FSD3438 Child-up: päiväkoti-ikäisten lasten kysely 2019

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[fsd_no] FSD study number

[fsd_vr] FSD edition number

[fsd_id] FSD case id

[COUNTRY] Country of inquiry


[RATIO] What is the ratio between children with and without migration background in this group/class? (%) (Germany)

[NATION] To which nationalities the children in this group/class belong (How many nationalities)?

[NUM_LANG] How many languages are spoken by children of this group/class?

[MIGRBACK] This child has migration background: (Finland)

[COUNTRYB] The country of birth of this child is:

[L_STAY] This child lives in this country since: (years) (Germany)

[LANGUSE] This child speaks:

[Q1] Could you please tell me, how old you are? (years)

[Q2] Are you...

[Q3] Do you like to go to the kindergarten?

[Q4] What do you like best in kindergarten? (open question)

[Q5] What things do you do together with your preschool-/kindergarten teacher that you like? (open question)

[Q6] When you do things together with your preschool-/kindergarten teacher, for instance... [please insert examples from question 5], how does it work? Can you decide together what things you do?

[Q7_FI] Do you have friends in the kindergarten, can you tell me who they are? (Please insert abbreviation and gender as symbol, do not insert a name.) (open question) (Finland)

[Q7_GE] Do you have friends in the kindergarten, can you tell me who they are? (Number of friends) (Germany)

[Q8_FI] Do you have other friends who are not here, at this kindergarten? Can you tell me who they are? (Please insert abbreviation and gender, do not insert a name.) (open question) (Finland)

[Q8_GE] Do you have other friends who are not here, at this kindergarten? Can you tell me who they are? (Number of friends) (Germany)

[Q9] What do you think, how would your friends describe you as a person? (open question)

[Q10] I asked you about what you like here in kindergarten. Are there things you don't like so much? Do you want to tell me? (open question)

[Q11_1] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? I go to the preschool-/kindergarten teacher and tell him/her

[Q11_2] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? I go to my parents and tell them

[Q11_3] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? I talk with my friends and/or other children

[Q11_4] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? I don't know what I can do

[Q11_5] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? I do nothing

[Q11_6] If... [insert an example from question 10] happens, what are you doing to deal with it (things you don't like so much)? Something else

[Q12_1] And when you are doing this and this [insert example from question 11], how does it help you to feel better about it? Mother/father/parents

[Q12_2] And when you are doing this and this [insert example from question 11], how does it help you to feel better about it? Sister or brother

[Q12_3] And when you are doing this and this [insert example from question 11], how does it help you to feel better about it? Kindergarten teacher

[Q12_4] And when you are doing this and this [insert example from question 11], how does it help you to feel better about it? Friend

[Q12_5] And when you are doing this and this [insert example from question 11], how does it help you to feel better about it? Other

[Q13] And if you have an idea or a wish, can you talk about it to your preschool-/kindergarten teacher?

[Q14] What do you think, does your preschool- teacher listen to you when you are telling smth., when you talk to her/him, when you have a wish?

[Q15] What can you do best? (open question)

[Q16] Sometimes things are not that easy in the beginning and it takes some time to learn them and to succeed, for instance to ride a bicycle or write your name. Was there anything that was difficult for you at the beginning? (open question)

[Q17_FI] And what did you do, when [insert example from question 16] didn't work immediately? (open question) (Finland)

[Q17_GE] And what did you do, when [insert example from question 16] didn't work immediately? (Germany)

[Q18] What do you want to learn next? (open question)

[Q19] Will it be easy or difficult for you?

[Q20_1] Whom can you ask for help or support? Parents

[Q20_2] Whom can you ask for help or support? Kindergarten teacher

[Q20_3] Whom can you ask for help or support? Friends and other children

[Q20_4] Whom can you ask for help or support? Other persons

[Q21] You will go to school soon, is that right? This is a very new situation for you. What do you think about it?

[Q22] If there is situation that is very new for you, for instance going to school, is there something specific that you are thinking of? And if so, do you want to tell me about it? (open question)

[Q23_1] If something is very new for you, like going to school, with whom can you talk to? Parents

[Q23_2] If something is very new for you, like going to school, with whom can you talk to? Kindergarten teacher

[Q23_3] If something is very new for you, like going to school, with whom can you talk to? Friends

[Q23_4] If something is very new for you, like going to school, with whom can you talk to? Other persons

[Q24] How easy or difficult was it to answer my questions?

[Q25] We are at the end of the questionnaire. Is there anything else that you want to tell us? (open question)

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