FSD3363 Sidosryhmien kokemuksia Nord Stream 2 -projektista 2019
For the complete interview themes or writing guide, please see related files section in the data description.
Select question
What is your opinion about setting the pipelines for the development of Nord Stream Project 2?
Did you know anything about the Project before hand?
What are the opportunities or/and challenges you see in this project?
How would you describe the project will affect citizens' overall well-being in Kotka and Hanko?
Tell me about the environmental impact assessment, EIA, report, did you receive it?
Overall, how was communicating and cooperating with the Project company?
What are your views about your work in relation to the pipelines Project?
Do you consider that you have been taken into account while developing the project?
What is your opinion about the European Energy Security Strategy as it is now?
What are the opportunities or/and challenges you see in the EU energy mix?
Why the EU is more focused on gas than oil?
What the EU could do better to get the best of its own policies in energy issues?
Which of the two trading hubs, NBP and TTF, shows better signals in the gas market?
Could you tell me what positive or negative impacts your work has had on your life?
Study description in machine readable DDI-C 2.5 format
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