FSD3439 Child-up: Survey for Teachers 2019

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[COUNTRY] Country

[SEX] What is your gender?

[Q2] How many years have you worked as a teacher? (aggregated)

[Q3_1] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Pre-school (ISCED0)

[Q3_2] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Primary school (ISCED1)

[Q3_3] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Lower secondary (ISCED2)

[Q3_4] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Upper secondary school (ISCED3)

[Q3_5] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Other

[Q3_6] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Multiple

[Q3_PL] Which grade/s are you teaching? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed. (Poland)

[Q4] What is your educational background?

[Q4_GE] What is your educational background? (Germany)

[Q4_IT] What is your educational background? (Italy)

[Q4_1] If you don't have teachers' formal education, what is your highest degree?

[Q4_1_IT] What is your highest degree? (Italy)

[Q5] Have you participated in training that included elements of teaching in multicultural or multilingual settings?

[Q6_1] Have you participated in training that included elements of teaching in multicultural or multilingual settings? Yes, as part of my formal education

[Q6_2] Have you participated in training that included elements of teaching in multicultural or multilingual settings? Yes, a training that was organised by my employer

[Q6_3] Have you participated in training that included elements of teaching in multicultural or multilingual settings? Yes, by my own initiative

[Q7_1] Which languages do you know to use them in your professional role (as a teacher)? A local language

[Q7_2] Which languages do you know to use them in your professional role (as a teacher)? The language of instruction used at school

[Q7_3] Which languages do you know to use them in your professional role (as a teacher)? Another language

[Q7_4] Which languages do you know to use them in your professional role (as a teacher)? Another language

[Q7_5] Which languages do you know to use them in your professional role (as a teacher)? Another language (Poland)

[Q8] How would you describe your main field of current teaching?

[Q8_1_1] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Educator in groups (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_1_2] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Reference educator (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_1_3] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Deputy head (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_1_4] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Head (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_1_5] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Other (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_1_6] What is your professional role? If you teach at several grades, please choose as many choices as needed: Multiple (Educators, ISCED 0-1, Germany)

[Q8_2_1] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? I work as a subject teacher (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_2_2] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? I work as a group leader (class) (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_2_3] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? I work as tutoring teacher (Counselling) (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_2_4] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? I work with children/pupils with special needs (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_2_5] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? Other (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_2_6] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? Multiple (Teachers, Germany)

[Q8_PL] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? (Poland)

[Q8_UK] How would you describe your main field of current teaching? (United Kingdom)

[Q9_1] Please estimate the broad percentage of students you work with who have the following characteristics: Students whose native language is different from the language(s) of instruction or a dialect of this/these language(s)

[Q9_2] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Low academic achievers

[Q9_3] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Students with special needs

[Q9_4] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Students with behavioral problems

[Q9_5] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Students from socio-economically disadvantaged homes

[Q9_6] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Academically gifted students

[Q9_7] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Students who are immigrants or with migrant background

[Q9_8] We would like to understand the variety of students' background with whom you work. Please estimate the broad percentage of students who have the following characteristics: Students who are refugees

[Q9_1_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students whose native language is different from the language of instruction or a dialect of this/these language(s) (Italy)

[Q9_2_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Low academic achievers (Italy)

[Q9_3_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students with special needs (Italy)

[Q9_4_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students with behavioral problems (Italy)

[Q9_5_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students from socio-economically disadvantaged homes (Italy)

[Q9_6_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Academically gifted students (Italy)

[Q9_7_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students who are immigrants or with migrant background (Italy)

[Q9_8_IT] To what extent do the following options describe the variety of backgrounds of the students you work with? Students who are refugees (Italy)

[Q10_1] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Student whose native language was different from the language(s) of instruction or a dialect of this/these language(s)

[Q10_2] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Low academic achievers

[Q10_3] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Students with special needs

[Q10_4] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Students with behavioral problems

[Q10_5] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Students from socio-economically disadvantaged homes

[Q10_6] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Academically gifted students

[Q10_7] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Students who are immigrants

[Q10_8] If you think about your childhood, how well would you identify yourself belonging to next categories? Students who are refugees

[Q11_1] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students whose native language is different from the language(s) of instruction or a dialect of this/these language(s)

[Q11_2] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Low academic achievers

[Q11_3] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students with special needs

[Q11_4] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students with behavioral problems

[Q11_5] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students from socio-economically disadvantaged homes

[Q11_6] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Academically gifted students

[Q11_7] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students who are immigrants or with migrant background

[Q11_8] How do you rate the support provided for pupils in these situations in your current school/s? Students who are refugees

[Q12_1] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I use only [the local language] in teaching

[Q12_2] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I help the pupils in my class in their native language

[Q12_3] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I help the pupils in my class in another (third) language

[Q12_4] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I allow the pupils use translation to their native language when needed (e.g. digital tools, dictionary, help from peers or an assistant)

[Q12_5] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I use a language other than the language of instruction for interaction with pupils outside the classroom

[Q12_6] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I encourage my pupils to use other languages than [the local language] in learning situations

[Q12_7] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? I encourage my pupils to use their native language in the playground/canteen/other common areas

[Q12_8] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? We use many languages in class

[Q12_PL] How do you use linguistic resources in teaching? Please mark the choice/s that best describe your situation. (Poland)

[Q13] What is the main communication channel you use with parents?

[Q13_PL] What is the main communication channel you use with parents? (Poland)

[Q14] How satisfied are you with teacher-parent communication, in general? The communication works...

[Q15] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication?

[Q15_1_PL] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of proper communication channels (Poland)

[Q15_2_PL] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of common language skills (Poland)

[Q15_3_PL] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Lack of parental interest (Poland)

[Q15_4_PL] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Parents' work load (Poland)

[Q15_6_PL] What, in your experience is the main reason for barriers/challenges in teacher-parent communication? Other (Poland)

[Q16_1_1] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil facing situations that they are not familiar with, (e.g.) a child who has difficulties with language of instruction

[Q16_1_2] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil facing situations that they are not familiar with, (e.g.) a child moving from another country or other town

[Q16_1_3] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil facing situations and surroundings that they are not familiar with, (e.g.) a child arriving to your class mid-term

[Q16_1_4] How often during the last school year you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil facing situations that they are not familiar with, (e.g.) a child facing challenges in initiating contact with others

[Q16_2] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil having serious troubles with schoolwork or with social relations

[Q16_3_1] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil having troubles in making their point of view understood, (e.g.) when having difficulties to defend their opinion

[Q16_3_2] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil having troubles in expressing opinions, e.g. when confronted in conflict situations and telling others what is right

[Q16_3_3] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil having troubles in making their point of view understood or expressing opinions, e.g. when they are not feeling well

[Q16_3_4] How often during the last school year, you have encountered any of the following situations in your class? A pupil having troubles in making their point of view understood, or expressing opinions, e.g. when having personal worries

[Q17_1] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I was contacted by a teacher

[Q17_2] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I was contacted by the principal

[Q17_3] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I was contacted by another professional in school (a school nurse, interpreter, teaching assistant, a counsellor etc.)

[Q17_4] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I was contacted by someone from a professional network outside school (e.g. social services, or refugee camp)

[Q17_5] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I noticed the situation by myself

[Q17_6] How did you discover the/se situation/s? The child asked my help

[Q17_7] How did you discover the/se situation/s? Other children asked my help

[Q17_8] How did you discover the/se situation/s? I was informed by parent/s

[Q17_PL] How did you discover the/se situation/s? Please mark as many choices as you have experienced. (Poland)

[Q18_1] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? School management

[Q18_2] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Teacher/s

[Q18_3] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Another member of school staff

[Q18_4] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Parent/s

[Q18_5] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Other pupil/s

[Q18_6] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Professional outside school

[Q18_7] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? I handled the situation on my own

[Q18_PL] Who did you collaborate with to cope the/se situation/s? Please mark as many choices as you have experienced. (Poland)

[Q19_1] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? The pupils in my class feel close to their classmates

[Q19_2] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? The pupils in my class are closer to those classmates who speak their dialect/language

[Q19_3] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? The pupils in my class feel closer to those classmates, who are interested in the same things

[Q19_4] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? I care about my pupils

[Q19_5] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? I get along with my pupils

[Q19_6] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? The teachers in my school treat children fairly

[Q19_7] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? I feel close to my colleagues

[Q19_8] How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following sentences describing relations in your school? I get along with my colleagues

[Q20_1] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Educators

[Q20_2] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Experts of local language teaching

[Q20_3] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Psychologists

[Q20_4] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Social workers

[Q20_5] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Interpreters/language mediators

[Q20_6] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Conflict mediators

[Q20_7] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Facilitators

[Q20_8] Do you have professional expertise available for supporting school activities in your school? Please mark the choices in case you have the following professionals available for support in school: Others

[Q21_1] To what extent can you do the following? Cope with the challenges of a classroom

[Q21_2] To what extent can you do the following? Adapt to the cultural diversity of students

[Q21_3] To what extent can you do the following? Ensure that students with and without a migrant background work together

[Q21_4] To what extent can you do the following? Raise awareness for cultural differences amongst students

[Q21_5] To what extent can you do the following? Reduce ethnic stereotyping amongst students

[Q22_1] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Interpreting/Language mediation

[Q22_2] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for L2 learning

[Q22_3] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Other support for L2 learning

[Q22_4] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for learning the pupils' native/minority language/s

[Q22_1_GE] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Interpreting/Language mediation (Germany)

[Q22_2_GE] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for L2 learning (Germany)

[Q22_3_GE] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Other support for L2 learning (Germany)

[Q22_4_GE] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for learning the pupils' native/minority language/s (Germany)

[Q22_1_IT] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Interpreting/Language mediation (Italy)

[Q22_2_IT] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for L2 learning (Italy)

[Q22_3_IT] As far as you know, are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Other support for L2 learning (Italy)

[Q22_4_IT] Are the following types of initiatives for L2 and native language learning enhanced in class and/or school where you work? Allocated teacher resources for learning the pupils' native/minority language/s (Italy)

[Q23_1] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I encourage children to make their opinion clear to adults

[Q23_2] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I support children's initiatives that are not connected to my teaching and encourage them to realize them

[Q23_3] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I allow children to discuss things/questions in classroom on their own/ autonomously

[Q23_4] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? If children make autonomous proposals about initiatives/ activities, I support and coordinate them

[Q23_5] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? If children have creative, new ideas about teaching or other issues regarding to school, I support and encourage them to implement these ideas

[Q23_6] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I allow children to question my thoughts or decisions

[Q23_7] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I encourage children to articulate and enforce their interests

[Q23_8] In your teaching activities to what extent can you do the following? I generally try to enhance children's activities that are not connected to my teaching

[Q24_1] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my occupational situation in general

[Q24_2] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my personal work organization

[Q24_3] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... the performance requirements that I have for pupils

[Q24_4] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my relations to the pupils

[Q24_5] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my relations to the parents

[Q24_6] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... the reputation of teachers' work in the public

[Q24_7] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... the school climate

[Q24_8] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my relations to my colleagues

[Q24_9] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... the shared information in the school/s where I work

[Q24_11] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? I am satisfied with... my principal's support

[Q24_12] How satisfied are you, as teacher, with the below listed aspects? All in all, I am satisfied with my job

[Q25_1] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: [Country] would be a better place, if members of different groups kept their own way of life alive

[Q25_2] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: People who come to [country], should change their way of life to be more like us

[Q25_3] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: If the members of different groups want to maintain their own culture, they should keep it to themselves, and not bother other people in this country

[Q25_4] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: It would be good to see, if all the groups in [country] retain their cultures

[Q25_5] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: A society, which has a variety of groups, is more able to tackle new problems as they occur

[Q25_6] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: It is best for [country] if all immigrants forget their cultural background as soon as possible

[Q25_7] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: Mingling different cultures would be the best way of managing differences

[Q25_8] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: Cultural influences and personal expressions always mingle

[Q25_9] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: Culture is not important to explain people's personal behavior

[Q25_11] Please, indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following sentences: Having many different cultural groups in [country] makes it difficult to solve problems

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