENEURS) Do you have employees?

[he9] How many hours a week do you work on average?

[he7] Is paid employment, self-employment or entrepreneurship currently your primary economic activity?

[he10] (IF WORKS PART-TIME AS PRIMARY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY) What is the main reason that you work part-time?

[he8] (IF NOT WORKING OR IT IS NOT PRIMARY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY) What (else) do you primarily do?

[he11a] Do you think that you belong to a minority group?

[he11b1] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Ethnic minority (e.g. Romani, Sami, immigrant)

[he11b2] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Language minority

[he11b3] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Religious minority

[he11b4] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Sexual minority, e.g. gay, lesbian, bisexual etc.

[he11b5] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Gender minority, e.g. trans or intersex

[he11b6] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? People with disabilities

[he11b7] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Some other minority group

[he11b8] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Do not want to answer

[he11b9] Which of the following minority groups do you belong to (you can select more than one)? Can't say

[ko0] What type of household do you live in?

[ko1] (IF KO0=2-3) What is your marital status?

[ko1b] (IF KO1=2-3) Partner's/spouse's gender

[ko3b] (IF KO1=2-3) What is your partner's/spouse's primary economic activity?

[ko4] (IF KO0=2-3) Are there children under the age of 18 living permanently in your household (at least half the time)?

[ko5_1] (IF KO4=1) How old are these children from youngest to oldest? Number of children aged 0-6 in the household (categorised)

[ko5_2] (IF KO4=1) How old are these children from youngest to oldest? Number of children aged 7-17 in the household (categorised)

[ko5_3] (IF KO4=1) How old are these children from youngest to oldest? Number of children aged 0-17 in the household (categorised)

[ko6] (IF KO0=2-3) Are there children under the age of 18 living in your household part of the time (less than half the time but more than one third of the time or e.g. regularly for whole weekends)?

[ko7] (IF KO0=2-3) Do you have children under the age of 18 who do not live in your household even part of the time but whose maintenance you participate in?

[ko8] (IF KO7=1) How often do you meet these children?

[yl1] Looking at the status of men and women generally in Finland nowadays, which of the following statements best corresponds to your view?

[yl2] Do you think that equality or inequality between sexes will increase or that the situation will stay the same during the next ten years?

[yl3a] It is necessary to have more women actively involved in politics to diversify political expertise

[yl3b] Businesses and the economy would benefit if there were more in executive positions women than at present

[yl3c] There should be more men working in social welfare and health care jobs than at present

[yl3q] There should be more women working in technical and ICT jobs than at present

[yl3d] Possibilities for women in working life are as good as those for men

[yl3e] Women have a complete right to work irrespective of their family situation

[yl3f] Men should be primarily responsible for providing for the family

[yl3g] It is right that the spouse who has lower income does a larger share of household chores

[yl3h] In general, men should participate more actively than currently in their children's care and upbringing

[yl3r] Men are not treated as full-capacity parents in public services such as maternity clinics or child day care

[yl3i] Workplaces sufficiently encourage men to take family leaves

[yl3j] Labour market organisations should work more actively than currently to abolish unjustified differences in pay between men and women

[yl3k] Employers should work more actively than currently to abolish unjustified differences in pay between men and women

[yl3l] Employer costs incurred by family leaves should be evened out more than currently between predominantly male and female industries/fields

[yl3m] Men will also benefit from increased gender equality

[yl3n] Workplace equality plans are useless for advancing equality between men and women

[yl3p] TV, internet, social media, advertisements and other entertainment have too great of an influence on children's and youth's conceptions of sexuality

[yl3s] It is unjust that Finland's obligatory military service only concerns men

[yl4a] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Economy

[yl4b] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Foreign policy

[yl4c] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Environment

[yl4d] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Social welfare and healthcare

[yl4e] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Culture

[yl4f] Which gender, male or female, is more suitable for positions of responsibility in these political fields, or do you think that gender does not matter? Defence

[ty12] (STUDENTS) At which educational level do you currently study?

[ty7] (STUDENTS) How well do you think that gender equality is fulfilled at your educational institution?

[ty13] (IF TY12=3-6) Does your field of study have a clear majority (more than two thirds) of either female or male students?

[ty14a] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: My institution's study materials include gender stereotypes, that is, presumptions that women/girls and men/boys have to act/look a certain way

[ty14b] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: At my educational institution, everyone can be themselves regardless of gender (whether girl/woman, boy/man, third gender or something else)

[ty14c] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: At my educational institution, everyone can express their gender however they wish

[ty14d] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: My gender affects how teachers at my institution evaluate my study assignments

[ty14e] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: Teachers at my institution give girls/women better grades on their course work based on their gender

[ty14f] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: Teachers at my institution give boys/men better grades on their course work based on their gender

[ty14g] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: My gender affects how teachers at my institution treat me (e.g. during teaching)

[ty14h] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: At my educational institution, teachers allow girls/women to be more vocal (e.g. give more opportunities to speak)

[ty14i] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: At my educational institution, teachers allow boys/men to be more vocal (e.g. give more opportunities to speak)

[ty14j] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: Teachers, guidance counsellors and other personnel at my institution have encouraged me to think about fields or occupations with fewer people of my own gender

[ty14k] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: My parents have encouraged me to think about fields or occupations with fewer people of my own gender

[ty14l] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: My friends have supported me to choose a field or occupation that interests me even if it had fewer people of my own gender

[ty14m] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: I have noticed bullying at my institution related to someone breaking gender expectations

[ty14n] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: I have noticed sexual harassment or other harassment or name-calling at my institution related to gender at my institution

[ty14o] (STUDENTS) Do you agree or disagree: Teaching or study materials at my institution discuss gender minorities, sexual minorities, and same-sex parent families

[ty15a] (STUDENTS) Does your educational institution have an equality plan?

[ty15b] Are you familiar with the content of your institution's equality plan?

[ty15c] Has your institution's equality plan been drafted in collaboration with students?

[ty15d] Does the equality plan of your institution discuss gender diversity or gender minorities, such as trans and intersex people?

[ty1] (EMPLOYEES) How well do you think that gender equality is fulfilled at your workplace?

[ty2] (EMPLOYEES) Which sector do you work in?

[ty3] (EMPLOYEES) Does your workplace have a clear majority (more than two thirds) of either female or male employees?

[ty4aa] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Salary?

[ty4ab] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Getting perks (e.g. company car, phone, exercise/culture benefits)?

[ty4ac] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Access to education/training (paid for by employer)?

[ty4ad] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Getting information (e.g. on changes related to work)?

[ty4ae] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Distribution of workload (e.g. some men/women do not have to do as much)?

[ty4af] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Career advancement?

[ty4ag] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Employment continuity (e.g. contingent work, fixed-term contracts)

[ty4ah] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Evaluation of work results/performance?

[ty4ai] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Appreciation of expertise?

[ty4aj] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Autonomy at work?

[ty4ak] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Distribution of work tasks/shifts?

[ty4al] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Recruitment?

[ty4am] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Layoffs, cooperation negotiations?

[ty4an] (EMPLOYEES) Is your gender a disadvantage in your current work: Reconciliation of work and family life (e.g. taking family leave, working time arrangements when caring for a family member)?

[ty8] (EMPLOYEES) Have you noticed sexual harassment or other harassment or name-calling related to gender at your current workplace?

[ty9] (EMPLOYEES) How likely would you consider a trans or intersex person feeling discriminated against when working at your workplace?

[ty4b] (EMPLOYEES) During the past five years, have you suggested that your employer should give you a pay raise?

[ty4c] (EMPLOYEES) During the past five years, has your manager/supervisor or some other person in a leading position at your workplace encouraged you to apply for a more challenging role?

[ty10a] (EMPLOYEES) Does your workplace have an equality plan?

[ty10b] Are you familiar with the content of the equality plan of your workplace?

[ty10c] Does the equality plan of your workplace discuss gender diversity or gender minorities, such as trans and intersex people?

[ty10d] Does the equality plan of your workplace discuss differences in pay between men and women?

[ty11a] (IF AGE UNDER 65, HE8=3/5/6/7) Has your gender been a disadvantage for you in any of the following within the past two years: Getting employment office services, e.g. personal customer service, employment training or employment offers?

[ty11b] (IF AGE UNDER 65, HE8=3/5/6/7) Has your gender been a disadvantage for you in any of the following within the past two years: Being selected for a job interview?

[ty11c] (IF AGE UNDER 65, HE8=3/5/6/7) Has your gender been a disadvantage for you in any of the following within the past two years: Job interview or other situation related to recruitment?

[ty11d] (IF AGE UNDER 65, HE8=3/5/6/7) Has your gender been a disadvantage for you in any of the following within the past two years: Termination or layoff situation?

[ty5] (ENTREPRENEURS) How well do you think that gender equality is fulfilled in your field of work or working as an entrepreneur?

[ty6a] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Appreciation of expertise?

[ty6b] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Getting by financially?

[ty6c] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Creating client/customer relationships?

[ty6d] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Cooperation with clients/customers?

[ty6e] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Getting good commissions or orders?

[ty6f] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Cooperation with other entrepreneurs?

[ty6g] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Cooperation with subordinates?

[ty6h] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Career advancement and self-development?

[ty6i] (ENTREPRENEURS) Is your gender a disadvantage in your (current) entrepreneurship: Receiving benefits and support from the government meant for businesses

[pe1a] (EMPLOYEES) In general, is it difficult at you workplace for: Mothers of small children to refuse to work overtime due to family reasons?

[pe1b] (EMPLOYEES) In general, is it difficult at you workplace for: Fathers of small children to refuse to work overtime due to family reasons?

[pe1c] (EMPLOYEES) In general, is it difficult at you workplace for: Women to stay at home to care for their child (under 10 years old) who has taken ill?

[pe1d] (EMPLOYEES) In general, is it difficult at you workplace for: Men to stay at home to care for their child (under 10 years old) who has taken ill?

[pe2] (IF EMPLOYEE AND HAS CHILDREN UNDER 12) Within the past two years, have you stayed at home from work to care for your child who has taken ill?

[pe3a] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For women to take maternity and parental leave of slightly less than one year?

[pe3b] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For men to take paternity leave of three weeks to care for a child at the same time with the other parent?

[pe3c] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For men to take parental leave of a maximum of 6 months?

[pe3d] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For men to take family leave of a maximum of 9 weeks separately from the other parent?

[pe3e] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For women to take childcare leave to look after a child until he/she turns three?

[pe3f] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For men to take childcare leave to look after a child until he/she turns three?

[pe3g] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For women to take partial childcare leave and reduce their work hours, which is possible until the end of the child's second school year?

[pe3h] (EMPLOYEES) Is it difficult at your workplace: For men to take partial childcare leave and reduce their work hours, which is possible until the end of the child's second school year?

[pe5a] (IF ENTREPRENEUR AND HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18) Is it difficult for you for family reasons: To work late or at weekends if necessary?

[pe5b] (IF ENTREPRENEUR AND HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18) Is it difficult for you for family reasons: To study?

[pe5c] (IF ENTREPRENEUR AND HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18) Is it difficult for you for family reasons: To go on a work trip or course that lasts overnight?

[pe8a] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Cooking meals during weekdays?

[pe8b] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Doing the dishes?

[pe8c] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Doing the laundry?

[pe8d] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Ironing?

[pe8e] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Cleaning the apartment?

[pe8f] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Waste, e.g. taking out the trash, sorting, recycling?

[pe8g] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Daily shopping?

[pe8h] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Taking children to day care or school?

[pe8i] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Taking children to hobbies?

[pe8j] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Communicating with day care or school?

[pe8k] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Making sure that children do their homework?

[pe8l] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Discussing, playing with children, reading bedtime stories, teaching skills etc.?

[pe8m] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Childcare?

[pe8n] (IF HAS CHILDREN) Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Caring for a sick child?

[pe8o] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Taking care of pets?

[pe8p] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Maintaining vehicles?

[pe8t] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Installing and maintaining computers, phones, tablets and their software?

[pe8q] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Other maintenance, repairs or building?

[pe8r] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Garden/yard work?

[pe8s] Who in your household was most often responsible for the following during last spring: Financial affairs of the household?

[pe9] Have you thought lately that you have too much responsibility for household chores?

[pe11] Do you think you have enough influence on the decision-making in your family?

[pe12] How would you evaluate your relationship with your (current) spouse/partner?

[pe13a] Do you have disagreements with your spouse/partner concerning: Distribution of household chores?

[pe13b] Do you have disagreements with your spouse/partner concerning: Caring for children, taking them places etc.?

[pe13d] Do you have disagreements with your spouse/partner concerning: Who will stay home and not go to work when a child takes ill?

[pe13e] Do you have disagreements with your spouse/partner concerning: Use of money?

[pe13f] Do you have disagreements with your spouse/partner concerning: Time spent on own/partner's hobbies or leisure time activities?

[su0] Do you currently care for a person living in your household who has a long-term illness or disability or is in bad condition (e.g. child, spouse, parent, other close person)?

[su1] During last spring, have you assisted persons not living in your household who are ill or in bad condition, e.g by going to the store for them, giving them a ride, or doing household chores or repairs?

[tu1a] What is your estimated total monthly income before taxes?

[tu1b] Is the income of your spouse/partner higher or lower than yours?

[tu2a] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Living expenses (rent, maintenance fee, loan instalments, utilities, insurance, repairs etc.)?

[tu2b] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Common food expenses and daily shopping (groceries, restaurants, washing detergent, toilet paper etc.)?

[tu2c] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Furniture and shared household appliances and electronics (e.g. couches, coffee makers, TV, computers)?

[tu2d] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Child-related expenses (clothes, day care, school, hobbies, health care)?

[tu2e] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Purchase and maintenance of car used by the household

[tu2f] How do you and your spouse/partner usually pay for the following expenses: Holiday trips taken together and maintenance costs of holiday home (e.g. summer cottage)?

[tu3a] How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way you and your spouse/partner have divided the common expenses of your household?

[tu3b] And how satisfied or dissatisfied is your spouse/partner with the way you have divided the common expenses of your household?

[se1a] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Workplace?

[se1a_b1] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1a_b2] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1a_b3] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: 3rd mentioned gender

[se1ab1] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1ab2] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1ab3] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1ab4] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1ab5] Person(s) at workplace with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1b] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: School or studies?

[se1b_b1] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1b_b2] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1bc1] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1bc2] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1bc3] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1bc4] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1bc5] Person(s) at school with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1c] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: At organisational activities

[se1c_b1] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1c_b2] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1cc1] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1cc2] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1cc3] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1cc4] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1cc5] Person(s) at organisational activities with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1g] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Friends

[se1g_b1] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1g_b2] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1g_b3] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 3rd mentioned gender

[se1gc1] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1gc2] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1gc3] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1gc4] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1gc5] Friend(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1d] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Relatives

[se1d_b1] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1d_b2] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1d_b3] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 3rd mentioned gender

[se1dc1] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1dc2] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1dc3] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1dc4] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1dc5] Relative(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1e] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Neighbours

[se1e_b1] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1e_b2] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1e_b3] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: 3rd mentioned gender

[se1ec1] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1ec2] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1ec3] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1ec4] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1ec5] Neighbour(s) with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1f] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Hobbies

[se1f_b1] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1f_b2] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1fc1] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1fc2] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1fc3] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1fc4] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1fc5] Person(s) at hobbies with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se1h] Do different spheres of your life include persons that at least sometimes have arrogant or belittling attitudes toward things you say or suggest on account of your gender: Social media networks or the Internet

[se1h_b1] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: 1st mentioned gender

[se1h_b2] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: 2nd mentioned gender

[se1h_b3] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: 3rd mentioned gender

[se1hc1] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: Male

[se1hc2] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: Female

[se1hc3] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: Other

[se1hc4] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: Can't say

[se1hc5] Person(s) on social media / the Internet with a belittling attitude is/are: Don't want to say

[se2a] Within the past two years, has someone: Made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality?

[se2b] Within the past two years, has someone: Proposed sex in an inappropriate context?

[se2c] Within the past two years, has someone: Told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoken in an obscene manner which you found offensive?

[se2f] Within the past two years, has someone: Harassed you in the aforementioned ways on social media or elsewhere on the Internet?

[se2d] Within the past two years, has someone: Made undesired physical advances toward you?

[se2e] Within the past two years, has someone: Exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you?

[se3a1] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 1st mentioned group

[se3a2] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 2nd mentioned group

[se3a3] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 3rd mentioned group

[se3a4] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 4th mentioned group

[se3a5] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 5th mentioned group

[se3a6] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 6th mentioned group

[se3a7] Who made the inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality: 7th mentioned group

[se3a_1] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Colleague

[se3a_2] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Manager/supervisor

[se3a_3] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Customer or student

[se3a_4] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Fellow student

[se3a_5] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Teacher

[se3a_6] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Current spouse or partner

[se3a_7] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Family member

[se3a_8] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Other relative

[se3a_9] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Former spouse or partner

[se3a_10] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Neighbour

[se3a_11] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Friend

[se3a_12] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Other acquaintance

[se3a_13] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Unknown

[se3a_14] The person who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was: Other

[se3a_c1] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3a_c2] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3a_b1] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: Male

[se3a_b2] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: Female

[se3a_b3] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: Other

[se3a_b4] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: Can't say

[se3a_b5] The person(s) who made inappropriate remarks about your body or sexuality was/were: Don't want to say

[se3b1] Who proposed sex in an inappropriate context: 1st mentioned group

[se3b2] Who proposed sex in an inappropriate context: 2nd mentioned group

[se3b3] Who proposed sex in an inappropriate context: 3rd mentioned group

[se3b4] Who proposed sex in an inappropriate context: 4th mentioned group

[se3b5] Who proposed sex in an inappropriate context: 5th mentioned group

[se3b_1] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Colleague

[se3b_2] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Manager/supervisor

[se3b_3] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Customer or student

[se3b_4] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Fellow student

[se3b_5] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Teacher

[se3b_6] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Current spouse or partner

[se3b_7] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Family member

[se3b_8] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Other relative

[se3b_9] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Former spouse or partner

[se3b_10] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Neighbour

[se3b_11] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Friend

[se3b_12] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Other acquaintance

[se3b_13] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Unknown

[se3b_14] The person who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was: Other

[se3b_c1] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3b_c2] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3b_b1] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: Male

[se3b_b2] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: Female

[se3b_b3] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: Other

[se3b_b4] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: Can't say

[se3b_b5] The person(s) who proposed sex in an inappropriate context was/were: Don't want to say

[se3c1] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 1st mentioned group

[se3c2] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 2nd mentioned group

[se3c3] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 3rd mentioned group

[se3c4] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 4th mentioned group

[se3c5] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 5th mentioned group

[se3c6] Who told inappropriate/suggestive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner which you found offensive: 6th mentioned group

[se3c_1] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Colleague

[se3c_2] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Manager/supervisor

[se3c_3] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Customer or student

[se3c_4] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Fellow student

[se3c_5] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Teacher

[se3c_6] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Current spouse or partner

[se3c_7] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Family member

[se3c_8] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Other relative

[se3c_9] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Former spouse or partner

[se3c_10] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Neighbour

[se3c_11] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Friend

[se3c_12] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Other acquaintance

[se3c_13] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Unknown

[se3c_14] The person who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was: Other

[se3c_c1] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3c_c2] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3c_b1] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: Male

[se3c_b2] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: Female

[se3c_b3] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: Other

[se3c_b4] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: Can't say

[se3c_b5] The person(s) who told offensive jokes or spoke in an obscene manner was/were: Don't want to say

[se3f1] Who have harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet: 1st mentioned group

[se3f2] Who have harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet: 2nd mentioned group

[se3f3] Who have harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet: 3rd mentioned group

[se3f_1] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Colleague

[se3f_2] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Manager/supervisor

[se3f_3] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Customer or student

[se3f_4] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Fellow student

[se3f_5] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Teacher

[se3f_6] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Current spouse or partner

[se3f_7] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Family member

[se3f_8] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Other relative

[se3f_9] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Former spouse or partner

[se3f_10] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Neighbour

[se3f_11] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Friend

[se3f_12] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Other acquaintance

[se3f_13] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Unknown

[se3f_14] The person who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was: Other

[se3f_c1] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3f_c2] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3f_c3] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: 3rd mentioned gender

[se3f_b1] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: Male

[se3f_b2] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: Female

[se3f_b3] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: Other

[se3f_b4] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: Can't say

[se3f_b5] The person(s) who harassed you on social media or elsewhere on the Internet was/were: Don't want to say

[se3d1] Who has made undesired physical advances toward you: 1st mentioned group

[se3d2] Who has made undesired physical advances toward you: 2nd mentioned group

[se3d3] Who has made undesired physical advances toward you: 3rd mentioned group

[se3d4] Who has made undesired physical advances toward you: 4th mentioned group

[se3d5] Who has made undesired physical advances toward you: 5th mentioned group

[se3d_1] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Colleague

[se3d_2] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Manager/supervisor

[se3d_3] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Customer or student

[se3d_4] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Fellow student

[se3d_5] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Teacher

[se3d_6] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Current spouse or partner

[se3d_7] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Family member

[se3d_8] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Other relative

[se3d_9] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Former spouse or partner

[se3d_10] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Neighbour

[se3d_11] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Friend

[se3d_12] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Other acquaintance

[se3d_13] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Unknown

[se3d_14] The person who made undesired physical advances toward you was: Other

[se3d_c1] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3d_c2] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3d_b1] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: Male

[se3d_b2] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: Female

[se3d_b3] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: Other

[se3d_b4] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: Can't say

[se3d_b5] The person(s) who made undesired physical advances toward you was/were: Don't want to say

[se3e1] Who has exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you: 1st mentioned group

[se3e2] Who has exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you: 2nd mentioned group

[se3e3] Who has exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you: 3rd mentioned group

[se3e4] Who has exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you: 4th mentioned group

[se3e5] Who has exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you: 5th mentioned group

[se3e_1] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Colleague

[se3e_2] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Manager/supervisor

[se3e_3] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Customer or student

[se3e_4] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Fellow student

[se3e_5] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Teacher

[se3e_6] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Current spouse or partner

[se3e_7] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Family member

[se3e_8] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Other relative

[se3e_9] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Former spouse or partner

[se3e_10] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Neighbour

[se3e_11] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Friend

[se3e_12] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Other acquaintance

[se3e_13] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Unknown

[se3e_14] The person who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was: Other

[se3e_c1] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: 1st mentioned gender

[se3e_c2] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: 2nd mentioned gender

[se3e_b1] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: Male

[se3e_b2] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: Female

[se3e_b3] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: Other

[se3e_b4] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: Can't say

[se3e_b5] The person(s) who exposed him/herself to you or stalked/followed you was/were: Don't want to say

[va1a] Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: When you are out and about during evenings and nights?

[va1b] Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: When you use public transport during evenings and nights?

[va1c] (EMPLOYEES) Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: When working?

[va1e] (STUDENTS) Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: When studying or at your educational institution?

[va1d] Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: In your family circle?

[va1f] Are you afraid of becoming a victim of violence or do you have to be on guard because of it: In your group of friends/acquaintances?

[va2a] (IF VA1A/VA1B=1-2) Have you reduced going out during the evenings due to being afraid or having to be on guard?

[va2b] (IF VA1A/VA1B=1-2) And have you taken a taxi during evenings or nights due to being afraid or having to be on guard?

[vi1a] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): In work-related matters by email, on social media or otherwise on the Internet?

[vi1b] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): In work-related matters elsewhere, e.g. at workplace or in a public place?

[vi1c] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): In your studies by e-mail, on social media or otherwise on the Internet?

[vi1d] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): Elsewhere in relation to your studies, such as at your educational institution or in a public place?

[vi1e] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): In your spare time by e-mail, on social media or otherwise on the Internet?

[vi1f] Within the past two years, have you been a victim of gender-related demeaning or threatening speech or writing (i.e. hate speech): Elsewhere in your spare time?

[vi2a] Within the past two years, have you done any of the following due to the fear of becoming subjected to gender-related hate speech: Changed the way you act at the workplace?

[vi2b] Within the past two years, have you done any of the following due to the fear of becoming subjected to gender-related hate speech: Changed the way you act at your educational institution?

[vi2c] Within the past two years, have you done any of the following due to the fear of becoming subjected to gender-related hate speech: Changed or reduced your social media use or other Internet use?

[vi2d] Within the past two years, have you done any of the following due to the fear of becoming subjected to gender-related hate speech: Changed or reduced moving about in public places?

[a_paino] Analysis weight according to gender

[o_paino] Sample weight according to gender

Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format

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